Type | Data | |
A (Blue‑White super giant) Star (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 1,867,684,829.02 km | : Hypiae Ausms AA-A h348 D
| |
Lowest: | | 1,568,878.88 km | : HD 167838 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 124,677,931.9913 km | | |
Count: 2,873 | Standard Deviation: | | 159,429,121.1322 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 1,867,684,829.02 | | Hypiae Ausms AA-A h348 D
| | 1,568,878.88 | | HD 167838 A
| 1,438,714,342.73 | | Hypou Auscs AA-A h183 E
| | 1,877,737.6 | | Eoch Pruae XF-O e6-549 A
| 1,405,623,202.43 | | Schieneae AA-A h176 C
| | 6,552,863.91 | | Greae Phio TZ-O e6-3763 A
| 1,318,045,688.55 | | Umbairrs AA-A h426 B
| | 7,489,300.96 | | Eos Free MT-Q e5-4056 A
| 1,253,981,518.12 | | Dryaa Pruae AA-A h553 B
| | 7,554,579.72 | | Shrongio YE-A e5 A
| 1,245,374,196.36 | | Huemeae AA-A h299 B
| | 7,677,034.06 | | Squer CW-V e2-5754 A
| 1,231,485,445.33 | | Eorld Grie AA-A h579 B
| | 7,769,015 | | Eoch Blao KX-U f2-2169 A
| 1,177,803,898.98 | | Eoch Grea AA-A h232 C
| | 7,969,862.63 | | Ploi Aim AQ-Y e25 A
| 1,125,580,686.77 | | Schee Bli AA-A h181 B
| | 8,018,481.87 | | Hypoae Screia FR-N e6-3430 D
| 1,111,658,033.24 | | Eimbaisty AA-A h600 B
| | 8,097,749.31 | | Eor Aowsy UU-X e1-2926 A
A (Blue‑White super giant) Star (as main star) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 1,034,531,192.75 km | : Floarks AA-A h42 A
| |
Lowest: | | 1,568,878.88 km | : HD 167838 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 101,381,480.3928 km | | |
Count: 2,570 | Standard Deviation: | | 116,102,632.8114 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 1,034,531,192.75 | | Floarks AA-A h42 A
| | 1,568,878.88 | | HD 167838 A
| 967,806,601.96 | | Cleeque AA-A h333 A
| | 1,877,737.6 | | Eoch Pruae XF-O e6-549 A
| 914,960,536.34 | | Preia Phoe AA-A h21 A
| | 6,552,863.91 | | Greae Phio TZ-O e6-3763 A
| 722,738,221.66 | | Froalt AA-A h25 A
| | 7,489,300.96 | | Eos Free MT-Q e5-4056 A
| 709,044,584.06 | | Hypoae Aoc AA-A h316 A
| | 7,554,579.72 | | Shrongio YE-A e5 A
| 707,828,864.49 | | Myumbao AA-A h48 A
| | 7,677,034.06 | | Squer CW-V e2-5754 A
| 675,839,677.16 | | Theemeia AA-A h234 A
| | 7,769,015 | | Eoch Blao KX-U f2-2169 A
| 671,943,036.37 | | Blau Aescs AA-A h30 A
| | 7,969,862.63 | | Ploi Aim AQ-Y e25 A
| 661,911,967.96 | | Boesks AA-A h40 A
| | 8,097,749.31 | | Eor Aowsy UU-X e1-2926 A
| 659,532,064.63 | | Dryu Scroi AA-A h91 A
| | 8,146,256.86 | | Dryau Chraei XF-O e6-544 A
A (Blue‑White) Star (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 2,264,953,819.74 km | : HIP 37039 13
| |
Lowest: | | 30,162.72 km | : Systimbea AA-A h339 ABC 1
| |
| |
Average: | | 49,675,312.7143 km | | |
Count: 771,480 | Standard Deviation: | | 71,606,624.647 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 2,264,953,819.74 | | HIP 37039 13
| | 30,162.72 | | Systimbea AA-A h339 ABC 1
| 1,785,670,964.46 | | S171 31 8
| | 34,325.87 | | HD 2083 12
| 1,751,361,402.31 | | Eorld Proo AA-A h212 ABCD 6
| | 108,665.82 | | Eorm Scrua MY-P d6-1 A
| 1,658,738,669.99 | | Sphoeff AA-A h332 AB 4
| | 144,042.77 | | Qoefou JH-C d31 A
| 1,645,145,988.81 | | HIP 63835 ABCD 9
| | 157,974.91 | | Wrupeou SJ-Z e2381 B
| 1,622,564,607.42 | | Eimbaith AA-A h460 ABC 5
| | 160,793.16 | | Slengie EL-P d5-122 A
| 1,619,548,955.06 | | Eoch Flyi AA-A h10 AB 10
| | 160,813.15 | | Smojooe FL-Y d65 A
| 1,591,335,597.53 | | Gria Hypai AA-A h32 A 5
| | 163,554.87 | | Myoangio ZK-X d1-39 A
| 1,561,869,061.55 | | Dryau Phylio AA-A h169 2
| | 164,125.42 | | Wredgu KR-N d6-61 A
| 1,491,471,956.85 | | Leameia AA-A h8 AB 9
| | 166,108.84 | | Eorgh Prou RO-R e4-339 C
A (Blue‑White) Star (as main star) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 682,378,051.1 km | : Eor Aoc AA-A h40 A
| |
Lowest: | | 108,665.82 km | : Eorm Scrua MY-P d6-1 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 44,143,138.9685 km | | |
Count: 594,700 | Standard Deviation: | | 54,934,090.269 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 682,378,051.1 | | Eor Aoc AA-A h40 A
| | 108,665.82 | | Eorm Scrua MY-P d6-1 A
| 579,465,882.96 | | Iowhaih AA-A h12 A
| | 144,042.77 | | Qoefou JH-C d31 A
| 516,697,528.8 | | Dryuae Auscs EG-X e1-3774 A
| | 160,793.16 | | Slengie EL-P d5-122 A
| 514,340,100.27 | | Iwaisty AA-A h105 A
| | 160,813.15 | | Smojooe FL-Y d65 A
| 510,125,226.28 | | Graea Hypa TJ-Z d58 A
| | 163,554.87 | | Myoangio ZK-X d1-39 A
| 505,807,238.16 | | Flyue Eaescs AA-A h56 A
| | 164,125.42 | | Wredgu KR-N d6-61 A
| 505,445,918.86 | | Hypio Flya EQ-Y e31 A
| | 173,590.31 | | Aunair UO-I d9-472 A
| 492,861,163 | | Dumbooe IB-X e1-3199 A
| | 174,903.89 | | Col 107 Sector PZ-F d11-3 A
| 491,521,416.82 | | Eembaisk AA-A h223 A
| | 177,427.02 | | Syroagoa CN-R d5-2 A
| 479,732,428.22 | | Thaila UB-J d10-120 A
| | 179,032.99 | | Winds RR-W d1-6 A
A (Blue‑White) Star (as planet) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 2,264,953,819.74 km | : HIP 37039 13
| |
Lowest: | | 30,162.72 km | : Systimbea AA-A h339 ABC 1
| |
| |
Average: | | 928,192,688.1269 km | | |
Count: 86 | Standard Deviation: | | 575,938,923.4297 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 2,264,953,819.74 | | HIP 37039 13
| | 30,162.72 | | Systimbea AA-A h339 ABC 1
| 1,785,670,964.46 | | S171 31 8
| | 34,325.87 | | HD 2083 12
| 1,751,361,402.31 | | Eorld Proo AA-A h212 ABCD 6
| | 4,984,259.41 | | Lan 111 7
| 1,658,738,669.99 | | Sphoeff AA-A h332 AB 4
| | 7,254,088.44 | | Braisoea AA-A h504 ABC 2
| 1,645,145,988.81 | | HIP 63835 ABCD 9
| | 9,398,305.52 | | 2MASS J02321675+6133149 3
| 1,622,564,607.42 | | Eimbaith AA-A h460 ABC 5
| | 10,510,409.38 | | Kyloaln AA-A h712 1
| 1,619,548,955.06 | | Eoch Flyi AA-A h10 AB 10
| | 12,005,040.16 | | HD 202124 A 11
| 1,591,335,597.53 | | Gria Hypai AA-A h32 A 5
| | 15,702,971.18 | | SLX 1746-331 1
| 1,561,869,061.55 | | Dryau Phylio AA-A h169 2
| | 17,191,483.97 | | Speamoi AA-A h481 ABC 2
| 1,491,471,956.85 | | Leameia AA-A h8 AB 9
| | 17,457,836.13 | | CPD-59 2626 12
Ammonia world (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 6,576,381,838.53 km | : Floarks OC-V e2-645 A 1
| |
Lowest: | | 41.76 km | : NGC 2244 Sector BB-W d2-65 5 f
| |
| |
Average: | | 121,169,561.144 km | | |
Count: 555,428 | Standard Deviation: | | 175,018,143.8284 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 6,576,381,838.53 | | Floarks OC-V e2-645 A 1
| | 41.76 | | NGC 2244 Sector BB-W d2-65 5 f
| 3,235,891,085.87 | | Slegao HZ-M d8-10 A 3
| | 193.36 | | Blu Thua YR-Q b49-0 3
| 2,881,306,708.36 | | Eord Gree DH-M d7-901 1
| | 316.96 | | Blu Thua EO-F b25-3 B 2
| 2,740,756,619.06 | | Eoch Pruae HI-J d9-3752 A 7
| | 342.66 | | Nyeajaae XX-M a20-6 2
| 2,633,299,596.77 | | HIP 110318 20
| | 365.85 | | Nyeajaae SJ-N a6-1 2
| 2,593,258,061.33 | | 2MASS J10460120-6021081 18
| | 426.32 | | Sifeae SP-T b44-3 3
| 2,522,701,949.92 | | Nuekie NH-U d3-30 11
| | 433.64 | | Phraa Flyuae JY-E b58-41 3
| 2,472,052,238.49 | | Hypheerld OE-E d13-54 A 4
| | 447.94 | | Greae Dryoae QG-G b26-0 3
| 2,386,388,611.5 | | Ausain OA-A d8 11
| | 469.22 | | Skaudou HQ-L b54-4 2
| 2,384,292,491.81 | | Traikeou MP-E d12-19 8
| | 476.34 | | Sifeae EG-V b45-1 A 4
Ammonia world (as moon) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 96,824,801.56 km | : Ooch Aoscs AA-A g1 ABC 6 l
| |
Lowest: | | 41.76 km | : NGC 2244 Sector BB-W d2-65 5 f
| |
| |
Average: | | 9,131,512.5524 km | | |
Count: 20,739 | Standard Deviation: | | 10,672,198.55 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 96,824,801.56 | | Ooch Aoscs AA-A g1 ABC 6 l
| | 41.76 | | NGC 2244 Sector BB-W d2-65 5 f
| 90,585,804.6 | | Dryae Bliae AA-A h43 6 g
| | 1,740.82 | | Flyue Hypai KH-L c24-1 9 b
| 86,273,872.85 | | Leamue EG-Y g1535 AB 6 k
| | 1,919.1 | | Ogairy DC-B d14-5505 8 b
| 84,583,781.36 | | Eowyg Fraae BA-A g1 17 a
| | 1,994.84 | | Schee Grie WO-A f282 1 c
| 83,106,783.23 | | Eorld Pra SD-B e759 AB 3 a
| | 2,398.02 | | Nyeakeia QO-X d2-69 A 3 b
| 81,580,576.9 | | Stuemeae BA-A g2282 10 a
| | 3,208.4 | | Smaidau YG-D c28-0 6 d
| 80,709,251.63 | | Mylaifaa AA-A h106 5 f
| | 3,224.72 | | Shrogea JO-G d11-7107 8 a
| 79,112,952.35 | | Eidaills HL-W d2-44 AB 4 i
| | 3,644.02 | | Pru Aescs RC-M d7-210 B 7 b
| 79,011,298.57 | | Byoomu AA-A h71 5 i
| | 3,695.6 | | Dumboe GC-M d7-587 6 c
| 77,303,522.83 | | Dryau Phylio AA-A g304 16 a
| | 3,747.14 | | Col 359 Sector ZM-H c24-6 3 a
Ammonia world (as planet) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 6,576,381,838.53 km | : Floarks OC-V e2-645 A 1
| |
Lowest: | | 193.36 km | : Blu Thua YR-Q b49-0 3
| |
| |
Average: | | 125,478,667.3434 km | | |
Count: 534,213 | Standard Deviation: | | 176,852,468.8825 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 6,576,381,838.53 | | Floarks OC-V e2-645 A 1
| | 193.36 | | Blu Thua YR-Q b49-0 3
| 3,235,891,085.87 | | Slegao HZ-M d8-10 A 3
| | 316.96 | | Blu Thua EO-F b25-3 B 2
| 2,881,306,708.36 | | Eord Gree DH-M d7-901 1
| | 342.66 | | Nyeajaae XX-M a20-6 2
| 2,740,756,619.06 | | Eoch Pruae HI-J d9-3752 A 7
| | 365.85 | | Nyeajaae SJ-N a6-1 2
| 2,633,299,596.77 | | HIP 110318 20
| | 426.32 | | Sifeae SP-T b44-3 3
| 2,593,258,061.33 | | 2MASS J10460120-6021081 18
| | 433.64 | | Phraa Flyuae JY-E b58-41 3
| 2,522,701,949.92 | | Nuekie NH-U d3-30 11
| | 447.94 | | Greae Dryoae QG-G b26-0 3
| 2,472,052,238.49 | | Hypheerld OE-E d13-54 A 4
| | 469.22 | | Skaudou HQ-L b54-4 2
| 2,386,388,611.5 | | Ausain OA-A d8 11
| | 476.34 | | Sifeae EG-V b45-1 A 4
| 2,384,292,491.81 | | Traikeou MP-E d12-19 8
| | 482.51 | | Bleae Aewsy UD-V b18-1 1
B (Blue‑White super giant) Star (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 1,600,835,067.02 km | : Zunai AA-A h689 B
| |
Lowest: | | 312,921.89 km | : HIP 95982 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 238,758,517.125 km | | |
Count: 3,076 | Standard Deviation: | | 217,074,241.6612 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 1,600,835,067.02 | | Zunai AA-A h689 B
| | 312,921.89 | | HIP 95982 A
| 1,510,329,205.23 | | Oephaivsky AA-A h7 C
| | 327,642.66 | | HD 58200 A
| 1,421,013,945.46 | | Scheau Bluae AA-A h19 B
| | 341,199.67 | | HD 113280 A
| 1,417,952,535.6 | | Myumbao AA-A h293 C
| | 348,139.08 | | HD 158859 A
| 1,414,836,941.13 | | Eoch Greou AA-A h472 B
| | 489,036.82 | | HD 130152 A
| 1,401,876,070.56 | | Schieneae AA-A h293 B
| | 608,057.96 | | HIP 24709 A
| 1,398,563,317.05 | | Rothie AA-A h639 C
| | 661,069.49 | | HD 162418 A
| 1,374,560,221.86 | | Croomae AA-A h596 C
| | 819,786.8 | | HD 171871 A
| 1,372,402,746.31 | | Dryoea Bluae AA-A h203 B
| | 991,613.43 | | HD 87800 A
| 1,371,777,709.24 | | Nyuenaa AA-A h777 B
| | 1,025,295.9 | | HD 48809 A
B (Blue‑White super giant) Star (as main star) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 1,202,740,712.21 km | : Huemai AA-A h326 A
| |
Lowest: | | 312,921.89 km | : HIP 95982 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 182,858,740.8421 km | | |
Count: 2,186 | Standard Deviation: | | 152,927,783.5453 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 1,202,740,712.21 | | Huemai AA-A h326 A
| | 312,921.89 | | HIP 95982 A
| 1,153,954,504.14 | | Preou Ail AA-A h19 A
| | 327,642.66 | | HD 58200 A
| 1,129,675,443.74 | | Ooscs Aob AA-A h101 A
| | 341,199.67 | | HD 113280 A
| 1,096,438,393.89 | | Scheau Byoea AA-A h23 A
| | 348,139.08 | | HD 158859 A
| 1,024,940,048.62 | | Hypoe Pruae AA-A h374 A
| | 489,036.82 | | HD 130152 A
| 941,058,473.38 | | Dryau Bro AA-A h431 A
| | 608,057.96 | | HIP 24709 A
| 902,528,380.47 | | Wepua AA-A h235 A
| | 661,069.49 | | HD 162418 A
| 857,342,186.95 | | Dryio Bloo AA-A h333 A
| | 819,786.8 | | HD 171871 A
| 836,871,875.81 | | Baukeau AA-A h621 A
| | 991,613.43 | | HD 87800 A
| 835,941,261.04 | | Dryoea Blao AA-A h128 A
| | 1,025,295.9 | | HD 48809 A
B (Blue‑White) Star (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 2,193,498,432.97 km | : Myumba AA-A h144 ABCDE 8
| |
Lowest: | | 46.99 km | : Tepuae AA-A h553 12
| |
| |
Average: | | 79,848,020.0818 km | | |
Count: 348,570 | Standard Deviation: | | 126,912,550.1605 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 2,193,498,432.97 | | Myumba AA-A h144 ABCDE 8
| | 46.99 | | Tepuae AA-A h553 12
| 2,136,197,340.49 | | Source 2
| | 66.96 | | Phaa Chruia AA-A h149 13
| 2,088,266,372.9 | | Rhuedgeou AA-A h194 AB 12
| | 1,466.28 | | Oephairb AA-A h473 BCD 3
| 2,083,740,122.5 | | Shaulo AA-A h506 ABC 9
| | 195,912.31 | | Swuejoo FW-V e2-5 B
| 2,030,381,705.59 | | Phroi Prue AA-A h145 ABCDEF 4
| | 245,909.24 | | Chroabs ZJ-A e213 A
| 1,932,948,253.66 | | Tepo AA-A h95 15
| | 246,901.26 | | Hypio Pra YZ-P e5-855 A
| 1,904,839,801.11 | | Scheau Blao AA-A h97 AB 3
| | 258,064.66 | | HIP 38805 A
| 1,886,748,534.05 | | Schee Pri AA-A h58 C
| | 258,531.16 | | Dryooe Prou DK-A e2961 A
| 1,845,376,112.75 | | Huemeae AA-A h371 AB 10
| | 258,861.55 | | Scheau Flyi YE-A f780 B
| 1,832,339,492.14 | | Hypou Auscs AA-A h112 ABCD 3
| | 268,954.97 | | Eos Free SO-Q e5-4723 B
B (Blue‑White) Star (as main star) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 1,139,731,141.05 km | : Eorld Byio AA-A h565 A
| |
Lowest: | | 245,909.24 km | : Chroabs ZJ-A e213 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 63,648,836.9009 km | | |
Count: 169,440 | Standard Deviation: | | 81,734,160.7923 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 1,139,731,141.05 | | Eorld Byio AA-A h565 A
| | 245,909.24 | | Chroabs ZJ-A e213 A
| 1,074,140,870.73 | | Myumbe AA-A h323 A
| | 246,901.26 | | Hypio Pra YZ-P e5-855 A
| 1,049,144,114.61 | | Eos Scraa AA-A h291 A
| | 258,064.66 | | HIP 38805 A
| 1,019,332,051.01 | | Phleedgoea AA-A h245 A
| | 258,531.16 | | Dryooe Prou DK-A e2961 A
| 959,444,857.78 | | Choomeau AA-A h14 A
| | 291,011.59 | | Byoo Airg WU-P e5-3393 A
| 955,472,370.97 | | Mylaifa AA-A h414 A
| | 298,852.31 | | Schadgaa HR-W e1-0 A
| 947,116,663.03 | | Eimbaits AA-A h80 A
| | 304,622.88 | | Ridgue SY-S e3-4 A
| 923,539,635.13 | | Phoi Aowsy AA-A h834 A
| | 311,074.68 | | HIP 7820 A
| 923,149,903.44 | | Oob Chraei AA-A h0 A
| | 311,226.1 | | Dumbooe XE-R e4-1122 A
| 898,134,312.41 | | Ouscs Chrea DA-A f16 A
| | 319,863.39 | | Dryooe Prou BP-A e4734 A
B (Blue‑White) Star (as planet) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 2,193,498,432.97 km | : Myumba AA-A h144 ABCDE 8
| |
Lowest: | | 46.99 km | : Tepuae AA-A h553 12
| |
| |
Average: | | 955,211,531.7571 km | | |
Count: 191 | Standard Deviation: | | 534,811,964.3818 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 2,193,498,432.97 | | Myumba AA-A h144 ABCDE 8
| | 46.99 | | Tepuae AA-A h553 12
| 2,088,266,372.9 | | Rhuedgeou AA-A h194 AB 12
| | 66.96 | | Phaa Chruia AA-A h149 13
| 2,083,740,122.5 | | Shaulo AA-A h506 ABC 9
| | 1,466.28 | | Oephairb AA-A h473 BCD 3
| 2,030,381,705.59 | | Phroi Prue AA-A h145 ABCDEF 4
| | 1,430,790.8 | | Phua Phylio AA-A h151 A 21
| 1,932,948,253.66 | | Tepo AA-A h95 15
| | 1,855,044.06 | | Shaulo AA-A h506 ABC 7
| 1,904,839,801.11 | | Scheau Blao AA-A h97 AB 3
| | 3,884,928.02 | | Iwhaind AA-A h292 10
| 1,845,376,112.75 | | Huemeae AA-A h371 AB 10
| | 4,213,622.17 | | Ellaiwsy AA-A h2 ABC 3
| 1,832,339,492.14 | | Hypou Auscs AA-A h112 ABCD 3
| | 5,038,901.68 | | Dryi Broae AA-A h219 A 11
| 1,821,455,041.6 | | Pha Aob AA-A h372 13
| | 5,590,199.34 | | Stranu AA-A h12 18
| 1,795,909,084.85 | | Oob Freau AA-A h161 13
| | 7,129,107.38 | | Whamboi AA-A h654 12
Black Hole (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 4,046,024,718.7 km | : Boelts PS-U f2-10 A
| |
Lowest: | | 48,920.7 km | : Eoch Pruae EG-Y g1993 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 72,582,116.5745 km | | |
Count: 100,034 | Standard Deviation: | | 150,487,617.3513 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 4,046,024,718.7 | | Boelts PS-U f2-10 A
| | 48,920.7 | | Eoch Pruae EG-Y g1993 A
| 1,936,444,340.77 | | Phaa Aoc AA-A h223 C
| | 51,851.37 | | Kyloall BA-A g890 A
| 1,903,953,287.43 | | Ooscs Chrie AA-A h23 C
| | 53,065 | | Noijeae BA-A g0 A
| 1,883,611,343.05 | | Oob Freau AA-A h24 B
| | 53,539.81 | | Eoch Bli KM-W f1-455 A
| 1,793,992,817.27 | | Eoch Byoea AA-A h329 C
| | 55,844.02 | | Phaa Aug AA-A h348 A
| 1,759,048,088.7 | | Bya Aeb AA-A h4 B
| | 57,099.38 | | Dryi Phylio AA-A h207 A
| 1,700,349,117.76 | | Dryoea Prue AA-A h2 B
| | 57,422.29 | | Dryau Phylio AA-A h528 A
| 1,634,172,620.29 | | Ogairt AA-A h802 D
| | 59,078.67 | | Tepou BV-Y f1324 A
| 1,632,908,924.47 | | Phimboa AA-A h150 B
| | 63,707.14 | | Drumboa AA-A h299 A
| 1,631,036,527.41 | | HD 172275 D
| | 65,178.81 | | Plipaa BA-A g14 A
Black Hole (as main star) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 4,046,024,718.7 km | : Boelts PS-U f2-10 A
| |
Lowest: | | 48,920.7 km | : Eoch Pruae EG-Y g1993 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 41,622,268.1171 km | | |
Count: 69,253 | Standard Deviation: | | 61,721,214.4144 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 4,046,024,718.7 | | Boelts PS-U f2-10 A
| | 48,920.7 | | Eoch Pruae EG-Y g1993 A
| 713,503,116.34 | | Eord Blooe AA-A h268 A
| | 51,851.37 | | Kyloall BA-A g890 A
| 700,108,503.38 | | Nyuenoi AA-A h107 A
| | 53,065 | | Noijeae BA-A g0 A
| 677,119,477.09 | | Eol Flyou CL-Y g171 A
| | 53,539.81 | | Eoch Bli KM-W f1-455 A
| 624,435,798.79 | | Dryaa Flyuae AA-A h211 A
| | 55,844.02 | | Phaa Aug AA-A h348 A
| 617,750,533.98 | | Dryoea Bluae BA-A g163 A
| | 57,099.38 | | Dryi Phylio AA-A h207 A
| 593,784,785.26 | | Hypoe Grie AA-A h129 A
| | 57,422.29 | | Dryau Phylio AA-A h528 A
| 583,981,635.65 | | Eord Prau FG-Y g990 A
| | 59,078.67 | | Tepou BV-Y f1324 A
| 582,694,362.04 | | Wepooe AA-A h532 A
| | 63,707.14 | | Drumboa AA-A h299 A
| 565,747,739.55 | | Phaa Chraei AA-A h36 A
| | 65,178.81 | | Plipaa BA-A g14 A
Brown Dwarf (any) Star (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 7,115,377,770.82 km | : Beta Lupi 9
| |
Lowest: | | 0.6 km | : Foijie CL-Y g256 AB 3
| |
| |
Average: | | 60,132,672.6073 km | | |
Count: 8,620,495 | Standard Deviation: | | 143,447,736.4124 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 7,115,377,770.82 | | Beta Lupi 9
| | 0.6 | | Foijie CL-Y g256 AB 3
| 6,795,011,501.33 | | Dryaa Blou EB-W e2-6050 14
| | 4.08 | | Gooria OF-M d8-77 6
| 6,234,852,720.92 | | Tr 24 Sector NY-R d4-35 9
| | 5.09 | | Chraisao AA-A h15 BC 3
| 4,491,822,417.2 | | Gru Eop MS-T e3-1 12
| | 10.97 | | Dryuae Phyloi CW-N e6-1746 ABC 3
| 4,467,204,773.87 | | Screakai HM-V e2-1419 9
| | 12.29 | | Byoomu AA-A h9 AB 2
| 4,239,657,977.57 | | Eord Ploe ET-G d11-450 12
| | 13.61 | | Wepoae AA-A h81 AB 1
| 3,796,786,517.3 | | HD 177963 A 12
| | 13.89 | | Dryuae Brue XJ-X c28-0 ABC 6
| 3,579,860,956.98 | | Byoomoi DT-G d11-47 10
| | 21.49 | | Schee Bli AA-A h325 AB 3
| 3,392,161,928.49 | | Eidairld SZ-W d2-24 11
| | 22.42 | | Schee Bli AA-A h325 AB 5
| 3,152,967,558.1 | | Bleae Thaa VO-H d10-0 11
| | 23.64 | | Byoomeae AA-A h383 AB 8
Brown Dwarf (any) Star (as main star) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 201,342,933.14 km | : Boeph HR-G b55-48 A
| |
Lowest: | | 95,275.34 km | : Pencil Sector UZ-F a11-1 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 19,540,905.7236 km | | |
Count: 67,602 | Standard Deviation: | | 24,016,532.8839 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 201,342,933.14 | | Boeph HR-G b55-48 A
| | 95,275.34 | | Pencil Sector UZ-F a11-1 A
| 199,246,394.11 | | Slegou WX-W b20-2 A
| | 108,755.18 | | Qoefe QU-E a11-0 A
| 192,697,176.34 | | Byeia Ain DR-N d6-3377 A
| | 116,666.75 | | Byooe Aowsy GI-Y b6-0 A
| 190,213,480.59 | | Gria Eork YV-J a118-1 A
| | 118,187.86 | | Nyeajoa DL-V b49-6 A
| 186,559,568.96 | | Skaudai KX-H b53-1 A
| | 127,270.25 | | Pyroifoi KA-M a48-0 A
| 183,996,288.87 | | Lysoorb AH-W b6-0 A
| | 127,739.66 | | Prooe Hypue OS-S a3-2 A
| 183,922,541.64 | | Preae Aescs FX-G b25-0 A
| | 128,216.48 | | Bleia Byoe DW-K a90-1 A
| 183,153,948.3 | | Wredguia HE-Z b14-0 A
| | 128,298.24 | | Drojeae XI-L a76-1 A
| 181,072,515.08 | | Bleae Eurk VX-E b26-1 A
| | 130,869.64 | | Traikee VT-L b23-0 A
| 180,928,998.64 | | Byeia Eurk FI-O b9-0 A
| | 136,234.79 | | Ploea Eurl WX-X b57-0 A
Brown Dwarf (any) Star (as moon) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 156,140,816.21 km | : Nuekoa QE-Y d1-16 3 a
| |
Lowest: | | 126.95 km | : Dryao Phylio AA-A h447 ABCD 2 a
| |
| |
Average: | | 48,272,955.6211 km | | |
Count: 12,237 | Standard Deviation: | | 21,816,234.0355 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 156,140,816.21 | | Nuekoa QE-Y d1-16 3 a
| | 126.95 | | Dryao Phylio AA-A h447 ABCD 2 a
| 155,255,174.64 | | Eimbaists AA-A h194 B 3 a
| | 223.61 | | Rhuedgau AA-A h222 1 a
| 147,657,543.42 | | Hypoae Phyloea AA-A h217 BC 1 a
| | 265.86 | | Dryoea Flyao AA-A h393 AB 4 b
| 147,408,437.73 | | Gleeque AA-A h46 4 a
| | 1,443.73 | | Phoi Phylaa AA-A h75 ABCD 3 a
| 146,265,745.16 | | Leamiae AA-A h251 4 a
| | 1,562.2 | | Blaa Phrua AA-A h86 AB 1 a
| 140,989,232.06 | | Eord Byio AA-A h402 5 a
| | 3,112.29 | | Eoch Pra AA-A h115 ABC 5 a
| 140,498,370.56 | | Phleedgae AA-A h200 B 5 a
| | 3,991.45 | | Scheau Byoe AA-A h796 1 a
| 140,407,633.78 | | Eimbaisys AA-A h336 4 a
| | 4,336.48 | | Eorld Proo AA-A h212 ABCD 5 a
| 140,390,902.76 | | Dryaa Blou AA-A g1498 AB 1 a
| | 4,671.45 | | Dryao Phylio AA-A h447 ABCD 4 a
| 138,922,119.14 | | Aunaihm AA-A h714 CD 4 a
| | 5,373.12 | | Umbaiss AA-A h451 1 a
Brown Dwarf (any) Star (as planet) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 7,115,377,770.82 km | : Beta Lupi 9
| |
Lowest: | | 0.6 km | : Foijie CL-Y g256 AB 3
| |
| |
Average: | | 167,440,313.1703 km | | |
Count: 1,640,395 | Standard Deviation: | | 286,542,478.4204 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 7,115,377,770.82 | | Beta Lupi 9
| | 0.6 | | Foijie CL-Y g256 AB 3
| 6,795,011,501.33 | | Dryaa Blou EB-W e2-6050 14
| | 4.08 | | Gooria OF-M d8-77 6
| 6,234,852,720.92 | | Tr 24 Sector NY-R d4-35 9
| | 5.09 | | Chraisao AA-A h15 BC 3
| 4,491,822,417.2 | | Gru Eop MS-T e3-1 12
| | 10.97 | | Dryuae Phyloi CW-N e6-1746 ABC 3
| 4,467,204,773.87 | | Screakai HM-V e2-1419 9
| | 12.29 | | Byoomu AA-A h9 AB 2
| 4,239,657,977.57 | | Eord Ploe ET-G d11-450 12
| | 13.61 | | Wepoae AA-A h81 AB 1
| 3,796,786,517.3 | | HD 177963 A 12
| | 13.89 | | Dryuae Brue XJ-X c28-0 ABC 6
| 3,579,860,956.98 | | Byoomoi DT-G d11-47 10
| | 21.49 | | Schee Bli AA-A h325 AB 3
| 3,392,161,928.49 | | Eidairld SZ-W d2-24 11
| | 22.42 | | Schee Bli AA-A h325 AB 5
| 3,152,967,558.1 | | Bleae Thaa VO-H d10-0 11
| | 23.64 | | Byoomeae AA-A h383 AB 8
C Star (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 226,419,616.14 km | : X Cancri A
| |
Lowest: | | 6,954,301.07 km | : HIP 14769 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 44,297,859.4356 km | | |
Count: 27 | Standard Deviation: | | 42,363,726.2694 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 226,419,616.14 | | X Cancri A
| | 6,954,301.07 | | HIP 14769 A
| 99,088,845.6 | | HIP 18696 A
| | 9,160,876.11 | | HD 51208 A
| 74,745,689.1 | | HIP 8305 A
| | 11,097,275.98 | | HIP 56551 A
| 72,427,639.1 | | HD 90395 A
| | 11,417,187.69 | | HIP 35549 A
| 68,178,792.93 | | HD 164889 A
| | 14,879,474.23 | | HD 133444 A
| 64,766,343.89 | | HD 22611 A
| | 15,609,903.29 | | HIP 84876 A
| 56,281,640.66 | | HIP 80550 A
| | 18,674,116.14 | | HD 58195 A
| 48,197,239.13 | | HIP 22796 A
| | 21,511,834.91 | | HIP 15235 A
| 45,806,652.26 | | HIP 26958 A
| | 22,031,220.96 | | HIP 52656 A
| 42,969,387.71 | | HD 50436 A
| | 22,491,926.61 | | HD 92839 A
C Star (as main star) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 226,419,616.14 km | : X Cancri A
| |
Lowest: | | 6,954,301.07 km | : HIP 14769 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 44,297,859.4356 km | | |
Count: 27 | Standard Deviation: | | 42,363,726.2694 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 226,419,616.14 | | X Cancri A
| | 6,954,301.07 | | HIP 14769 A
| 99,088,845.6 | | HIP 18696 A
| | 9,160,876.11 | | HD 51208 A
| 74,745,689.1 | | HIP 8305 A
| | 11,097,275.98 | | HIP 56551 A
| 72,427,639.1 | | HD 90395 A
| | 11,417,187.69 | | HIP 35549 A
| 68,178,792.93 | | HD 164889 A
| | 14,879,474.23 | | HD 133444 A
| 64,766,343.89 | | HD 22611 A
| | 15,609,903.29 | | HIP 84876 A
| 56,281,640.66 | | HIP 80550 A
| | 18,674,116.14 | | HD 58195 A
| 48,197,239.13 | | HIP 22796 A
| | 21,511,834.91 | | HIP 15235 A
| 45,806,652.26 | | HIP 26958 A
| | 22,031,220.96 | | HIP 52656 A
| 42,969,387.71 | | HD 50436 A
| | 22,491,926.61 | | HD 92839 A
CJ Star (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 1,441,017,230.64 km | : Hypoe Prue AA-A h132 A 1
| |
Lowest: | | 5,136,409.56 km | : Drumbaei JA-Z d14 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 49,360,010.803 km | | |
Count: 283 | Standard Deviation: | | 96,004,778.6978 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 1,441,017,230.64 | | Hypoe Prue AA-A h132 A 1
| | 5,136,409.56 | | Drumbaei JA-Z d14 A
| 255,233,230.23 | | Hypoe Flyi SK-F d11-8030 A
| | 5,415,484.78 | | Myumbao CW-K d9-1731 A
| 211,172,718.23 | | Schienoa SG-J d10-538 A
| | 5,422,725.46 | | Athairk AC-D d12-1103 A
| 192,524,911.59 | | Phaa Chraei FI-Q d6-77 A
| | 5,797,295.12 | | Schieneae IJ-G d11-537 A
| 188,493,264.34 | | Phua Aub AN-Q d6-321 A
| | 6,132,885.9 | | Stuemau AH-J d10-2059 A
| 185,763,971.53 | | Braisoea EV-P d5-670 A
| | 6,381,549.03 | | Dryuae Aoscs WQ-T d4-878 B
| 184,360,141.77 | | Byeia Traa BQ-P d5-5 A
| | 6,492,578.43 | | Phimbeae GS-A d1-13 A
| 178,093,387.57 | | Hypoae Screia YU-Y d713 B
| | 6,536,954.84 | | Dryoea Flyuae EN-B d13-931 A
| 176,170,534.29 | | Dryau Aoc RL-J d10-79 A
| | 6,764,758.73 | | Dryoea Flyao XE-H d10-1804 A
| 169,685,596.29 | | Prua Phoe OO-I d9-184 A
| | 6,818,414.92 | | Egnaiv ZJ-I d9-3521 A
CJ Star (as main star) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 255,233,230.23 km | : Hypoe Flyi SK-F d11-8030 A
| |
Lowest: | | 5,136,409.56 km | : Drumbaei JA-Z d14 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 44,028,033.7143 km | | |
Count: 276 | Standard Deviation: | | 48,109,511.899 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 255,233,230.23 | | Hypoe Flyi SK-F d11-8030 A
| | 5,136,409.56 | | Drumbaei JA-Z d14 A
| 211,172,718.23 | | Schienoa SG-J d10-538 A
| | 5,415,484.78 | | Myumbao CW-K d9-1731 A
| 192,524,911.59 | | Phaa Chraei FI-Q d6-77 A
| | 5,422,725.46 | | Athairk AC-D d12-1103 A
| 188,493,264.34 | | Phua Aub AN-Q d6-321 A
| | 5,797,295.12 | | Schieneae IJ-G d11-537 A
| 185,763,971.53 | | Braisoea EV-P d5-670 A
| | 6,132,885.9 | | Stuemau AH-J d10-2059 A
| 184,360,141.77 | | Byeia Traa BQ-P d5-5 A
| | 6,492,578.43 | | Phimbeae GS-A d1-13 A
| 176,170,534.29 | | Dryau Aoc RL-J d10-79 A
| | 6,536,954.84 | | Dryoea Flyuae EN-B d13-931 A
| 169,685,596.29 | | Prua Phoe OO-I d9-184 A
| | 6,764,758.73 | | Dryoea Flyao XE-H d10-1804 A
| 166,990,177.79 | | Eos Scraa NR-W d1-317 A
| | 6,818,414.92 | | Egnaiv ZJ-I d9-3521 A
| 163,196,342.23 | | Oufaisc NE-P d6-150 A
| | 6,915,472.96 | | Cuqe NC-M d7-453 A
CJ Star (as planet) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 1,441,017,230.64 km | : Hypoe Prue AA-A h132 A 1
| |
Lowest: | | 1,441,017,230.64 km | : Hypoe Prue AA-A h132 A 1
| |
| |
Average: | | 1,441,017,230.64 km | | |
Count: 1 | Standard Deviation: | | 0 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 1,441,017,230.64 | | Hypoe Prue AA-A h132 A 1
| | 1,441,017,230.64 | | Hypoe Prue AA-A h132 A 1
CN Star (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 1,525,170,673.71 km | : Dryi Braea AA-A h111 3
| |
Lowest: | | 3,331,963.11 km | : Myneadgaei BC-D d12-7 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 42,145,734.528 km | | |
Count: 2,396 | Standard Deviation: | | 57,801,827.3731 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 1,525,170,673.71 | | Dryi Braea AA-A h111 3
| | 3,331,963.11 | | Myneadgaei BC-D d12-7 A
| 678,604,235.05 | | Teqaea AA-A h22 AB 4
| | 3,790,663.14 | | Eor Audst MB-O d6-627 A
| 425,227,066.99 | | Oudaitt HW-W f1-4 C
| | 4,089,235.4 | | Scaulua HA-A d4 A
| 354,346,985.73 | | Phroea Ploe RS-U e2-2561 C
| | 4,131,680.08 | | Eord Blue GS-H d11-320 A
| 340,037,626.26 | | Schee Prau UJ-R e4-6053 C
| | 4,231,443.15 | | Throets KR-N d6-502 A
| 316,011,510.3 | | Eoch Proo JN-S e4-306 D
| | 4,461,068.71 | | Leamiae TJ-I d9-1744 A
| 300,131,536.92 | | Eorgh Prou ON-T d3-838 A
| | 4,677,871.79 | | Greae Phreia NK-M d8-121 A
| 294,238,326.12 | | Dryau Ausms PR-W d1-1110 A
| | 4,688,752.78 | | Dryio Bluae SH-V d2-1136 A
| 288,336,181.36 | | Pythaics TS-U e2-94 B
| | 4,698,101.24 | | Eos Bre GT-F d12-2093 A
| 286,379,499.41 | | Eulain GH-D d12-875 A
| | 4,704,304.92 | | Phrio Prao SD-K d8-1827 A
CN Star (as main star) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 300,131,536.92 km | : Eorgh Prou ON-T d3-838 A
| |
Lowest: | | 3,331,963.11 km | : Myneadgaei BC-D d12-7 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 39,568,664.7351 km | | |
Count: 2,228 | Standard Deviation: | | 43,833,527.2657 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 300,131,536.92 | | Eorgh Prou ON-T d3-838 A
| | 3,331,963.11 | | Myneadgaei BC-D d12-7 A
| 294,238,326.12 | | Dryau Ausms PR-W d1-1110 A
| | 3,790,663.14 | | Eor Audst MB-O d6-627 A
| 286,379,499.41 | | Eulain GH-D d12-875 A
| | 4,089,235.4 | | Scaulua HA-A d4 A
| 277,545,953.47 | | Dryoi Pri OT-R d4-4950 A
| | 4,131,680.08 | | Eord Blue GS-H d11-320 A
| 271,526,272.14 | | Braisoea BM-D d12-1469 A
| | 4,231,443.15 | | Throets KR-N d6-502 A
| 263,163,770.99 | | Zuneae GR-T d4-3137 A
| | 4,461,068.71 | | Leamiae TJ-I d9-1744 A
| 247,783,921.56 | | Phoi Aowsy TI-Z d1-3133 A
| | 4,677,871.79 | | Greae Phreia NK-M d8-121 A
| 244,375,625.09 | | Eok Flyuae FM-D d12-722 A
| | 4,688,752.78 | | Dryio Bluae SH-V d2-1136 A
| 240,595,861.85 | | Hypoe Grie SL-K d9-234 A
| | 4,698,101.24 | | Eos Bre GT-F d12-2093 A
| 237,642,757.93 | | Eoch Pruae JS-K d8-1868 A
| | 4,704,304.92 | | Phrio Prao SD-K d8-1827 A
CN Star (as planet) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 1,525,170,673.71 km | : Dryi Braea AA-A h111 3
| |
Lowest: | | 678,604,235.05 km | : Teqaea AA-A h22 AB 4
| |
| |
Average: | | 1,101,887,454.38 km | | |
Count: 2 | Standard Deviation: | | 423,283,219.33 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 1,525,170,673.71 | | Dryi Braea AA-A h111 3
| | 678,604,235.05 | | Teqaea AA-A h22 AB 4
| 678,604,235.05 | | Teqaea AA-A h22 AB 4
| | 1,525,170,673.71 | | Dryi Braea AA-A h111 3
Carbon (any) Star (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 1,553,365,251.32 km | : Phroea Ploe AA-A h344 AB 1
| |
Lowest: | | 366.26 km | : Phoi Scraa AA-A h474 2
| |
| |
Average: | | 43,004,464.1559 km | | |
Count: 9,726 | Standard Deviation: | | 60,815,914.8297 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 1,553,365,251.32 | | Phroea Ploe AA-A h344 AB 1
| | 366.26 | | Phoi Scraa AA-A h474 2
| 1,525,170,673.71 | | Dryi Braea AA-A h111 3
| | 3,331,963.11 | | Myneadgaei BC-D d12-7 A
| 1,441,017,230.64 | | Hypoe Prue AA-A h132 A 1
| | 3,790,663.14 | | Eor Audst MB-O d6-627 A
| 1,385,545,660.48 | | Dryio Bloo AA-A h191 ABC 1
| | 3,878,818.69 | | Schee Flyuae XF-O d6-1224 A
| 1,373,695,298.06 | | Athairk AA-A h647 AB 1
| | 3,982,337.99 | | Aunaiwyg GV-P d5-432 A
| 1,180,759,724.03 | | Eord Bla AA-A h313 AB 4
| | 4,025,259.48 | | Prie Chrie PL-Y d6 A
| 1,007,595,075.43 | | Eotchopt AA-A h421 1
| | 4,089,235.4 | | Scaulua HA-A d4 A
| 917,103,932.93 | | Tepou AA-A h482 1
| | 4,122,520.52 | | Dumboea HS-A d1-116 A
| 718,720,981.53 | | Phleedgaa AA-A h111 AB 1
| | 4,131,680.08 | | Eord Blue GS-H d11-320 A
| 678,604,235.05 | | Teqaea AA-A h22 AB 4
| | 4,132,032.72 | | Hypou Aod CC-J d10-394 B
Carbon (any) Star (as main star) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 351,535,309.73 km | : Eorl Chroa KO-F d12-1843 A
| |
Lowest: | | 3,331,963.11 km | : Myneadgaei BC-D d12-7 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 40,735,416.9348 km | | |
Count: 9,142 | Standard Deviation: | | 44,979,930.3863 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 351,535,309.73 | | Eorl Chroa KO-F d12-1843 A
| | 3,331,963.11 | | Myneadgaei BC-D d12-7 A
| 305,077,333.89 | | Eorld Pri MN-T d3-542 A
| | 3,790,663.14 | | Eor Audst MB-O d6-627 A
| 300,131,536.92 | | Eorgh Prou ON-T d3-838 A
| | 3,878,818.69 | | Schee Flyuae XF-O d6-1224 A
| 294,238,326.12 | | Dryau Ausms PR-W d1-1110 A
| | 3,982,337.99 | | Aunaiwyg GV-P d5-432 A
| 291,312,620.03 | | Baukee FM-D d12-117 A
| | 4,025,259.48 | | Prie Chrie PL-Y d6 A
| 286,379,499.41 | | Eulain GH-D d12-875 A
| | 4,089,235.4 | | Scaulua HA-A d4 A
| 285,435,935.26 | | Hypiae Chrea IZ-D d13-472 A
| | 4,122,520.52 | | Dumboea HS-A d1-116 A
| 281,708,242.4 | | Granoae VT-Z d51 A
| | 4,131,680.08 | | Eord Blue GS-H d11-320 A
| 281,069,366.83 | | Juenae DU-R d4-6987 A
| | 4,137,558.54 | | Spoihee AH-T d4-679 A
| 277,545,953.47 | | Dryoi Pri OT-R d4-4950 A
| | 4,231,443.15 | | Throets KR-N d6-502 A
Carbon (any) Star (as planet) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 1,553,365,251.32 km | : Phroea Ploe AA-A h344 AB 1
| |
Lowest: | | 366.26 km | : Phoi Scraa AA-A h474 2
| |
| |
Average: | | 909,676,463.7523 km | | |
Count: 13 | Standard Deviation: | | 561,147,429.7181 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 1,553,365,251.32 | | Phroea Ploe AA-A h344 AB 1
| | 366.26 | | Phoi Scraa AA-A h474 2
| 1,525,170,673.71 | | Dryi Braea AA-A h111 3
| | 11,794,289.07 | | Dryi Phylio AA-A h363 1
| 1,441,017,230.64 | | Hypoe Prue AA-A h132 A 1
| | 32,421,310.27 | | Noijou AA-A h209 AB 1
| 1,385,545,660.48 | | Dryio Bloo AA-A h191 ABC 1
| | 678,604,235.05 | | Teqaea AA-A h22 AB 4
| 1,373,695,298.06 | | Athairk AA-A h647 AB 1
| | 718,720,981.53 | | Phleedgaa AA-A h111 AB 1
| 1,180,759,724.03 | | Eord Bla AA-A h313 AB 4
| | 917,103,932.93 | | Tepou AA-A h482 1
| 1,007,595,075.43 | | Eotchopt AA-A h421 1
| | 1,007,595,075.43 | | Eotchopt AA-A h421 1
| 917,103,932.93 | | Tepou AA-A h482 1
| | 1,180,759,724.03 | | Eord Bla AA-A h313 AB 4
| 718,720,981.53 | | Phleedgaa AA-A h111 AB 1
| | 1,373,695,298.06 | | Athairk AA-A h647 AB 1
| 678,604,235.05 | | Teqaea AA-A h22 AB 4
| | 1,385,545,660.48 | | Dryio Bloo AA-A h191 ABC 1
Class I gas giant (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 18,688,404,730.2 km | : Drojaea DG-E d12-6 A 4
| |
Lowest: | | 0 km | : Pru Chruia JC-L d8-62 B 6
| 5 * |
| |
Average: | | 147,384,973.6343 km | | |
Count: 8,297,381 | Standard Deviation: | | 226,442,452.5852 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 18,688,404,730.2 | | Drojaea DG-E d12-6 A 4
| | 0 | | Pru Chruia JC-L d8-62 B 6
| 16,021,088,173.51 | | Byoomao KZ-D d13-8923 A 2
| | 0 | | Graea Eoq YQ-R b23-0 B 8
| 15,643,873,833.81 | | Plio Aip RM-W d1-23 13
| | 0 | | Dryao Chrea AZ-Y c1-3721 9
| 14,859,962,156.6 | | Stuela IX-A b5-2 A 1
| | 0 | | Pru Chruia JC-L d8-62 B 5
| 14,586,341,842.79 | | Prae Drye HN-Q d6-8 A 1
| | 0 | | Cheae Eurl TY-L b7-0 1
| 14,568,383,111.71 | | Aucopp NX-R d5-7 A 1
| | 0.01 | | Flyue Eaec VA-L d9-2 13
| 13,820,772,348.5 | | Deheae HI-Q b6-0 12
| | 0.01 | | Eafots XY-Z c13-0 A 3
| 12,922,420,668.38 | | Yepaa VW-S c17-0 A 1
| | 151.85 | | Huemuae AA-A h99 A 6 c
| 12,629,325,627.26 | | Wregoe OI-Z b14-0 A 1
| | 178.6 | | Zuni JX-T e3-7674 1 b
| 12,401,955,460.21 | | Scheau Phoea SK-V b35-2 A 1
| | 206.73 | | Blau Aihm GN-S e4-521 1 a
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Class I gas giant (as moon) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 157,198,840.38 km | : Systimbea AA-A h428 CD 3 a
| |
Lowest: | | 151.85 km | : Huemuae AA-A h99 A 6 c
| |
| |
Average: | | 23,935,860.2485 km | | |
Count: 91,054 | Standard Deviation: | | 21,038,466.2562 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 157,198,840.38 | | Systimbea AA-A h428 CD 3 a
| | 151.85 | | Huemuae AA-A h99 A 6 c
| 155,349,588.39 | | Boekh FG-Y g40 3 a
| | 178.6 | | Zuni JX-T e3-7674 1 b
| 154,454,928.64 | | Drumbaae AA-A h650 B 3 a
| | 206.73 | | Blau Aihm GN-S e4-521 1 a
| 147,550,580.66 | | MOA-2007-BLG-400L b
| | 213.76 | | Byoomao RN-B c16-4726 AB 4 e
| 142,961,800.1 | | Eorl Scrua AA-A h536 3 h
| | 219.16 | | Eol Prou AA-A g10 1 d
| 141,359,880.81 | | Eor Bro AA-A h53 B 4 b
| | 238.29 | | Dryoea Flyuae AA-A h12 B 2 g
| 140,692,162.51 | | Phaa Chraei DB-X f1-288 17 a
| | 244.96 | | Phroea Flya YU-Y f2814 A 1 d
| 140,505,546.75 | | Lyaisoi BA-A g57 4 a
| | 269.63 | | Byoomi AA-A h155 B 1 e
| 140,334,284.8 | | Dryoea Flyi BA-A g807 3 a
| | 273.26 | | Greae Phio FG-Y g1821 A 1 a
| 139,737,694.21 | | Eor Aoc KX-U f2-3282 4 a
| | 277.53 | | Eok Blou AA-A h683 3 a
Class I gas giant (as planet) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 18,688,404,730.2 km | : Drojaea DG-E d12-6 A 4
| |
Lowest: | | 0 km | : Pru Chruia JC-L d8-62 B 6
| 5 * |
| |
Average: | | 148,648,764.1434 km | | |
Count: 8,195,662 | Standard Deviation: | | 227,196,756.5984 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 18,688,404,730.2 | | Drojaea DG-E d12-6 A 4
| | 0 | | Pru Chruia JC-L d8-62 B 6
| 16,021,088,173.51 | | Byoomao KZ-D d13-8923 A 2
| | 0 | | Graea Eoq YQ-R b23-0 B 8
| 15,643,873,833.81 | | Plio Aip RM-W d1-23 13
| | 0 | | Dryao Chrea AZ-Y c1-3721 9
| 14,859,962,156.6 | | Stuela IX-A b5-2 A 1
| | 0 | | Pru Chruia JC-L d8-62 B 5
| 14,586,341,842.79 | | Prae Drye HN-Q d6-8 A 1
| | 0 | | Cheae Eurl TY-L b7-0 1
| 14,568,383,111.71 | | Aucopp NX-R d5-7 A 1
| | 0.01 | | Flyue Eaec VA-L d9-2 13
| 13,820,772,348.5 | | Deheae HI-Q b6-0 12
| | 0.01 | | Eafots XY-Z c13-0 A 3
| 12,922,420,668.38 | | Yepaa VW-S c17-0 A 1
| | 225.8 | | Voqoo AA-A h99 AB 2
| 12,629,325,627.26 | | Wregoe OI-Z b14-0 A 1
| | 256.43 | | Gyruest DL-Y g1 AB 3
| 12,401,955,460.21 | | Scheau Phoea SK-V b35-2 A 1
| | 446.83 | | Umbaist AA-A h835 CD 1
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Class II gas giant (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 19,389,555,718.87 km | : Dryaea Aeb AU-A d1 13
| |
Lowest: | | 0.03 km | : Hypo Chruia OV-C c26-11 AB 1
| |
| |
Average: | | 141,726,202.5481 km | | |
Count: 2,564,474 | Standard Deviation: | | 198,798,830.84 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 19,389,555,718.87 | | Dryaea Aeb AU-A d1 13
| | 0.03 | | Hypo Chruia OV-C c26-11 AB 1
| 17,950,325,168.52 | | Brambue QO-Z e37 A 1
| | 8.61 | | Ellairb ZB-N c7-8 3
| 10,802,560,719.25 | | Nuekuae SL-P b37-28 A 5
| | 26.57 | | Chraufao NK-M c8-1 4
| 9,998,094,278.16 | | Pyult TY-Z d13-1 A 1
| | 45.46 | | Boewnst BU-X c2-114 A 2
| 9,890,359,624.37 | | Boeph CW-T d4-492 A 1
| | 46.01 | | Fachoae ZK-U c4-0 A 4
| 9,402,891,120.64 | | Sluemaei TK-R c7-1 A 4
| | 48.68 | | Boelts BJ-D c14-494 8 a
| 7,926,249,736.67 | | Eorm Chruia IB-X e1-4262 A 1
| | 68.31 | | Zuni FF-Y c1-1881 A 3
| 7,130,461,479.76 | | Prea Aick OC-D d12-7 A 1
| | 136.24 | | Greae Dryoae EO-K c11-34 5
| 6,964,729,240 | | Shrogea GG-N d7-3154 10
| | 153.49 | | Skombeou AA-A h80 5 a
| 6,792,203,636.28 | | Flyiedgou WJ-Y d1-0 A 1
| | 238.83 | | Preia Flyi RS-X c28-2 AB 2
Class II gas giant (as moon) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 177,115,327.12 km | : Phaa Chruia AA-A h314 B 4 a
| |
Lowest: | | 48.68 km | : Boelts BJ-D c14-494 8 a
| |
| |
Average: | | 28,475,503.9435 km | | |
Count: 21,466 | Standard Deviation: | | 18,938,724.2281 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 177,115,327.12 | | Phaa Chruia AA-A h314 B 4 a
| | 48.68 | | Boelts BJ-D c14-494 8 a
| 139,706,987.14 | | Eol Bloae ON-J d9-29 9 a
| | 153.49 | | Skombeou AA-A h80 5 a
| 135,951,466.64 | | Dryaa Pruae AA-A h815 B 4 b
| | 249.52 | | Dryio Bluae AA-A h362 2 e
| 135,776,686.67 | | Hypio Bluae KM-W f1-1744 11 a
| | 478.85 | | Wepae AA-A h162 A 3 b
| 135,693,824.29 | | Byua Eurk IR-N e6-31 11 a
| | 519.19 | | Schee Prau AA-A h115 1 g
| 133,361,934.34 | | Lyaisoo AA-A h176 4 a
| | 751.49 | | Dryio Flyuae AA-A h68 2 h
| 130,154,258.01 | | Brairoa MS-U f2-1005 4 a
| | 753.83 | | Drojau MD-Z d1-19 1 b
| 128,943,216.8 | | Phleedgae AA-A h54 B 3 c
| | 1,087.82 | | Byoome AA-A h93 1 d
| 127,467,525.01 | | Granoae AA-A h43 5 d
| | 1,094.78 | | Grea Hypooe AA-A h47 2 d
| 125,695,254.53 | | Eephaills SO-R e4-384 10 a
| | 1,270.9 | | Eord Bla AA-A h494 4 h
Class II gas giant (as planet) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 19,389,555,718.87 km | : Dryaea Aeb AU-A d1 13
| |
Lowest: | | 0.03 km | : Hypo Chruia OV-C c26-11 AB 1
| |
| |
Average: | | 142,610,465.0776 km | | |
Count: 2,540,139 | Standard Deviation: | | 199,238,661.4881 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 19,389,555,718.87 | | Dryaea Aeb AU-A d1 13
| | 0.03 | | Hypo Chruia OV-C c26-11 AB 1
| 17,950,325,168.52 | | Brambue QO-Z e37 A 1
| | 8.61 | | Ellairb ZB-N c7-8 3
| 10,802,560,719.25 | | Nuekuae SL-P b37-28 A 5
| | 26.57 | | Chraufao NK-M c8-1 4
| 9,998,094,278.16 | | Pyult TY-Z d13-1 A 1
| | 45.46 | | Boewnst BU-X c2-114 A 2
| 9,890,359,624.37 | | Boeph CW-T d4-492 A 1
| | 46.01 | | Fachoae ZK-U c4-0 A 4
| 9,402,891,120.64 | | Sluemaei TK-R c7-1 A 4
| | 68.31 | | Zuni FF-Y c1-1881 A 3
| 7,926,249,736.67 | | Eorm Chruia IB-X e1-4262 A 1
| | 136.24 | | Greae Dryoae EO-K c11-34 5
| 7,130,461,479.76 | | Prea Aick OC-D d12-7 A 1
| | 238.83 | | Preia Flyi RS-X c28-2 AB 2
| 6,964,729,240 | | Shrogea GG-N d7-3154 10
| | 270.84 | | TYC 8320-1748-1 4
| 6,792,203,636.28 | | Flyiedgou WJ-Y d1-0 A 1
| | 351.03 | | Pyroifooe JC-S d5-120 3
Class III gas giant (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 8,366,931,081.65 km | : Hypoae Screia AA-A h338 A 1
| |
Lowest: | | 0 km | : Dryao Chrea AZ-Y c1-3721 7
| 2 * |
| |
Average: | | 135,298,785.8603 km | | |
Count: 6,521,175 | Standard Deviation: | | 205,837,316.5424 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 8,366,931,081.65 | | Hypoae Screia AA-A h338 A 1
| | 0 | | Dryao Chrea AZ-Y c1-3721 7
| 8,046,334,602.06 | | Spaseae JI-S e4-1 B 12
| | 0 | | Dryao Chrea AZ-Y c1-3721 8
| 7,004,074,867.38 | | Kyloaln YU-Y e8171 A 6
| | 1.2 | | Phua Aub DQ-F c11-7484 3
| 6,697,116,292.8 | | Aishaidy TO-P d6-16 11
| | 1.69 | | Swoilz MU-M d8-46 4
| 6,301,555,259.13 | | Baukoa BF-A f598 B 11
| | 1.69 | | Prua Phoe KL-D c20 3
| 6,027,394,640.06 | | Dryoea Prao CL-Y g2792 A 1
| | 1.7 | | Blo Thaa OM-W c1-4 2
| 5,879,151,473.16 | | Glaitu GG-Y f0 A 1
| | 2.06 | | Phaa Phyloi RU-C c14-11 4
| 5,583,999,637.96 | | Aiphairns AA-A h17 A 1
| | 2.67 | | Gludgaa NG-S c18-1 4
| 5,489,558,972.57 | | Choomee AA-A h76 C 1
| | 3.27 | | Eowyg Chrie UT-H d10-23 2
| 5,385,096,162.6 | | Eos Scraa DQ-X e1-73 A 9
| | 3.28 | | Brambue SD-A d1-45 7
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Class III gas giant (as moon) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 402,858,340.99 km | : Dryoea Flyuae BS-A d14-1323 ABC 2 e
| |
Lowest: | | 126.96 km | : Oephaints NS-R d5-1045 6 a
| |
| |
Average: | | 36,692,379.9415 km | | |
Count: 81,998 | Standard Deviation: | | 20,291,834.3224 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 402,858,340.99 | | Dryoea Flyuae BS-A d14-1323 ABC 2 e
| | 126.96 | | Oephaints NS-R d5-1045 6 a
| 169,049,905.66 | | HD 4313 b
| | 129.54 | | Dryio Bluae AA-A h70 ABC 3 b
| 160,001,849.3 | | Myumbau AA-A h252 3 c
| | 145.37 | | Dryi Phylio AA-A h295 5 g
| 146,487,349.27 | | Ogaicy AQ-X e1-3789 14 a
| | 162.18 | | Phroi Flyuae AA-A h624 2 d
| 144,404,037.63 | | Phleedgoea RE-Q e5-320 13 a
| | 164.82 | | Phroea Flyoo AA-A h71 4 e
| 142,750,179.77 | | Plimbeau HR-W f1-142 15 a
| | 209.62 | | Huemuae AA-A h32 1 a
| 142,348,622.14 | | Eulairg AA-A h58 ABCDE 7 e
| | 226.15 | | Dryoea Flyoo AA-A h32 1 c
| 141,814,905.41 | | Huemou YE-A g20 3 d
| | 246.96 | | Phoi Scraa AA-A h170 3 b
| 140,706,306.7 | | Eol Prou EL-Y f446 15 a
| | 252.63 | | Boeph BA-A g733 ABC 3 d
| 140,637,642.15 | | Eol Prou FL-Y f3810 10 a
| | 261.06 | | Eoch Flyi AA-A h134 ABCD 1 a
Class III gas giant (as planet) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 8,366,931,081.65 km | : Hypoae Screia AA-A h338 A 1
| |
Lowest: | | 0 km | : Dryao Chrea AZ-Y c1-3721 7
| 2 * |
| |
Average: | | 136,492,341.7971 km | | |
Count: 6,431,917 | Standard Deviation: | | 206,743,830.2989 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 8,366,931,081.65 | | Hypoae Screia AA-A h338 A 1
| | 0 | | Dryao Chrea AZ-Y c1-3721 7
| 8,046,334,602.06 | | Spaseae JI-S e4-1 B 12
| | 0 | | Dryao Chrea AZ-Y c1-3721 8
| 7,004,074,867.38 | | Kyloaln YU-Y e8171 A 6
| | 1.2 | | Phua Aub DQ-F c11-7484 3
| 6,697,116,292.8 | | Aishaidy TO-P d6-16 11
| | 1.69 | | Swoilz MU-M d8-46 4
| 6,301,555,259.13 | | Baukoa BF-A f598 B 11
| | 1.69 | | Prua Phoe KL-D c20 3
| 6,027,394,640.06 | | Dryoea Prao CL-Y g2792 A 1
| | 1.7 | | Blo Thaa OM-W c1-4 2
| 5,879,151,473.16 | | Glaitu GG-Y f0 A 1
| | 2.06 | | Phaa Phyloi RU-C c14-11 4
| 5,583,999,637.96 | | Aiphairns AA-A h17 A 1
| | 2.67 | | Gludgaa NG-S c18-1 4
| 5,489,558,972.57 | | Choomee AA-A h76 C 1
| | 3.27 | | Eowyg Chrie UT-H d10-23 2
| 5,385,096,162.6 | | Eos Scraa DQ-X e1-73 A 9
| | 3.28 | | Brambue SD-A d1-45 7
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Class IV gas giant (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 4,375,863,303.69 km | : Eord Flyuae CL-Y g611 A 1
| |
Lowest: | | 0.1 km | : Byoi Eur JA-A c34 1
| |
| |
Average: | | 140,142,643.8155 km | | |
Count: 1,152,957 | Standard Deviation: | | 216,586,089.6931 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 4,375,863,303.69 | | Eord Flyuae CL-Y g611 A 1
| | 0.1 | | Byoi Eur JA-A c34 1
| 3,915,762,397.11 | | Eodgorph EL-Y e65 7
| | 0.52 | | Synuefai OW-C c29-15 6
| 3,733,002,905.88 | | Croomae AA-A h611 B 1
| | 0.73 | | Lasiae DQ-X e1-6324 4
| 3,404,863,744.17 | | Dumbue YE-A g63 1
| | 0.95 | | Eoch Pruae KU-M d8-819 7
| 3,401,910,097.61 | | Dryau Ausms YE-A f16 A 5
| | 2.67 | | Wregoe AT-L c23-1 2
| 3,108,109,101 | | Shaulau AA-A h47 B 1
| | 5.13 | | Iowhairld BB-U c4-302 2
| 3,064,412,546.94 | | Screakou AA-A h554 1
| | 19.45 | | Byua Aim XT-U c5-5 ABC 2
| 3,023,965,388.29 | | Hypuejaa AA-A h17 1
| | 21.79 | | Dryo Broo AV-N c20-12 7
| 2,945,861,940.9 | | Eok Flyuae YE-A g106 1
| | 23.63 | | Syriae Thaa NM-K c22-0 2
| 2,906,062,769.68 | | Lyaisai AA-A f2388 11
| | 49.78 | | Eos Briae AM-Y c2622 2
Class IV gas giant (as moon) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 157,416,939.74 km | : Eorm Chruia HW-W f1-2271 14 a
| |
Lowest: | | 226.12 km | : Dryoea Prau AA-A g983 AB 1 a
| |
| |
Average: | | 40,630,222.4303 km | | |
Count: 28,515 | Standard Deviation: | | 21,695,314.9695 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 157,416,939.74 | | Eorm Chruia HW-W f1-2271 14 a
| | 226.12 | | Dryoea Prau AA-A g983 AB 1 a
| 155,270,361.9 | | Ellorps AQ-Y f0 11 a
| | 539.64 | | Phrio Pra AA-A h69 AB 2 d
| 154,278,936.58 | | Eord Flyuae UD-B e93 10 a
| | 691.53 | | Eoch Pruae AA-A h552 AB 2 a
| 153,802,740.57 | | Hypoe Pruae JH-V f2-977 17 a
| | 803.43 | | Eorl Scrua AA-A h234 ABCDEF 3 f
| 153,125,126.14 | | Dryao Aoscs KC-V f2-619 10 a
| | 14,129.42 | | Wrupeae AA-A h49 2 a
| 151,635,718.35 | | Leamae YJ-A f2017 8 a
| | 15,098.73 | | Myumbau AA-A h321 1 a
| 145,887,182.85 | | Eord Blao AA-A h258 B 4 a
| | 26,071.64 | | Gria Hypai AA-A h32 A 5 a
| 145,845,764.1 | | Byaa Ain AV-Y f1696 8 a
| | 26,147.22 | | Byoomi AA-A h21 1 b
| 145,569,610.6 | | Phroea Flya AA-A h122 14 a
| | 33,454.72 | | HD 192281 16 e
| 143,256,879.1 | | Schienuia VO-A f899 8 a
| | 33,748.91 | | Nyuenaa AA-A h82 1 h
Class IV gas giant (as planet) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 4,375,863,303.69 km | : Eord Flyuae CL-Y g611 A 1
| |
Lowest: | | 0.1 km | : Byoi Eur JA-A c34 1
| |
| |
Average: | | 142,624,350.8841 km | | |
Count: 1,123,104 | Standard Deviation: | | 218,663,845.0332 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 4,375,863,303.69 | | Eord Flyuae CL-Y g611 A 1
| | 0.1 | | Byoi Eur JA-A c34 1
| 3,915,762,397.11 | | Eodgorph EL-Y e65 7
| | 0.52 | | Synuefai OW-C c29-15 6
| 3,733,002,905.88 | | Croomae AA-A h611 B 1
| | 0.73 | | Lasiae DQ-X e1-6324 4
| 3,404,863,744.17 | | Dumbue YE-A g63 1
| | 0.95 | | Eoch Pruae KU-M d8-819 7
| 3,401,910,097.61 | | Dryau Ausms YE-A f16 A 5
| | 2.67 | | Wregoe AT-L c23-1 2
| 3,108,109,101 | | Shaulau AA-A h47 B 1
| | 5.13 | | Iowhairld BB-U c4-302 2
| 3,064,412,546.94 | | Screakou AA-A h554 1
| | 19.45 | | Byua Aim XT-U c5-5 ABC 2
| 3,023,965,388.29 | | Hypuejaa AA-A h17 1
| | 21.79 | | Dryo Broo AV-N c20-12 7
| 2,945,861,940.9 | | Eok Flyuae YE-A g106 1
| | 23.63 | | Syriae Thaa NM-K c22-0 2
| 2,906,062,769.68 | | Lyaisai AA-A f2388 11
| | 49.78 | | Eos Briae AM-Y c2622 2
Class V gas giant (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 2,319,186,020.33 km | : Eos Ausms FG-Y g243 B 8
| |
Lowest: | | 84.39 km | : HD 56582 A 1
| |
| |
Average: | | 98,934,345.3552 km | | |
Count: 178,799 | Standard Deviation: | | 185,021,883.7678 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 2,319,186,020.33 | | Eos Ausms FG-Y g243 B 8
| | 84.39 | | HD 56582 A 1
| 2,286,416,426.72 | | Screakiae DB-X f1-2647 A 14
| | 93.44 | | Muenaa SS-U e2-50 A 1
| 1,911,012,752.06 | | Oephaidst AA-A g63 9
| | 166.3 | | Eephaills NK-C d14-4244 1
| 1,819,486,246.51 | | Scaulia YE-A f1596 8
| | 170.38 | | Wepua JM-W f1-4230 AB 1
| 1,813,620,631.91 | | Eol Prou DL-Y g1157 6
| | 170.83 | | Floarks FR-N e6-22 AB 1
| 1,797,928,048.73 | | Eol Flyou KC-V f2-266 A 6
| | 171.92 | | Ellaidst WY-S e3-197 AB 1
| 1,756,603,687.43 | | Myumba AA-A h538 B 12
| | 172.05 | | HD 228911 AB 1
| 1,706,566,356.24 | | Dryoi Flyoo YE-A g1733 A 6
| | 174.24 | | Eord Gree YT-A e6465 A 1
| 1,705,360,270.93 | | Eoch Pri EG-Y g49 A 7
| | 176.64 | | Dryi Phylaa FG-Y g458 ABC 1
| 1,682,931,249.72 | | Nyuenooe BA-A g62 A 9
| | 185.05 | | Eol Prou VP-O e6-67 ABC 2
Class V gas giant (as moon) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 153,396,296.5 km | : Kyloasly BA-A g2043 8 a
| |
Lowest: | | 14,492.08 km | : Phroea Ploe AA-A h14 ABC 1 h
| |
| |
Average: | | 39,021,966.7385 km | | |
Count: 12,667 | Standard Deviation: | | 20,999,587.8429 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 153,396,296.5 | | Kyloasly BA-A g2043 8 a
| | 14,492.08 | | Phroea Ploe AA-A h14 ABC 1 h
| 150,576,919.32 | | Flimbuae AA-A g2 9 a
| | 421,100.15 | | Gleeque AA-A h317 AB 6 b
| 146,841,518.08 | | Prae Flyi YE-A g2 9 a
| | 463,356.52 | | HD 73882 AB 2 a
| 142,326,140.4 | | Blu Air FG-Y g305 AB 5 a
| | 465,689.48 | | Gleeque AA-A h317 AB 6 c
| 138,966,119.29 | | Eol Prou EL-Y f902 10 a
| | 594,663.05 | | Wrupaea AA-A h792 ABC 5 c
| 137,391,947.78 | | Whambio XO-A f1591 11 a
| | 613,883.71 | | Hypio Gree AA-A h477 AB 10 a
| 135,079,246.76 | | Eok Blou EL-Y f4117 9 a
| | 667,342.34 | | Wrupaea AA-A h792 ABC 5 d
| 134,232,771.4 | | Oephail EG-Y g1307 A 11 a
| | 1,795,754.5 | | Eord Blue AA-A h132 B 4 a
| 134,228,140.03 | | Eorld Grie GH-V f2-969 7 a
| | 1,872,716.9 | | Phaa Aub AA-A h85 A 11 a
| 132,277,578.12 | | Bleia Hypai ZE-A g4 13 a
| | 1,978,840.23 | | Eor Free AA-A h437 AB 6 a
Class V gas giant (as planet) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 2,319,186,020.33 km | : Eos Ausms FG-Y g243 B 8
| |
Lowest: | | 84.39 km | : HD 56582 A 1
| |
| |
Average: | | 103,497,634.6786 km | | |
Count: 165,943 | Standard Deviation: | | 191,104,466.5203 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 2,319,186,020.33 | | Eos Ausms FG-Y g243 B 8
| | 84.39 | | HD 56582 A 1
| 2,286,416,426.72 | | Screakiae DB-X f1-2647 A 14
| | 93.44 | | Muenaa SS-U e2-50 A 1
| 1,911,012,752.06 | | Oephaidst AA-A g63 9
| | 166.3 | | Eephaills NK-C d14-4244 1
| 1,819,486,246.51 | | Scaulia YE-A f1596 8
| | 170.38 | | Wepua JM-W f1-4230 AB 1
| 1,813,620,631.91 | | Eol Prou DL-Y g1157 6
| | 170.83 | | Floarks FR-N e6-22 AB 1
| 1,797,928,048.73 | | Eol Flyou KC-V f2-266 A 6
| | 171.92 | | Ellaidst WY-S e3-197 AB 1
| 1,756,603,687.43 | | Myumba AA-A h538 B 12
| | 172.05 | | HD 228911 AB 1
| 1,706,566,356.24 | | Dryoi Flyoo YE-A g1733 A 6
| | 174.24 | | Eord Gree YT-A e6465 A 1
| 1,705,360,270.93 | | Eoch Pri EG-Y g49 A 7
| | 176.64 | | Dryi Phylaa FG-Y g458 ABC 1
| 1,682,931,249.72 | | Nyuenooe BA-A g62 A 9
| | 185.05 | | Eol Prou VP-O e6-67 ABC 2
Earth‑like world (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 3,236,577,547.32 km | : Dryooe Prou LY-Z d13-1169 A 5
| |
Lowest: | | 414.69 km | : Smojai PM-F c13-0 B 3
| |
| |
Average: | | 155,481,394.7024 km | | |
Count: 418,298 | Standard Deviation: | | 153,946,739.2949 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 3,236,577,547.32 | | Dryooe Prou LY-Z d13-1169 A 5
| | 414.69 | | Smojai PM-F c13-0 B 3
| 2,673,231,052.05 | | Kyloasly UD-T e3-362 10
| | 672.77 | | Hypiae Free DQ-Y d6860 B 2
| 2,632,301,849.39 | | Clooku TU-W d2-1582 6
| | 840.36 | | Byoomoea ON-I b11-0 A 3
| 2,285,579,674.56 | | Dryua Hypai RT-Q e5-1 10
| | 852.92 | | Aiphaitt CA-A d199 A 3
| 1,996,046,180.71 | | Eoch Flyuae MS-T e3-4228 C 9
| | 887.61 | | Eodgols DX-J b22-13 4
| 1,964,215,810.8 | | Oumbants NW-V d2-10 A 3
| | 914.96 | | Boeths RB-Z b57-118 2
| 1,963,707,791.59 | | Eorm Phyloi VE-Z e146 A 11
| | 962.91 | | Myrielk ZV-E d11-4424 B 5
| 1,907,155,592.03 | | Iowhail IU-D d13-554 A 3
| | 994.7 | | Pru Eurk VK-B c28-5 A 5
| 1,871,363,466.01 | | Moihie IM-D d12-425 7
| | 1,002.82 | | Nyeakio SL-D b29-0 4
| 1,866,977,513.31 | | Eorld Byio OZ-O e6-334 6
| | 1,045.38 | | Ridgio ZA-M c21-1 1
Earth‑like world (as moon) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 102,855,845.96 km | : Rhuedgau AA-A h472 ABC 2 l
| |
Lowest: | | 1,264.63 km | : Byoomeae WP-K c10-466 2 a
| |
| |
Average: | | 4,352,485.6097 km | | |
Count: 6,236 | Standard Deviation: | | 7,638,790.1784 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 102,855,845.96 | | Rhuedgau AA-A h472 ABC 2 l
| | 1,264.63 | | Byoomeae WP-K c10-466 2 a
| 84,411,408.46 | | Rhuedgau AA-A h472 ABC 2 k
| | 3,949.54 | | Phrautch UO-Z d0 7 a
| 84,265,068.77 | | Eord Graei AA-A h383 A 2 h
| | 5,869.6 | | Dryoea Flyi BB-W d2-223 8 b
| 80,503,224.86 | | Drumboa AA-A h164 3 i
| | 7,467.67 | | Blaa Hype EI-H d11-1 9 c
| 72,603,656.66 | | Dryau Bro AA-A h386 5 f
| | 7,592.05 | | Oephaiwsy TS-U e2-27 5 a
| 72,482,068.33 | | Hypo Auf AA-A h184 ABC 1 g
| | 8,555.66 | | Eimbaisys AA-A h426 1 d
| 68,681,993.63 | | Eoch Gree AA-A h26 AB 3 f
| | 10,160.74 | | Dumbaae TD-T d3-4 AB 3 b
| 68,536,494.82 | | Theemae AA-A h76 4 f
| | 10,262.39 | | Dryoea Flyi BB-W d2-223 8 c
| 64,607,470.82 | | Plimbea AA-A h280 4 g
| | 10,615.91 | | Eotchofy AA-A h66 A 1 c
| 61,854,743.47 | | HIP 12619 AB 4 g
| | 11,005.25 | | Pru Ain NN-J d9-12 AB 1 c
Earth‑like world (as planet) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 3,236,577,547.32 km | : Dryooe Prou LY-Z d13-1169 A 5
| |
Lowest: | | 414.69 km | : Smojai PM-F c13-0 B 3
| |
| |
Average: | | 157,778,655.2103 km | | |
Count: 411,439 | Standard Deviation: | | 153,968,983.2339 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 3,236,577,547.32 | | Dryooe Prou LY-Z d13-1169 A 5
| | 414.69 | | Smojai PM-F c13-0 B 3
| 2,673,231,052.05 | | Kyloasly UD-T e3-362 10
| | 672.77 | | Hypiae Free DQ-Y d6860 B 2
| 2,632,301,849.39 | | Clooku TU-W d2-1582 6
| | 840.36 | | Byoomoea ON-I b11-0 A 3
| 2,285,579,674.56 | | Dryua Hypai RT-Q e5-1 10
| | 852.92 | | Aiphaitt CA-A d199 A 3
| 1,996,046,180.71 | | Eoch Flyuae MS-T e3-4228 C 9
| | 887.61 | | Eodgols DX-J b22-13 4
| 1,964,215,810.8 | | Oumbants NW-V d2-10 A 3
| | 914.96 | | Boeths RB-Z b57-118 2
| 1,963,707,791.59 | | Eorm Phyloi VE-Z e146 A 11
| | 962.91 | | Myrielk ZV-E d11-4424 B 5
| 1,907,155,592.03 | | Iowhail IU-D d13-554 A 3
| | 994.7 | | Pru Eurk VK-B c28-5 A 5
| 1,871,363,466.01 | | Moihie IM-D d12-425 7
| | 1,002.82 | | Nyeakio SL-D b29-0 4
| 1,866,977,513.31 | | Eorld Byio OZ-O e6-334 6
| | 1,045.38 | | Ridgio ZA-M c21-1 1
Earth‑like world ProcGen (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 3,236,577,547.32 km | : Dryooe Prou LY-Z d13-1169 A 5
| |
Lowest: | | 414.69 km | : Smojai PM-F c13-0 B 3
| |
| |
Average: | | 155,719,635.6559 km | | |
Count: 415,085 | Standard Deviation: | | 153,819,712.4039 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 3,236,577,547.32 | | Dryooe Prou LY-Z d13-1169 A 5
| | 414.69 | | Smojai PM-F c13-0 B 3
| 2,673,231,052.05 | | Kyloasly UD-T e3-362 10
| | 672.77 | | Hypiae Free DQ-Y d6860 B 2
| 2,632,301,849.39 | | Clooku TU-W d2-1582 6
| | 840.36 | | Byoomoea ON-I b11-0 A 3
| 2,285,579,674.56 | | Dryua Hypai RT-Q e5-1 10
| | 852.92 | | Aiphaitt CA-A d199 A 3
| 1,996,046,180.71 | | Eoch Flyuae MS-T e3-4228 C 9
| | 887.61 | | Eodgols DX-J b22-13 4
| 1,964,215,810.8 | | Oumbants NW-V d2-10 A 3
| | 914.96 | | Boeths RB-Z b57-118 2
| 1,963,707,791.59 | | Eorm Phyloi VE-Z e146 A 11
| | 962.91 | | Myrielk ZV-E d11-4424 B 5
| 1,907,155,592.03 | | Iowhail IU-D d13-554 A 3
| | 994.7 | | Pru Eurk VK-B c28-5 A 5
| 1,871,363,466.01 | | Moihie IM-D d12-425 7
| | 1,002.82 | | Nyeakio SL-D b29-0 4
| 1,866,977,513.31 | | Eorld Byio OZ-O e6-334 6
| | 1,045.38 | | Ridgio ZA-M c21-1 1
Earth‑like world ProcGen (as moon) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 102,855,845.96 km | : Rhuedgau AA-A h472 ABC 2 l
| |
Lowest: | | 1,264.63 km | : Byoomeae WP-K c10-466 2 a
| |
| |
Average: | | 4,319,872.625 km | | |
Count: 6,141 | Standard Deviation: | | 7,568,142.5025 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 102,855,845.96 | | Rhuedgau AA-A h472 ABC 2 l
| | 1,264.63 | | Byoomeae WP-K c10-466 2 a
| 84,411,408.46 | | Rhuedgau AA-A h472 ABC 2 k
| | 3,949.54 | | Phrautch UO-Z d0 7 a
| 84,265,068.77 | | Eord Graei AA-A h383 A 2 h
| | 5,869.6 | | Dryoea Flyi BB-W d2-223 8 b
| 80,503,224.86 | | Drumboa AA-A h164 3 i
| | 7,467.67 | | Blaa Hype EI-H d11-1 9 c
| 72,603,656.66 | | Dryau Bro AA-A h386 5 f
| | 7,592.05 | | Oephaiwsy TS-U e2-27 5 a
| 72,482,068.33 | | Hypo Auf AA-A h184 ABC 1 g
| | 8,555.66 | | Eimbaisys AA-A h426 1 d
| 68,681,993.63 | | Eoch Gree AA-A h26 AB 3 f
| | 10,160.74 | | Dumbaae TD-T d3-4 AB 3 b
| 68,536,494.82 | | Theemae AA-A h76 4 f
| | 10,262.39 | | Dryoea Flyi BB-W d2-223 8 c
| 64,607,470.82 | | Plimbea AA-A h280 4 g
| | 10,615.91 | | Eotchofy AA-A h66 A 1 c
| 59,541,828.63 | | Leamoi BS-R d5-98 AB 1 i
| | 11,005.25 | | Pru Ain NN-J d9-12 AB 1 c
Earth‑like world ProcGen (as planet) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 3,236,577,547.32 km | : Dryooe Prou LY-Z d13-1169 A 5
| |
Lowest: | | 414.69 km | : Smojai PM-F c13-0 B 3
| |
| |
Average: | | 157,978,290.8657 km | | |
Count: 408,630 | Standard Deviation: | | 153,821,133.2276 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 3,236,577,547.32 | | Dryooe Prou LY-Z d13-1169 A 5
| | 414.69 | | Smojai PM-F c13-0 B 3
| 2,673,231,052.05 | | Kyloasly UD-T e3-362 10
| | 672.77 | | Hypiae Free DQ-Y d6860 B 2
| 2,632,301,849.39 | | Clooku TU-W d2-1582 6
| | 840.36 | | Byoomoea ON-I b11-0 A 3
| 2,285,579,674.56 | | Dryua Hypai RT-Q e5-1 10
| | 852.92 | | Aiphaitt CA-A d199 A 3
| 1,996,046,180.71 | | Eoch Flyuae MS-T e3-4228 C 9
| | 887.61 | | Eodgols DX-J b22-13 4
| 1,964,215,810.8 | | Oumbants NW-V d2-10 A 3
| | 914.96 | | Boeths RB-Z b57-118 2
| 1,963,707,791.59 | | Eorm Phyloi VE-Z e146 A 11
| | 962.91 | | Myrielk ZV-E d11-4424 B 5
| 1,907,155,592.03 | | Iowhail IU-D d13-554 A 3
| | 994.7 | | Pru Eurk VK-B c28-5 A 5
| 1,871,363,466.01 | | Moihie IM-D d12-425 7
| | 1,002.82 | | Nyeakio SL-D b29-0 4
| 1,866,977,513.31 | | Eorld Byio OZ-O e6-334 6
| | 1,045.38 | | Ridgio ZA-M c21-1 1
F (White super giant) Star (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 388,518,376.86 km | : Schienaei AG-X e1-981 A
| |
Lowest: | | 1,953,785.75 km | : HIP 16333 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 67,953,730.987 km | | |
Count: 1,043 | Standard Deviation: | | 72,350,219.5002 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 388,518,376.86 | | Schienaei AG-X e1-981 A
| | 1,953,785.75 | | HIP 16333 A
| 371,296,480.98 | | Eoch Flya WK-O e6-98 B
| | 7,100,428.22 | | Nyuenoi KS-T e3-52 A
| 370,887,969.01 | | Eoch Flya WK-O e6-98 A
| | 7,318,762.95 | | Huemou GH-U e3-4229 A
| 361,917,314.68 | | Brambue ZZ-P e5-3 A
| | 7,431,634.59 | | Eotchofy EW-N e6-1539 A
| 352,667,982.55 | | Boekh BQ-X e1-119 A
| | 7,615,892.33 | | Hypoae Audst GQ-Y e2215 A
| 349,817,916.14 | | Phoi Aug DL-Y e2018 A
| | 7,656,353.64 | | Aunaihn TY-R e4-354 A
| 338,054,053.51 | | HD 40531 B
| | 7,763,295.44 | | Egnairbs XO-A e958 A
| 319,683,007.49 | | Pythaics SJ-R e4-1139 A
| | 8,536,125.48 | | Thrairuae FL-X e1-5 A
| 318,037,505.24 | | Hypuae Aec TS-U e2-3 A
| | 8,620,208.98 | | Dryooe Prou ZE-A e295 A
| 317,728,628.76 | | Phroi Prue IH-U e3-1692 A
| | 8,677,598.71 | | Eor Chruia TO-Q e5-4641 A
F (White super giant) Star (as main star) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 388,518,376.86 km | : Schienaei AG-X e1-981 A
| |
Lowest: | | 1,953,785.75 km | : HIP 16333 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 67,319,275.925 km | | |
Count: 1,016 | Standard Deviation: | | 71,211,579.9035 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 388,518,376.86 | | Schienaei AG-X e1-981 A
| | 1,953,785.75 | | HIP 16333 A
| 370,887,969.01 | | Eoch Flya WK-O e6-98 A
| | 7,100,428.22 | | Nyuenoi KS-T e3-52 A
| 361,917,314.68 | | Brambue ZZ-P e5-3 A
| | 7,318,762.95 | | Huemou GH-U e3-4229 A
| 352,667,982.55 | | Boekh BQ-X e1-119 A
| | 7,431,634.59 | | Eotchofy EW-N e6-1539 A
| 349,817,916.14 | | Phoi Aug DL-Y e2018 A
| | 7,615,892.33 | | Hypoae Audst GQ-Y e2215 A
| 319,683,007.49 | | Pythaics SJ-R e4-1139 A
| | 7,656,353.64 | | Aunaihn TY-R e4-354 A
| 318,037,505.24 | | Hypuae Aec TS-U e2-3 A
| | 7,763,295.44 | | Egnairbs XO-A e958 A
| 317,728,628.76 | | Phroi Prue IH-U e3-1692 A
| | 8,536,125.48 | | Thrairuae FL-X e1-5 A
| 316,009,081.38 | | Systimbea ZK-O e6-4912 A
| | 8,620,208.98 | | Dryooe Prou ZE-A e295 A
| 310,966,180.29 | | Wepooe JI-S e4-3886 A
| | 8,677,598.71 | | Eor Chruia TO-Q e5-4641 A
F (White) Star (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 2,376,683,886.97 km | : HR 8023 12
| |
Lowest: | | 65.1 km | : HD 96917 12
| |
| |
Average: | | 44,997,082.8241 km | | |
Count: 1,548,425 | Standard Deviation: | | 63,950,078.9047 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 2,376,683,886.97 | | HR 8023 12
| | 65.1 | | HD 96917 12
| 1,830,371,104.7 | | 2MASS J02335330+6118262 A 9
| | 630.07 | | Juenoea AA-A h458 1
| 1,816,759,008.98 | | S171 14 7
| | 2,356.7 | | HR 4908 3
| 1,805,492,842.13 | | Eulain AA-A h447 2
| | 49,323.81 | | HD 219286 10
| 1,743,157,288.85 | | Systimbea AA-A h196 3
| | 105,180.63 | | Leamue AA-A h479 ABC 3
| 1,736,289,753.87 | | Eulairg AA-A h270 2
| | 126,559.81 | | Hypau Auscs YE-R d4-3 B
| 1,727,129,321.95 | | Dryio Blou AA-A h372 2
| | 126,723.29 | | IC 1848 Sector XK-O d6-20 A
| 1,726,894,567.25 | | Eord Flyoo AA-A h156 ABCD 9
| | 133,071.81 | | Dryooe Prou AV-F d11-672 B
| 1,706,394,594.19 | | 2MASS J02302948+6119446 6
| | 133,243.84 | | Pru Aim QD-K d8-2366 A
| 1,698,676,521.31 | | Eimbaists AA-A h91 2
| | 134,706.1 | | Myumboae UK-V d3-2068 A
F (White) Star (as main star) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 520,170,754.39 km | : Hypio Pri RU-V d3-115 A
| |
Lowest: | | 126,723.29 km | : IC 1848 Sector XK-O d6-20 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 40,900,146.1162 km | | |
Count: 1,128,011 | Standard Deviation: | | 50,854,985.4806 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 520,170,754.39 | | Hypio Pri RU-V d3-115 A
| | 126,723.29 | | IC 1848 Sector XK-O d6-20 A
| 503,093,568.58 | | Phraa Prao EH-T d4-342 A
| | 133,243.84 | | Pru Aim QD-K d8-2366 A
| 502,848,939.97 | | Smoji EZ-S d3-22 A
| | 134,706.1 | | Myumboae UK-V d3-2068 A
| 496,114,126.89 | | Puwhoo QD-K d8-1 A
| | 140,977.68 | | Pheia Phylio KQ-P d5-116 A
| 459,958,370.63 | | Puekaae TP-O d6-488 A
| | 141,622.68 | | Trignai XV-C d7 A
| 452,899,544.54 | | Phoi Chrea NI-B d13-3582 A
| | 143,146.27 | | Leamue CC-K d9-3514 A
| 448,545,120.65 | | Dryeia Blou TA-E d12-8 A
| | 145,833.11 | | Cloomeia RD-T d3-273 A
| 447,267,520.73 | | Dryao Aoscs RF-D d13-1793 A
| | 147,896.57 | | Graea Hypue AQ-W d2-58 A
| 445,561,853.67 | | Gru Hypue CC-T d4-33 A
| | 147,981 | | Col 132 Sector BG-W d2-9 A
| 445,262,292.69 | | Col 285 Sector CR-M d7-112 A
| | 150,294.48 | | Shrogea IM-W d1-11208 A
F (White) Star (as planet) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 2,376,683,886.97 km | : HR 8023 12
| |
Lowest: | | 65.1 km | : HD 96917 12
| |
| |
Average: | | 838,873,739.6002 km | | |
Count: 472 | Standard Deviation: | | 570,138,155.8615 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 2,376,683,886.97 | | HR 8023 12
| | 65.1 | | HD 96917 12
| 1,830,371,104.7 | | 2MASS J02335330+6118262 A 9
| | 630.07 | | Juenoea AA-A h458 1
| 1,816,759,008.98 | | S171 14 7
| | 2,356.7 | | HR 4908 3
| 1,805,492,842.13 | | Eulain AA-A h447 2
| | 49,323.81 | | HD 219286 10
| 1,743,157,288.85 | | Systimbea AA-A h196 3
| | 105,180.63 | | Leamue AA-A h479 ABC 3
| 1,736,289,753.87 | | Eulairg AA-A h270 2
| | 663,396.47 | | Dryuae Phyloea AA-A h629 ABCD 5
| 1,727,129,321.95 | | Dryio Blou AA-A h372 2
| | 1,219,579.99 | | Dryaa Flyoo AA-A h664 2
| 1,726,894,567.25 | | Eord Flyoo AA-A h156 ABCD 9
| | 1,385,565.87 | | S171 20 5
| 1,706,394,594.19 | | 2MASS J02302948+6119446 6
| | 1,546,732.29 | | Dryoea Blao AA-A h80 AB 8
| 1,698,676,521.31 | | Eimbaists AA-A h91 2
| | 2,306,208.34 | | Nyuenoea AA-A h333 1
G (White‑Yellow super giant) Star (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 1,580,709,672.2 km | : HD 191612 9
| |
Lowest: | | 1,082,994.5 km | : HIP 27465 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 62,788,798.9199 km | | |
Count: 926 | Standard Deviation: | | 85,268,134.5039 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 1,580,709,672.2 | | HD 191612 9
| | 1,082,994.5 | | HIP 27465 A
| 538,551,414.31 | | Phroea Blou AA-A g821 C
| | 2,999,586.19 | | HIP 34830 A
| 485,667,813.29 | | Dryau Briae VZ-O e6-2735 A
| | 3,582,716 | | HIP 1213 A
| 430,003,948.67 | | BD-13 2119 B
| | 4,558,598.45 | | HD 56186 A
| 400,752,358.76 | | HD 340966 B
| | 4,654,993.6 | | HD 143883 A
| 359,570,617.78 | | Dryaa Pruae IR-W e1-676 A
| | 4,873,838.7 | | BD+59 466 A
| 348,784,214.37 | | Nu Pavonis B
| | 5,450,583.26 | | Phroea Flyuae IM-V e2-7747 A
| 343,403,984 | | Dryuae Phyloi AA-A f964 B
| | 5,666,323.36 | | Byoi Ain TT-R e4-2768 A
| 340,304,659.56 | | Croomaa AW-N e6-1123 A
| | 6,108,837.46 | | HIP 61591 A
| 318,617,749.22 | | Dryoi Pri WE-R e4-887 A
| | 6,191,197.66 | | HD 371 A
G (White‑Yellow super giant) Star (as main star) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 485,667,813.29 km | : Dryau Briae VZ-O e6-2735 A
| |
Lowest: | | 1,082,994.5 km | : HIP 27465 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 58,312,838.4017 km | | |
Count: 849 | Standard Deviation: | | 63,347,864.7441 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 485,667,813.29 | | Dryau Briae VZ-O e6-2735 A
| | 1,082,994.5 | | HIP 27465 A
| 359,570,617.78 | | Dryaa Pruae IR-W e1-676 A
| | 2,999,586.19 | | HIP 34830 A
| 340,304,659.56 | | Croomaa AW-N e6-1123 A
| | 3,582,716 | | HIP 1213 A
| 318,617,749.22 | | Dryoi Pri WE-R e4-887 A
| | 4,558,598.45 | | HD 56186 A
| 311,996,926.19 | | Schee Pri BB-O e6-9358 A
| | 4,654,993.6 | | HD 143883 A
| 311,870,562.61 | | Wrupaea UO-Z e4104 A
| | 4,873,838.7 | | BD+59 466 A
| 293,907,373.81 | | Agnairt AQ-P e5-1472 A
| | 5,450,583.26 | | Phroea Flyuae IM-V e2-7747 A
| 281,525,618.62 | | Eord Blooe WO-Z e1303 A
| | 5,666,323.36 | | Byoi Ain TT-R e4-2768 A
| 278,644,617.89 | | Hypiae Aurb MI-T e3-221 A
| | 6,108,837.46 | | HIP 61591 A
| 263,838,909.49 | | Systimbau BL-P e5-469 A
| | 6,191,197.66 | | HD 371 A
G (White‑Yellow super giant) Star (as planet) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 1,580,709,672.2 km | : HD 191612 9
| |
Lowest: | | 1,580,709,672.2 km | : HD 191612 9
| |
| |
Average: | | 1,580,709,672.2 km | | |
Count: 1 | Standard Deviation: | | 0 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 1,580,709,672.2 | | HD 191612 9
| | 1,580,709,672.2 | | HD 191612 9
G (White‑Yellow) Star (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 2,567,899,257.08 km | : Phroi Pruae AA-A h526 3
| |
Lowest: | | 61 km | : 2MASS J02330948+6131579 6
| |
| |
Average: | | 44,012,700.8266 km | | |
Count: 1,356,150 | Standard Deviation: | | 70,031,386.5093 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 2,567,899,257.08 | | Phroi Pruae AA-A h526 3
| | 61 | | 2MASS J02330948+6131579 6
| 2,532,212,486.96 | | Dryi Phylio AA-A h299 7
| | 70.45 | | 2MASS J02303910+6121053 5
| 2,475,949,669.97 | | SLX 1746-331 4
| | 233.01 | | Foijaea AA-A h153 ABC 14
| 2,294,258,459.05 | | HD 18326 13
| | 235.75 | | S171 20 8
| 2,232,953,234.77 | | Rhuedguae AA-A h4 4
| | 363.51 | | HD 109978 A 9
| 2,165,691,122.61 | | Dryoea Blao AA-A h192 2
| | 412.64 | | Skombeou AA-A h429 3
| 2,164,209,771.8 | | Dryoea Blao AA-A h150 5
| | 539.44 | | Dryio Bloo AA-A h63 ABCDE 3
| 2,147,442,891.41 | | Skombeou AA-A h280 4
| | 645.04 | | HD 144695 8
| 2,146,127,846.81 | | HD 191612 10
| | 874.97 | | HD 171198 A 5
| 2,126,576,941.47 | | Phroea Bla AA-A h6 6
| | 945.55 | | Dryoea Bla AA-A h465 AB 7
G (White‑Yellow) Star (as main star) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 605,108,972.37 km | : HD 50630
| |
Lowest: | | 81,966.97 km | : Greethu JF-D c1-2 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 36,374,788.9147 km | | |
Count: 784,010 | Standard Deviation: | | 45,218,661.3354 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 605,108,972.37 | | HD 50630
| | 81,966.97 | | Greethu JF-D c1-2 A
| 445,318,289.24 | | Graea Hypue VU-O d6-71 A
| | 99,065.47 | | Phua Aub RX-A c27-3346 A
| 442,456,209.47 | | Prooe Hypue XG-S d5-17 A
| | 99,615.23 | | Prooe Bli HO-B c29-8 A
| 424,257,018.3 | | Traikoa FD-Q c19-12 A
| | 102,337.67 | | Blu Euq FM-D d12-15 A
| 414,397,658.67 | | Byoi Broae ZV-E d11-10 A
| | 110,596.95 | | Blia Chruia EL-E c25-0 A
| 410,210,683.94 | | Eidairld GM-C d322 A
| | 113,484.54 | | Praea Airm XM-Q c19-0 A
| 400,733,836.54 | | Eok Byoe KN-Q d6-7112 A
| | 114,955.84 | | Iowhowns YG-W c2-2 A
| 393,627,805.65 | | Hyuqoae HK-C d14-5095 A
| | 115,819.74 | | Hypoi Prou MY-H d10-11 A
| 392,820,791.04 | | Drojau CN-H d11-45 A
| | 117,573.72 | | Juena UA-Y c17-1202 A
| 391,271,248.11 | | Stuemeae BA-A c5240 A
| | 118,299.8 | | Coerns FN-D c15-5 A
G (White‑Yellow) Star (as planet) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 2,567,899,257.08 km | : Phroi Pruae AA-A h526 3
| |
Lowest: | | 61 km | : 2MASS J02330948+6131579 6
| |
| |
Average: | | 872,851,848.346 km | | |
Count: 1,417 | Standard Deviation: | | 572,393,610.0364 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 2,567,899,257.08 | | Phroi Pruae AA-A h526 3
| | 61 | | 2MASS J02330948+6131579 6
| 2,532,212,486.96 | | Dryi Phylio AA-A h299 7
| | 70.45 | | 2MASS J02303910+6121053 5
| 2,475,949,669.97 | | SLX 1746-331 4
| | 233.01 | | Foijaea AA-A h153 ABC 14
| 2,294,258,459.05 | | HD 18326 13
| | 235.75 | | S171 20 8
| 2,232,953,234.77 | | Rhuedguae AA-A h4 4
| | 363.51 | | HD 109978 A 9
| 2,165,691,122.61 | | Dryoea Blao AA-A h192 2
| | 412.64 | | Skombeou AA-A h429 3
| 2,164,209,771.8 | | Dryoea Blao AA-A h150 5
| | 539.44 | | Dryio Bloo AA-A h63 ABCDE 3
| 2,147,442,891.41 | | Skombeou AA-A h280 4
| | 645.04 | | HD 144695 8
| 2,146,127,846.81 | | HD 191612 10
| | 874.97 | | HD 171198 A 5
| 2,126,576,941.47 | | Phroea Bla AA-A h6 6
| | 945.55 | | Dryoea Bla AA-A h465 AB 7
Gas giant with ammonia‑based life (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 13,292,101,721.93 km | : Outorst CV-R b46-0 A 1
| |
Lowest: | | 0.01 km | : Pru Chruia JC-L d8-62 B 7
| 2 * |
| |
Average: | | 145,530,550.9648 km | | |
Count: 1,211,475 | Standard Deviation: | | 215,422,084.55 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 13,292,101,721.93 | | Outorst CV-R b46-0 A 1
| | 0.01 | | Pru Chruia JC-L d8-62 B 7
| 12,546,337,052.98 | | Blaa Eoq JE-C c2-7 B 1
| | 0.01 | | Eol Prou NC-U d3-1182 7
| 9,748,886,882.34 | | Pro Thua EA-A e9 10
| | 24.16 | | Thaileia GC-B d1-38 2 a
| 7,975,908,683.65 | | Bleae Thua FG-X d1-6 A 8
| | 362.22 | | Boeph BA-A g58 4 f
| 6,548,437,865.61 | | Dryeejie GF-Z d8 A 6
| | 449.65 | | Coests AA-A h41 1 a
| 6,127,052,015.29 | | Flyauduae BG-F d11-12 A 12
| | 693.46 | | Wepae AA-A h39 A 3 g
| 6,030,476,250.31 | | Athair SU-O e6-198 A 1
| | 725.26 | | Cumbuia SZ-K c23-1 A 4
| 5,968,425,008.04 | | Hyades Sector IR-W d1-64 A 9
| | 746.08 | | Chaniae AA-A h64 6 j
| 4,771,137,464.44 | | Praea Chraei HM-Y c16-0 C 5
| | 884.02 | | Oofaisp XY-Y d1-2 4 a
| 4,012,852,502.32 | | Ploea Broae UG-U b30-10 A 9
| | 1,205.38 | | Eoch Pruae FG-Y f1178 A 2 l
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Gas giant with ammonia‑based life (as moon) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 124,741,846.32 km | : Theemae AA-A h122 4 h
| |
Lowest: | | 24.16 km | : Thaileia GC-B d1-38 2 a
| |
| |
Average: | | 24,798,508.5955 km | | |
Count: 11,223 | Standard Deviation: | | 20,009,491.5793 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 124,741,846.32 | | Theemae AA-A h122 4 h
| | 24.16 | | Thaileia GC-B d1-38 2 a
| 120,204,693.08 | | Phraa Pruae AA-A g491 2 a
| | 362.22 | | Boeph BA-A g58 4 f
| 112,715,339.66 | | Dryoea Bli GB-X e1-3418 AB 2 a
| | 449.65 | | Coests AA-A h41 1 a
| 109,952,442.37 | | Plaa Ain SP-F d11-64 3 a
| | 693.46 | | Wepae AA-A h39 A 3 g
| 108,888,608.22 | | Dryoea Gree AA-A h63 3 a
| | 746.08 | | Chaniae AA-A h64 6 j
| 108,804,497.41 | | Blu Aescs ZP-N d7-6 AB 2 c
| | 884.02 | | Oofaisp XY-Y d1-2 4 a
| 108,795,625.47 | | Oephairb BA-A g1427 3 a
| | 1,205.38 | | Eoch Pruae FG-Y f1178 A 2 l
| 107,434,524.11 | | Phleedgae AA-A h202 3 h
| | 1,330.28 | | Wepae AA-A h694 1 a
| 106,248,146.3 | | Dryaa Flyuae AA-A h601 5 g
| | 1,493.97 | | Eorl Auwsy SY-Z d13-5911 4 a
| 105,809,158.09 | | Phaa Aurb QD-B e107 11 a
| | 1,527.06 | | Phroi Blou AA-A h292 3 j
Gas giant with ammonia‑based life (as planet) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 13,292,101,721.93 km | : Outorst CV-R b46-0 A 1
| |
Lowest: | | 0.01 km | : Pru Chruia JC-L d8-62 B 7
| 2 * |
| |
Average: | | 146,575,486.5507 km | | |
Count: 1,198,842 | Standard Deviation: | | 215,973,141.4229 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 13,292,101,721.93 | | Outorst CV-R b46-0 A 1
| | 0.01 | | Pru Chruia JC-L d8-62 B 7
| 12,546,337,052.98 | | Blaa Eoq JE-C c2-7 B 1
| | 0.01 | | Eol Prou NC-U d3-1182 7
| 9,748,886,882.34 | | Pro Thua EA-A e9 10
| | 725.26 | | Cumbuia SZ-K c23-1 A 4
| 7,975,908,683.65 | | Bleae Thua FG-X d1-6 A 8
| | 1,587.38 | | Dryio Blou AA-A h249 AB 6
| 6,548,437,865.61 | | Dryeejie GF-Z d8 A 6
| | 3,034.7 | | Eor Aowsy EG-Y f2033 1
| 6,127,052,015.29 | | Flyauduae BG-F d11-12 A 12
| | 3,478.93 | | Eord Pri XF-O e6-514 1
| 6,030,476,250.31 | | Athair SU-O e6-198 A 1
| | 3,917.14 | | Trignoo DL-Y g1 A 1
| 5,968,425,008.04 | | Hyades Sector IR-W d1-64 A 9
| | 4,544.21 | | Eord Gree AA-A h34 AB 3
| 4,771,137,464.44 | | Praea Chraei HM-Y c16-0 C 5
| | 5,552.22 | | Aucoks HG-X e1-0 9
| 4,012,852,502.32 | | Ploea Broae UG-U b30-10 A 9
| | 5,714.83 | | Dryoea Bli AA-A h175 AB 5
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Gas giant with water‑based life (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 9,266,199,902.31 km | : Blaa Flyuae LX-B d18 12
| |
Lowest: | | 0 km | : Eafots XY-Z c13-0 A 1
| |
| |
Average: | | 141,349,245.4667 km | | |
Count: 2,600,592 | Standard Deviation: | | 198,256,143.9466 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 9,266,199,902.31 | | Blaa Flyuae LX-B d18 12
| | 0 | | Eafots XY-Z c13-0 A 1
| 9,072,658,920.3 | | Hegaa OI-T d3-38 A 7
| | 0.01 | | Eafots XY-Z c13-0 A 2
| 8,946,187,890.46 | | Spoihaae SD-Z d1-288 A 1
| | 0.01 | | Phae Aeb BZ-S d3-49 5
| 8,787,697,092.75 | | Synuefe WN-I c26-0 A 1
| | 5.92 | | Blau Aihm XM-S c5-51 3
| 8,775,294,165.71 | | Pleia Eun QC-V d2-2 A 10
| | 34.04 | | Wepue VB-X c4-1418 A 3
| 8,755,869,286.04 | | Phraa Grie SP-O e6-277 A 5
| | 59.78 | | Phroea Graae RJ-T c19-0 5
| 8,036,702,517.68 | | Phooe Aod GG-W d2-10 B 1
| | 103.88 | | Wregoe AH-J c23-11 A 3
| 7,797,301,809.42 | | Dryaea Phlai YE-R d4-16 A 8
| | 178.2 | | Dumbooe ID-R c18-2064 A 3
| 7,730,515,716.31 | | Leameia MC-L d8-119 11
| | 183.87 | | Chraisue AA-A h121 AB 1
| 7,606,355,455.03 | | Froawns PI-P b39-2 A 8
| | 186.33 | | Spoijio AA-A h166 AB 3
Gas giant with water‑based life (as moon) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 151,916,378.74 km | : Athair SU-O e6-85 13 a
| |
Lowest: | | 418.22 km | : Dryi Broae FW-U d3-4360 5 e
| |
| |
Average: | | 28,923,198.3952 km | | |
Count: 25,234 | Standard Deviation: | | 18,800,801.5484 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 151,916,378.74 | | Athair SU-O e6-85 13 a
| | 418.22 | | Dryi Broae FW-U d3-4360 5 e
| 148,295,712.47 | | Eos Chraei GG-Y f18 A 10 a
| | 519.13 | | Hedgea ER-C d13-23 7 c
| 129,853,940.01 | | Hypau Flee MO-Q d5-30 12 a
| | 541.78 | | Croomoi AA-A h51 A 3 e
| 129,731,944.45 | | Flyae Eaec DD-I d10-102 9 a
| | 565.58 | | Leamiae AA-A h513 3 h
| 125,308,688.29 | | Eord Flyoo AA-A h359 4 b
| | 636.74 | | Eord Bla AA-A h561 1 c
| 125,072,103.74 | | Whamboe QD-S e4-6000 13 a
| | 674.2 | | Eord Bla AA-A h603 AB 4 e
| 124,621,868.13 | | Blaa Eaec UT-R e4-49 17 a
| | 817.29 | | Egnairbs AA-A h275 AB 2 e
| 122,561,419.01 | | Zuneae AA-X d2-291 8 a
| | 851.93 | | Wepiae AA-A h105 3 j
| 121,777,904.03 | | Dryoea Flyoo AA-A h682 3 a
| | 889.06 | | Juemeau AA-A h60 1 b
| 120,974,266.53 | | Myumbooe BA-A g26 AB 4 a
| | 973.31 | | Kyloall AA-A h455 3 b
Gas giant with water‑based life (as planet) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 9,266,199,902.31 km | : Blaa Flyuae LX-B d18 12
| |
Lowest: | | 0 km | : Eafots XY-Z c13-0 A 1
| |
| |
Average: | | 142,389,244.6302 km | | |
Count: 2,572,559 | Standard Deviation: | | 198,820,340.4148 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 9,266,199,902.31 | | Blaa Flyuae LX-B d18 12
| | 0 | | Eafots XY-Z c13-0 A 1
| 9,072,658,920.3 | | Hegaa OI-T d3-38 A 7
| | 0.01 | | Eafots XY-Z c13-0 A 2
| 8,946,187,890.46 | | Spoihaae SD-Z d1-288 A 1
| | 0.01 | | Phae Aeb BZ-S d3-49 5
| 8,787,697,092.75 | | Synuefe WN-I c26-0 A 1
| | 5.92 | | Blau Aihm XM-S c5-51 3
| 8,775,294,165.71 | | Pleia Eun QC-V d2-2 A 10
| | 34.04 | | Wepue VB-X c4-1418 A 3
| 8,755,869,286.04 | | Phraa Grie SP-O e6-277 A 5
| | 59.78 | | Phroea Graae RJ-T c19-0 5
| 8,036,702,517.68 | | Phooe Aod GG-W d2-10 B 1
| | 103.88 | | Wregoe AH-J c23-11 A 3
| 7,797,301,809.42 | | Dryaea Phlai YE-R d4-16 A 8
| | 178.2 | | Dumbooe ID-R c18-2064 A 3
| 7,730,515,716.31 | | Leameia MC-L d8-119 11
| | 183.87 | | Chraisue AA-A h121 AB 1
| 7,606,355,455.03 | | Froawns PI-P b39-2 A 8
| | 186.33 | | Spoijio AA-A h166 AB 3
Helium gas giant (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 1,658,428,238.3 km | : 52 Herculis 11
| |
Lowest: | | 2,538,265.03 km | : 52 Herculis 3
| |
| |
Average: | | 223,715,290.485 km | | |
Count: 12 | Standard Deviation: | | 454,784,709.3268 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 1,658,428,238.3 | | 52 Herculis 11
| | 2,538,265.03 | | 52 Herculis 3
| 450,647,388.57 | | 52 Herculis 6
| | 4,513,188.32 | | 52 Herculis 4
| 346,880,032.54 | | 52 Herculis 5
| | 10,662,639.14 | | HR 6870 8 a
| 50,560,529.23 | | HR 6870 12 a
| | 14,627,996.09 | | 52 Herculis 7 a
| 47,936,761.98 | | HR 6870 11 a
| | 24,247,164.95 | | 52 Herculis 9
| 47,680,312.95 | | 52 Herculis 1
| | 25,860,968.72 | | 52 Herculis 10
| 25,860,968.72 | | 52 Herculis 10
| | 47,680,312.95 | | 52 Herculis 1
| 24,247,164.95 | | 52 Herculis 9
| | 47,936,761.98 | | HR 6870 11 a
| 14,627,996.09 | | 52 Herculis 7 a
| | 50,560,529.23 | | HR 6870 12 a
| 10,662,639.14 | | HR 6870 8 a
| | 346,880,032.54 | | 52 Herculis 5
Helium gas giant (as moon) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 50,560,529.23 km | : HR 6870 12 a
| |
Lowest: | | 10,662,639.14 km | : HR 6870 8 a
| |
| |
Average: | | 30,946,981.61 km | | |
Count: 4 | Standard Deviation: | | 18,378,708.6401 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 50,560,529.23 | | HR 6870 12 a
| | 10,662,639.14 | | HR 6870 8 a
| 47,936,761.98 | | HR 6870 11 a
| | 14,627,996.09 | | 52 Herculis 7 a
| 14,627,996.09 | | 52 Herculis 7 a
| | 47,936,761.98 | | HR 6870 11 a
| 10,662,639.14 | | HR 6870 8 a
| | 50,560,529.23 | | HR 6870 12 a
Helium gas giant (as planet) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 1,658,428,238.3 km | : 52 Herculis 11
| |
Lowest: | | 2,538,265.03 km | : 52 Herculis 3
| |
| |
Average: | | 320,099,444.9225 km | | |
Count: 8 | Standard Deviation: | | 531,229,793.6023 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 1,658,428,238.3 | | 52 Herculis 11
| | 2,538,265.03 | | 52 Herculis 3
| 450,647,388.57 | | 52 Herculis 6
| | 4,513,188.32 | | 52 Herculis 4
| 346,880,032.54 | | 52 Herculis 5
| | 24,247,164.95 | | 52 Herculis 9
| 47,680,312.95 | | 52 Herculis 1
| | 25,860,968.72 | | 52 Herculis 10
| 25,860,968.72 | | 52 Herculis 10
| | 47,680,312.95 | | 52 Herculis 1
| 24,247,164.95 | | 52 Herculis 9
| | 346,880,032.54 | | 52 Herculis 5
| 4,513,188.32 | | 52 Herculis 4
| | 450,647,388.57 | | 52 Herculis 6
| 2,538,265.03 | | 52 Herculis 3
| | 1,658,428,238.3 | | 52 Herculis 11
Helium‑rich gas giant (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 5,528,120,591.74 km | : Eord Prau WF-M d8-321 B 11
| |
Lowest: | | 136.56 km | : Eord Prau WF-M d8-214 9
| |
| |
Average: | | 130,555,279.5919 km | | |
Count: 160,238 | Standard Deviation: | | 225,999,976.7998 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 5,528,120,591.74 | | Eord Prau WF-M d8-321 B 11
| | 136.56 | | Eord Prau WF-M d8-214 9
| 3,749,767,518.71 | | Eord Gree GR-N d6-416 A 10
| | 342.99 | | Dryu Airg CB-O e6-0 A 1
| 3,648,596,205.23 | | Graea Hypue OK-E d12-116 A 1
| | 343.48 | | Hypio Byio HH-U e3-15 A 1
| 3,573,859,896.41 | | Pra Eaewsy UQ-T d4-83 10
| | 345.63 | | Ellaidst AX-C b29-0 1
| 2,920,175,626.71 | | Hyuqia PC-T d4-28 8
| | 408.03 | | Froals KV-B d14-92 A 2
| 2,878,888,529.67 | | Greae Phoea PX-U d2-8 1
| | 411.05 | | Flyae Eaec BB-B c28-8 1
| 2,756,155,815 | | Floalk DL-Y g25 1
| | 426.44 | | Boewnst WY-A e19 B 3
| 2,740,189,857.35 | | Athair SU-O e6-369 1
| | 432.92 | | Eorld Byio EW-W f1-51 BC 5
| 2,676,090,126.79 | | Phipue ZQ-U d3-35 11
| | 457.8 | | Phleedgoea AA-Z e15 A 3
| 2,612,574,677.68 | | Phrooe Blou UT-Q d5-34 18
| | 465.97 | | Eapaisc KG-Y e0 A 1
Helium‑rich gas giant (as moon) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 134,501,695.63 km | : Ovomly CQ-Y f1 13 a
| |
Lowest: | | 11,758.64 km | : Kyloasly CR-U d3-161 B 9 e
| |
| |
Average: | | 30,837,209.0735 km | | |
Count: 17,930 | Standard Deviation: | | 19,107,555.6517 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 134,501,695.63 | | Ovomly CQ-Y f1 13 a
| | 11,758.64 | | Kyloasly CR-U d3-161 B 9 e
| 132,036,298.51 | | Eol Prou AK-A e26 AB 4 a
| | 17,663.33 | | Bauloe US-T d3-433 12 b
| 129,212,623.83 | | Pyraleau EO-C c15-10 AB 3 a
| | 21,226.59 | | Phleedgoea XP-E d12-510 9 c
| 129,124,897.72 | | Oephairgh YJ-A e18 ABC 3 a
| | 28,503.8 | | Umbaitt ZK-W d2-7 A 11 c
| 125,177,240.37 | | Phroea Blou PI-I d10-1026 2 a
| | 32,815.83 | | Eidairld CQ-A c28-36 16 c
| 124,929,654.78 | | Mylaifoi XK-O e6-161 AB 10 a
| | 39,170.89 | | Qoefou AR-C d138 10 e
| 124,458,527.56 | | Graea Hypue YE-Z e47 12 a
| | 49,652.98 | | Gru Drye RE-O d7-49 AB 5 c
| 124,335,092.31 | | Oephaich HC-C d99 11 a
| | 50,300.69 | | Dryao Aoc XY-L c22-328 5 e
| 124,308,330.26 | | Ellogy MC-L d8-47 AB 4 f
| | 55,802.74 | | Dryao Aoc XY-L c22-328 5 f
| 122,891,420.13 | | Blae Phoe RT-G d11-1676 3 a
| | 61,690.77 | | Gru Phio NM-U d3-686 9 b
Helium‑rich gas giant (as planet) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 5,528,120,591.74 km | : Eord Prau WF-M d8-321 B 11
| |
Lowest: | | 136.56 km | : Eord Prau WF-M d8-214 9
| |
| |
Average: | | 143,078,415.4653 km | | |
Count: 142,207 | Standard Deviation: | | 236,742,755.7163 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 5,528,120,591.74 | | Eord Prau WF-M d8-321 B 11
| | 136.56 | | Eord Prau WF-M d8-214 9
| 3,749,767,518.71 | | Eord Gree GR-N d6-416 A 10
| | 342.99 | | Dryu Airg CB-O e6-0 A 1
| 3,648,596,205.23 | | Graea Hypue OK-E d12-116 A 1
| | 343.48 | | Hypio Byio HH-U e3-15 A 1
| 3,573,859,896.41 | | Pra Eaewsy UQ-T d4-83 10
| | 345.63 | | Ellaidst AX-C b29-0 1
| 2,920,175,626.71 | | Hyuqia PC-T d4-28 8
| | 408.03 | | Froals KV-B d14-92 A 2
| 2,878,888,529.67 | | Greae Phoea PX-U d2-8 1
| | 411.05 | | Flyae Eaec BB-B c28-8 1
| 2,756,155,815 | | Floalk DL-Y g25 1
| | 426.44 | | Boewnst WY-A e19 B 3
| 2,740,189,857.35 | | Athair SU-O e6-369 1
| | 432.92 | | Eorld Byio EW-W f1-51 BC 5
| 2,676,090,126.79 | | Phipue ZQ-U d3-35 11
| | 457.8 | | Phleedgoea AA-Z e15 A 3
| 2,612,574,677.68 | | Phrooe Blou UT-Q d5-34 18
| | 465.97 | | Eapaisc KG-Y e0 A 1
Herbig Ae/Be Star (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 2,119,352,563.94 km | : Phoi Aub AA-A h348 ABC 3
| |
Lowest: | | 314.58 km | : Hypoae Chraei AA-A h195 8
| |
| |
Average: | | 102,542,271.1259 km | | |
Count: 36,754 | Standard Deviation: | | 174,939,919.809 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 2,119,352,563.94 | | Phoi Aub AA-A h348 ABC 3
| | 314.58 | | Hypoae Chraei AA-A h195 8
| 2,106,320,830.91 | | Zunai AA-A h99 C
| | 6,206 | | Scheau Pri AA-A h321 8
| 2,087,318,682.8 | | Cleeqai AA-A h606 AB 10
| | 89,984.3 | | Eor Aoc YP-O e6-1857 B
| 1,983,698,422.38 | | Phleedgoea AA-A h427 D
| | 104,571.09 | | Phaa Chruia AA-A h68 A
| 1,937,520,307.46 | | Eorld Grie AA-A h423 17
| | 115,854.11 | | Baukeau AA-A h545 C
| 1,899,655,359.39 | | Whamboo AA-A h32 ABC 4
| | 127,926.4 | | Lyaisaa AA-A h654 A
| 1,882,384,203.08 | | Dryoea Prue AA-A h315 C
| | 128,140.02 | | Hypio Gree AA-A h44 A
| 1,873,086,290.56 | | Eord Blou AA-A h296 AB 1
| | 128,624.23 | | Phae Phlai AA-A h0 A
| 1,846,339,436.29 | | Dumboe AA-A h205 13
| | 132,509.54 | | Choomee AA-A h93 A
| 1,760,328,732.17 | | Wrupu AA-A h719 ABCDE 1
| | 137,814.13 | | Leamue SO-R e4-2787 B
Herbig Ae/Be Star (as main star) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 1,031,370,380.03 km | : Phroea Flya AA-A h70 A
| |
Lowest: | | 104,571.09 km | : Phaa Chruia AA-A h68 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 75,884,347.4968 km | | |
Count: 16,174 | Standard Deviation: | | 100,095,027.388 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 1,031,370,380.03 | | Phroea Flya AA-A h70 A
| | 104,571.09 | | Phaa Chruia AA-A h68 A
| 973,628,416.57 | | Eor Phylio AA-A h171 A
| | 127,926.4 | | Lyaisaa AA-A h654 A
| 973,178,554.03 | | Puekaei AA-A h60 A
| | 128,140.02 | | Hypio Gree AA-A h44 A
| 868,401,693.5 | | Schee Flyuae AA-A h119 A
| | 128,624.23 | | Phae Phlai AA-A h0 A
| 855,453,077.05 | | Sluemea YE-A g18 A
| | 132,509.54 | | Choomee AA-A h93 A
| 846,220,282.34 | | Aiphairns AA-A h1 A
| | 149,321.09 | | Myumbai AA-A h120 A
| 809,296,617.44 | | Flyiedgooe CL-Y g21 A
| | 152,175.02 | | Screakao XO-Z e4584 A
| 780,083,879.54 | | Pyrivai CL-Y g1 A
| | 153,589.79 | | Ogairt AA-A h802 A
| 774,341,475.24 | | Hypiae Aip BA-A g0 A
| | 156,245.92 | | Myumba AA-A h363 A
| 742,282,874.46 | | Cleeqai AA-A h611 A
| | 159,177.48 | | Eorld Grie AA-A h108 A
Herbig Ae/Be Star (as planet) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 2,119,352,563.94 km | : Phoi Aub AA-A h348 ABC 3
| |
Lowest: | | 314.58 km | : Hypoae Chraei AA-A h195 8
| |
| |
Average: | | 880,475,304.7967 km | | |
Count: 91 | Standard Deviation: | | 548,367,637.7901 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 2,119,352,563.94 | | Phoi Aub AA-A h348 ABC 3
| | 314.58 | | Hypoae Chraei AA-A h195 8
| 2,087,318,682.8 | | Cleeqai AA-A h606 AB 10
| | 6,206 | | Scheau Pri AA-A h321 8
| 1,937,520,307.46 | | Eorld Grie AA-A h423 17
| | 1,524,508.96 | | Byoo Airg AA-A h411 AB 7
| 1,899,655,359.39 | | Whamboo AA-A h32 ABC 4
| | 4,655,650.57 | | Wepua AA-A h496 ABC 7
| 1,873,086,290.56 | | Eord Blou AA-A h296 AB 1
| | 6,530,429.13 | | Iwhaind AA-A h118 AB 14
| 1,846,339,436.29 | | Dumboe AA-A h205 13
| | 6,980,789.06 | | Splohaae AA-A h13 11
| 1,760,328,732.17 | | Wrupu AA-A h719 ABCDE 1
| | 7,491,580.37 | | Dryi Chrea AA-A h323 9
| 1,640,153,856.41 | | Schienau AA-A h110 18
| | 9,234,490.17 | | Lyaisoi AA-A h18 AB 6
| 1,592,248,860.3 | | Hypao Chreou AA-A h0 12
| | 10,004,248.67 | | Dryao Chraei AA-A h2 13
| 1,587,449,098.45 | | Pha Aob AA-A h11 A 15
| | 10,247,916.87 | | Cleeqai AA-A h313 11
High metal content world (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 20,374,117,037.93 km | : Eord Prau CZ-D d13-5146 13
| |
Lowest: | | 7.7 km | : Prua Phio XQ-W c2-2 1
| |
| |
Average: | | 80,302,063.7188 km | | |
Count: 81,863,943 | Standard Deviation: | | 127,987,082.0607 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 20,374,117,037.93 | | Eord Prau CZ-D d13-5146 13
| | 7.7 | | Prua Phio XQ-W c2-2 1
| 14,029,836,239.6 | | Eos Chrea JH-V e2-1826 14
| | 12.76 | | Thaileia CC-J a36-1 A 1
| 13,406,533,874.5 | | Blie Phlai CT-U c2-26 A 8
| | 14.59 | | Bleae Thua EM-R b48-0 1
| 13,214,707,447.38 | | Prae Drye OI-Q d6-20 A 7
| | 14.85 | | Thuechaea FA-Q b25-2 1
| 13,047,138,755.73 | | Boepp FD-H d11-11 A 1
| | 15.93 | | Flyae Eaec ZI-U b34-0 1
| 12,919,142,512.74 | | Hyuqe QJ-X d2-1076 A 4
| | 16.8 | | Ridgoo PS-A c14-9 A 1
| 12,588,239,151.09 | | Wepai YJ-R e4-9093 14
| | 17.09 | | NGC 2244 Sector XG-B c14-7 B 1
| 12,507,051,324.37 | | Froarsts HD-A d14-3090 A 1
| | 17.21 | | Pro Eurl XD-K b11-1 1
| 12,197,247,030.58 | | Stuemeae DR-N c6-5417 A 18
| | 17.44 | | Aucoks XV-L a62-1 1
| 11,640,838,100.49 | | Stuemeae RC-U d3-3007 11
| | 18.01 | | Pru Euq TZ-X c14-4 1
High metal content world (as moon) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 56,132,812.57 km | : Phroi Flyuae DY-V c4-3889 5 b
| |
Lowest: | | 31.81 km | : Phroi Flyuae BB-W e2-5728 5 b
| |
| |
Average: | | 1,204,031.054 km | | |
Count: 254,271 | Standard Deviation: | | 1,470,724.5387 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 56,132,812.57 | | Phroi Flyuae DY-V c4-3889 5 b
| | 31.81 | | Phroi Flyuae BB-W e2-5728 5 b
| 27,286,213.67 | | Thee Blou ZE-A g1 AB 5 g
| | 32.24 | | Pro Eurl PY-R d4-0 6 a
| 27,110,401.5 | | 2MASS J18183148-1652122 3 c
| | 32.4 | | Outorst DL-F d11-5 6 a
| 25,166,826.59 | | Dryoea Prau AA-A f1420 2 f
| | 33.43 | | Prai Eon MT-F d12-52 8 a
| 24,753,778.18 | | Braisoea CA-A f2575 A 4 h
| | 36.52 | | Aucofs GI-H d11-82 4 a
| 24,383,029.18 | | Dryao Chraei JI-S e4-5011 9 i
| | 37.77 | | Outoppy KT-I d9-12 4 b
| 24,373,088.69 | | Eorgh Prooe JH-V f2-706 3 h
| | 38.04 | | Gludgeia WJ-Z d11 6 a
| 24,144,182.98 | | Hypou Scraa BQ-Y f702 A 2 f
| | 44.78 | | Grea Hypa BB-L d9-8 8 b
| 24,117,719.07 | | Pru Euq FW-W e1-4 8 d
| | 46.33 | | Schee Flyi CR-N e6-5316 6 c
| 24,045,486.2 | | Dryoi Proo AA-A h145 4 k
| | 47.87 | | Syraleau MJ-P d6-0 6 c
High metal content world (as planet) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 20,374,117,037.93 km | : Eord Prau CZ-D d13-5146 13
| |
Lowest: | | 7.7 km | : Prua Phio XQ-W c2-2 1
| |
| |
Average: | | 80,532,057.4895 km | | |
Count: 81,533,406 | Standard Deviation: | | 128,065,119.0304 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 20,374,117,037.93 | | Eord Prau CZ-D d13-5146 13
| | 7.7 | | Prua Phio XQ-W c2-2 1
| 14,029,836,239.6 | | Eos Chrea JH-V e2-1826 14
| | 12.76 | | Thaileia CC-J a36-1 A 1
| 13,406,533,874.5 | | Blie Phlai CT-U c2-26 A 8
| | 14.59 | | Bleae Thua EM-R b48-0 1
| 13,214,707,447.38 | | Prae Drye OI-Q d6-20 A 7
| | 14.85 | | Thuechaea FA-Q b25-2 1
| 13,047,138,755.73 | | Boepp FD-H d11-11 A 1
| | 15.93 | | Flyae Eaec ZI-U b34-0 1
| 12,919,142,512.74 | | Hyuqe QJ-X d2-1076 A 4
| | 16.8 | | Ridgoo PS-A c14-9 A 1
| 12,588,239,151.09 | | Wepai YJ-R e4-9093 14
| | 17.09 | | NGC 2244 Sector XG-B c14-7 B 1
| 12,507,051,324.37 | | Froarsts HD-A d14-3090 A 1
| | 17.21 | | Pro Eurl XD-K b11-1 1
| 12,197,247,030.58 | | Stuemeae DR-N c6-5417 A 18
| | 17.44 | | Aucoks XV-L a62-1 1
| 11,640,838,100.49 | | Stuemeae RC-U d3-3007 11
| | 18.01 | | Pru Euq TZ-X c14-4 1
High metal content world (landable) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 20,374,117,037.93 km | : Eord Prau CZ-D d13-5146 13
| |
Lowest: | | 12.76 km | : Thaileia CC-J a36-1 A 1
| |
| |
Average: | | 43,366,480.3649 km | | |
Count: 41,813,209 | Standard Deviation: | | 88,369,700.3736 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 20,374,117,037.93 | | Eord Prau CZ-D d13-5146 13
| | 12.76 | | Thaileia CC-J a36-1 A 1
| 11,640,838,100.49 | | Stuemeae RC-U d3-3007 11
| | 14.59 | | Bleae Thua EM-R b48-0 1
| 11,396,464,119 | | Eol Prou DH-K c9-121 10
| | 14.85 | | Thuechaea FA-Q b25-2 1
| 10,031,791,414.16 | | Jonga HC-M c7-0 A 8
| | 15.93 | | Flyae Eaec ZI-U b34-0 1
| 9,927,288,851.84 | | Eol Prou TI-T e3-1485 14
| | 16.8 | | Ridgoo PS-A c14-9 A 1
| 9,264,806,944.38 | | Smojai LS-J c9-4 B 1
| | 17.09 | | NGC 2244 Sector XG-B c14-7 B 1
| 9,178,329,741.94 | | Blae Eork SV-G c13-3 A 10
| | 17.21 | | Pro Eurl XD-K b11-1 1
| 8,973,270,621.93 | | Ploea Eurl CS-A d14-12 B 7
| | 17.44 | | Aucoks XV-L a62-1 1
| 8,820,266,994.24 | | Aucoks WB-S d5-22 A 1
| | 18.01 | | Blooe Phoe CK-F b31-6 1
| 8,628,801,762.28 | | Bleae Thua RI-P c20-4 B 1
| | 18.19 | | Dryooe Flyou GC-C d13-2226 B 1
Icy body (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 26,229,135,140.37 km | : Plio Eurl OE-G c24-23 13
| |
Lowest: | | 10.51 km | : Phroi Pri LX-B d13-1778 2 b
| |
| |
Average: | | 43,544,237.4936 km | | |
Count: 136,759,646 | Standard Deviation: | | 125,522,270.5717 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 26,229,135,140.37 | | Plio Eurl OE-G c24-23 13
| | 10.51 | | Phroi Pri LX-B d13-1778 2 b
| 20,545,185,705.27 | | Wredgau KS-A d14-31 10
| | 10.94 | | Graea Hypue PD-S d4-2 6 a
| 18,206,708,587.85 | | Dryaea Aewsy SH-D c12-1 12
| | 14.54 | | Preae Aewsy RP-E d12-26 3 b
| 15,900,415,689.85 | | Prua Dryoae YF-L d9-33 14
| | 14.74 | | Clooku MF-F b2-28 1 b
| 15,775,786,461.73 | | Hypuae Briae IX-B d13-923 A 1
| | 14.98 | | Graea Hypue RU-W d2-231 2 a
| 15,449,091,521.7 | | Prooe Drye ZE-E c4 A 10
| | 15.94 | | Eephain XS-T d3-178 2 b
| 11,642,620,061.21 | | Blua Hypue TG-A c15-88 A 11
| | 16.12 | | Hypuae Ain RO-P c19-12 4 b
| 11,041,831,207.7 | | Pru Aip FJ-A c14-8 B 1
| | 16.49 | | Crookaae PI-N c9-36 1 b
| 10,920,751,813.32 | | Praea Euq ZP-D b1 13
| | 17.32 | | Prua Phoe JO-F d12-955 1 a
| 10,514,512,273.72 | | Praea Euq GS-J c22-32 11
| | 17.52 | | Brairia PA-C d14-87 A 3 e
Icy body (as moon) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 155,417,883.4 km | : Foijie AA-A h39 B 3 a
| |
Lowest: | | 10.51 km | : Phroi Pri LX-B d13-1778 2 b
| |
| |
Average: | | 1,780,676.4249 km | | |
Count: 93,694,196 | Standard Deviation: | | 3,052,520.2814 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 155,417,883.4 | | Foijie AA-A h39 B 3 a
| | 10.51 | | Phroi Pri LX-B d13-1778 2 b
| 137,355,554.1 | | Flyae Flyuae MX-U f2-675 18 a
| | 10.94 | | Graea Hypue PD-S d4-2 6 a
| 132,860,422.13 | | Schienuia CL-Y g4 16 a
| | 14.54 | | Preae Aewsy RP-E d12-26 3 b
| 132,018,637.66 | | Crookaae DL-Y f10 16 a
| | 14.74 | | Clooku MF-F b2-28 1 b
| 131,587,227.65 | | Dryaa Blou AA-A h23 C 3 g
| | 14.98 | | Graea Hypue RU-W d2-231 2 a
| 130,591,014.91 | | Pyraniae TS-U e2-27 21 a
| | 15.94 | | Eephain XS-T d3-178 2 b
| 130,513,838.08 | | Dryi Chraei JC-V e2-9528 15 a
| | 16.12 | | Hypuae Ain RO-P c19-12 4 b
| 129,468,315.84 | | Zunao RN-T e3-6507 12 a
| | 16.49 | | Crookaae PI-N c9-36 1 b
| 126,910,704.37 | | Scheau Byoe IM-W f1-119 3 a
| | 17.32 | | Prua Phoe JO-F d12-955 1 a
| 125,018,161.54 | | Blua Eaec HM-V e2-1924 12 a
| | 17.52 | | Brairia PA-C d14-87 A 3 e
Icy body (as planet) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 26,229,135,140.37 km | : Plio Eurl OE-G c24-23 13
| |
Lowest: | | 25.98 km | : Thaileia SZ-K a35-3 1
| |
| |
Average: | | 134,330,765.9406 km | | |
Count: 43,011,391 | Standard Deviation: | | 194,739,257.0203 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 26,229,135,140.37 | | Plio Eurl OE-G c24-23 13
| | 25.98 | | Thaileia SZ-K a35-3 1
| 20,545,185,705.27 | | Wredgau KS-A d14-31 10
| | 34.81 | | Lysoosms KD-Z b28-1 1
| 18,206,708,587.85 | | Dryaea Aewsy SH-D c12-1 12
| | 34.99 | | Scaulua NY-R a31-16 1
| 15,900,415,689.85 | | Prua Dryoae YF-L d9-33 14
| | 35.03 | | Flyooe Hypue GD-L a21-3 1
| 15,775,786,461.73 | | Hypuae Briae IX-B d13-923 A 1
| | 38.72 | | Prudgaei LO-R a45-0 1
| 15,449,091,521.7 | | Prooe Drye ZE-E c4 A 10
| | 39.64 | | Pyraleau FJ-G b3-7 2
| 11,642,620,061.21 | | Blua Hypue TG-A c15-88 A 11
| | 41.7 | | Prua Phoea TF-P b38-10 3
| 11,041,831,207.7 | | Pru Aip FJ-A c14-8 B 1
| | 44.25 | | Hyades Sector AG-V b3-1 B 3
| 10,920,751,813.32 | | Praea Euq ZP-D b1 13
| | 44.67 | | Floalt JK-S b10-68 B 2
| 10,514,512,273.72 | | Praea Euq GS-J c22-32 11
| | 45.4 | | Bleia Dryiae VC-P a101-1 1
Icy body (landable) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 15,775,786,461.73 km | : Hypuae Briae IX-B d13-923 A 1
| |
Lowest: | | 10.51 km | : Phroi Pri LX-B d13-1778 2 b
| |
| |
Average: | | 21,098,200.8594 km | | |
Count: 93,264,637 | Standard Deviation: | | 87,713,871.7273 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 15,775,786,461.73 | | Hypuae Briae IX-B d13-923 A 1
| | 10.51 | | Phroi Pri LX-B d13-1778 2 b
| 10,001,165,499.99 | | Wregoe XH-Z c27-10 A 1
| | 10.94 | | Graea Hypue PD-S d4-2 6 a
| 8,027,257,527.72 | | Flyiedgiae AA-A h43 A 1
| | 14.74 | | Clooku MF-F b2-28 1 b
| 7,560,122,427.71 | | Bleae Eurl AA-A h0 C 1
| | 14.98 | | Graea Hypue RU-W d2-231 2 a
| 7,399,826,903.67 | | Pyraea Thua EW-N c6-0 B 1
| | 17.32 | | Prua Phoe JO-F d12-955 1 a
| 6,742,065,515.9 | | Thailoe AA-A h69 A 1
| | 18.59 | | M17 Sector PO-Q d5-4 2 c
| 6,605,398,006.87 | | Clooku LS-T e3-80 A 1
| | 20.06 | | Lasu KH-D d12-60 A 3 b
| 6,546,862,961.3 | | Synuefe MW-C b32-4 A 1
| | 20.23 | | Blo Aoscs LA-A d16 5 b
| 6,273,278,691.82 | | Dumboea FG-Y g2488 A 1
| | 20.91 | | Praea Euq SC-M c7-12 BC 8 a
| 5,881,645,219.02 | | Running Man Sector CG-X c1-10 A 10
| | 21.04 | | Praea Euq ZL-Y c0 5 b
K (Yellow‑Orange giant) Star (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 1,510,753,123.94 km | : V404 Cygni
| |
Lowest: | | 313,605.06 km | : HIP 34004 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 46,229,906.3964 km | | |
Count: 6,963 | Standard Deviation: | | 58,131,725.9349 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 1,510,753,123.94 | | V404 Cygni
| | 313,605.06 | | HIP 34004 A
| 1,454,623,400.3 | | Phoo Scroi AA-A h3 AB 7
| | 331,457.67 | | HD 108298 A
| 615,678,921.92 | | T-2 Carinae
| | 358,654.88 | | HD 212235 A
| 520,219,380.35 | | Dryao Scraa LX-U f2-885 B
| | 400,720.76 | | HIP 91107 A
| 428,639,415.37 | | Dabih Major
| | 439,379.26 | | HIP 57937 A
| 395,971,388.55 | | Eor Audst KM-W f1-2280 B
| | 459,096.3 | | HIP 60532 A
| 390,073,645.67 | | Leamiae FG-Y f2000 B
| | 479,902.44 | | LTT 2361 A
| 386,132,817.21 | | Almach
| | 485,894.99 | | HIP 114799 A
| 371,070,546.57 | | Schiqaea ZA-V d3-0 A
| | 508,517.54 | | HD 101758 A
| 350,223,319.95 | | Dryaa Flyi RH-M d7-1746 A
| | 516,212.06 | | 21 Eridani A
K (Yellow‑Orange giant) Star (as main star) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 1,510,753,123.94 km | : V404 Cygni
| |
Lowest: | | 313,605.06 km | : HIP 34004 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 44,756,167.8898 km | | |
Count: 6,454 | Standard Deviation: | | 53,676,144.7793 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 1,510,753,123.94 | | V404 Cygni
| | 313,605.06 | | HIP 34004 A
| 615,678,921.92 | | T-2 Carinae
| | 331,457.67 | | HD 108298 A
| 428,639,415.37 | | Dabih Major
| | 358,654.88 | | HD 212235 A
| 386,132,817.21 | | Almach
| | 400,720.76 | | HIP 91107 A
| 371,070,546.57 | | Schiqaea ZA-V d3-0 A
| | 439,379.26 | | HIP 57937 A
| 350,223,319.95 | | Dryaa Flyi RH-M d7-1746 A
| | 459,096.3 | | HIP 60532 A
| 343,250,313.5 | | Huemo FD-Q d6-474 A
| | 479,902.44 | | LTT 2361 A
| 333,405,953.19 | | Dryau Ausms PC-V e2-1040 A
| | 485,894.99 | | HIP 114799 A
| 319,869,551.45 | | Systimbu PD-T e3-5261 A
| | 508,517.54 | | HD 101758 A
| 313,569,707.73 | | Scaulou DG-E d12-1596 A
| | 516,212.06 | | 21 Eridani A
K (Yellow‑Orange giant) Star (as planet) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 1,454,623,400.3 km | : Phoo Scroi AA-A h3 AB 7
| |
Lowest: | | 19,695,811.37 km | : Rothie AA-A h482 1
| |
| |
Average: | | 737,159,605.835 km | | |
Count: 2 | Standard Deviation: | | 717,463,794.465 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 1,454,623,400.3 | | Phoo Scroi AA-A h3 AB 7
| | 19,695,811.37 | | Rothie AA-A h482 1
| 19,695,811.37 | | Rothie AA-A h482 1
| | 1,454,623,400.3 | | Phoo Scroi AA-A h3 AB 7
K (Yellow‑Orange) Star (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 2,676,508,577.59 km | : Skombuia AA-A h509 3
| |
Lowest: | | 44.9 km | : Phroi Blou AA-A h31 1
| |
| |
Average: | | 43,505,757.9979 km | | |
Count: 4,614,081 | Standard Deviation: | | 74,836,506.8512 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 2,676,508,577.59 | | Skombuia AA-A h509 3
| | 44.9 | | Phroi Blou AA-A h31 1
| 2,676,148,407.91 | | Eotchofy AA-A h22 4
| | 58.27 | | Myumbe AA-A h129 AB 8
| 2,669,471,699.97 | | Eok Pruae AA-A h334 5
| | 62.15 | | Dryoi Grie AA-A h407 1
| 2,668,023,355.5 | | Eulain AA-A h447 3
| | 83 | | Eorl Scrua AA-A h234 ABCDEF 4
| 2,636,481,110.65 | | Eord Byio AA-A h451 6
| | 87.25 | | Dryuae Scraa AA-A h368 AB 3
| 2,622,715,371.49 | | Phroi Pruae AA-A h298 5
| | 117 | | Scheau Flyi AA-A h308 A 1
| 2,621,177,712.74 | | Eor Phyloi AA-A h557 4
| | 147.93 | | Eord Bla AA-A h45 AB 1
| 2,601,027,490.47 | | Systimbuia AA-A h336 4
| | 170.16 | | Eord Bloo AA-A h33 ABCD 5
| 2,585,523,719.91 | | Straneae AA-A h98 4
| | 178.77 | | Pra Phraa AA-A h0 AB 1
| 2,578,668,609.41 | | Dryoea Flyi AA-A h55 5
| | 198.31 | | Leamiae AA-A h555 1
K (Yellow‑Orange) Star (as main star) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 374,076,636.06 km | : Synuefue EJ-B c29-1 A
| |
Lowest: | | 78,446.08 km | : Bleia Dryoae YT-M c9-10 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 32,420,095.945 km | | |
Count: 1,866,949 | Standard Deviation: | | 40,391,468.9351 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 374,076,636.06 | | Synuefue EJ-B c29-1 A
| | 78,446.08 | | Bleia Dryoae YT-M c9-10 A
| 372,517,351.14 | | Hypiae Auscs NC-C d1027 A
| | 84,252.61 | | Phoi Bre SA-U c4-164 A
| 372,234,687.28 | | Flyae Hypoi RR-W c4-0 A
| | 93,943.2 | | Pru Eurk OB-X c1-6 A
| 370,070,067.38 | | Blu Euq MN-S c17-7 A
| | 96,974.5 | | Clooku VB-Z c15-40 A
| 368,022,186.17 | | Eok Bluae IO-V c4-7344 A
| | 97,350.4 | | Blaa Dryooe OH-V c5-0 A
| 362,619,289.74 | | Stuelaa MJ-S c20-11 A
| | 99,548.77 | | Dryaa Pruae SR-F c871 A
| 362,002,578.27 | | Preia Phoe BA-G c27-7 A
| | 99,876.12 | | Col 359 Sector OP-L c22-6 A
| 361,529,853.18 | | Blae Drye CD-H c24-1 A
| | 101,117.16 | | Gru Dryiae TK-Z c16-15 A
| 359,438,448.99 | | Phoi Aurb UG-P c21-4 A
| | 101,697.1 | | Eol Prou TO-G c11-196 A
| 357,394,944.46 | | Gludgae EC-B c27-5 A
| | 103,015.08 | | Rhoolaa PH-K c25-0 A
K (Yellow‑Orange) Star (as planet) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 2,676,508,577.59 km | : Skombuia AA-A h509 3
| |
Lowest: | | 44.9 km | : Phroi Blou AA-A h31 1
| |
| |
Average: | | 804,597,546.0835 km | | |
Count: 7,862 | Standard Deviation: | | 584,688,481.8357 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 2,676,508,577.59 | | Skombuia AA-A h509 3
| | 44.9 | | Phroi Blou AA-A h31 1
| 2,676,148,407.91 | | Eotchofy AA-A h22 4
| | 58.27 | | Myumbe AA-A h129 AB 8
| 2,668,023,355.5 | | Eulain AA-A h447 3
| | 62.15 | | Dryoi Grie AA-A h407 1
| 2,636,481,110.65 | | Eord Byio AA-A h451 6
| | 83 | | Eorl Scrua AA-A h234 ABCDEF 4
| 2,622,715,371.49 | | Phroi Pruae AA-A h298 5
| | 87.25 | | Dryuae Scraa AA-A h368 AB 3
| 2,621,177,712.74 | | Eor Phyloi AA-A h557 4
| | 117 | | Scheau Flyi AA-A h308 A 1
| 2,601,027,490.47 | | Systimbuia AA-A h336 4
| | 147.93 | | Eord Bla AA-A h45 AB 1
| 2,585,523,719.91 | | Straneae AA-A h98 4
| | 170.16 | | Eord Bloo AA-A h33 ABCD 5
| 2,578,668,609.41 | | Dryoea Flyi AA-A h55 5
| | 178.77 | | Pra Phraa AA-A h0 AB 1
| 2,541,792,670.38 | | Skombuia AA-A h503 4
| | 198.31 | | Leamiae AA-A h555 1
L (Brown dwarf) Star (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 7,115,377,770.82 km | : Beta Lupi 9
| |
Lowest: | | 0.6 km | : Foijie CL-Y g256 AB 3
| |
| |
Average: | | 37,764,152.0813 km | | |
Count: 4,891,148 | Standard Deviation: | | 79,027,717.2261 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 7,115,377,770.82 | | Beta Lupi 9
| | 0.6 | | Foijie CL-Y g256 AB 3
| 4,467,204,773.87 | | Screakai HM-V e2-1419 9
| | 25.3 | | Hypiae Aurb AA-A h210 AB 8
| 2,936,782,868.49 | | Dryi Phyloi AA-A h474 A 6
| | 41.1 | | Dryoea Gree AA-A h34 AB 9
| 2,855,355,600.6 | | Wepaa BA-A g1392 3
| | 71.34 | | Dryuae Phyloea AA-A h196 AB 5
| 2,839,414,051.52 | | Dryao Scraa AA-A h822 3
| | 80.19 | | Dryao Phylio AA-A h164 AB 12
| 2,790,653,126.92 | | Rothie AA-A h502 5
| | 110.28 | | Phraa Pruae AA-A h107 ABCD 4
| 2,762,062,665.11 | | Wepoae AA-A h234 5
| | 114.8 | | Scheau Proo AA-A h321 AB 12
| 2,743,162,854.94 | | Aunaiwyg AA-A h313 6
| | 130.65 | | Stueloo AA-A h65 BC 1
| 2,742,472,079.26 | | Scheau Flyi AA-A g823 5
| | 133.53 | | Noijo AA-A h55 AB 1
| 2,739,182,132.7 | | Wepae AA-A h588 7
| | 137.18 | | Athairk AA-A h136 AB 3
L (Brown dwarf) Star (as main star) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 201,342,933.14 km | : Boeph HR-G b55-48 A
| |
Lowest: | | 95,275.34 km | : Pencil Sector UZ-F a11-1 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 19,540,905.7236 km | | |
Count: 67,602 | Standard Deviation: | | 24,016,532.8839 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 201,342,933.14 | | Boeph HR-G b55-48 A
| | 95,275.34 | | Pencil Sector UZ-F a11-1 A
| 199,246,394.11 | | Slegou WX-W b20-2 A
| | 108,755.18 | | Qoefe QU-E a11-0 A
| 192,697,176.34 | | Byeia Ain DR-N d6-3377 A
| | 116,666.75 | | Byooe Aowsy GI-Y b6-0 A
| 190,213,480.59 | | Gria Eork YV-J a118-1 A
| | 118,187.86 | | Nyeajoa DL-V b49-6 A
| 186,559,568.96 | | Skaudai KX-H b53-1 A
| | 127,270.25 | | Pyroifoi KA-M a48-0 A
| 183,996,288.87 | | Lysoorb AH-W b6-0 A
| | 127,739.66 | | Prooe Hypue OS-S a3-2 A
| 183,922,541.64 | | Preae Aescs FX-G b25-0 A
| | 128,216.48 | | Bleia Byoe DW-K a90-1 A
| 183,153,948.3 | | Wredguia HE-Z b14-0 A
| | 128,298.24 | | Drojeae XI-L a76-1 A
| 181,072,515.08 | | Bleae Eurk VX-E b26-1 A
| | 130,869.64 | | Traikee VT-L b23-0 A
| 180,928,998.64 | | Byeia Eurk FI-O b9-0 A
| | 136,234.79 | | Ploea Eurl WX-X b57-0 A
L (Brown dwarf) Star (as moon) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 129,422,155.78 km | : Phrio Flya AA-A h255 1 a
| |
Lowest: | | 3,112.29 km | : Eoch Pra AA-A h115 ABC 5 a
| |
| |
Average: | | 58,597,831.1122 km | | |
Count: 192 | Standard Deviation: | | 22,860,965.7871 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 129,422,155.78 | | Phrio Flya AA-A h255 1 a
| | 3,112.29 | | Eoch Pra AA-A h115 ABC 5 a
| 129,143,717.89 | | Nuekuae AA-A h63 3 c
| | 1,007,481.56 | | IGR J17269-4737 2 a
| 119,912,892.58 | | Dryoi Proo AA-A h241 3 i
| | 6,009,007.3 | | Phaa Aug AA-A h83 AB 3 a
| 111,460,974.59 | | Phrio Flyai AA-A h295 5 a
| | 7,752,346.24 | | Phaa Aug AA-A h83 AB 3 b
| 108,391,976.36 | | Qepua AA-A h0 DE 3 c
| | 15,010,717.7 | | Juemuia AA-A h14 AB 3 a
| 108,159,631.36 | | Athairk AA-A h155 ABC 3 a
| | 19,003,881.22 | | Systimbea AA-A h275 AB 4 a
| 106,117,522.72 | | Wepooe AA-A h319 2 a
| | 19,008,505.34 | | Eor Phyloi AA-A h161 AB 5 e
| 104,317,390.92 | | Chraisue AA-A h130 AB 2 a
| | 25,029,126.14 | | Brambe AA-A h347 AB 6 a
| 104,087,199.74 | | Phaa Aug AA-A h171 AB 2 a
| | 25,194,566.85 | | S171 40 6 a
| 100,715,261.7 | | Dryi Aug AA-A h306 2 b
| | 27,486,538.89 | | Umbairrs AA-A h402 ABCD 1 h
L (Brown dwarf) Star (as planet) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 7,115,377,770.82 km | : Beta Lupi 9
| |
Lowest: | | 0.6 km | : Foijie CL-Y g256 AB 3
| |
| |
Average: | | 441,521,463.2384 km | | |
Count: 37,998 | Standard Deviation: | | 533,364,578.4134 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 7,115,377,770.82 | | Beta Lupi 9
| | 0.6 | | Foijie CL-Y g256 AB 3
| 4,467,204,773.87 | | Screakai HM-V e2-1419 9
| | 25.3 | | Hypiae Aurb AA-A h210 AB 8
| 2,936,782,868.49 | | Dryi Phyloi AA-A h474 A 6
| | 41.1 | | Dryoea Gree AA-A h34 AB 9
| 2,839,414,051.52 | | Dryao Scraa AA-A h822 3
| | 71.34 | | Dryuae Phyloea AA-A h196 AB 5
| 2,790,653,126.92 | | Rothie AA-A h502 5
| | 80.19 | | Dryao Phylio AA-A h164 AB 12
| 2,743,162,854.94 | | Aunaiwyg AA-A h313 6
| | 110.28 | | Phraa Pruae AA-A h107 ABCD 4
| 2,742,472,079.26 | | Scheau Flyi AA-A g823 5
| | 114.8 | | Scheau Proo AA-A h321 AB 12
| 2,739,182,132.7 | | Wepae AA-A h588 7
| | 130.65 | | Stueloo AA-A h65 BC 1
| 2,731,920,252.28 | | Dryau Bro AA-A h49 4
| | 133.53 | | Noijo AA-A h55 AB 1
| 2,727,642,958.37 | | Dryoea Bla AA-A h309 7
| | 137.18 | | Athairk AA-A h136 AB 3
M (Red dwarf) Star (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 2,874,206,631.05 km | : Systimbea AA-A h129 5
| |
Lowest: | | 56.36 km | : Phroea Ploe AA-A h300 AB 7
| |
| |
Average: | | 38,142,599.2886 km | | |
Count: 10,839,882 | Standard Deviation: | | 72,721,985.5381 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 2,874,206,631.05 | | Systimbea AA-A h129 5
| | 56.36 | | Phroea Ploe AA-A h300 AB 7
| 2,801,350,519.41 | | Juenoea AA-A h106 4
| | 69.75 | | Dryau Phylio AA-A h492 ABCDE 5
| 2,794,853,604.9 | | Prae Eaec AA-A h41 A 5
| | 75.45 | | Wrupaea AA-A h412 BC 2
| 2,779,019,306.98 | | Plimbea AA-A h313 3
| | 85.22 | | Hypoae Aurb AA-A h4 BC 8
| 2,774,302,963.6 | | Chraisao AA-A h134 4
| | 104.79 | | Hypiae Ausms AA-A h656 BC 1
| 2,774,287,067.26 | | Wepae AA-A h757 A 7
| | 115.01 | | Phraa Pruae AA-A h122 AB 6
| 2,771,255,568.06 | | Nuekie AA-A h35 5
| | 117.2 | | Eord Bla AA-A h215 AB 8
| 2,766,757,853.83 | | Eoch Blou AA-A h290 4
| | 119.16 | | Xeeheou AA-A h18 A 1
| 2,760,015,993.51 | | Hypio Prao AA-A h17 3
| | 121.26 | | Screake LX-T e3-4801 2
| 2,757,823,220.19 | | Eord Blooe AA-A h424 6
| | 122.04 | | Eulain AA-A h66 AB 8
M (Red dwarf) Star (as main star) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 339,864,605.42 km | : Wredguia RT-R b46-1 A
| |
Lowest: | | 77,770.62 km | : Byeia Ain XO-K b49-40 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 25,179,561.5095 km | | |
Count: 2,597,411 | Standard Deviation: | | 31,507,190.436 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 339,864,605.42 | | Wredguia RT-R b46-1 A
| | 77,770.62 | | Byeia Ain XO-K b49-40 A
| 339,224,077.76 | | Oephaidst CF-Z b1-83 A
| | 81,819.17 | | Striechoo XP-L b54-2 A
| 320,011,003.46 | | Dryaa Flyi LT-I d9-2216 A
| | 82,692.29 | | Flya Hypae DK-Y b20-0 A
| 314,893,232.88 | | Wredguia IA-Z b55-5 A
| | 83,364.67 | | Prua Dryoae VO-B a109-0 A
| 309,977,568 | | Eos Free BA-F c25-2715 A
| | 85,126.75 | | Fedgie EW-R b7-0 A
| 308,626,298.23 | | Slyaiks QC-M c10-0 A
| | 86,626.04 | | Byoi Ain BR-P c21-53 A
| 298,754,545.3 | | LTT 5972 A
| | 88,820.33 | | NGC 6871 Sector SX-U b31-3 A
| 296,662,953.61 | | Myiesooe ON-P c20-0 A
| | 90,931.11 | | Oochoss FN-R b38-1 A
| 296,517,894.08 | | Prooe Drye ME-C b5-1 A
| | 92,021.58 | | Smootiae NT-N b6-12 A
| 295,597,201.44 | | Juenae YA-L c9-2561 A
| | 93,605.17 | | Lysoorb CR-H b37-1 A
M (Red dwarf) Star (as moon) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 102,973,091.6 km | : Throets AA-A h373 AB 10 b
| |
Lowest: | | 19,749,476.31 km | : Dryoea Bli AA-A h403 ABC 1 a
| |
| |
Average: | | 56,732,154.3836 km | | |
Count: 28 | Standard Deviation: | | 23,307,512.2422 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 102,973,091.6 | | Throets AA-A h373 AB 10 b
| | 19,749,476.31 | | Dryoea Bli AA-A h403 ABC 1 a
| 102,137,667.58 | | Treque AA-A h0 3 a
| | 19,776,830.08 | | Dryao Phyloi AA-A h72 AB 1 a
| 98,783,412.22 | | Eachaiv AA-A h521 AB 2 a
| | 28,672,356.35 | | Dryao Phylio AA-A h111 ABCD 2 e
| 91,847,413.78 | | Kyloaln AA-A h627 AB 5 a
| | 30,071,711.74 | | Clooku AA-A h28 ABC 2 b
| 86,014,950.28 | | Eor Bro AA-A h474 3 a
| | 34,797,664.88 | | Schieno AA-A h126 AB 7 a
| 71,718,760.73 | | Dryau Scraa AA-A h743 AB 4 a
| | 36,676,001.79 | | Phrio Flyai AA-A h260 AB 7 d
| 69,570,314.24 | | Dryaa Pruae AA-A h682 2 a
| | 37,994,130.85 | | Plipaa AA-A h10 ABC 1 a
| 67,154,025.44 | | Skombuia AA-A h509 2 b
| | 41,303,257.09 | | Myumbau AA-A h295 AB 1 a
| 66,634,692.55 | | Eorgh Prou AA-A h110 ABC 1 a
| | 42,298,261.5 | | Speamoi AA-A h279 A 1 a
| 64,152,285.46 | | Nyuenoi AA-A h417 ABC 2 a
| | 43,318,317.06 | | Dryoi Grie AA-A h217 ABC 2 a
M (Red dwarf) Star (as planet) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 2,874,206,631.05 km | : Systimbea AA-A h129 5
| |
Lowest: | | 56.36 km | : Phroea Ploe AA-A h300 AB 7
| |
| |
Average: | | 637,538,590.606 km | | |
Count: 30,864 | Standard Deviation: | | 588,718,282.9984 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 2,874,206,631.05 | | Systimbea AA-A h129 5
| | 56.36 | | Phroea Ploe AA-A h300 AB 7
| 2,801,350,519.41 | | Juenoea AA-A h106 4
| | 69.75 | | Dryau Phylio AA-A h492 ABCDE 5
| 2,794,853,604.9 | | Prae Eaec AA-A h41 A 5
| | 75.45 | | Wrupaea AA-A h412 BC 2
| 2,779,019,306.98 | | Plimbea AA-A h313 3
| | 85.22 | | Hypoae Aurb AA-A h4 BC 8
| 2,774,302,963.6 | | Chraisao AA-A h134 4
| | 104.79 | | Hypiae Ausms AA-A h656 BC 1
| 2,774,287,067.26 | | Wepae AA-A h757 A 7
| | 115.01 | | Phraa Pruae AA-A h122 AB 6
| 2,771,255,568.06 | | Nuekie AA-A h35 5
| | 117.2 | | Eord Bla AA-A h215 AB 8
| 2,766,757,853.83 | | Eoch Blou AA-A h290 4
| | 119.16 | | Xeeheou AA-A h18 A 1
| 2,760,015,993.51 | | Hypio Prao AA-A h17 3
| | 121.26 | | Screake LX-T e3-4801 2
| 2,757,823,220.19 | | Eord Blooe AA-A h424 6
| | 122.04 | | Eulain AA-A h66 AB 8
M (Red giant) Star (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 2,536,390,629.21 km | : Phleedgaa AA-A h141 5
| |
Lowest: | | 667.3 km | : Leamiae AA-A h3 2
| |
| |
Average: | | 40,530,774.6527 km | | |
Count: 46,906 | Standard Deviation: | | 80,534,364.7844 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 2,536,390,629.21 | | Phleedgaa AA-A h141 5
| | 667.3 | | Leamiae AA-A h3 2
| 2,438,472,244.87 | | Skombeou AA-A h288 A 6
| | 1,896.16 | | Gleeqai AA-A h261 A 2
| 1,740,026,936.04 | | Oob Auf AA-A h1 2
| | 3,315.09 | | Hyuqoae AA-A h317 AB 2
| 1,692,425,988.74 | | Myumboo AA-A h476 4
| | 3,530.79 | | Dryaa Flyoo AA-A h799 A 1
| 1,659,295,945.51 | | Hypo Auf AA-A h94 A 4
| | 4,682.9 | | HD 178487 A 3
| 1,640,161,257.24 | | Eor Phyloi AA-A h281 3
| | 7,986.96 | | Eord Gree AA-A h314 AB 6
| 1,628,619,352.8 | | Dryio Bluae AA-A h397 5
| | 64,057.26 | | Rothie AA-A h45 A 1
| 1,621,287,015.06 | | Eord Byio AA-A h535 3
| | 105,284.16 | | Droju IK-A b20-2 A
| 1,590,006,161.64 | | Gleeque AA-A h386 3
| | 119,056.81 | | Synuefe LT-H d10-9 C
| 1,565,810,473.54 | | Eorl Scrua AA-A h525 5
| | 123,167.25 | | Byaa Auwsy HU-K b24-0 A
M (Red giant) Star (as main star) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 482,054,250.72 km | : Thailae EQ-Y d0 A | |
Lowest: | | 105,284.16 km | : Droju IK-A b20-2 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 31,560,491.0427 km | | |
Count: 15,467 | Standard Deviation: | | 38,507,933.5646 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 482,054,250.72 | | Thailae EQ-Y d0 A
| | 105,284.16 | | Droju IK-A b20-2 A
| 372,034,027.74 | | Phrae Flyou XC-V d2-640 A
| | 123,167.25 | | Byaa Auwsy HU-K b24-0 A
| 334,361,962.24 | | Oufaisc HT-P d6-872 A
| | 142,857.03 | | Nuekuae XO-H b14-9 A
| 327,810,441.87 | | Phimbaae LU-D d13-1832 A
| | 143,305.69 | | Col 285 Sector EC-P b21-0 A
| 319,600,505.57 | | Byoi Aip AV-V d3-92 A
| | 154,797.46 | | Thaileia AL-D b32-2 A
| 318,744,919.77 | | Drumboa EA-A d859 A
| | 154,814.69 | | Puwhoi ZF-H b10-0 A
| 309,615,722.17 | | Aucoll BV-G d10-0 A
| | 159,718.23 | | Smojai YO-V b45-0 A
| 281,119,732.8 | | Eoch Grea VU-N d7-73 A
| | 162,168.69 | | Outott QZ-S b3-5 A
| 280,472,216.25 | | Umbaist ZQ-D d12-3535 A
| | 165,930.04 | | Dryua Flyuae JM-V b22-2 A
| 278,920,963.59 | | Eoch Flya ER-C d106 A
| | 166,731.97 | | Bleia Byio SV-N b26-0 A
M (Red giant) Star (as planet) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 2,536,390,629.21 km | : Phleedgaa AA-A h141 5
| |
Lowest: | | 667.3 km | : Leamiae AA-A h3 2
| |
| |
Average: | | 799,195,109.465 km | | |
Count: 176 | Standard Deviation: | | 566,663,245.6538 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 2,536,390,629.21 | | Phleedgaa AA-A h141 5
| | 667.3 | | Leamiae AA-A h3 2
| 2,438,472,244.87 | | Skombeou AA-A h288 A 6
| | 1,896.16 | | Gleeqai AA-A h261 A 2
| 1,740,026,936.04 | | Oob Auf AA-A h1 2
| | 3,315.09 | | Hyuqoae AA-A h317 AB 2
| 1,692,425,988.74 | | Myumboo AA-A h476 4
| | 3,530.79 | | Dryaa Flyoo AA-A h799 A 1
| 1,659,295,945.51 | | Hypo Auf AA-A h94 A 4
| | 4,682.9 | | HD 178487 A 3
| 1,640,161,257.24 | | Eor Phyloi AA-A h281 3
| | 7,986.96 | | Eord Gree AA-A h314 AB 6
| 1,628,619,352.8 | | Dryio Bluae AA-A h397 5
| | 64,057.26 | | Rothie AA-A h45 A 1
| 1,621,287,015.06 | | Eord Byio AA-A h535 3
| | 185,169.83 | | Flease AA-A h13 ABC 3
| 1,590,006,161.64 | | Gleeque AA-A h386 3
| | 4,087,972.41 | | Schee Prue AA-A h69 1
| 1,565,810,473.54 | | Eorl Scrua AA-A h525 5
| | 6,084,795.65 | | Wrupeae AA-A h835 1
M (Red super giant) Star (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 424,198,997.78 km | : Phrio Pra YE-A g60 C
| |
Lowest: | | 7,813,458.08 km | : Systimbu VE-R e4-3305 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 56,674,042.5052 km | | |
Count: 364 | Standard Deviation: | | 64,166,407.7507 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 424,198,997.78 | | Phrio Pra YE-A g60 C
| | 7,813,458.08 | | Systimbu VE-R e4-3305 A
| 420,190,989.62 | | Clooku BA-A f131 B
| | 7,878,111.4 | | Systimbea IG-Y e1474 A
| 361,878,185.01 | | Dryoi Pri VE-R e4-4568 C
| | 8,106,595.33 | | Dryoea Bli VJ-Q e5-399 A
| 320,574,792.43 | | Noijuae EG-Y f167 B
| | 8,998,419.08 | | Agnairt FF-A e2254 A
| 273,779,738.76 | | Bloomee FB-W e2-9033 A
| | 9,402,148.82 | | Eok Flyoo VU-O e6-1644 C
| 272,709,741.87 | | Phoi Auwsy PZ-O e6-952 A
| | 9,439,548.79 | | Athairk YE-A e2534 A
| 257,080,805.17 | | Hypiae Aurb FL-P e5-342 A
| | 9,464,659.43 | | Lyrongou PS-U e2-571 A
| 254,546,951.62 | | Juenio XJ-R e4-7376 A
| | 9,632,217.17 | | Dryoea Blao MS-U e2-2629 A
| 239,017,622 | | Eoch Pri UE-R e4-4453 A
| | 9,651,243.02 | | Myumbao NI-S e4-1067 A
| 236,584,683.31 | | Hypuae Audst HW-N e6-3791 A
| | 9,690,968.67 | | Dryao Ausms GR-N e6-4654 A
M (Red super giant) Star (as main star) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 273,779,738.76 km | : Bloomee FB-W e2-9033 A
| |
Lowest: | | 7,813,458.08 km | : Systimbu VE-R e4-3305 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 53,354,231.7514 km | | |
Count: 329 | Standard Deviation: | | 55,327,428.8588 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 273,779,738.76 | | Bloomee FB-W e2-9033 A
| | 7,813,458.08 | | Systimbu VE-R e4-3305 A
| 272,709,741.87 | | Phoi Auwsy PZ-O e6-952 A
| | 7,878,111.4 | | Systimbea IG-Y e1474 A
| 257,080,805.17 | | Hypiae Aurb FL-P e5-342 A
| | 8,106,595.33 | | Dryoea Bli VJ-Q e5-399 A
| 254,546,951.62 | | Juenio XJ-R e4-7376 A
| | 8,998,419.08 | | Agnairt FF-A e2254 A
| 239,017,622 | | Eoch Pri UE-R e4-4453 A
| | 9,439,548.79 | | Athairk YE-A e2534 A
| 236,584,683.31 | | Hypuae Audst HW-N e6-3791 A
| | 9,464,659.43 | | Lyrongou PS-U e2-571 A
| 216,565,189.86 | | Schienau BG-X e1-261 A
| | 9,632,217.17 | | Dryoea Blao MS-U e2-2629 A
| 203,516,604.79 | | Myumbo NI-S e4-312 A
| | 9,651,243.02 | | Myumbao NI-S e4-1067 A
| 200,138,646.36 | | Byoomu NS-U e2-1435 A
| | 9,690,968.67 | | Dryao Ausms GR-N e6-4654 A
| 193,592,817.79 | | Phoi Auwsy PZ-O e6-1787 A
| | 9,850,609.55 | | Phrio Flyai JC-U e3-1865 A
MS‑type Star (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 1,553,365,251.32 km | : Phroea Ploe AA-A h344 AB 1
| |
Lowest: | | 366.26 km | : Phoi Scraa AA-A h474 2
| |
| |
Average: | | 43,732,319.9523 km | | |
Count: 3,494 | Standard Deviation: | | 62,271,995.2796 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 1,553,365,251.32 | | Phroea Ploe AA-A h344 AB 1
| | 366.26 | | Phoi Scraa AA-A h474 2
| 1,373,695,298.06 | | Athairk AA-A h647 AB 1
| | 3,982,337.99 | | Aunaiwyg GV-P d5-432 A
| 917,103,932.93 | | Tepou AA-A h482 1
| | 4,025,259.48 | | Prie Chrie PL-Y d6 A
| 718,720,981.53 | | Phleedgaa AA-A h111 AB 1
| | 4,122,520.52 | | Dumboea HS-A d1-116 A
| 412,800,949.09 | | Dryeejeou QY-S e3-93 B
| | 4,132,032.72 | | Hypou Aod CC-J d10-394 B
| 365,133,685.14 | | Phoi Screia GG-Y f1297 B
| | 4,137,558.54 | | Spoihee AH-T d4-679 A
| 351,535,309.73 | | Eorl Chroa KO-F d12-1843 A
| | 4,244,140.41 | | Kyloaln CA-Q d5-3385 A
| 350,014,042.29 | | Phroea Flyoo XE-Z e723 B
| | 4,310,825.3 | | Eol Prou AJ-T d3-285 A
| 328,072,923.76 | | Eord Flyoo GH-V f2-652 B
| | 4,702,243.32 | | Phoo Scroi FW-T d4-8 A
| 305,077,333.89 | | Eorld Pri MN-T d3-542 A
| | 4,760,291.93 | | Skaudai TI-K d8-7 A
MS‑type Star (as main star) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 351,535,309.73 km | : Eorl Chroa KO-F d12-1843 A
| |
Lowest: | | 3,982,337.99 km | : Aunaiwyg GV-P d5-432 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 41,269,695.919 km | | |
Count: 3,276 | Standard Deviation: | | 45,693,240.5233 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 351,535,309.73 | | Eorl Chroa KO-F d12-1843 A
| | 3,982,337.99 | | Aunaiwyg GV-P d5-432 A
| 305,077,333.89 | | Eorld Pri MN-T d3-542 A
| | 4,025,259.48 | | Prie Chrie PL-Y d6 A
| 291,312,620.03 | | Baukee FM-D d12-117 A
| | 4,122,520.52 | | Dumboea HS-A d1-116 A
| 281,069,366.83 | | Juenae DU-R d4-6987 A
| | 4,137,558.54 | | Spoihee AH-T d4-679 A
| 260,616,142.58 | | Straneau WU-G d10-263 A
| | 4,244,140.41 | | Kyloaln CA-Q d5-3385 A
| 255,417,088.31 | | Stranuia EX-B d13-61 A
| | 4,310,825.3 | | Eol Prou AJ-T d3-285 A
| 252,259,600.34 | | Dryuae Aug LA-A d1427 A
| | 4,702,243.32 | | Phoo Scroi FW-T d4-8 A
| 251,645,197.01 | | Egnaiv BB-F d11-358 A
| | 4,760,291.93 | | Skaudai TI-K d8-7 A
| 249,063,202.84 | | Eorl Chroa FZ-D d13-752 A
| | 4,801,588.26 | | Oephail QV-K d9-96 A
| 247,109,352.89 | | Iojaing SM-W d1-28 A
| | 4,880,739.6 | | Preae Ain LO-Z d13-1841 A
MS‑type Star (as planet) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 1,553,365,251.32 km | : Phroea Ploe AA-A h344 AB 1
| |
Lowest: | | 366.26 km | : Phoi Scraa AA-A h474 2
| |
| |
Average: | | 765,884,523.395 km | | |
Count: 6 | Standard Deviation: | | 597,103,895.3861 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 1,553,365,251.32 | | Phroea Ploe AA-A h344 AB 1
| | 366.26 | | Phoi Scraa AA-A h474 2
| 1,373,695,298.06 | | Athairk AA-A h647 AB 1
| | 32,421,310.27 | | Noijou AA-A h209 AB 1
| 917,103,932.93 | | Tepou AA-A h482 1
| | 718,720,981.53 | | Phleedgaa AA-A h111 AB 1
| 718,720,981.53 | | Phleedgaa AA-A h111 AB 1
| | 917,103,932.93 | | Tepou AA-A h482 1
| 32,421,310.27 | | Noijou AA-A h209 AB 1
| | 1,373,695,298.06 | | Athairk AA-A h647 AB 1
| 366.26 | | Phoi Scraa AA-A h474 2
| | 1,553,365,251.32 | | Phroea Ploe AA-A h344 AB 1
Metal‑rich body (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 3,273,569,239.66 km | : Screakou AA-A h158 A 1
| |
Lowest: | | 11.78 km | : Gludgeia JW-A b18-0 1
| |
| |
Average: | | 11,167,552.8388 km | | |
Count: 5,527,990 | Standard Deviation: | | 34,950,387.8515 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 3,273,569,239.66 | | Screakou AA-A h158 A 1
| | 11.78 | | Gludgeia JW-A b18-0 1
| 2,844,896,490.17 | | Shrogeau BF-R e4-3217 7
| | 13.19 | | Clooku TQ-Q c20-7 1
| 2,568,833,087.94 | | Eoch Flya AA-A h544 A 1
| | 13.48 | | Traikaae CW-L d8-1 C 1
| 2,266,517,517.66 | | Nyeajoa AA-A h46 B 1
| | 13.99 | | Phae Chreou QW-Q b49-3 1
| 2,199,123,222.49 | | Xothaei EG-Y g7 B 1
| | 14.97 | | Phleedgoea XZ-F d11-488 B 1
| 2,103,451,488.49 | | Eord Blue SO-Z e1794 6
| | 15.35 | | Kyloasly BJ-D b46-229 1
| 1,902,310,193.46 | | Bya Aeb AA-A h49 AB 1
| | 16.82 | | Smootoae PC-D c12-35 1
| 1,900,886,737.13 | | Eoch Pruae JC-V e2-2994 A 6
| | 16.96 | | Dumbae SZ-C c14-802 1
| 1,822,779,824.76 | | Ellaid AA-A g24 1
| | 17.72 | | Smojai XA-Z b41-0 A 1
| 1,815,389,362.95 | | Umbaist AA-A h800 AB 1
| | 19.1 | | Pyramoe KP-S c6-23 1
Metal‑rich body (as moon) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 125,022,068.74 km | : Ogainks IM-W f1-3755 11 a
| |
Lowest: | | 35.89 km | : Zunuae HM-T c17-4267 3 a
| |
| |
Average: | | 1,391,756.7318 km | | |
Count: 429,206 | Standard Deviation: | | 5,311,119.8981 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 125,022,068.74 | | Ogainks IM-W f1-3755 11 a
| | 35.89 | | Zunuae HM-T c17-4267 3 a
| 122,150,355.58 | | Eachaiv YE-A g287 9 a
| | 49.01 | | Graea Hypue ZK-O d6-18 2 a
| 116,563,105.58 | | Dryoea Flyuae CL-Y g627 10 a
| | 74.42 | | NGC 2899 Sector GW-W d1-12 3 a
| 115,982,544.42 | | Eorm Chruia AA-A g1958 12 a
| | 78.25 | | NGC 7789 Sector VF-V d3-35 3 a
| 113,845,258.95 | | Hypau Chruia AA-A g4 11 a
| | 90.03 | | Aishaism RT-Z d13-53 1 a
| 111,034,291.98 | | Phroi Blou EG-Y g108 10 a
| | 100.18 | | Clooku LZ-E d12-729 1 a
| 111,018,127.2 | | Dryoea Flyi EG-Y g532 10 a
| | 110.71 | | Juenae GZ-M d8-6983 3 a
| 108,025,315.33 | | Kyloall WJ-A f2307 6 a
| | 114.06 | | Dryooe Byio SM-D c15-7 1 a
| 107,342,413.82 | | Floanth NX-U f2-5 7 a
| | 117.28 | | Skaude WV-L d8-51 2 a
| 106,323,027.61 | | Pha Free AA-A g0 AB 1 a
| | 130.77 | | Bleethuae IG-Z c15-44 1 a
Metal‑rich body (as planet) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 3,273,569,239.66 km | : Screakou AA-A h158 A 1
| |
Lowest: | | 11.78 km | : Gludgeia JW-A b18-0 1
| |
| |
Average: | | 11,988,956.1584 km | | |
Count: 5,094,336 | Standard Deviation: | | 36,229,859.7959 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 3,273,569,239.66 | | Screakou AA-A h158 A 1
| | 11.78 | | Gludgeia JW-A b18-0 1
| 2,844,896,490.17 | | Shrogeau BF-R e4-3217 7
| | 13.19 | | Clooku TQ-Q c20-7 1
| 2,568,833,087.94 | | Eoch Flya AA-A h544 A 1
| | 13.48 | | Traikaae CW-L d8-1 C 1
| 2,266,517,517.66 | | Nyeajoa AA-A h46 B 1
| | 13.99 | | Phae Chreou QW-Q b49-3 1
| 2,199,123,222.49 | | Xothaei EG-Y g7 B 1
| | 14.97 | | Phleedgoea XZ-F d11-488 B 1
| 2,103,451,488.49 | | Eord Blue SO-Z e1794 6
| | 15.35 | | Kyloasly BJ-D b46-229 1
| 1,902,310,193.46 | | Bya Aeb AA-A h49 AB 1
| | 16.82 | | Smootoae PC-D c12-35 1
| 1,900,886,737.13 | | Eoch Pruae JC-V e2-2994 A 6
| | 16.96 | | Dumbae SZ-C c14-802 1
| 1,822,779,824.76 | | Ellaid AA-A g24 1
| | 17.72 | | Smojai XA-Z b41-0 A 1
| 1,815,389,362.95 | | Umbaist AA-A h800 AB 1
| | 19.1 | | Pyramoe KP-S c6-23 1
Metal‑rich body (landable) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 3,273,569,239.66 km | : Screakou AA-A h158 A 1
| |
Lowest: | | 11.78 km | : Gludgeia JW-A b18-0 1
| |
| |
Average: | | 9,638,008.0393 km | | |
Count: 4,328,513 | Standard Deviation: | | 26,376,098.5425 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 3,273,569,239.66 | | Screakou AA-A h158 A 1
| | 11.78 | | Gludgeia JW-A b18-0 1
| 2,199,123,222.49 | | Xothaei EG-Y g7 B 1
| | 13.19 | | Clooku TQ-Q c20-7 1
| 1,822,779,824.76 | | Ellaid AA-A g24 1
| | 13.48 | | Traikaae CW-L d8-1 C 1
| 1,808,734,283.43 | | Eimbaisty AA-A h331 A 1
| | 13.99 | | Phae Chreou QW-Q b49-3 1
| 1,773,899,621.99 | | Hypuae Aoscs AA-A h75 C 1
| | 14.97 | | Phleedgoea XZ-F d11-488 B 1
| 1,693,848,725.43 | | Wepaa AA-A h208 AB 1
| | 15.35 | | Kyloasly BJ-D b46-229 1
| 1,656,286,379.56 | | Phoi Aowsy AA-A h471 ABC 1
| | 16.82 | | Smootoae PC-D c12-35 1
| 1,617,228,497.64 | | Gleeqai AA-A h210 B 1
| | 16.96 | | Dumbae SZ-C c14-802 1
| 1,585,300,028.47 | | Ogaiw AA-A h59 A 1
| | 17.72 | | Smojai XA-Z b41-0 A 1
| 1,557,463,200.84 | | Zunai AA-A h444 1
| | 19.1 | | Pyramoe KP-S c6-23 1
Neutron Star (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 18,088,118,368.67 km | : Boelts PS-U f2-10 B
| |
Lowest: | | 71,041.13 km | : Byoomi AA-A h19 AB 12
| |
| |
Average: | | 41,539,955.1712 km | | |
Count: 475,301 | Standard Deviation: | | 81,473,694.5984 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 18,088,118,368.67 | | Boelts PS-U f2-10 B
| | 71,041.13 | | Byoomi AA-A h19 AB 12
| 2,170,354,738.03 | | Phroi Pruae AA-A h606 3
| | 89,255.45 | | Myriesly SF-F d11-8792 A
| 2,155,588,326.01 | | Leamiae AA-A h251 4
| | 104,654.46 | | Spoijio PM-W e1-9 A
| 1,925,942,210.16 | | Wepae AA-A h457 3
| | 106,306.03 | | Lysoorb BV-X d1-19 A
| 1,906,691,540.77 | | Plimbaei AA-A h7 2
| | 106,630.35 | | Hypiae Aoc BF-X d2-3138 A
| 1,872,787,414.78 | | Phroea Flyai AA-A h127 2
| | 107,449.91 | | Blua Hypa DT-O d7-2740 A
| 1,824,336,569.45 | | Dryau Scraa AA-A h415 3
| | 111,476.91 | | Systae Free CL-Y e6 A
| 1,818,474,075.49 | | Dryao Scraa AA-A h716 ABC 6
| | 114,629.26 | | Voqaa JR-M d7-25 A
| 1,814,735,165.31 | | Eord Flyue AA-A h318 3
| | 115,007.1 | | Byoomu NA-C d14-284 A
| 1,811,742,991.84 | | Myumbiae AA-A h3 3
| | 115,875.98 | | Clookeou TK-V d3-17 A
Neutron Star (as main star) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 428,925,307.27 km | : Hypao Aoscs JM-W e1-8 A
| |
Lowest: | | 89,255.45 km | : Myriesly SF-F d11-8792 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 33,528,593.3308 km | | |
Count: 394,982 | Standard Deviation: | | 41,979,994.3642 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 428,925,307.27 | | Hypao Aoscs JM-W e1-8 A
| | 89,255.45 | | Myriesly SF-F d11-8792 A
| 373,367,057.09 | | Phoi Aurb KS-T e3-106 A
| | 104,654.46 | | Spoijio PM-W e1-9 A
| 372,316,519.57 | | Eephaim UZ-P e5-5395 A
| | 106,306.03 | | Lysoorb BV-X d1-19 A
| 370,394,126.22 | | Leamiae YA-O e6-2133 A
| | 106,630.35 | | Hypiae Aoc BF-X d2-3138 A
| 368,561,092.69 | | Spoihee TT-R e4-256 A
| | 107,449.91 | | Blua Hypa DT-O d7-2740 A
| 365,489,653.36 | | Dryooe Flyou EW-N e6-342 A
| | 111,476.91 | | Systae Free CL-Y e6 A
| 363,004,142.57 | | Blo Aescs KM-W d1-2588 A
| | 114,629.26 | | Voqaa JR-M d7-25 A
| 354,961,309.57 | | Phoi Scraa FL-Y f846 A
| | 115,007.1 | | Byoomu NA-C d14-284 A
| 351,371,172.47 | | Phrua Bluae LX-U e2-0 A
| | 115,875.98 | | Clookeou TK-V d3-17 A
| 350,647,865.95 | | Blae Drye BK-A d6 A
| | 116,164.58 | | Vegnuae CW-C d87 A
Neutron Star (as planet) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 2,170,354,738.03 km | : Phroi Pruae AA-A h606 3
| |
Lowest: | | 71,041.13 km | : Byoomi AA-A h19 AB 12
| |
| |
Average: | | 1,043,727,801.263 km | | |
Count: 592 | Standard Deviation: | | 487,577,897.1025 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 2,170,354,738.03 | | Phroi Pruae AA-A h606 3
| | 71,041.13 | | Byoomi AA-A h19 AB 12
| 2,155,588,326.01 | | Leamiae AA-A h251 4
| | 934,661.49 | | Wrupau AA-A h397 AB 8
| 1,925,942,210.16 | | Wepae AA-A h457 3
| | 3,492,992.21 | | Eotchops AA-A h317 ABC 1
| 1,906,691,540.77 | | Plimbaei AA-A h7 2
| | 3,914,751.1 | | Stranaea AA-A h54 ABC 6
| 1,872,787,414.78 | | Phroea Flyai AA-A h127 2
| | 4,608,053.8 | | Braisoi AA-A h118 3
| 1,824,336,569.45 | | Dryau Scraa AA-A h415 3
| | 4,712,693.03 | | Croomoi AA-A h142 AB 3
| 1,818,474,075.49 | | Dryao Scraa AA-A h716 ABC 6
| | 5,055,638.56 | | Myumbau AA-A h417 ABC 5
| 1,814,735,165.31 | | Eord Flyue AA-A h318 3
| | 5,512,674.52 | | Phrooe Graae AA-A h23 ABC 2
| 1,811,742,991.84 | | Myumbiae AA-A h3 3
| | 5,964,910.36 | | Dryuae Scraa AA-A h30 2
| 1,784,849,586.66 | | Boelts AA-A h25 ABC 3
| | 5,966,551.56 | | Hypoae Phyloea AA-A h69 1
O (Blue‑White) Star (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 2,116,464,415.5 km | : Phaa Chraei AA-A h55 C
| |
Lowest: | | 337,070.92 km | : HD 228911 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 153,573,308.3197 km | | |
Count: 45,775 | Standard Deviation: | | 227,410,588.7255 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 2,116,464,415.5 | | Phaa Chraei AA-A h55 C
| | 337,070.92 | | HD 228911 A
| 2,013,705,945.42 | | Dumbai AA-A h227 D
| | 405,242.49 | | HD 210809 A
| 1,953,585,148.93 | | Phroea Flyuae AA-A h9 D
| | 615,697.67 | | Phleedgoe YE-A g1665 A
| 1,876,321,310.73 | | Foerdy AA-A h7 C
| | 777,221.16 | | Swuenua ZE-A g4 B
| 1,845,409,321.27 | | Rhuedgau AA-A h379 C
| | 815,121.24 | | HD 206183 A
| 1,837,244,797.83 | | Juenoe AA-A h497 D
| | 833,166.89 | | Phroi Blou DL-Y g49 A
| 1,814,005,011.47 | | Umbaist AA-A h767 D
| | 861,245.81 | | Phoi Aub AA-A h816 C
| 1,808,797,364.65 | | Speamoi AA-A h434 C
| | 905,476.96 | | Eoch Byio VO-A f423 A
| 1,796,524,861.8 | | Eos Chraei AA-A h0 C
| | 918,884.11 | | Juemao YE-A g0 A
| 1,796,117,368.83 | | Dryio Gree AA-A h32 D
| | 928,275.74 | | Eoch Pruae DL-Y g648 A
O (Blue‑White) Star (as main star) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 1,321,559,023.44 km | : Dryi Broae AA-A h151 A
| |
Lowest: | | 337,070.92 km | : HD 228911 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 110,903,642.2826 km | | |
Count: 21,996 | Standard Deviation: | | 139,090,114.3556 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 1,321,559,023.44 | | Dryi Broae AA-A h151 A
| | 337,070.92 | | HD 228911 A
| 1,135,188,509.48 | | Oephairb AA-A h149 A
| | 405,242.49 | | HD 210809 A
| 1,072,819,970.3 | | Whambio AA-A h87 A
| | 615,697.67 | | Phleedgoe YE-A g1665 A
| 1,053,706,638.37 | | Dryi Chrea AA-A h328 A
| | 815,121.24 | | HD 206183 A
| 1,052,953,907.76 | | Greethuia AA-A h120 A
| | 833,166.89 | | Phroi Blou DL-Y g49 A
| 1,047,317,918.35 | | Eorld Byio AA-A h555 A
| | 905,476.96 | | Eoch Byio VO-A f423 A
| 1,031,210,181.41 | | Huemo AA-A h220 A
| | 918,884.11 | | Juemao YE-A g0 A
| 1,006,182,070.81 | | Eor Free AA-A h588 A
| | 928,275.74 | | Eoch Pruae DL-Y g648 A
| 1,004,368,727.99 | | Hypou Chruia AA-A h230 A
| | 963,399.64 | | Eorl Auwsy AA-A g5 A
| 1,001,573,135.54 | | Systimbea AA-A h171 A
| | 977,393.51 | | Froaln AA-A g128 A
Rocky Ice world (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 6,997,086,373.89 km | : Dryooe Prou EO-A c1-269 11
| |
Lowest: | | 23.8 km | : Graea Hypue PJ-P d6-146 1 b
| |
| |
Average: | | 97,602,364.4087 km | | |
Count: 12,142,386 | Standard Deviation: | | 132,157,300.8036 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 6,997,086,373.89 | | Dryooe Prou EO-A c1-269 11
| | 23.8 | | Graea Hypue PJ-P d6-146 1 b
| 6,334,628,498.32 | | Byoomai OB-X d1-2809 B 11
| | 41.61 | | Phooe Aeb ZF-A c1 AB 1 a
| 5,579,594,759.52 | | Salacia
| | 46.1 | | Blua Hypa FR-C d13-807 A 4 a
| 4,523,062,629.8 | | Flyai Pre FN-H d11-60 9
| | 46.56 | | Blau Thua EF-P c19-2 B 2
| 4,329,378,219.03 | | Athaip HW-M c23-1354 8
| | 51.05 | | Skaudai XK-N d7-28 A 7 b
| 4,288,492,289.4 | | Praea Euq QQ-B c14-4 A 12
| | 51.57 | | Bleia Dryiae WL-Q b52-3 4
| 4,284,989,306.5 | | Zunu RY-Z c263 8
| | 51.63 | | Clookia QC-K b41-2 2
| 4,249,238,740.52 | | Prooe Drye KZ-M d8-63 9
| | 52.03 | | Nyauthe HY-M b26-1 A 2
| 4,011,974,853.47 | | Kyloaqs PX-O c8-383 B 8
| | 52.07 | | NGC 4609 Sector MA-F b28-0 2
| 3,630,823,195.57 | | Bya Theia YJ-J b50-1 8
| | 55.69 | | Phylur OS-U d2-109 6 b
Rocky Ice world (as moon) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 108,239,752.38 km | : Eoch Flyi AA-A g829 3 k
| |
Lowest: | | 23.8 km | : Graea Hypue PJ-P d6-146 1 b
| |
| |
Average: | | 1,730,612.932 km | | |
Count: 1,818,766 | Standard Deviation: | | 3,281,213.9988 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 108,239,752.38 | | Eoch Flyi AA-A g829 3 k
| | 23.8 | | Graea Hypue PJ-P d6-146 1 b
| 106,980,180.95 | | Theemae AA-A g258 5 k
| | 41.61 | | Phooe Aeb ZF-A c1 AB 1 a
| 105,902,097.38 | | Pythaics LQ-P d5-214 15 g
| | 46.1 | | Blua Hypa FR-C d13-807 A 4 a
| 95,683,882.44 | | Phroea Blou PI-I d10-1050 10 g
| | 51.05 | | Skaudai XK-N d7-28 A 7 b
| 94,112,087.82 | | Sphaukuia AA-A f2 4 g
| | 55.69 | | Phylur OS-U d2-109 6 b
| 93,767,048.03 | | Preae Aim HN-S d4-65 12 h
| | 60.04 | | Flyiedge VD-Z d1-59 A 3 c
| 93,476,441.96 | | Eol Prou BA-A g93 4 i
| | 63.85 | | Fe 1 Sector KR-W d1-49 1 a
| 93,448,795.08 | | Nuekea DS-I d10-17 AB 3 a
| | 64.58 | | HIP 64686 B 8 b
| 90,664,954.45 | | Theemae AA-A g258 5 j
| | 76.72 | | Pru Euq PV-B d14-1 B 2 b
| 90,006,492.19 | | Hypou Scraa AA-A h116 5 l
| | 80.43 | | Thaileia KT-F d12-39 3 b
Rocky Ice world (as planet) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 6,997,086,373.89 km | : Dryooe Prou EO-A c1-269 11
| |
Lowest: | | 46.56 km | : Blau Thua EF-P c19-2 B 2
| |
| |
Average: | | 114,467,629.0662 km | | |
Count: 10,312,137 | Standard Deviation: | | 136,453,338.3176 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 6,997,086,373.89 | | Dryooe Prou EO-A c1-269 11
| | 46.56 | | Blau Thua EF-P c19-2 B 2
| 6,334,628,498.32 | | Byoomai OB-X d1-2809 B 11
| | 51.57 | | Bleia Dryiae WL-Q b52-3 4
| 4,523,062,629.8 | | Flyai Pre FN-H d11-60 9
| | 51.63 | | Clookia QC-K b41-2 2
| 4,329,378,219.03 | | Athaip HW-M c23-1354 8
| | 52.03 | | Nyauthe HY-M b26-1 A 2
| 4,288,492,289.4 | | Praea Euq QQ-B c14-4 A 12
| | 52.07 | | NGC 4609 Sector MA-F b28-0 2
| 4,284,989,306.5 | | Zunu RY-Z c263 8
| | 56.1 | | Oob Auscs UN-U b44-1 2
| 4,249,238,740.52 | | Prooe Drye KZ-M d8-63 9
| | 56.83 | | Hypoi Prau RJ-C b18-4 2
| 4,011,974,853.47 | | Kyloaqs PX-O c8-383 B 8
| | 59.52 | | Hypoae Ain TT-L b35-2 2
| 3,630,823,195.57 | | Bya Theia YJ-J b50-1 8
| | 59.86 | | Pha Fleau IW-E b43-0 2
| 3,593,700,225.68 | | Hypoae Ain JO-K b49-4 8
| | 62.65 | | Prae Drye UG-W c18-18 B 2
Rocky Ice world (landable) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 5,579,594,759.52 km | : Salacia
| |
Lowest: | | 23.8 km | : Graea Hypue PJ-P d6-146 1 b
| |
| |
Average: | | 58,945,283.4726 km | | |
Count: 3,765,295 | Standard Deviation: | | 108,486,232.4061 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 5,579,594,759.52 | | Salacia
| | 23.8 | | Graea Hypue PJ-P d6-146 1 b
| 2,739,984,027.08 | | Sifoae UK-O e6-0 A 10
| | 41.61 | | Phooe Aeb ZF-A c1 AB 1 a
| 2,712,518,294.65 | | Pra Eohn JT-O d7-7 9
| | 46.1 | | Blua Hypa FR-C d13-807 A 4 a
| 2,635,122,346.96 | | Flyae Drye WE-P d6-0 A 8
| | 46.56 | | Blau Thua EF-P c19-2 B 2
| 2,560,544,676.97 | | Dryio Bloo ZS-V c4-83 8
| | 51.05 | | Skaudai XK-N d7-28 A 7 b
| 2,555,786,397.02 | | Flya Eock TT-Y d1-0 A 8
| | 52.03 | | Nyauthe HY-M b26-1 A 2
| 2,529,072,166.65 | | Spooreae GS-J c22-10 4
| | 56.83 | | Hypoi Prau RJ-C b18-4 2
| 2,514,217,435.84 | | LBN 623 Sector BQ-Y d50 A 5
| | 62.65 | | Prae Drye UG-W c18-18 B 2
| 2,465,377,233.62 | | Preia Hypai HG-W d2-3 A 4
| | 63.07 | | Eol Hypoo ED-G b58-0 2
| 2,457,978,809.3 | | Eowyg Aihm MH-L d8-0 9
| | 63.85 | | Fe 1 Sector KR-W d1-49 1 a
Rocky body (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 12,715,827,822.69 km | : Rance's Wreck
| |
Lowest: | | 24.64 km | : Eofairg CA-A d13 B 1 a
| |
| |
Average: | | 1,794,369.1544 km | | |
Count: 65,324,919 | Standard Deviation: | | 3,994,714.1789 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 12,715,827,822.69 | | Rance's Wreck | | 24.64 | | Eofairg CA-A d13 B 1 a
| 12,267,034,053.8 | | Maxwell's World | | 25.38 | | Leamue EV-O d6-5419 1 b
| 916,287,618.88 | | Lowing's Rock | | 30.76 | | Whamboo YU-P d5-2025 1 b
| 835,013,151.3 | | Scheau Byoe BA-A g377 A 4
| | 31.01 | | Blau Euq NE-F d12-6 3 a
| 788,848,888.73 | | Byoomiae AA-A g724 A 3
| | 41.15 | | Scheau Byoe DX-B d13-659 5 a
| 705,086,292.07 | | Myriesly IM-W f1-43 A 2
| | 42.65 | | Phraa Byoe LT-Y d1-1388 3 b
| 655,158,392.28 | | Shaulae EG-Y g0 5
| | 72.65 | | Dryooe Flyou ON-B d511 B 2 b
| 650,654,754.75 | | Dryao Aoscs CL-Y g603 3
| | 74.62 | | Kasau MQ-Y d0 2 a
| 639,022,120.38 | | Dryi Briae BV-Y f4751 3
| | 79.12 | | Hypo Phlue QT-I d9-3 A 1 b
| 632,863,181.88 | | Eoch Flyuae FG-Y g206 4
| | 84.04 | | Bleou Aick IS-T d3-39 2 a
Rocky body (as moon) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 151,990,829.06 km | : Eotchopt EG-Y g930 9 a
| |
Lowest: | | 24.64 km | : Eofairg CA-A d13 B 1 a
| |
| |
Average: | | 1,790,787.3152 km | | |
Count: 65,317,581 | Standard Deviation: | | 3,207,384.3492 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 151,990,829.06 | | Eotchopt EG-Y g930 9 a
| | 24.64 | | Eofairg CA-A d13 B 1 a
| 137,512,958.05 | | Synookeia LM-W f1-3 11 a
| | 25.38 | | Leamue EV-O d6-5419 1 b
| 137,319,919.53 | | Phrooe Bloae AA-A h25 B 2 i
| | 30.76 | | Whamboo YU-P d5-2025 1 b
| 130,360,046.92 | | Ploi Aewsy LE-F d12-12 A 5 a
| | 31.01 | | Blau Euq NE-F d12-6 3 a
| 130,161,589.38 | | Scheau Flyi ZE-A g2058 11 a
| | 41.15 | | Scheau Byoe DX-B d13-659 5 a
| 129,622,646.78 | | Dryuae Chrea BQ-Y f3113 AB 2 a
| | 42.65 | | Phraa Byoe LT-Y d1-1388 3 b
| 127,586,954.83 | | Wrupaea YE-A g1296 19 a
| | 72.65 | | Dryooe Flyou ON-B d511 B 2 b
| 127,413,370.88 | | Sleguae XO-A f0 11 a
| | 74.62 | | Kasau MQ-Y d0 2 a
| 126,608,514.79 | | Lyaisa BA-A f22 ABC 1 a
| | 79.12 | | Hypo Phlue QT-I d9-3 A 1 b
| 123,861,256.06 | | Rhuedgau AA-A h472 ABC 2 m
| | 84.04 | | Bleou Aick IS-T d3-39 2 a
Rocky body (as planet) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 835,013,151.3 km | : Scheau Byoe BA-A g377 A 4
| |
Lowest: | | 546.41 km | : Preia Phoe WE-X b5-3 3
| |
| |
Average: | | 29,667,686.1328 km | | |
Count: 7,035 | Standard Deviation: | | 83,832,410.2077 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 835,013,151.3 | | Scheau Byoe BA-A g377 A 4
| | 546.41 | | Preia Phoe WE-X b5-3 3
| 788,848,888.73 | | Byoomiae AA-A g724 A 3
| | 580.86 | | Smojue FO-N b34-0 3
| 705,086,292.07 | | Myriesly IM-W f1-43 A 2
| | 641.95 | | Tegnae MV-Z b15-0 3
| 655,158,392.28 | | Shaulae EG-Y g0 5
| | 704.43 | | Nuekuae MF-S b10-77 3
| 650,654,754.75 | | Dryao Aoscs CL-Y g603 3
| | 732.93 | | Thailae DH-V b32-0 A 4
| 639,022,120.38 | | Dryi Briae BV-Y f4751 3
| | 735.8 | | Gooreia EX-N b48-3 A 3
| 632,863,181.88 | | Eoch Flyuae FG-Y g206 4
| | 748.91 | | Flyooe Eohn LW-O b53-0 A 3
| 631,310,218.19 | | Aishaink VO-A f2261 A 3
| | 756.25 | | Dryiqaae SG-W b21-3 3
| 629,128,444.01 | | Clookia FG-Y g10 4
| | 776.64 | | Thailae DH-V b32-0 A 5
| 618,518,020.8 | | Dryoi Proo YE-A g2021 2
| | 779.77 | | Nuekuae GX-W b30-3 2
Rocky body (landable) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 12,715,827,822.69 km | : Rance's Wreck
| |
Lowest: | | 24.64 km | : Eofairg CA-A d13 B 1 a
| |
| |
Average: | | 1,823,741.5681 km | | |
Count: 51,216,592 | Standard Deviation: | | 4,058,035.0388 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 12,715,827,822.69 | | Rance's Wreck | | 24.64 | | Eofairg CA-A d13 B 1 a
| 12,267,034,053.8 | | Maxwell's World | | 41.15 | | Scheau Byoe DX-B d13-659 5 a
| 916,287,618.88 | | Lowing's Rock | | 42.65 | | Phraa Byoe LT-Y d1-1388 3 b
| 532,119,995.36 | | Ulrich's Mine | | 72.65 | | Dryooe Flyou ON-B d511 B 2 b
| 496,665,275.1 | | Moore's World | | 74.62 | | Kasau MQ-Y d0 2 a
| 479,311,915.04 | | Limbo
| | 79.12 | | Hypo Phlue QT-I d9-3 A 1 b
| 415,882,372.86 | | LTT 15493 - IV
| | 84.84 | | Braireau RO-G d11-3827 AB 3 a
| 411,394,441.13 | | Major
| | 85.81 | | Blua Eaec AG-X e1-949 AB 1 a
| 366,471,290.14 | | Skardee V
| | 88 | | Hegoo DH-D d12-1 A 6 a
| 347,078,518.38 | | Moel Sych
| | 89.31 | | Dumbe UF-M d8-54 A 3 a
S‑type Star (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 1,385,545,660.48 km | : Dryio Bloo AA-A h191 ABC 1
| |
Lowest: | | 3,878,818.69 km | : Schee Flyuae XF-O d6-1224 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 42,346,734.9053 km | | |
Count: 3,526 | Standard Deviation: | | 57,713,780.7754 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 1,385,545,660.48 | | Dryio Bloo AA-A h191 ABC 1
| | 3,878,818.69 | | Schee Flyuae XF-O d6-1224 A
| 1,180,759,724.03 | | Eord Bla AA-A h313 AB 4
| | 4,272,345.61 | | Struqeou JY-P d6-599 A
| 1,007,595,075.43 | | Eotchopt AA-A h421 1
| | 4,480,411.63 | | Eoch Flyuae OJ-I d9-96 A
| 465,906,787.11 | | Plimbeau YU-Y f20 B
| | 4,767,449.21 | | Eol Prou EK-R d4-695 A
| 426,624,513.7 | | Foerst BQ-Y f88 C
| | 4,902,308.37 | | Gru Hypue FC-D d12-8 A
| 409,709,978.95 | | Gru Hypai FL-Y e2 B
| | 4,904,530.31 | | Braisio UZ-G d10-2474 A
| 329,862,849.56 | | Dryio Flyuae FW-N e6-92 C
| | 5,065,833.35 | | Croomoea LR-V d2-1271 A
| 285,435,935.26 | | Hypiae Chrea IZ-D d13-472 A
| | 5,094,119.71 | | Eord Ploe OC-V d2-333 A
| 281,708,242.4 | | Granoae VT-Z d51 A
| | 5,132,869.58 | | Dryoi Pri DD-A d14-1932 A
| 273,234,820.07 | | Phaa Audst BW-N e6-886 C
| | 5,203,082.34 | | Dryao Scraa SF-C d14-14 A
S‑type Star (as main star) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 285,435,935.26 km | : Hypiae Chrea IZ-D d13-472 A
| |
Lowest: | | 3,878,818.69 km | : Schee Flyuae XF-O d6-1224 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 40,688,723.6124 km | | |
Count: 3,335 | Standard Deviation: | | 44,757,434.6168 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 285,435,935.26 | | Hypiae Chrea IZ-D d13-472 A
| | 3,878,818.69 | | Schee Flyuae XF-O d6-1224 A
| 281,708,242.4 | | Granoae VT-Z d51 A
| | 4,272,345.61 | | Struqeou JY-P d6-599 A
| 264,148,577.87 | | Screakao BP-A d4892 A
| | 4,480,411.63 | | Eoch Flyuae OJ-I d9-96 A
| 258,622,389.25 | | Bloomee ZF-V d3-863 A
| | 4,767,449.21 | | Eol Prou EK-R d4-695 A
| 255,459,025.42 | | Slegou LR-W d1-2 A
| | 4,902,308.37 | | Gru Hypue FC-D d12-8 A
| 253,923,139.72 | | Noijeae UP-G d10-468 A
| | 4,904,530.31 | | Braisio UZ-G d10-2474 A
| 251,563,592.47 | | Cojeou NP-M d8-0 A
| | 5,065,833.35 | | Croomoea LR-V d2-1271 A
| 244,955,935.43 | | Prae Eaec FN-R d5-368 A
| | 5,094,119.71 | | Eord Ploe OC-V d2-333 A
| 244,142,144.99 | | Struqo IO-O d7-54 A
| | 5,132,869.58 | | Dryoi Pri DD-A d14-1932 A
| 242,116,764.39 | | Coests UY-S d3-7 A
| | 5,203,082.34 | | Dryao Scraa SF-C d14-14 A
S‑type Star (as planet) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 1,385,545,660.48 km | : Dryio Bloo AA-A h191 ABC 1
| |
Lowest: | | 11,794,289.07 km | : Dryi Phylio AA-A h363 1
| |
| |
Average: | | 896,423,687.2525 km | | |
Count: 4 | Standard Deviation: | | 527,971,480.3335 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 1,385,545,660.48 | | Dryio Bloo AA-A h191 ABC 1
| | 11,794,289.07 | | Dryi Phylio AA-A h363 1
| 1,180,759,724.03 | | Eord Bla AA-A h313 AB 4
| | 1,007,595,075.43 | | Eotchopt AA-A h421 1
| 1,007,595,075.43 | | Eotchopt AA-A h421 1
| | 1,180,759,724.03 | | Eord Bla AA-A h313 AB 4
| 11,794,289.07 | | Dryi Phylio AA-A h363 1
| | 1,385,545,660.48 | | Dryio Bloo AA-A h191 ABC 1
T (Brown dwarf) Star (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 6,795,011,501.33 km | : Dryaa Blou EB-W e2-6050 14
| |
Lowest: | | 5.09 km | : Chraisao AA-A h15 BC 3
| |
| |
Average: | | 51,038,544.0568 km | | |
Count: 2,201,551 | Standard Deviation: | | 127,962,431.1992 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 6,795,011,501.33 | | Dryaa Blou EB-W e2-6050 14
| | 5.09 | | Chraisao AA-A h15 BC 3
| 4,491,822,417.2 | | Gru Eop MS-T e3-1 12
| | 12.29 | | Byoomu AA-A h9 AB 2
| 2,946,766,388.98 | | Dryio Blou AA-A h388 A 4
| | 13.61 | | Wepoae AA-A h81 AB 1
| 2,888,574,281.26 | | Eimbaists AA-A h179 8
| | 21.49 | | Schee Bli AA-A h325 AB 3
| 2,728,227,172.63 | | Wepi AA-A h29 7
| | 22.42 | | Schee Bli AA-A h325 AB 5
| 2,688,822,415.33 | | HD 3941 11
| | 28.08 | | Byoomu AA-A h9 AB 4
| 2,679,811,250.15 | | 2MASS J18190744-1640266 6
| | 29.49 | | Schee Bli AA-A h325 AB 1
| 2,677,270,083.81 | | Wepoae AA-A h191 7
| | 29.53 | | Braireau AA-A h685 AB 1
| 2,672,938,741.78 | | Boeph AA-A h59 5
| | 32.97 | | Boesky AA-A h101 AB 1
| 2,647,072,466.04 | | Phraa Pruae AA-A g683 4
| | 34.97 | | Kyloarph AA-A h602 AB 1
T (Brown dwarf) Star (as moon) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 146,265,745.16 km | : Leamiae AA-A h251 4 a
| |
Lowest: | | 1,443.73 km | : Phoi Phylaa AA-A h75 ABCD 3 a
| |
| |
Average: | | 52,902,478.344 km | | |
Count: 2,129 | Standard Deviation: | | 22,287,886.6757 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 146,265,745.16 | | Leamiae AA-A h251 4 a
| | 1,443.73 | | Phoi Phylaa AA-A h75 ABCD 3 a
| 140,989,232.06 | | Eord Byio AA-A h402 5 a
| | 4,671.45 | | Dryao Phylio AA-A h447 ABCD 4 a
| 140,407,633.78 | | Eimbaisys AA-A h336 4 a
| | 5,373.12 | | Umbaiss AA-A h451 1 a
| 135,684,466.36 | | Hypuejoi AA-A h42 AB 10 g
| | 21,200.4 | | Phrio Flya AA-A h223 ABCD 3 a
| 133,804,949.5 | | Yeqeau AA-A h5 4 a
| | 33,957.53 | | Eoch Blou AA-A h153 ABC 3 a
| 131,990,271.81 | | Nyuenoea AA-A h203 3 a
| | 50,389.88 | | Schee Ploe AA-A h271 AB 6 b
| 130,445,367.1 | | Floalt AA-A h34 4 a
| | 53,691.6 | | Hypoe Grie AA-A h11 2 b
| 127,461,808.92 | | Eumorps AA-A g10 ABC 4 a
| | 58,100.31 | | Aunaiwyg AA-A h292 1 a
| 125,996,941.33 | | Eimbaisys AA-A h554 3 a
| | 66,344.48 | | CPD-59 2626 12 a
| 125,646,418.33 | | Hypiae Ausms AA-A h446 ABC 4 a
| | 99,967.84 | | Boeths AA-A h102 AB 2 a
T (Brown dwarf) Star (as planet) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 6,795,011,501.33 km | : Dryaa Blou EB-W e2-6050 14
| |
Lowest: | | 5.09 km | : Chraisao AA-A h15 BC 3
| |
| |
Average: | | 247,039,839.7172 km | | |
Count: 161,673 | Standard Deviation: | | 385,564,763.1882 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 6,795,011,501.33 | | Dryaa Blou EB-W e2-6050 14
| | 5.09 | | Chraisao AA-A h15 BC 3
| 4,491,822,417.2 | | Gru Eop MS-T e3-1 12
| | 12.29 | | Byoomu AA-A h9 AB 2
| 2,946,766,388.98 | | Dryio Blou AA-A h388 A 4
| | 13.61 | | Wepoae AA-A h81 AB 1
| 2,888,574,281.26 | | Eimbaists AA-A h179 8
| | 21.49 | | Schee Bli AA-A h325 AB 3
| 2,728,227,172.63 | | Wepi AA-A h29 7
| | 22.42 | | Schee Bli AA-A h325 AB 5
| 2,688,822,415.33 | | HD 3941 11
| | 28.08 | | Byoomu AA-A h9 AB 4
| 2,679,811,250.15 | | 2MASS J18190744-1640266 6
| | 29.49 | | Schee Bli AA-A h325 AB 1
| 2,672,938,741.78 | | Boeph AA-A h59 5
| | 29.53 | | Braireau AA-A h685 AB 1
| 2,647,072,466.04 | | Phraa Pruae AA-A g683 4
| | 32.97 | | Boesky AA-A h101 AB 1
| 2,641,528,028.78 | | Dryi Phylio AA-A h174 4
| | 34.97 | | Kyloarph AA-A h602 AB 1
T Tauri Star (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 11,837,393,298.81 km | : Dryooe Flyou XO-R e4-2582 16
| |
Lowest: | | 0.56 km | : Eol Prou FL-Y f5618 B 16
| |
| |
Average: | | 155,375,019.4796 km | | |
Count: 1,480,873 | Standard Deviation: | | 293,210,804.6557 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 11,837,393,298.81 | | Dryooe Flyou XO-R e4-2582 16
| | 0.56 | | Eol Prou FL-Y f5618 B 16
| 8,763,503,805.7 | | Athair SU-O e6-77 13
| | 2.91 | | Phimbee AA-A h121 14
| 7,463,830,070.65 | | Hypao Brai JR-W f1-36 12
| | 3.75 | | Eor Bru AA-A h23 A 9
| 6,664,371,084.12 | | Eor Aowsy FW-N e6-251 14
| | 15.8 | | Stuemeou AA-A h32 11
| 6,070,799,644.68 | | Dryoea Prue AA-A h116 11
| | 18.57 | | Vegniae AA-A h263 A 14
| 5,758,766,473.53 | | Dryooe Flyou TI-T e3-2749 18
| | 20.67 | | Pru Aescs AA-A h10 12
| 5,526,493,004.78 | | Eorld Byio UZ-P e5-53 11
| | 21.3 | | Ploea Aip AA-A h3 9
| 5,218,302,832.33 | | Graea Hypue SD-B e32 10
| | 23.7 | | Phaa Chruia AA-A h314 A 15
| 5,182,499,289.8 | | Pyraleau MI-B e12 16
| | 23.91 | | Scheau Blao AA-A h290 A 8
| 4,895,284,255.01 | | Phimbaae AA-A h169 13
| | 26.12 | | Dryio Flyi AA-A h32 10
T Tauri Star (as main star) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 384,189,534.42 km | : Hypoae Ain HY-Z d13-33 A
| |
Lowest: | | 101,737.52 km | : Synuefai CK-T b35-0 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 28,739,322.2419 km | | |
Count: 84,761 | Standard Deviation: | | 37,114,840.4983 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 384,189,534.42 | | Hypoae Ain HY-Z d13-33 A
| | 101,737.52 | | Synuefai CK-T b35-0 A
| 382,781,279.65 | | Phleedgoe QZ-O e6-3732 A
| | 108,987.61 | | Omega Sector JR-V b2-13 A
| 323,779,511.91 | | Ploea Aip ZL-J c23-16 A
| | 110,491.81 | | Sifi HQ-N b20-1 A
| 317,833,055.58 | | Croomaa PS-U f2-3757 A
| | 114,789.32 | | Synuefai DE-E d13-54 A
| 316,171,008.89 | | Sifi CS-B c13-5 A
| | 123,534.45 | | Outotz WA-M b35-0 A
| 311,848,215.67 | | Lagoon Sector RO-R c4-18 A
| | 127,955.25 | | Eorgh Greau UU-P b25-7 A
| 310,558,191.6 | | Synuefai WA-E d12-4 A
| | 130,851.92 | | Hypoae Ain PJ-C b28-0 A
| 306,009,170.05 | | Plio Eurl OQ-B d14-6 A
| | 134,395.4 | | Synuefai YW-Y b31-0 A
| 301,317,032.76 | | Dryeae Aec VX-L d7-0 A
| | 137,107.42 | | Flyiedgiae OF-B b6-1 A
| 300,139,389.78 | | Prooe Drye KC-Z c15-2 A
| | 137,639.17 | | Dryeae Aowsy FT-D b12-1 A
T Tauri Star (as moon) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 172,224,992.51 km | : Agnairt FG-Y g440 9 a
| |
Lowest: | | 1,004,464.21 km | : Dryio Flyi AA-A h212 AB 7 a
| |
| |
Average: | | 50,713,480.4165 km | | |
Count: 23,285 | Standard Deviation: | | 24,793,273.8051 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 172,224,992.51 | | Agnairt FG-Y g440 9 a
| | 1,004,464.21 | | Dryio Flyi AA-A h212 AB 7 a
| 171,113,447.42 | | Dryio Bloo YE-A g1331 10 a
| | 1,123,627.96 | | Eorm Chruia AA-A h458 BC 2 a
| 170,386,358.27 | | Eephaills CL-Y f523 16 a
| | 1,828,345.6 | | Dryi Chrea AA-A h443 A 4 a
| 169,020,807.74 | | Aunaihn BA-A g1454 11 a
| | 2,503,625.93 | | Eorld Byio AA-A h158 AB 12 a
| 165,590,500.83 | | Dryoea Prao AA-A h47 C 3 a
| | 2,906,654 | | Dryoea Bluae AA-A h559 1 a
| 164,484,226.7 | | Blua Hypa YE-A g80 ABC 17 a
| | 2,919,397.18 | | Shrogeau AA-A h29 A 2 a
| 161,401,391.03 | | Scheau Prao DL-Y g1830 15 a
| | 3,110,315.38 | | Phoi Aub AA-A h496 3 a
| 160,175,359.25 | | Dryuae Chraei BA-A g586 13 a
| | 3,132,139.27 | | Juenio AA-A h51 A 9 a
| 159,150,571.52 | | Smumbia EG-Y g6 8 a
| | 3,201,757.97 | | HD 166546 A 2 a
| 157,469,791.17 | | Hyuqoae ZE-A g0 10 a
| | 3,390,678.29 | | Baukee AA-A h114 A 9 a
T Tauri Star (as planet) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 11,837,393,298.81 km | : Dryooe Flyou XO-R e4-2582 16
| |
Lowest: | | 0.56 km | : Eol Prou FL-Y f5618 B 16
| |
| |
Average: | | 216,577,436.5006 km | | |
Count: 958,163 | Standard Deviation: | | 345,318,550.583 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 11,837,393,298.81 | | Dryooe Flyou XO-R e4-2582 16
| | 0.56 | | Eol Prou FL-Y f5618 B 16
| 8,763,503,805.7 | | Athair SU-O e6-77 13
| | 2.91 | | Phimbee AA-A h121 14
| 7,463,830,070.65 | | Hypao Brai JR-W f1-36 12
| | 3.75 | | Eor Bru AA-A h23 A 9
| 6,664,371,084.12 | | Eor Aowsy FW-N e6-251 14
| | 15.8 | | Stuemeou AA-A h32 11
| 6,070,799,644.68 | | Dryoea Prue AA-A h116 11
| | 18.57 | | Vegniae AA-A h263 A 14
| 5,758,766,473.53 | | Dryooe Flyou TI-T e3-2749 18
| | 20.67 | | Pru Aescs AA-A h10 12
| 5,526,493,004.78 | | Eorld Byio UZ-P e5-53 11
| | 21.3 | | Ploea Aip AA-A h3 9
| 5,218,302,832.33 | | Graea Hypue SD-B e32 10
| | 23.7 | | Phaa Chruia AA-A h314 A 15
| 5,182,499,289.8 | | Pyraleau MI-B e12 16
| | 23.91 | | Scheau Blao AA-A h290 A 8
| 4,895,284,255.01 | | Phimbaae AA-A h169 13
| | 26.12 | | Dryio Flyi AA-A h32 10
Water giant (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 2,919,823,980.49 km | : Skaude QJ-Y d1-40 13
| |
Lowest: | | 5,418.71 km | : Flyaulz YE-A g2 1
| |
| |
Average: | | 160,459,408.0554 km | | |
Count: 112,566 | Standard Deviation: | | 382,957,728.53 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 2,919,823,980.49 | | Skaude QJ-Y d1-40 13
| | 5,418.71 | | Flyaulz YE-A g2 1
| 2,906,420,819.21 | | Mynoaw FG-Y g1156 A 7
| | 6,660.01 | | Lasao AA-A h421 1
| 2,856,381,173.17 | | Prielaei TC-V d2-36 13
| | 7,433.02 | | Eoch Pruae NS-U f2-3611 3
| 2,851,980,385.53 | | Sifaea ZE-R e4-6 16
| | 8,382.6 | | Hypio Gree AA-A h323 A 6
| 2,798,300,713.06 | | Pha Airgh KG-Y d3 11
| | 9,713.34 | | Hypoe Prao BA-A g11 5
| 2,754,203,248.18 | | Phroea Blou OR-N d6-293 A 16
| | 10,339.38 | | Myrierph AA-A h506 4
| 2,751,455,102.36 | | Blu Airg YZ-F d11-0 6
| | 11,531.1 | | Dryi Free AA-A h568 7
| 2,743,909,090.56 | | Grie Dryue KD-Q d6-29 6
| | 11,748.61 | | Stuemaea AA-A g84 2
| 2,731,662,343.15 | | Splohaae CQ-O d6-895 11
| | 11,977.52 | | Cleeqai AA-A h335 8
| 2,695,108,339.7 | | Synuefai KI-Q d6-6 12
| | 13,155.29 | | Kyloall JH-V e2-7320 1
Water giant (as moon) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 53,543,425.8 km | : Athair LP-D d13-1486 20 a
| |
Lowest: | | 2,609,247.74 km | : Hypoae Screia AA-A h466 7 a
| |
| |
Average: | | 32,598,402.2594 km | | |
Count: 102 | Standard Deviation: | | 7,776,658.7284 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 53,543,425.8 | | Athair LP-D d13-1486 20 a
| | 2,609,247.74 | | Hypoae Screia AA-A h466 7 a
| 49,298,481.15 | | Eorgh Prou ZO-Z d202 15 a
| | 19,623,393.42 | | Eidairld WY-Y d1-149 5 a
| 48,840,175.87 | | Blo Eur LS-B d13-123 8 a
| | 20,089,546.75 | | Braisoea JU-E d12-4325 12 a
| 47,059,338.69 | | Whambooe MS-K d8-86 17 a
| | 20,337,672.19 | | Froals ER-U d3-267 7 a
| 45,872,082.71 | | Eadgosh FG-Y d19 17 a
| | 20,476,297.14 | | Byoi Eur AR-M d7-49 9 a
| 45,104,463.1 | | Prue Gruia GC-J d10-21 14 a
| | 21,624,895.93 | | Graea Hypue BQ-O d6-106 12 a
| 44,841,679.33 | | Eorgh Greau IH-U e3-49 AB 13 a
| | 21,651,681.07 | | Graea Hypue BG-O d6-97 10 a
| 44,278,910.98 | | Dryoi Flyoae JR-U d3-2 8 a
| | 21,854,022.74 | | Chraufao ID-R d5-2 AB 11 a
| 43,604,299.43 | | Phylucs AF-P d6-1 AB 5 a
| | 22,081,220.15 | | Eorl Bre IR-L d8-687 10 a
| 42,223,816.7 | | Preae Aihm RT-P d6-9 12 a
| | 23,026,659.49 | | Ovomly XZ-O d6-24 12 a
Water giant (as planet) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 2,919,823,980.49 km | : Skaude QJ-Y d1-40 13
| |
Lowest: | | 5,418.71 km | : Flyaulz YE-A g2 1
| |
| |
Average: | | 160,227,647.9451 km | | |
Count: 112,318 | Standard Deviation: | | 382,574,435.241 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 2,919,823,980.49 | | Skaude QJ-Y d1-40 13
| | 5,418.71 | | Flyaulz YE-A g2 1
| 2,906,420,819.21 | | Mynoaw FG-Y g1156 A 7
| | 6,660.01 | | Lasao AA-A h421 1
| 2,856,381,173.17 | | Prielaei TC-V d2-36 13
| | 7,433.02 | | Eoch Pruae NS-U f2-3611 3
| 2,851,980,385.53 | | Sifaea ZE-R e4-6 16
| | 8,382.6 | | Hypio Gree AA-A h323 A 6
| 2,798,300,713.06 | | Pha Airgh KG-Y d3 11
| | 9,713.34 | | Hypoe Prao BA-A g11 5
| 2,754,203,248.18 | | Phroea Blou OR-N d6-293 A 16
| | 10,339.38 | | Myrierph AA-A h506 4
| 2,751,455,102.36 | | Blu Airg YZ-F d11-0 6
| | 11,531.1 | | Dryi Free AA-A h568 7
| 2,743,909,090.56 | | Grie Dryue KD-Q d6-29 6
| | 11,748.61 | | Stuemaea AA-A g84 2
| 2,731,662,343.15 | | Splohaae CQ-O d6-895 11
| | 11,977.52 | | Cleeqai AA-A h335 8
| 2,695,108,339.7 | | Synuefai KI-Q d6-6 12
| | 13,155.29 | | Kyloall JH-V e2-7320 1
Water world (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 6,906,513,610.32 km | : Eorld Bloo JG-Y e117 10
| |
Lowest: | | 49.31 km | : Byeia Aed AK-Z d46 3 a
| |
| |
Average: | | 142,059,205.0198 km | | |
Count: 4,955,634 | Standard Deviation: | | 158,037,247.9967 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 6,906,513,610.32 | | Eorld Bloo JG-Y e117 10
| | 49.31 | | Byeia Aed AK-Z d46 3 a
| 6,702,981,525.43 | | Boepp PJ-Q e5-4973 14
| | 50.87 | | Puelua LM-L d8-6 4 c
| 3,948,606,200.3 | | Grambaa RF-L d9-4 A 1
| | 81.48 | | Lysoosms JW-W d1-92 1 a
| 3,947,321,910.96 | | Dryoea Flyuae FW-N e6-4645 A 5
| | 85.5 | | Juemoa UR-H d11-253 A 1 a
| 3,751,165,067.89 | | Screakiae OL-B d14-4318 4
| | 96.19 | | Praea Euq BV-F b15-0 3
| 3,750,632,996.86 | | Bleae Aod DM-M d7-12 A 6
| | 103.73 | | Synuefoi HG-N d7-30 3 a
| 3,709,351,874.84 | | Hypio Proo SO-R e4-564 A 6
| | 117.57 | | Dunee RT-Y d1-285 B 4
| 3,672,552,297.44 | | Phroea Bluae XA-V d3-750 4
| | 125.74 | | Pyramoe RT-L a117-2 2
| 3,651,151,558 | | Blo Thae VY-S e3-4 3
| | 127.81 | | Byua Eurk WM-Z c27-44 A 1 a
| 3,643,095,152.86 | | Byoi Aip LX-L d7-1842 5
| | 133.46 | | Dryae Groa YK-A c3-6 B 2
Water world (as moon) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 138,607,847.69 km | : Pha Scroi AA-A h514 C 3 a
| |
Lowest: | | 49.31 km | : Byeia Aed AK-Z d46 3 a
| |
| |
Average: | | 6,422,429.6337 km | | |
Count: 115,264 | Standard Deviation: | | 8,936,945.2685 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 138,607,847.69 | | Pha Scroi AA-A h514 C 3 a
| | 49.31 | | Byeia Aed AK-Z d46 3 a
| 118,826,278.91 | | Cheia Dryoae RT-Q e5-0 AB 11 a
| | 50.87 | | Puelua LM-L d8-6 4 c
| 101,139,938.83 | | Dryi Aoc AA-A g5 12 a
| | 81.48 | | Lysoosms JW-W d1-92 1 a
| 100,981,614.99 | | Kyloaln AA-A h311 B 2 i
| | 85.5 | | Juemoa UR-H d11-253 A 1 a
| 99,430,558.39 | | Blaa Phrua AA-A h164 AB 10 k
| | 103.73 | | Synuefoi HG-N d7-30 3 a
| 98,339,686.37 | | Throets AA-A h256 AB 8 i
| | 127.81 | | Byua Eurk WM-Z c27-44 A 1 a
| 97,552,966.48 | | Eoch Gree AA-A h26 AB 3 g
| | 133.87 | | Drooti FY-G d11-35 2 a
| 97,433,781.62 | | Ooch Chrea PS-U f2-10 A 23 a
| | 152.72 | | Phylucs GK-R d4-34 1 d
| 96,733,281.28 | | Wepae AA-A h316 AB 3 j
| | 872.57 | | Prua Phoe ZD-A d1-69 10 a
| 96,515,214.44 | | Blae Hypoea AA-A h0 3 a
| | 903.79 | | Eol Prou SS-T d3-2119 1 b
Water world (as planet) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 6,906,513,610.32 km | : Eorld Bloo JG-Y e117 10
| |
Lowest: | | 96.19 km | : Praea Euq BV-F b15-0 3
| |
| |
Average: | | 145,268,375.9087 km | | |
Count: 4,836,243 | Standard Deviation: | | 158,444,006.1145 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 6,906,513,610.32 | | Eorld Bloo JG-Y e117 10
| | 96.19 | | Praea Euq BV-F b15-0 3
| 6,702,981,525.43 | | Boepp PJ-Q e5-4973 14
| | 117.57 | | Dunee RT-Y d1-285 B 4
| 3,948,606,200.3 | | Grambaa RF-L d9-4 A 1
| | 125.74 | | Pyramoe RT-L a117-2 2
| 3,947,321,910.96 | | Dryoea Flyuae FW-N e6-4645 A 5
| | 133.46 | | Dryae Groa YK-A c3-6 B 2
| 3,751,165,067.89 | | Screakiae OL-B d14-4318 4
| | 149.27 | | Blau Eur AP-B b45-0 1
| 3,750,632,996.86 | | Bleae Aod DM-M d7-12 A 6
| | 149.64 | | Hypio Blao EY-R b37-4 3
| 3,709,351,874.84 | | Hypio Proo SO-R e4-564 A 6
| | 157.18 | | Byeia Ain FY-Q b32-152 A 3
| 3,672,552,297.44 | | Phroea Bluae XA-V d3-750 4
| | 170.74 | | Bleae Thua TL-W b56-2 2
| 3,651,151,558 | | Blo Thae VY-S e3-4 3
| | 175.39 | | Thailae DT-E b14-0 A 2
| 3,643,095,152.86 | | Byoi Aip LX-L d7-1842 5
| | 179.73 | | Plaa Eurk QS-E b40-1 2
White Dwarf (D) Star (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 305,354,122.62 km | : Croomoi XE-R e4-6387 B
| |
Lowest: | | 388,484.01 km | : Choomeae XV-T d4-1 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 48,831,083.98 km | | |
Count: 31 | Standard Deviation: | | 80,956,041.9326 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 305,354,122.62 | | Croomoi XE-R e4-6387 B
| | 388,484.01 | | Choomeae XV-T d4-1 A
| 298,956,265.74 | | Phua Aub OI-B e6357 B
| | 443,420.26 | | Dryuae Chruia GD-Z d1-4208 A
| 178,692,625.52 | | Dryuae Chruia GD-Z d1-6533 A
| | 1,014,304.92 | | Boeppy EP-A d2 A
| 152,509,208.94 | | Dryau Chrea RX-A d1-1809 A
| | 1,247,768.24 | | Blau Eur OD-Q d6-6 A
| 124,867,166.88 | | Byoi Trae BT-U d2-0 A
| | 1,408,908.73 | | Byoi Aerb JV-P d5-9 A
| 101,480,420.55 | | Blau Eur XP-M d8-12 A
| | 2,332,598.52 | | Choomeae YV-T d4-25 A
| 79,598,830.78 | | Eorl Aug KM-W f1-1957 B
| | 2,971,820.05 | | Byoi Thae RA-C d14-7 A
| 56,401,319.02 | | Dryuae Aug JH-M d7-1858 A
| | 3,175,680.13 | | Boeppy PR-W d1-4 A
| 33,266,911.01 | | LAWD 49 A
| | 3,227,676.24 | | Eidaih KW-W d1-20 A
| 22,963,058.99 | | Ross 640 A
| | 3,797,670.42 | | Choomeae VV-T d4-3 A
White Dwarf (D) Star (as main star) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 178,692,625.52 km | : Dryuae Chruia GD-Z d1-6533 A
| |
Lowest: | | 388,484.01 km | : Choomeae XV-T d4-1 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 31,050,351.6323 km | | |
Count: 26 | Standard Deviation: | | 49,139,545.8085 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 178,692,625.52 | | Dryuae Chruia GD-Z d1-6533 A
| | 388,484.01 | | Choomeae XV-T d4-1 A
| 152,509,208.94 | | Dryau Chrea RX-A d1-1809 A
| | 443,420.26 | | Dryuae Chruia GD-Z d1-4208 A
| 124,867,166.88 | | Byoi Trae BT-U d2-0 A
| | 1,014,304.92 | | Boeppy EP-A d2 A
| 101,480,420.55 | | Blau Eur XP-M d8-12 A
| | 1,247,768.24 | | Blau Eur OD-Q d6-6 A
| 56,401,319.02 | | Dryuae Aug JH-M d7-1858 A
| | 1,408,908.73 | | Byoi Aerb JV-P d5-9 A
| 33,266,911.01 | | LAWD 49 A
| | 2,332,598.52 | | Choomeae YV-T d4-25 A
| 22,963,058.99 | | Ross 640 A
| | 2,971,820.05 | | Byoi Thae RA-C d14-7 A
| 20,939,511.1 | | Blau Eur JX-R d5-6 A
| | 3,175,680.13 | | Boeppy PR-W d1-4 A
| 20,339,961.05 | | Dryuae Chruia GD-Z d1-862 A
| | 3,227,676.24 | | Eidaih KW-W d1-20 A
| 20,042,553.3 | | Blau Eur PZ-D d13-2 A
| | 3,797,670.42 | | Choomeae VV-T d4-3 A
White Dwarf (DA) Star (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 2,430,634,617.52 km | : Schee Bli AA-A h243 3
| |
Lowest: | | 14,215.53 km | : Nyuenaa AA-A h562 ABC 8
| |
| |
Average: | | 58,382,156.2906 km | | |
Count: 20,715 | Standard Deviation: | | 146,593,851.5219 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 2,430,634,617.52 | | Schee Bli AA-A h243 3
| | 14,215.53 | | Nyuenaa AA-A h562 ABC 8
| 2,018,543,244.12 | | Schieno AA-A h104 4
| | 124,853.51 | | Dryio Bli NM-M d7-2746 A
| 1,778,783,492.03 | | Schieno AA-A h89 3
| | 131,363.68 | | Hypi Fruia ND-Q d6-2 A
| 1,728,207,882.36 | | Braireau AA-A h3 2
| | 131,411.75 | | Dryio Bloo GT-F d12-18 A
| 1,667,588,499.93 | | Systimbao AA-A h163 ABCD 1
| | 133,885.29 | | Slyaipt LS-B d13-1 A
| 1,667,254,391.93 | | Aunaiwyg AA-A h163 2
| | 134,279.51 | | Dryuae Aescs TG-J d10-0 A
| 1,654,425,847.84 | | Boeph AA-A h57 ABCD 2
| | 134,840.74 | | Eorm Phyloi KO-X d2-12 A
| 1,643,956,922.13 | | Nyuenoi AA-A h68 AB 3
| | 140,420.92 | | Eudaitls KT-P d6-352 A
| 1,635,717,438.58 | | Juenoea AA-A h531 2
| | 164,043.23 | | Myoangoi KI-Z d1-5 A
| 1,617,528,620.38 | | Dryao Phylio AA-A h569 3
| | 165,913.95 | | Greae Phoea TN-K d8-4 A
White Dwarf (DA) Star (as main star) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 261,571,667.12 km | : Systimbao BW-N d6-238 A
| |
Lowest: | | 124,853.51 km | : Dryio Bli NM-M d7-2746 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 28,692,674.8807 km | | |
Count: 11,289 | Standard Deviation: | | 35,529,243.3464 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 261,571,667.12 | | Systimbao BW-N d6-238 A
| | 124,853.51 | | Dryio Bli NM-M d7-2746 A
| 232,562,657.24 | | Hypi Aim RK-V d3-1 A
| | 131,363.68 | | Hypi Fruia ND-Q d6-2 A
| 228,361,061.15 | | Brambai TZ-X d1-66 A
| | 131,411.75 | | Dryio Bloo GT-F d12-18 A
| 217,334,835.65 | | Tyreangeou EM-C d5 A
| | 133,885.29 | | Slyaipt LS-B d13-1 A
| 216,149,472.33 | | Dryau Brou QS-A d1-40 A
| | 134,279.51 | | Dryuae Aescs TG-J d10-0 A
| 213,708,671.42 | | Preae Aub AI-H d11-1 A
| | 134,840.74 | | Eorm Phyloi KO-X d2-12 A
| 206,969,418.76 | | Rhuedgau HN-B d13-95 A
| | 140,420.92 | | Eudaitls KT-P d6-352 A
| 206,372,527.52 | | Lysoosms BL-V d3-6 A
| | 164,043.23 | | Myoangoi KI-Z d1-5 A
| 205,044,288.69 | | Dryi Ausms JV-P d5-1145 A
| | 165,913.95 | | Greae Phoea TN-K d8-4 A
| 203,887,756.52 | | Flyooe Hypoea FC-B d1-6 A
| | 170,362.45 | | Lasou FS-A d1-670 A
White Dwarf (DA) Star (as planet) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 2,430,634,617.52 km | : Schee Bli AA-A h243 3
| |
Lowest: | | 14,215.53 km | : Nyuenaa AA-A h562 ABC 8
| |
| |
Average: | | 899,197,479.7401 km | | |
Count: 315 | Standard Deviation: | | 548,071,528.0507 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 2,430,634,617.52 | | Schee Bli AA-A h243 3
| | 14,215.53 | | Nyuenaa AA-A h562 ABC 8
| 2,018,543,244.12 | | Schieno AA-A h104 4
| | 275,364.01 | | Mynoaw AA-A h26 ABCD 1
| 1,778,783,492.03 | | Schieno AA-A h89 3
| | 3,223,985.6 | | Schienia AA-A h158 ABC 3
| 1,728,207,882.36 | | Braireau AA-A h3 2
| | 4,159,350.85 | | Eachaiv AA-A h540 ABCD 1
| 1,667,588,499.93 | | Systimbao AA-A h163 ABCD 1
| | 4,314,645.75 | | Umbaists AA-A h106 1
| 1,667,254,391.93 | | Aunaiwyg AA-A h163 2
| | 4,886,205.3 | | Theemaa AA-A h29 2
| 1,654,425,847.84 | | Boeph AA-A h57 ABCD 2
| | 5,259,211.25 | | Eorl Scrua AA-A h603 A 4
| 1,643,956,922.13 | | Nyuenoi AA-A h68 AB 3
| | 5,408,863.89 | | Prue Pruae AA-A h29 2
| 1,635,717,438.58 | | Juenoea AA-A h531 2
| | 5,534,988.3 | | Dryaa Flyuae AA-A h192 AB 1
| 1,617,528,620.38 | | Dryao Phylio AA-A h569 3
| | 6,027,711.78 | | Dryau Scraa AA-A h460 1
White Dwarf (DAB) Star (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 1,876,487,257.38 km | : Dryi Phylio AA-A h575 4
| |
Lowest: | | 681.84 km | : Umbairrs AA-A h463 1
| |
| |
Average: | | 53,455,958.8675 km | | |
Count: 9,022 | Standard Deviation: | | 133,756,703.0346 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 1,876,487,257.38 | | Dryi Phylio AA-A h575 4
| | 681.84 | | Umbairrs AA-A h463 1
| 1,592,162,740.57 | | Hypoe Grie AA-A h6 2
| | 10,720.85 | | Hypio Proo AA-A h143 ABC 1
| 1,563,272,670.11 | | Eord Blooe AA-A h650 ABCD 8
| | 149,390.56 | | Hypiae Phyloi XU-W d2-59 A
| 1,556,838,741.64 | | Theemae AA-A h188 2
| | 152,518.81 | | Boeths DL-P d5-413 A
| 1,548,868,194.85 | | Phraa Pruae AA-A h197 2
| | 159,823.67 | | Froalt OD-Q d6-392 A
| 1,543,844,626.26 | | Dryao Scraa AA-A h822 2
| | 162,903.19 | | Scheau Proo XP-N d7-298 A
| 1,522,103,354.84 | | Eulain AA-A h239 3
| | 178,246.37 | | Agnairy QO-R d4-4518 A
| 1,502,081,396.77 | | Phraa Flyuae AA-A h137 2
| | 180,010.06 | | Phaa Aurb EN-A d14-562 A
| 1,493,549,876.13 | | Phleedgaa AA-A h233 3
| | 182,766.22 | | Eotchops FQ-Y d357 A
| 1,483,346,476.49 | | Phoi Scraa AA-A h159 3
| | 188,535.98 | | Speamoea RO-G d11-189 A
White Dwarf (DAB) Star (as main star) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 271,513,715.28 km | : Eord Blou HV-Y d1838 A
| |
Lowest: | | 149,390.56 km | : Hypiae Phyloi XU-W d2-59 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 29,206,140.1014 km | | |
Count: 5,253 | Standard Deviation: | | 35,526,620.3998 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 271,513,715.28 | | Eord Blou HV-Y d1838 A
| | 149,390.56 | | Hypiae Phyloi XU-W d2-59 A
| 228,743,073.27 | | Graea Blou UY-S d3-2 A
| | 152,518.81 | | Boeths DL-P d5-413 A
| 209,768,169.98 | | Phia Flaae QY-Z d13-0 A
| | 159,823.67 | | Froalt OD-Q d6-392 A
| 204,521,333.26 | | Skaudoae YI-T d3-24 A
| | 162,903.19 | | Scheau Proo XP-N d7-298 A
| 199,063,639.22 | | Zunao ES-A d1-3580 A
| | 178,246.37 | | Agnairy QO-R d4-4518 A
| 183,665,567.2 | | Dryuae Auscs WU-M d8-667 A
| | 180,010.06 | | Phaa Aurb EN-A d14-562 A
| 181,469,875.75 | | Flyiedge VJ-R d4-15 A
| | 182,766.22 | | Eotchops FQ-Y d357 A
| 177,944,796.11 | | Kyloall TZ-P d5-693 A
| | 188,535.98 | | Speamoea RO-G d11-189 A
| 175,264,863.56 | | Eok Bla IR-U d3-4 A
| | 188,932.36 | | Scheau Proo LW-C d857 A
| 171,524,696.81 | | Scoagaae MA-C d14-2 A
| | 192,069.09 | | Pro Eurl SB-J d10-0 A
White Dwarf (DAB) Star (as planet) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 1,876,487,257.38 km | : Dryi Phylio AA-A h575 4
| |
Lowest: | | 681.84 km | : Umbairrs AA-A h463 1
| |
| |
Average: | | 815,183,912.4529 km | | |
Count: 121 | Standard Deviation: | | 586,429,241.7638 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 1,876,487,257.38 | | Dryi Phylio AA-A h575 4
| | 681.84 | | Umbairrs AA-A h463 1
| 1,592,162,740.57 | | Hypoe Grie AA-A h6 2
| | 10,720.85 | | Hypio Proo AA-A h143 ABC 1
| 1,563,272,670.11 | | Eord Blooe AA-A h650 ABCD 8
| | 1,059,546.23 | | Braisoi AA-A h442 AB 2
| 1,556,838,741.64 | | Theemae AA-A h188 2
| | 1,947,945.96 | | Wrupaea AA-A h703 AB 11
| 1,548,868,194.85 | | Phraa Pruae AA-A h197 2
| | 2,740,228.63 | | Eord Blooe AA-A h709 AB 8
| 1,543,844,626.26 | | Dryao Scraa AA-A h822 2
| | 3,353,658.74 | | Phaa Aurb AA-A h205 AB 8
| 1,522,103,354.84 | | Eulain AA-A h239 3
| | 3,750,078.14 | | Dryau Scraa AA-A h512 1
| 1,502,081,396.77 | | Phraa Flyuae AA-A h137 2
| | 3,803,596.84 | | Eord Bla AA-A h583 1
| 1,493,549,876.13 | | Phleedgaa AA-A h233 3
| | 4,951,250.09 | | Dryio Flyuae AA-A h420 1
| 1,483,346,476.49 | | Phoi Scraa AA-A h159 3
| | 5,663,360.3 | | Dehou AA-A h67 ABC 2
White Dwarf (DAV) Star (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 1,524,613,879.57 km | : Smasiae AA-A h93 3
| |
Lowest: | | 147,305.28 km | : Hyuqe IQ-Y d177 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 51,423,893.6364 km | | |
Count: 2,215 | Standard Deviation: | | 116,596,651.7629 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 1,524,613,879.57 | | Smasiae AA-A h93 3
| | 147,305.28 | | Hyuqe IQ-Y d177 A
| 1,411,738,303.58 | | Phoi Phylaa AA-A h75 ABCD 4
| | 206,170.74 | | Greou Byoe HL-P d5-0 A
| 1,388,536,082.51 | | Dryi Phylio AA-A h559 AB 6
| | 214,742.53 | | Theemae OX-U d2-2127 A
| 1,383,239,413.4 | | Wrupaea AA-A h226 2
| | 219,364.12 | | Phoi Screia IB-W d2-40 A
| 1,259,324,731.44 | | Kyloaln AA-A h722 AB 1
| | 221,278.9 | | Zunai KS-A d1-3366 A
| 1,257,323,723.89 | | Chraisuae AA-A h66 ABC 6
| | 221,533.38 | | Eudaith HZ-D d13-7 A
| 1,220,102,006.81 | | Eorl Braea AA-A h27 AB 6
| | 224,907.33 | | Hypoae Aurb JR-T d4-3 A
| 1,195,656,456.51 | | Schee Prue AA-A h280 1
| | 236,225.58 | | Oephaird CR-C d513 A
| 1,184,980,452.64 | | Nyuenoi AA-A h570 1
| | 246,704.86 | | Eord Blao IX-L d7-1565 A
| 1,070,133,301.47 | | Phraa Pruae AA-A h433 1
| | 248,395.44 | | Phaa Breae FH-K d9-11 A
White Dwarf (DAV) Star (as main star) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 210,176,004.49 km | : Blua Hypue VQ-D d12-69 A
| |
Lowest: | | 147,305.28 km | : Hyuqe IQ-Y d177 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 29,302,750.4312 km | | |
Count: 1,327 | Standard Deviation: | | 36,444,522.4371 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 210,176,004.49 | | Blua Hypue VQ-D d12-69 A
| | 147,305.28 | | Hyuqe IQ-Y d177 A
| 196,556,767.93 | | Dryuae Bru EW-M d7-295 A
| | 206,170.74 | | Greou Byoe HL-P d5-0 A
| 195,263,293.78 | | Skaudai QY-S d3-7 A
| | 214,742.53 | | Theemae OX-U d2-2127 A
| 181,073,229.56 | | Bleia Eork JQ-Y d1 A
| | 219,364.12 | | Phoi Screia IB-W d2-40 A
| 176,095,435.99 | | Hypua Groa GA-A d2 A
| | 221,278.9 | | Zunai KS-A d1-3366 A
| 172,694,764.99 | | Croomaa XL-T d4-91 A
| | 221,533.38 | | Eudaith HZ-D d13-7 A
| 171,355,312.41 | | Eol Prou QC-M d7-678 A
| | 224,907.33 | | Hypoae Aurb JR-T d4-3 A
| 166,069,639.41 | | Chraisuae TT-Y d1-476 A
| | 236,225.58 | | Oephaird CR-C d513 A
| 165,846,060.1 | | Systipoo MX-U d2-1 A
| | 246,704.86 | | Eord Blao IX-L d7-1565 A
| 165,281,278.28 | | Blae Prao LX-B d13-0 A
| | 248,395.44 | | Phaa Breae FH-K d9-11 A
White Dwarf (DAV) Star (as planet) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 1,524,613,879.57 km | : Smasiae AA-A h93 3
| |
Lowest: | | 10,071,710.55 km | : Phaa Aug AA-A h65 2
| |
| |
Average: | | 783,695,078.9114 km | | |
Count: 22 | Standard Deviation: | | 555,729,538.6319 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 1,524,613,879.57 | | Smasiae AA-A h93 3
| | 10,071,710.55 | | Phaa Aug AA-A h65 2
| 1,411,738,303.58 | | Phoi Phylaa AA-A h75 ABCD 4
| | 14,113,906.72 | | Dryoea Gree AA-A h59 3
| 1,388,536,082.51 | | Dryi Phylio AA-A h559 AB 6
| | 14,538,356.81 | | Eord Gree AA-A h453 AB 1
| 1,383,239,413.4 | | Wrupaea AA-A h226 2
| | 15,156,770.66 | | Dryi Phylio AA-A h534 3
| 1,259,324,731.44 | | Kyloaln AA-A h722 AB 1
| | 19,795,807.65 | | Eok Flyuae AA-A h38 ABC 3
| 1,257,323,723.89 | | Chraisuae AA-A h66 ABC 6
| | 50,437,074.12 | | Phleedgae AA-A h217 1
| 1,220,102,006.81 | | Eorl Braea AA-A h27 AB 6
| | 58,012,821.46 | | Braisoi AA-A h57 3
| 1,195,656,456.51 | | Schee Prue AA-A h280 1
| | 677,706,680.83 | | Flease AA-A h63 AB 3
| 1,184,980,452.64 | | Nyuenoi AA-A h570 1
| | 817,213,366.78 | | Dryoea Flyuae AA-A h65 1
| 1,070,133,301.47 | | Phraa Pruae AA-A h433 1
| | 840,015,536.94 | | Eifols AA-A h54 AB 2
White Dwarf (DAZ) Star (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 1,600,101,443.93 km | : Phrae Flyou AA-A h1 2
| |
Lowest: | | 212,836.12 km | : Eoch Flyuae KB-X d1-688 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 38,893,847.7173 km | | |
Count: 220 | Standard Deviation: | | 114,313,506.9591 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 1,600,101,443.93 | | Phrae Flyou AA-A h1 2
| | 212,836.12 | | Eoch Flyuae KB-X d1-688 A
| 265,906,689.34 | | Cojoa TO-Q e5-0 C
| | 276,361.63 | | Hypoe Grie JG-W d2-95 A
| 224,459,907.49 | | Hyuqe UA-F d11-127 A
| | 293,009.2 | | NGC 7789 Sector QI-K d8-0 A
| 207,294,131.39 | | Floarks YE-A e40 B
| | 311,075.96 | | Aunairn JX-L d7-327 A
| 182,884,327.95 | | Eol Prou XO-I d9-429 A
| | 341,921.55 | | Myumbae EF-Z d3 A
| 178,687,489.58 | | Aiphaits VO-Z e11 B
| | 354,420.49 | | Prae Flyuae IV-P d5-141 A
| 167,038,341.04 | | Spoihaae EY-F d12-563 A
| | 359,244.23 | | Screake RP-M d8-680 A
| 150,174,943.38 | | Phroea Blou HB-X d1-35 A
| | 393,463.14 | | Eol Prou JG-Y e0 B
| 146,355,796.56 | | Eock Prau OT-R d4-7 A
| | 397,298.51 | | Hypoe Grie PF-M d8-53 A
| 144,177,747.32 | | Steajo NF-C d14-2 A
| | 406,274.14 | | Phraa Prai VE-X d2-59 A
White Dwarf (DAZ) Star (as main star) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 224,459,907.49 km | : Hyuqe UA-F d11-127 A
| |
Lowest: | | 212,836.12 km | : Eoch Flyuae KB-X d1-688 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 28,796,130.2205 km | | |
Count: 205 | Standard Deviation: | | 38,568,692.3584 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 224,459,907.49 | | Hyuqe UA-F d11-127 A
| | 212,836.12 | | Eoch Flyuae KB-X d1-688 A
| 182,884,327.95 | | Eol Prou XO-I d9-429 A
| | 276,361.63 | | Hypoe Grie JG-W d2-95 A
| 167,038,341.04 | | Spoihaae EY-F d12-563 A
| | 293,009.2 | | NGC 7789 Sector QI-K d8-0 A
| 150,174,943.38 | | Phroea Blou HB-X d1-35 A
| | 311,075.96 | | Aunairn JX-L d7-327 A
| 146,355,796.56 | | Eock Prau OT-R d4-7 A
| | 341,921.55 | | Myumbae EF-Z d3 A
| 144,177,747.32 | | Steajo NF-C d14-2 A
| | 354,420.49 | | Prae Flyuae IV-P d5-141 A
| 140,681,279.41 | | Luekuae DR-C d1 A
| | 359,244.23 | | Screake RP-M d8-680 A
| 129,018,196.41 | | Hyuqe JQ-Y d106 A
| | 397,298.51 | | Hypoe Grie PF-M d8-53 A
| 117,839,470.78 | | Eock Flyao PS-K d8-4 A
| | 406,274.14 | | Phraa Prai VE-X d2-59 A
| 115,439,345.86 | | Prooe Flyuae RJ-I d9-51 A
| | 415,028.03 | | Swoiphs JX-B d13-0 A
White Dwarf (DAZ) Star (as planet) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 1,600,101,443.93 km | : Phrae Flyou AA-A h1 2
| |
Lowest: | | 1,600,101,443.93 km | : Phrae Flyou AA-A h1 2
| |
| |
Average: | | 1,600,101,443.93 km | | |
Count: 1 | Standard Deviation: | | 0 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 1,600,101,443.93 | | Phrae Flyou AA-A h1 2
| | 1,600,101,443.93 | | Phrae Flyou AA-A h1 2
White Dwarf (DB) Star (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 1,866,414,021.78 km | : Cyauleou AA-A h366 4
| |
Lowest: | | 190,779.58 km | : Bleia Hypoi XV-C d1 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 53,074,624.7947 km | | |
Count: 3,597 | Standard Deviation: | | 129,476,572.6352 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 1,866,414,021.78 | | Cyauleou AA-A h366 4
| | 190,779.58 | | Bleia Hypoi XV-C d1 A
| 1,619,550,423.83 | | Eock Greau AA-A h53 2
| | 194,832.67 | | Ploea The JB-F d11-0 A
| 1,519,850,582.19 | | Dryi Aug AA-A h353 2
| | 206,446.59 | | Spoihaae FC-S d5-458 A
| 1,495,939,231.86 | | Dryaa Pruae AA-A h862 AB 2
| | 211,034.15 | | Phroea Blou AK-A d90 A
| 1,466,737,490.72 | | Juenoea AA-A h130 2
| | 212,088.57 | | Dryooe Prooe IE-F d12-174 A
| 1,445,758,175.75 | | Tepou AA-A h372 A 2
| | 212,168.53 | | Cojoa TQ-B d14-0 A
| 1,424,162,108.5 | | Iwaisty AA-A h292 2
| | 212,221.2 | | Kyloall YL-D d12-114 A
| 1,390,889,610.13 | | Umbaist AA-A h189 3
| | 213,866.5 | | Praei Brue LI-Q d6-2 A
| 1,380,457,573.16 | | Ciesuae AA-A h15 2
| | 221,703.19 | | Pyrue Eohn FX-B d13-0 A
| 1,362,829,545.95 | | Eor Bro AA-A h282 2
| | 222,296.99 | | Schee Prau BX-B d13-1651 A
White Dwarf (DB) Star (as main star) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 261,365,066.02 km | : Blau Aed YF-L d9-3 A
| |
Lowest: | | 190,779.58 km | : Bleia Hypoi XV-C d1 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 28,316,604.106 km | | |
Count: 2,043 | Standard Deviation: | | 36,747,020.9564 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 261,365,066.02 | | Blau Aed YF-L d9-3 A
| | 190,779.58 | | Bleia Hypoi XV-C d1 A
| 247,054,826.07 | | Thaikea YO-R d4-3 A
| | 194,832.67 | | Ploea The JB-F d11-0 A
| 235,605,710.27 | | Pyralaei EX-B d13-7 A
| | 206,446.59 | | Spoihaae FC-S d5-458 A
| 220,881,647.44 | | Eord Prau IP-A d686 A
| | 211,034.15 | | Phroea Blou AK-A d90 A
| 198,813,072.21 | | Aumainks UK-D d13-40 A
| | 212,088.57 | | Dryooe Prooe IE-F d12-174 A
| 194,645,350.05 | | Phreia Pri NH-V d2-3 A
| | 212,168.53 | | Cojoa TQ-B d14-0 A
| 177,588,601.92 | | Dryio Blou KQ-Y d828 A
| | 212,221.2 | | Kyloall YL-D d12-114 A
| 176,599,644.12 | | Aucopp JH-V d2-3 A
| | 213,866.5 | | Praei Brue LI-Q d6-2 A
| 172,235,795.26 | | Byae Airg QZ-D d13-2 A
| | 221,703.19 | | Pyrue Eohn FX-B d13-0 A
| 172,010,821.46 | | Nyeajaae OT-R d4-13 A
| | 222,296.99 | | Schee Prau BX-B d13-1651 A
White Dwarf (DB) Star (as planet) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 1,866,414,021.78 km | : Cyauleou AA-A h366 4
| |
Lowest: | | 4,082,429.44 km | : Myumbau AA-A h366 A 1
| |
| |
Average: | | 869,667,548.0481 km | | |
Count: 42 | Standard Deviation: | | 549,425,949.4447 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 1,866,414,021.78 | | Cyauleou AA-A h366 4
| | 4,082,429.44 | | Myumbau AA-A h366 A 1
| 1,619,550,423.83 | | Eock Greau AA-A h53 2
| | 11,048,662.13 | | Agnaiz AA-A h206 2
| 1,519,850,582.19 | | Dryi Aug AA-A h353 2
| | 11,722,794.58 | | Umbairrs AA-A h538 1
| 1,495,939,231.86 | | Dryaa Pruae AA-A h862 AB 2
| | 12,667,961.76 | | Juenoe AA-A h411 1
| 1,466,737,490.72 | | Juenoea AA-A h130 2
| | 13,150,609.35 | | Chraisao AA-A h15 ABC 8
| 1,445,758,175.75 | | Tepou AA-A h372 A 2
| | 16,941,514.75 | | Dryio Bloo AA-A h732 2
| 1,424,162,108.5 | | Iwaisty AA-A h292 2
| | 20,333,564.63 | | Graea Hypa AA-A h315 AB 2
| 1,390,889,610.13 | | Umbaist AA-A h189 3
| | 26,710,389.29 | | Dryaa Bli AA-A h40 1
| 1,380,457,573.16 | | Ciesuae AA-A h15 2
| | 28,040,274.66 | | Skombuia AA-A h510 AB 8
| 1,362,829,545.95 | | Eor Bro AA-A h282 2
| | 35,388,721.56 | | Nyuenoi AA-A h648 1
White Dwarf (DBV) Star (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 1,271,705,968.32 km | : Mylaifa AA-A h669 1
| |
Lowest: | | 300,341.45 km | : Kyloall IN-K d8-1206 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 44,489,781.9898 km | | |
Count: 637 | Standard Deviation: | | 95,303,085.7163 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 1,271,705,968.32 | | Mylaifa AA-A h669 1
| | 300,341.45 | | Kyloall IN-K d8-1206 A
| 990,867,601.41 | | Phaa Aug AA-A h166 AB 3
| | 302,295.26 | | Hypiae Aug IQ-Y d785 A
| 577,280,991.6 | | Eos Scraa CQ-Y f6 C
| | 310,784.18 | | Dryoi Grie MH-U d3-297 A
| 517,548,221.66 | | Agnaiz KM-W f1-2174 B
| | 313,709.47 | | Foijie KX-L d7-24 A
| 458,389,895.9 | | Boewnst BF-R e4-50 C
| | 318,821.14 | | Throets ZW-A d14-264 A
| 436,743,197.07 | | Pru Ais HG-Y e0 B
| | 325,191.11 | | Greae Hypai GC-D d12-22 A
| 415,257,382.91 | | Nyuena RN-T e3-337 B
| | 331,973.27 | | IC 4997 Sector GW-W d1-0 A
| 398,224,980.45 | | Boewnst FG-Y f313 B
| | 338,467.09 | | Phua Aub SA-U d4-4901 A
| 398,008,679.56 | | Dryoea Bla MH-V e2-205 B
| | 339,040.46 | | Fleasoae ZD-K d8-215 A
| 396,785,826.17 | | Eoch Pri RY-S e3-4726 B
| | 339,348.16 | | Skaude BM-M d7-8 A
White Dwarf (DBV) Star (as main star) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 179,026,034.39 km | : Aunaihn SC-U d3-236 A
| |
Lowest: | | 300,341.45 km | : Kyloall IN-K d8-1206 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 27,296,258.2797 km | | |
Count: 445 | Standard Deviation: | | 34,222,630.9549 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 179,026,034.39 | | Aunaihn SC-U d3-236 A
| | 300,341.45 | | Kyloall IN-K d8-1206 A
| 161,663,448.08 | | Eegaipr CK-I d9-5 A
| | 302,295.26 | | Hypiae Aug IQ-Y d785 A
| 158,003,633.5 | | Phua Audst IS-A d1-37 A
| | 310,784.18 | | Dryoi Grie MH-U d3-297 A
| 151,497,466.11 | | Voqooe LP-D d13-178 A
| | 313,709.47 | | Foijie KX-L d7-24 A
| 142,196,926.07 | | Baukoa JO-O d7-1610 A
| | 318,821.14 | | Throets ZW-A d14-264 A
| 135,454,372.08 | | Dryoea Blao FR-D d12-3071 A
| | 325,191.11 | | Greae Hypai GC-D d12-22 A
| 134,029,804.77 | | Whookua XE-H d10-0 A
| | 331,973.27 | | IC 4997 Sector GW-W d1-0 A
| 132,204,676.44 | | Spoihaae PO-X d2-892 A
| | 338,467.09 | | Phua Aub SA-U d4-4901 A
| 126,252,477.93 | | Wepua WQ-D d12-1065 A
| | 339,040.46 | | Fleasoae ZD-K d8-215 A
| 124,565,521.31 | | Whanee AO-F d12-2379 A
| | 339,348.16 | | Skaude BM-M d7-8 A
White Dwarf (DBV) Star (as planet) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 1,271,705,968.32 km | : Mylaifa AA-A h669 1
| |
Lowest: | | 990,867,601.41 km | : Phaa Aug AA-A h166 AB 3
| |
| |
Average: | | 1,131,286,784.865 km | | |
Count: 2 | Standard Deviation: | | 140,419,183.455 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 1,271,705,968.32 | | Mylaifa AA-A h669 1
| | 990,867,601.41 | | Phaa Aug AA-A h166 AB 3
| 990,867,601.41 | | Phaa Aug AA-A h166 AB 3
| | 1,271,705,968.32 | | Mylaifa AA-A h669 1
White Dwarf (DBZ) Star (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 158,804,185.4 km | : Eol Prou XO-I d9-309 A
| |
Lowest: | | 222,232.16 km | : Boepp IT-Z d13-757 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 34,686,888.1258 km | | |
Count: 64 | Standard Deviation: | | 40,500,345.9846 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 158,804,185.4 | | Eol Prou XO-I d9-309 A
| | 222,232.16 | | Boepp IT-Z d13-757 A
| 150,546,852.78 | | Prooe Flyuae JN-K d8-92 A
| | 261,031.09 | | Dryi Aoc LP-M d8-361 A
| 143,098,017.26 | | Eol Prou BA-Q d5-980 A
| | 322,850.03 | | Blaa Byio FY-Z d13-1 A
| 133,676,000.22 | | Wepaa NN-K d8-510 A
| | 357,226.74 | | Phrua Flyou MR-W d1-12 A
| 110,177,712.01 | | Mynoarr EX-B d13-229 A
| | 467,699.84 | | Mylaifaa MN-B d13-251 A
| 99,683,363.78 | | Prae Phrua JK-C d14-64 A
| | 779,513.96 | | Coetls NB-X d1-0 A
| 94,840,418.55 | | Hypaa Greau JD-A d14-30 A
| | 811,672.52 | | Screake RP-M d8-639 A
| 85,220,211 | | Eol Prou RX-U d2-428 A
| | 913,253.52 | | Voqoea VD-B e9 B
| 81,336,062.81 | | Eeshoqs LR-N d6-150 A
| | 1,017,135.55 | | Schiembaa RO-X d2-3 A
| 71,736,060.12 | | Scaulooe MN-T d3-13 A
| | 1,037,272.57 | | Eudaists AG-M d8-111 A
White Dwarf (DBZ) Star (as main star) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 158,804,185.4 km | : Eol Prou XO-I d9-309 A
| |
Lowest: | | 222,232.16 km | : Boepp IT-Z d13-757 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 35,691,145.9361 km | | |
Count: 62 | Standard Deviation: | | 40,751,589.3382 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 158,804,185.4 | | Eol Prou XO-I d9-309 A
| | 222,232.16 | | Boepp IT-Z d13-757 A
| 150,546,852.78 | | Prooe Flyuae JN-K d8-92 A
| | 261,031.09 | | Dryi Aoc LP-M d8-361 A
| 143,098,017.26 | | Eol Prou BA-Q d5-980 A
| | 322,850.03 | | Blaa Byio FY-Z d13-1 A
| 133,676,000.22 | | Wepaa NN-K d8-510 A
| | 357,226.74 | | Phrua Flyou MR-W d1-12 A
| 110,177,712.01 | | Mynoarr EX-B d13-229 A
| | 467,699.84 | | Mylaifaa MN-B d13-251 A
| 99,683,363.78 | | Prae Phrua JK-C d14-64 A
| | 779,513.96 | | Coetls NB-X d1-0 A
| 94,840,418.55 | | Hypaa Greau JD-A d14-30 A
| | 811,672.52 | | Screake RP-M d8-639 A
| 85,220,211 | | Eol Prou RX-U d2-428 A
| | 1,017,135.55 | | Schiembaa RO-X d2-3 A
| 81,336,062.81 | | Eeshoqs LR-N d6-150 A
| | 1,037,272.57 | | Eudaists AG-M d8-111 A
| 71,736,060.12 | | Scaulooe MN-T d3-13 A
| | 1,116,100 | | Pyroifoi ZF-F d11-9 A
White Dwarf (DC) Star (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 2,307,613,526.23 km | : Eorl Scrua AA-A h536 3
| |
Lowest: | | 2,243.94 km | : Dryio Bluae AA-A h199 AB 2
| |
| |
Average: | | 54,631,254.1449 km | | |
Count: 30,912 | Standard Deviation: | | 138,538,200.4557 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 2,307,613,526.23 | | Eorl Scrua AA-A h536 3
| | 2,243.94 | | Dryio Bluae AA-A h199 AB 2
| 2,205,294,059.01 | | Wepoae AA-A h306 2
| | 138,678.26 | | Boesks OG-Y d3 A
| 2,182,351,155.25 | | Eord Blooe AA-A h404 3
| | 139,284.47 | | Dryua Ploe CU-R d4-4 A
| 2,173,983,168.82 | | Phroi Pruae AA-A h126 6
| | 146,010.35 | | Eorl Braea KN-A d14-203 A
| 2,136,687,013.58 | | Dryae Greau AA-A h19 3
| | 154,305.5 | | Iojaing QU-G d10-467 A
| 2,042,138,787.3 | | Dryaa Flyuae AA-A h388 4
| | 157,909.25 | | Blae Drye OM-M d7-4 A
| 2,018,742,898.01 | | Phroi Pruae AA-A h227 4
| | 160,541.43 | | Eord Flyue HC-J d10-273 A
| 1,931,959,298.48 | | Eord Byio AA-A h254 5
| | 160,990.32 | | Dryi Broae WA-L d9-1530 A
| 1,828,886,255.99 | | Nyuenaa AA-A h737 2
| | 164,012.85 | | Nyeajeou GP-A d6 A
| 1,814,233,526.94 | | Dryao Scraa AA-A h828 2
| | 164,375.08 | | Eocs Ausms ZL-C d13-1 A
White Dwarf (DC) Star (as main star) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 275,143,765.04 km | : Leamiae KM-D d12-1315 A
| |
Lowest: | | 138,678.26 km | : Boesks OG-Y d3 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 28,920,230.1617 km | | |
Count: 18,310 | Standard Deviation: | | 36,382,394.3752 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 275,143,765.04 | | Leamiae KM-D d12-1315 A
| | 138,678.26 | | Boesks OG-Y d3 A
| 246,847,903.3 | | Pro Thaa YW-R d5-3 A
| | 139,284.47 | | Dryua Ploe CU-R d4-4 A
| 244,542,697.18 | | Pyrivue ZO-A d1 A
| | 146,010.35 | | Eorl Braea KN-A d14-203 A
| 242,186,664.98 | | Gru Hypoea KI-H d11-9 A
| | 154,305.5 | | Iojaing QU-G d10-467 A
| 238,340,508.11 | | Phroody XF-W d2-1 A
| | 157,909.25 | | Blae Drye OM-M d7-4 A
| 233,907,196.32 | | Schienau FH-L d8-84 A
| | 160,541.43 | | Eord Flyue HC-J d10-273 A
| 227,349,652.76 | | Phoi Auscs QV-K d9-3584 A
| | 160,990.32 | | Dryi Broae WA-L d9-1530 A
| 226,668,369.72 | | Throernt QO-I d9-1768 A
| | 164,012.85 | | Nyeajeou GP-A d6 A
| 224,627,868.64 | | Dryoea Bluae KM-M d7-3691 A
| | 164,375.08 | | Eocs Ausms ZL-C d13-1 A
| 224,212,200.63 | | Blaa Hypa LC-M d7-5 A
| | 167,088.4 | | Phylur VY-Y d1-0 A
White Dwarf (DC) Star (as planet) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 2,307,613,526.23 km | : Eorl Scrua AA-A h536 3
| |
Lowest: | | 2,243.94 km | : Dryio Bluae AA-A h199 AB 2
| |
| |
Average: | | 932,226,377.9272 km | | |
Count: 392 | Standard Deviation: | | 559,379,640.3859 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 2,307,613,526.23 | | Eorl Scrua AA-A h536 3
| | 2,243.94 | | Dryio Bluae AA-A h199 AB 2
| 2,205,294,059.01 | | Wepoae AA-A h306 2
| | 775,144.63 | | Dryao Scraa AA-A h716 ABC 1
| 2,182,351,155.25 | | Eord Blooe AA-A h404 3
| | 1,336,464.47 | | Eord Bla AA-A h54 1
| 2,173,983,168.82 | | Phroi Pruae AA-A h126 6
| | 2,477,508.66 | | Wepae AA-A h579 1
| 2,136,687,013.58 | | Dryae Greau AA-A h19 3
| | 2,525,090.5 | | Phroi Pruae AA-A h489 AB 1
| 2,042,138,787.3 | | Dryaa Flyuae AA-A h388 4
| | 4,652,865.64 | | Dryio Bluae AA-A h92 2
| 2,018,742,898.01 | | Phroi Pruae AA-A h227 4
| | 4,830,354.51 | | Myumboo AA-A h479 ABCD 3
| 1,931,959,298.48 | | Eord Byio AA-A h254 5
| | 4,971,995.09 | | Cyauleou AA-A h259 4
| 1,828,886,255.99 | | Nyuenaa AA-A h737 2
| | 5,034,668.09 | | Cyaulie AA-A h124 1
| 1,814,233,526.94 | | Dryao Scraa AA-A h828 2
| | 5,575,053.75 | | Eorl Scrua AA-A h277 3
White Dwarf (DCV) Star (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 1,493,057,624.61 km | : Dryaa Pruae AA-A h613 2
| |
Lowest: | | 14,194.6 km | : Eord Gree AA-A h479 AB 8
| |
| |
Average: | | 47,003,140.0516 km | | |
Count: 2,486 | Standard Deviation: | | 107,309,581.0097 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 1,493,057,624.61 | | Dryaa Pruae AA-A h613 2
| | 14,194.6 | | Eord Gree AA-A h479 AB 8
| 1,415,368,105.91 | | Umbaiss AA-A h666 1
| | 178,954.82 | | Drojo DH-D d12-3 A
| 1,408,583,643.73 | | Hypiae Ausms AA-A h465 2
| | 182,608.93 | | Eaezi EG-Y d1 A
| 1,308,969,306.92 | | Byoomi AA-A h359 2
| | 195,767.26 | | Phao Aoc XP-P d5-9 A
| 1,308,967,124.92 | | Dryi Aug AA-A h187 2
| | 195,953.87 | | Eoch Pruae QM-W d1-341 A
| 1,258,821,422.99 | | Phroea Blou AA-A h124 1
| | 208,523.45 | | Dryao Phyloea AM-U d3-8 A
| 1,178,557,583.86 | | Huemuae AA-A h131 2
| | 209,515.91 | | Gru Eoq ZF-O d6-3 A
| 1,140,982,725.48 | | Dryu Scroi AA-A h27 A 2
| | 217,914.36 | | Eorgh Flyiae JR-N d6-0 A
| 1,100,506,647.53 | | Chraisoo AA-A h0 1
| | 219,516.41 | | Lysoof NJ-X d2-10 A
| 1,041,259,135.66 | | Eephain AA-A h28 2
| | 220,046.57 | | Kyloabs GD-A d14-653 A
White Dwarf (DCV) Star (as main star) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 204,497,974.87 km | : Phroea Flyoo BM-U d3-2 A
| |
Lowest: | | 178,954.82 km | : Drojo DH-D d12-3 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 27,935,787.8402 km | | |
Count: 1,599 | Standard Deviation: | | 35,686,111.696 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 204,497,974.87 | | Phroea Flyoo BM-U d3-2 A
| | 178,954.82 | | Drojo DH-D d12-3 A
| 199,629,481.53 | | Graea Hypue MI-T d3-15 A
| | 182,608.93 | | Eaezi EG-Y d1 A
| 198,865,235.66 | | Agnainks FB-O d6-1294 A
| | 195,767.26 | | Phao Aoc XP-P d5-9 A
| 193,456,986.68 | | Agnaiz RE-H d10-2936 A
| | 195,953.87 | | Eoch Pruae QM-W d1-341 A
| 185,552,044.13 | | Greou Phio DP-R d4-2 A
| | 208,523.45 | | Dryao Phyloea AM-U d3-8 A
| 183,968,268.92 | | Graea Hypoea WR-I d10-33 A
| | 209,515.91 | | Gru Eoq ZF-O d6-3 A
| 180,152,905.59 | | Speameia WE-P d6-125 A
| | 217,914.36 | | Eorgh Flyiae JR-N d6-0 A
| 179,928,182.8 | | Hypiae Phyloi KT-I d9-1377 A
| | 219,516.41 | | Lysoof NJ-X d2-10 A
| 174,127,700.61 | | Bloomea BH-T d4-79 A
| | 220,046.57 | | Kyloabs GD-A d14-653 A
| 172,157,660.17 | | Athair QU-G d10-306 A
| | 220,312.57 | | Lysooch LI-Q d6-5 A
White Dwarf (DCV) Star (as planet) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 1,493,057,624.61 km | : Dryaa Pruae AA-A h613 2
| |
Lowest: | | 14,194.6 km | : Eord Gree AA-A h479 AB 8
| |
| |
Average: | | 647,817,532.0109 km | | |
Count: 23 | Standard Deviation: | | 594,602,562.8074 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 1,493,057,624.61 | | Dryaa Pruae AA-A h613 2
| | 14,194.6 | | Eord Gree AA-A h479 AB 8
| 1,415,368,105.91 | | Umbaiss AA-A h666 1
| | 5,404,760.25 | | Umbaist AA-A h471 AB 6
| 1,408,583,643.73 | | Hypiae Ausms AA-A h465 2
| | 6,218,014.43 | | Umbaiss AA-A h635 1
| 1,308,969,306.92 | | Byoomi AA-A h359 2
| | 6,859,876.2 | | Schee Pri AA-A h51 1
| 1,308,967,124.92 | | Dryi Aug AA-A h187 2
| | 10,250,216.99 | | Eorl Braea AA-A h122 3
| 1,258,821,422.99 | | Phroea Blou AA-A h124 1
| | 10,886,208.07 | | Phraa Flyuae AA-A h99 AB 3
| 1,178,557,583.86 | | Huemuae AA-A h131 2
| | 12,298,940.98 | | Eotchops AA-A h446 1
| 1,140,982,725.48 | | Dryu Scroi AA-A h27 A 2
| | 12,847,685.81 | | Drumbaae AA-A h70 2
| 1,100,506,647.53 | | Chraisoo AA-A h0 1
| | 13,267,817.34 | | Athairk AA-A h718 AB 4
| 1,041,259,135.66 | | Eephain AA-A h28 2
| | 17,795,241.68 | | Rothaae AA-A h71 2
White Dwarf (DQ) Star (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 8,304,252.03 km | : LP 702-48 A
| |
Lowest: | | 8,304,252.03 km | : LP 702-48 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 8,304,252.03 km | | |
Count: 1 | Standard Deviation: | | 0 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 8,304,252.03 | | LP 702-48 A
| | 8,304,252.03 | | LP 702-48 A
White Dwarf (DQ) Star (as main star) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 8,304,252.03 km | : LP 702-48 A
| |
Lowest: | | 8,304,252.03 km | : LP 702-48 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 8,304,252.03 km | | |
Count: 1 | Standard Deviation: | | 0 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 8,304,252.03 | | LP 702-48 A
| | 8,304,252.03 | | LP 702-48 A
White Dwarf (any) Star (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 2,430,634,617.52 km | : Schee Bli AA-A h243 3
| |
Lowest: | | 681.84 km | : Umbairrs AA-A h463 1
| |
| |
Average: | | 54,974,666.3644 km | | |
Count: 69,900 | Standard Deviation: | | 137,860,735.1635 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 2,430,634,617.52 | | Schee Bli AA-A h243 3
| | 681.84 | | Umbairrs AA-A h463 1
| 2,307,613,526.23 | | Eorl Scrua AA-A h536 3
| | 2,243.94 | | Dryio Bluae AA-A h199 AB 2
| 2,205,294,059.01 | | Wepoae AA-A h306 2
| | 10,720.85 | | Hypio Proo AA-A h143 ABC 1
| 2,182,351,155.25 | | Eord Blooe AA-A h404 3
| | 14,194.6 | | Eord Gree AA-A h479 AB 8
| 2,173,983,168.82 | | Phroi Pruae AA-A h126 6
| | 14,215.53 | | Nyuenaa AA-A h562 ABC 8
| 2,136,687,013.58 | | Dryae Greau AA-A h19 3
| | 124,853.51 | | Dryio Bli NM-M d7-2746 A
| 2,042,138,787.3 | | Dryaa Flyuae AA-A h388 4
| | 131,363.68 | | Hypi Fruia ND-Q d6-2 A
| 2,018,742,898.01 | | Phroi Pruae AA-A h227 4
| | 131,411.75 | | Dryio Bloo GT-F d12-18 A
| 2,018,543,244.12 | | Schieno AA-A h104 4
| | 133,885.29 | | Slyaipt LS-B d13-1 A
| 1,931,959,298.48 | | Eord Byio AA-A h254 5
| | 134,279.51 | | Dryuae Aescs TG-J d10-0 A
White Dwarf (any) Star (as main star) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 275,143,765.04 km | : Leamiae KM-D d12-1315 A
| |
Lowest: | | 124,853.51 km | : Dryio Bli NM-M d7-2746 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 28,829,987.1248 km | | |
Count: 40,560 | Standard Deviation: | | 36,037,119.9354 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 275,143,765.04 | | Leamiae KM-D d12-1315 A
| | 124,853.51 | | Dryio Bli NM-M d7-2746 A
| 271,513,715.28 | | Eord Blou HV-Y d1838 A
| | 131,363.68 | | Hypi Fruia ND-Q d6-2 A
| 261,571,667.12 | | Systimbao BW-N d6-238 A
| | 131,411.75 | | Dryio Bloo GT-F d12-18 A
| 261,365,066.02 | | Blau Aed YF-L d9-3 A
| | 133,885.29 | | Slyaipt LS-B d13-1 A
| 247,054,826.07 | | Thaikea YO-R d4-3 A
| | 134,279.51 | | Dryuae Aescs TG-J d10-0 A
| 246,847,903.3 | | Pro Thaa YW-R d5-3 A
| | 134,840.74 | | Eorm Phyloi KO-X d2-12 A
| 244,542,697.18 | | Pyrivue ZO-A d1 A
| | 138,678.26 | | Boesks OG-Y d3 A
| 242,186,664.98 | | Gru Hypoea KI-H d11-9 A
| | 139,284.47 | | Dryua Ploe CU-R d4-4 A
| 238,340,508.11 | | Phroody XF-W d2-1 A
| | 140,420.92 | | Eudaitls KT-P d6-352 A
| 235,605,710.27 | | Pyralaei EX-B d13-7 A
| | 146,010.35 | | Eorl Braea KN-A d14-203 A
White Dwarf (any) Star (as planet) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 2,430,634,617.52 km | : Schee Bli AA-A h243 3
| |
Lowest: | | 681.84 km | : Umbairrs AA-A h463 1
| |
| |
Average: | | 893,079,527.9699 km | | |
Count: 918 | Standard Deviation: | | 562,213,490.5395 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 2,430,634,617.52 | | Schee Bli AA-A h243 3
| | 681.84 | | Umbairrs AA-A h463 1
| 2,307,613,526.23 | | Eorl Scrua AA-A h536 3
| | 2,243.94 | | Dryio Bluae AA-A h199 AB 2
| 2,205,294,059.01 | | Wepoae AA-A h306 2
| | 10,720.85 | | Hypio Proo AA-A h143 ABC 1
| 2,182,351,155.25 | | Eord Blooe AA-A h404 3
| | 14,194.6 | | Eord Gree AA-A h479 AB 8
| 2,173,983,168.82 | | Phroi Pruae AA-A h126 6
| | 14,215.53 | | Nyuenaa AA-A h562 ABC 8
| 2,136,687,013.58 | | Dryae Greau AA-A h19 3
| | 275,364.01 | | Mynoaw AA-A h26 ABCD 1
| 2,042,138,787.3 | | Dryaa Flyuae AA-A h388 4
| | 775,144.63 | | Dryao Scraa AA-A h716 ABC 1
| 2,018,742,898.01 | | Phroi Pruae AA-A h227 4
| | 1,059,546.23 | | Braisoi AA-A h442 AB 2
| 2,018,543,244.12 | | Schieno AA-A h104 4
| | 1,336,464.47 | | Eord Bla AA-A h54 1
| 1,931,959,298.48 | | Eord Byio AA-A h254 5
| | 1,947,945.96 | | Wrupaea AA-A h703 AB 11
Wolf‑Rayet (any) Star (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 2,228,687,347.22 km | : Hypoae Screia AA-A h482 D
| |
Lowest: | | 700,051.53 km | : Foijie AA-A h197 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 180,815,025.1795 km | | |
Count: 13,051 | Standard Deviation: | | 236,459,736.9856 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 2,228,687,347.22 | | Hypoae Screia AA-A h482 D
| | 700,051.53 | | Foijie AA-A h197 A
| 2,212,900,113.44 | | Phoi Aowsy AA-A h692 D
| | 721,694.26 | | Dryaa Flyuae AA-A h523 A
| 1,782,192,189.15 | | Dumbai AA-A h236 C
| | 772,495.49 | | Zunai AA-A h583 A
| 1,711,621,676.21 | | Lyaisaa AA-A h18 D
| | 780,997.74 | | Choomee AA-A h436 B
| 1,640,475,215.42 | | Choomeau AA-A h666 C
| | 812,577.67 | | Eoch Byoea AA-A h352 A
| 1,600,268,597.85 | | Eord Byio AA-A h61 C
| | 877,689.69 | | Iowhairld AA-A h45 B
| 1,575,613,748.85 | | Eord Blao AA-A h21 C
| | 891,819 | | Dryau Aod AA-A h2 B
| 1,548,781,555.01 | | Foijaea AA-A h70 A
| | 953,553.52 | | Dryi Audst AA-A h7 A
| 1,539,390,278.99 | | Cleeqai AA-A h428 A
| | 1,014,996.71 | | Eorl Brou AA-A h377 A
| 1,518,193,052.26 | | Hypoae Scraa AA-A h98 C
| | 1,049,832.52 | | Moihuia AA-A h61 B
Wolf‑Rayet (any) Star (as main star) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 1,548,781,555.01 km | : Foijaea AA-A h70 A
| |
Lowest: | | 700,051.53 km | : Foijie AA-A h197 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 158,123,013.244 km | | |
Count: 8,679 | Standard Deviation: | | 188,584,572.875 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 1,548,781,555.01 | | Foijaea AA-A h70 A
| | 700,051.53 | | Foijie AA-A h197 A
| 1,539,390,278.99 | | Cleeqai AA-A h428 A
| | 721,694.26 | | Dryaa Flyuae AA-A h523 A
| 1,303,140,093.39 | | Dryoi Grie AA-A h150 A
| | 772,495.49 | | Zunai AA-A h583 A
| 1,261,917,031.73 | | Crookaae AA-A h400 A
| | 812,577.67 | | Eoch Byoea AA-A h352 A
| 1,258,879,235.01 | | Chraise AA-A h46 A
| | 953,553.52 | | Dryi Audst AA-A h7 A
| 1,229,996,881.56 | | Iwhaind AA-A h189 A
| | 1,014,996.71 | | Eorl Brou AA-A h377 A
| 1,219,587,125.03 | | Hypoae Phyloea AA-A h45 A
| | 1,052,156.62 | | Gleeque AA-A h433 A
| 1,210,973,196.81 | | Wepua AA-A h69 A
| | 1,069,753.65 | | Eoch Pri AA-A h403 A
| 1,206,176,847.62 | | Phoi Aod AA-A h90 A
| | 1,078,638.49 | | Eorld Byio AA-A h538 A
| 1,193,358,859 | | Eorld Grie AA-A h462 A
| | 1,143,351.56 | | Baukaae AA-A h7 A
Wolf‑Rayet C Star (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 2,228,687,347.22 km | : Hypoae Screia AA-A h482 D
| |
Lowest: | | 953,553.52 km | : Dryi Audst AA-A h7 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 195,732,075.3051 km | | |
Count: 3,411 | Standard Deviation: | | 271,982,857.4578 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 2,228,687,347.22 | | Hypoae Screia AA-A h482 D
| | 953,553.52 | | Dryi Audst AA-A h7 A
| 2,212,900,113.44 | | Phoi Aowsy AA-A h692 D
| | 1,058,358.82 | | Whamboe AA-A h5 B
| 1,640,475,215.42 | | Choomeau AA-A h666 C
| | 1,069,753.65 | | Eoch Pri AA-A h403 A
| 1,600,268,597.85 | | Eord Byio AA-A h61 C
| | 1,168,612.06 | | Eoch Flyi AA-A h334 A
| 1,517,653,568.86 | | Huemuae AA-A h76 D
| | 1,170,111.79 | | Dryi Free AA-A h652 A
| 1,517,166,166.96 | | Puekeau AA-A h25 C
| | 1,254,489.35 | | Phroi Blou AA-A h470 B
| 1,506,962,285.72 | | Eorld Grie AA-A h236 D
| | 1,323,846.82 | | Egnairbs AA-A h290 B
| 1,493,298,136.57 | | Croomae AA-A h425 B
| | 1,378,236.67 | | Croomae AA-A h305 B
| 1,458,527,337.66 | | Throerdy AA-A h124 B
| | 1,383,649.4 | | Agnairt AA-A h24 A
| 1,443,275,294.27 | | Baukeau AA-A h443 C
| | 1,395,607.07 | | Voqoo AA-A h698 A
Wolf‑Rayet C Star (as main star) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 956,633,133.37 km | : Phoi Aowsy AA-A h582 A
| |
Lowest: | | 953,553.52 km | : Dryi Audst AA-A h7 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 135,624,165.8038 km | | |
Count: 1,322 | Standard Deviation: | | 163,956,013.7005 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 956,633,133.37 | | Phoi Aowsy AA-A h582 A
| | 953,553.52 | | Dryi Audst AA-A h7 A
| 871,211,366.99 | | Phaa Aug AA-A h90 A
| | 1,069,753.65 | | Eoch Pri AA-A h403 A
| 833,133,452.05 | | Systeia Aub AA-A h2 A
| | 1,168,612.06 | | Eoch Flyi AA-A h334 A
| 802,925,345.08 | | Zuneae AA-A h144 A
| | 1,170,111.79 | | Dryi Free AA-A h652 A
| 798,723,508.08 | | Zunai AA-A h323 A
| | 1,383,649.4 | | Agnairt AA-A h24 A
| 765,987,945.17 | | Eor Free AA-A h244 A
| | 1,395,607.07 | | Voqoo AA-A h698 A
| 764,691,452.52 | | Phaa Phyloi AA-A h116 A
| | 1,397,195.78 | | Phroea Ploe AA-A h50 A
| 764,127,105.51 | | Dryoea Bluae AA-A h136 A
| | 1,576,072.43 | | Phipae AA-A h255 A
| 761,685,442.07 | | Skaude AA-A h606 A
| | 1,641,995.16 | | Wrupau AA-A h253 A
| 745,798,923.17 | | Dryuae Aoscs AA-A h279 A
| | 1,661,811.41 | | Segnao AA-A h43 A
Wolf‑Rayet N Star (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 1,575,613,748.85 km | : Eord Blao AA-A h21 C
| |
Lowest: | | 772,495.49 km | : Zunai AA-A h583 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 177,970,803.3577 km | | |
Count: 1,991 | Standard Deviation: | | 234,868,546.3691 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 1,575,613,748.85 | | Eord Blao AA-A h21 C
| | 772,495.49 | | Zunai AA-A h583 A
| 1,518,193,052.26 | | Hypoae Scraa AA-A h98 C
| | 1,101,441.83 | | Myumbai AA-A h356 B
| 1,505,718,478.25 | | Kyloagh AA-A h75 C
| | 1,210,947.98 | | Choomaei AA-A h17 A
| 1,462,067,780.63 | | Hypoe Pruae AA-A h222 B
| | 1,230,911.21 | | Tepou AA-A h188 B
| 1,346,305,934.96 | | Oufaisc AA-A h79 C
| | 1,329,426 | | Eord Blou AA-A h61 A
| 1,313,821,568.78 | | Plimboa AA-A h41 C
| | 1,342,973.66 | | Eor Phylio AA-A h115 A
| 1,281,022,215.03 | | Phroea Bli AA-A h445 B
| | 1,356,274.31 | | Zunou AA-A h279 B
| 1,250,046,816.26 | | Plimbea AA-A h49 C
| | 1,419,170.33 | | Speamoi AA-A h35 A
| 1,249,249,176.07 | | Hypio Gree AA-A h112 C
| | 1,430,221.57 | | Cyaulie AA-A h207 A
| 1,243,717,360.26 | | Eorm Phyloi AA-A h115 C
| | 1,570,879.98 | | Iwhaind AA-A h189 B
Wolf‑Rayet N Star (as main star) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 987,155,402.89 km | : Phleedgae AA-A h317 A
| |
Lowest: | | 772,495.49 km | : Zunai AA-A h583 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 151,732,682.341 km | | |
Count: 1,316 | Standard Deviation: | | 179,943,230.0406 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 987,155,402.89 | | Phleedgae AA-A h317 A
| | 772,495.49 | | Zunai AA-A h583 A
| 977,411,796.36 | | Aunaihm AA-A h292 A
| | 1,210,947.98 | | Choomaei AA-A h17 A
| 949,226,037.48 | | Xothie AA-A h568 A
| | 1,329,426 | | Eord Blou AA-A h61 A
| 896,760,683.83 | | Scheau Bluae AA-A h19 A
| | 1,342,973.66 | | Eor Phylio AA-A h115 A
| 888,786,911.6 | | Wrupaea AA-A h748 A
| | 1,419,170.33 | | Speamoi AA-A h35 A
| 878,433,526 | | Eoch Byoea AA-A h180 A
| | 1,430,221.57 | | Cyaulie AA-A h207 A
| 865,583,276.99 | | Huemeae AA-A h299 A
| | 1,650,436.71 | | Wepua AA-A h540 A
| 857,475,134.28 | | Baukaae AA-A h187 A
| | 1,668,920.04 | | Huemuae AA-A h16 A
| 836,675,345.66 | | Cleeqai AA-A h187 A
| | 1,692,888.71 | | Baukee AA-A h239 A
| 831,300,477.96 | | Zunu AA-A h16 A
| | 1,738,889.96 | | Dryao Chraei AA-A h204 A
Wolf‑Rayet NC Star (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 1,450,893,893.27 km | : Myumbe AA-A h14 D
| |
Lowest: | | 700,051.53 km | : Foijie AA-A h197 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 167,120,601.8006 km | | |
Count: 2,009 | Standard Deviation: | | 220,588,787.2251 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 1,450,893,893.27 | | Myumbe AA-A h14 D
| | 700,051.53 | | Foijie AA-A h197 A
| 1,416,119,624.63 | | Nyeajaea AA-A h35 C
| | 891,819 | | Dryau Aod AA-A h2 B
| 1,376,096,913.31 | | Umbaiss AA-A h771 C
| | 1,014,996.71 | | Eorl Brou AA-A h377 A
| 1,337,656,024.12 | | Eoch Byoea AA-A h180 B
| | 1,219,429.09 | | Umbaists AA-A h7 A
| 1,336,753,885.08 | | Dumboea AA-A h67 B
| | 1,410,742.35 | | Dryuae Chrea AA-A h106 A
| 1,206,176,847.62 | | Phoi Aod AA-A h90 A
| | 1,445,030.58 | | Agnainks AA-A h70 A
| 1,203,512,570.54 | | Ploi Aim AA-A h21 B
| | 1,538,046.95 | | Lyairoa AA-A h28 A
| 1,187,099,713.15 | | Hypou Chruia AA-A h230 B
| | 1,539,530.94 | | Dryi Chrea AA-A h187 A
| 1,145,083,352.17 | | Screaka AA-A h63 C
| | 1,546,861.35 | | Choomie AA-A h43 A
| 1,133,183,438.02 | | Hyuqoae AA-A h328 B
| | 1,735,462.05 | | Byoomue AA-A h69 A
Wolf‑Rayet NC Star (as main star) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 1,206,176,847.62 km | : Phoi Aod AA-A h90 A
| |
Lowest: | | 700,051.53 km | : Foijie AA-A h197 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 150,826,434.6839 km | | |
Count: 1,370 | Standard Deviation: | | 181,985,589.6996 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 1,206,176,847.62 | | Phoi Aod AA-A h90 A
| | 700,051.53 | | Foijie AA-A h197 A
| 1,043,372,364.18 | | Phleedgoea AA-A h447 A
| | 1,014,996.71 | | Eorl Brou AA-A h377 A
| 1,035,180,059.79 | | Eok Blou AA-A h817 A
| | 1,219,429.09 | | Umbaists AA-A h7 A
| 959,834,623.61 | | Baukoa AA-A h669 A
| | 1,410,742.35 | | Dryuae Chrea AA-A h106 A
| 921,817,474.36 | | Eoch Greou AA-A h430 A
| | 1,445,030.58 | | Agnainks AA-A h70 A
| 901,872,330.92 | | Choomia AA-A h5 A
| | 1,538,046.95 | | Lyairoa AA-A h28 A
| 882,852,470.69 | | Lasi AA-A h106 A
| | 1,539,530.94 | | Dryi Chrea AA-A h187 A
| 874,938,488.94 | | Dumboe AA-A h14 A
| | 1,546,861.35 | | Choomie AA-A h43 A
| 861,071,342.09 | | Phroi Blou AA-A h470 A
| | 1,735,462.05 | | Byoomue AA-A h69 A
| 839,828,013.69 | | Shaulo AA-A h649 A
| | 1,760,236.71 | | Leameia AA-A h17 A
Wolf‑Rayet O Star (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 1,782,192,189.15 km | : Dumbai AA-A h236 C
| |
Lowest: | | 721,694.26 km | : Dryaa Flyuae AA-A h523 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 177,887,928.1823 km | | |
Count: 5,632 | Standard Deviation: | | 218,310,314.1221 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 1,782,192,189.15 | | Dumbai AA-A h236 C
| | 721,694.26 | | Dryaa Flyuae AA-A h523 A
| 1,711,621,676.21 | | Lyaisaa AA-A h18 D
| | 780,997.74 | | Choomee AA-A h436 B
| 1,548,781,555.01 | | Foijaea AA-A h70 A
| | 812,577.67 | | Eoch Byoea AA-A h352 A
| 1,539,390,278.99 | | Cleeqai AA-A h428 A
| | 877,689.69 | | Iowhairld AA-A h45 B
| 1,439,687,634.01 | | Pha Aob AA-A h368 C
| | 1,049,832.52 | | Moihuia AA-A h61 B
| 1,438,541,279.46 | | Crookaae AA-A h115 B
| | 1,052,156.62 | | Gleeque AA-A h433 A
| 1,303,140,093.39 | | Dryoi Grie AA-A h150 A
| | 1,078,638.49 | | Eorld Byio AA-A h538 A
| 1,261,917,031.73 | | Crookaae AA-A h400 A
| | 1,143,351.56 | | Baukaae AA-A h7 A
| 1,258,879,235.01 | | Chraise AA-A h46 A
| | 1,167,136.73 | | Scheau Pri AA-A h216 A
| 1,231,485,082.66 | | Sphoeff AA-A h362 C
| | 1,179,375.36 | | Juenoi AA-A h5 A
Wolf‑Rayet O Star (as main star) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 1,548,781,555.01 km | : Foijaea AA-A h70 A
| |
Lowest: | | 721,694.26 km | : Dryaa Flyuae AA-A h523 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 168,650,472.5506 km | | |
Count: 4,664 | Standard Deviation: | | 198,458,389.772 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 1,548,781,555.01 | | Foijaea AA-A h70 A
| | 721,694.26 | | Dryaa Flyuae AA-A h523 A
| 1,539,390,278.99 | | Cleeqai AA-A h428 A
| | 812,577.67 | | Eoch Byoea AA-A h352 A
| 1,303,140,093.39 | | Dryoi Grie AA-A h150 A
| | 1,052,156.62 | | Gleeque AA-A h433 A
| 1,261,917,031.73 | | Crookaae AA-A h400 A
| | 1,078,638.49 | | Eorld Byio AA-A h538 A
| 1,258,879,235.01 | | Chraise AA-A h46 A
| | 1,143,351.56 | | Baukaae AA-A h7 A
| 1,229,996,881.56 | | Iwhaind AA-A h189 A
| | 1,167,136.73 | | Scheau Pri AA-A h216 A
| 1,219,587,125.03 | | Hypoae Phyloea AA-A h45 A
| | 1,179,375.36 | | Juenoi AA-A h5 A
| 1,210,973,196.81 | | Wepua AA-A h69 A
| | 1,245,462.44 | | Screakiae AA-A h574 A
| 1,193,358,859 | | Eorld Grie AA-A h462 A
| | 1,327,337.76 | | Dryoea Blue AA-A h198 A
| 1,173,386,174.94 | | Phleedgoea AA-A h327 A
| | 1,385,637.06 | | Eoch Pruae AA-A h19 A
Wolf‑Rayet Star (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 68,559,427.91 km | : Phi Persei B
| |
Lowest: | | 1,806,938.24 km | : HD 90657 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 28,101,840.85 km | | |
Count: 8 | Standard Deviation: | | 23,678,348.5816 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 68,559,427.91 | | Phi Persei B
| | 1,806,938.24 | | HD 90657 A
| 49,498,167.17 | | GCRV 6897 A
| | 5,472,902.2 | | CD-57 312 A
| 42,323,257.69 | | HIP 99982 A
| | 7,039,291.68 | | WR 136
| 41,225,029.5 | | HD 156327 A
| | 8,889,712.41 | | IRAS 19581+0135 A
| 8,889,712.41 | | IRAS 19581+0135 A
| | 41,225,029.5 | | HD 156327 A
| 7,039,291.68 | | WR 136
| | 42,323,257.69 | | HIP 99982 A
| 5,472,902.2 | | CD-57 312 A
| | 49,498,167.17 | | GCRV 6897 A
| 1,806,938.24 | | HD 90657 A
| | 68,559,427.91 | | Phi Persei B
Wolf‑Rayet Star (as main star) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 49,498,167.17 km | : GCRV 6897 A
| |
Lowest: | | 1,806,938.24 km | : HD 90657 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 22,322,185.5557 km | | |
Count: 7 | Standard Deviation: | | 19,326,762.6232 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 49,498,167.17 | | GCRV 6897 A
| | 1,806,938.24 | | HD 90657 A
| 42,323,257.69 | | HIP 99982 A
| | 5,472,902.2 | | CD-57 312 A
| 41,225,029.5 | | HD 156327 A
| | 7,039,291.68 | | WR 136
| 8,889,712.41 | | IRAS 19581+0135 A
| | 8,889,712.41 | | IRAS 19581+0135 A
| 7,039,291.68 | | WR 136
| | 41,225,029.5 | | HD 156327 A
| 5,472,902.2 | | CD-57 312 A
| | 42,323,257.69 | | HIP 99982 A
| 1,806,938.24 | | HD 90657 A
| | 49,498,167.17 | | GCRV 6897 A
Y (Brown dwarf) Star (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 6,234,852,720.92 km | : Tr 24 Sector NY-R d4-35 9
| |
Lowest: | | 4.08 km | : Gooria OF-M d8-77 6
| |
| |
Average: | | 144,848,781.4584 km | | |
Count: 1,527,796 | Standard Deviation: | | 252,224,296.8852 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 6,234,852,720.92 | | Tr 24 Sector NY-R d4-35 9
| | 4.08 | | Gooria OF-M d8-77 6
| 4,239,657,977.57 | | Eord Ploe ET-G d11-450 12
| | 10.97 | | Dryuae Phyloi CW-N e6-1746 ABC 3
| 3,796,786,517.3 | | HD 177963 A 12
| | 13.89 | | Dryuae Brue XJ-X c28-0 ABC 6
| 3,579,860,956.98 | | Byoomoi DT-G d11-47 10
| | 23.64 | | Byoomeae AA-A h383 AB 8
| 3,392,161,928.49 | | Eidairld SZ-W d2-24 11
| | 26.2 | | HIP 63835 CD 2
| 3,152,967,558.1 | | Bleae Thaa VO-H d10-0 11
| | 26.9 | | Lasao LY-G d11-62 1
| 3,103,721,902.28 | | Phylucs QD-A d14-4 A 9
| | 28.86 | | Dryoea Blue AA-A h92 AB 1
| 2,793,261,525.37 | | Struqea BQ-O d6-28 7
| | 34.64 | | Brambe AA-A h23 AB 6
| 2,784,560,653.29 | | Dryio Bloo ZE-A g22 5
| | 36.15 | | Ooh Aub AA-A h2 AB 1
| 2,781,005,483.72 | | Chroavvy AA-A h0 8
| | 64.47 | | Ooh Aub AA-A h2 AB 3
Y (Brown dwarf) Star (as moon) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 156,140,816.21 km | : Nuekoa QE-Y d1-16 3 a
| |
Lowest: | | 126.95 km | : Dryao Phylio AA-A h447 ABCD 2 a
| |
| |
Average: | | 47,079,063.9338 km | | |
Count: 9,916 | Standard Deviation: | | 21,505,509.8618 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 156,140,816.21 | | Nuekoa QE-Y d1-16 3 a
| | 126.95 | | Dryao Phylio AA-A h447 ABCD 2 a
| 155,255,174.64 | | Eimbaists AA-A h194 B 3 a
| | 223.61 | | Rhuedgau AA-A h222 1 a
| 147,657,543.42 | | Hypoae Phyloea AA-A h217 BC 1 a
| | 265.86 | | Dryoea Flyao AA-A h393 AB 4 b
| 147,408,437.73 | | Gleeque AA-A h46 4 a
| | 1,562.2 | | Blaa Phrua AA-A h86 AB 1 a
| 140,498,370.56 | | Phleedgae AA-A h200 B 5 a
| | 3,991.45 | | Scheau Byoe AA-A h796 1 a
| 140,390,902.76 | | Dryaa Blou AA-A g1498 AB 1 a
| | 4,336.48 | | Eorld Proo AA-A h212 ABCD 5 a
| 138,922,119.14 | | Aunaihm AA-A h714 CD 4 a
| | 6,543.99 | | HD 163998 AB 7 a
| 138,185,261.06 | | Phroea Bluae AA-A h28 B 4 a
| | 17,909.59 | | Iwaitt AA-A h200 1 a
| 137,809,920.31 | | Phroea Flyuae AA-A h232 4 a
| | 29,681.95 | | Cieso AA-A h52 A 2 a
| 136,735,612.15 | | Schee Prue AA-A h232 4 a
| | 31,015.9 | | Dryio Blue AA-A h259 A 1 a
Y (Brown dwarf) Star (as planet) (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 6,234,852,720.92 km | : Tr 24 Sector NY-R d4-35 9
| |
Lowest: | | 4.08 km | : Gooria OF-M d8-77 6
| |
| |
Average: | | 151,279,251.235 km | | |
Count: 1,440,724 | Standard Deviation: | | 257,579,316.6044 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 6,234,852,720.92 | | Tr 24 Sector NY-R d4-35 9
| | 4.08 | | Gooria OF-M d8-77 6
| 4,239,657,977.57 | | Eord Ploe ET-G d11-450 12
| | 10.97 | | Dryuae Phyloi CW-N e6-1746 ABC 3
| 3,796,786,517.3 | | HD 177963 A 12
| | 13.89 | | Dryuae Brue XJ-X c28-0 ABC 6
| 3,579,860,956.98 | | Byoomoi DT-G d11-47 10
| | 23.64 | | Byoomeae AA-A h383 AB 8
| 3,392,161,928.49 | | Eidairld SZ-W d2-24 11
| | 26.2 | | HIP 63835 CD 2
| 3,152,967,558.1 | | Bleae Thaa VO-H d10-0 11
| | 26.9 | | Lasao LY-G d11-62 1
| 3,103,721,902.28 | | Phylucs QD-A d14-4 A 9
| | 28.86 | | Dryoea Blue AA-A h92 AB 1
| 2,793,261,525.37 | | Struqea BQ-O d6-28 7
| | 34.64 | | Brambe AA-A h23 AB 6
| 2,784,560,653.29 | | Dryio Bloo ZE-A g22 5
| | 36.15 | | Ooh Aub AA-A h2 AB 1
| 2,781,005,483.72 | | Chroavvy AA-A h0 8
| | 64.47 | | Ooh Aub AA-A h2 AB 3
Landables (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 20,374,117,037.93 km | : Eord Prau CZ-D d13-5146 13
| |
Lowest: | | 10.51 km | : Phroi Pri LX-B d13-1778 2 b
| |
| |
Average: | | 21,287,697.6298 km | | |
Count: 194,388,246 | Standard Deviation: | | 76,512,265.9498 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 20,374,117,037.93 | | Eord Prau CZ-D d13-5146 13
| | 10.51 | | Phroi Pri LX-B d13-1778 2 b
| 15,775,786,461.73 | | Hypuae Briae IX-B d13-923 A 1
| | 10.94 | | Graea Hypue PD-S d4-2 6 a
| 12,715,827,822.69 | | Rance's Wreck | | 11.78 | | Gludgeia JW-A b18-0 1
| 12,267,034,053.8 | | Maxwell's World | | 12.76 | | Thaileia CC-J a36-1 A 1
| 11,640,838,100.49 | | Stuemeae RC-U d3-3007 11
| | 13.19 | | Clooku TQ-Q c20-7 1
| 11,396,464,119 | | Eol Prou DH-K c9-121 10
| | 13.48 | | Traikaae CW-L d8-1 C 1
| 10,031,791,414.16 | | Jonga HC-M c7-0 A 8
| | 13.99 | | Phae Chreou QW-Q b49-3 1
| 10,001,165,499.99 | | Wregoe XH-Z c27-10 A 1
| | 14.59 | | Bleae Thua EM-R b48-0 1
| 9,927,288,851.84 | | Eol Prou TI-T e3-1485 14
| | 14.74 | | Clooku MF-F b2-28 1 b
| 9,264,806,944.38 | | Smojai LS-J c9-4 B 1
| | 14.85 | | Thuechaea FA-Q b25-2 1
Main stars (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 4,046,024,718.7 km | : Boelts PS-U f2-10 A
| |
Lowest: | | 48,920.7 km | : Eoch Pruae EG-Y g1993 A
| |
| |
Average: | | 33,700,379.2686 km | | |
Count: 8,008,524 | Standard Deviation: | | 45,679,309.1123 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 4,046,024,718.7 | | Boelts PS-U f2-10 A
| | 48,920.7 | | Eoch Pruae EG-Y g1993 A
| 1,548,781,555.01 | | Foijaea AA-A h70 A
| | 51,851.37 | | Kyloall BA-A g890 A
| 1,548,781,555.01 | | Foijaea AA-A h70 A
| | 53,065 | | Noijeae BA-A g0 A
| 1,539,390,278.99 | | Cleeqai AA-A h428 A
| | 53,539.81 | | Eoch Bli KM-W f1-455 A
| 1,539,390,278.99 | | Cleeqai AA-A h428 A
| | 55,844.02 | | Phaa Aug AA-A h348 A
| 1,510,753,123.94 | | V404 Cygni
| | 57,099.38 | | Dryi Phylio AA-A h207 A
| 1,321,559,023.44 | | Dryi Broae AA-A h151 A
| | 57,422.29 | | Dryau Phylio AA-A h528 A
| 1,303,140,093.39 | | Dryoi Grie AA-A h150 A
| | 59,078.67 | | Tepou BV-Y f1324 A
| 1,303,140,093.39 | | Dryoi Grie AA-A h150 A
| | 63,707.14 | | Drumboa AA-A h299 A
| 1,261,917,031.73 | | Crookaae AA-A h400 A
| | 65,178.81 | | Plipaa BA-A g14 A
Moons (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 402,858,340.99 km | : Dryoea Flyuae BS-A d14-1323 ABC 2 e
| |
Lowest: | | 10.51 km | : Phroi Pri LX-B d13-1778 2 b
| |
| |
Average: | | 1,839,086.9957 km | | |
Count: 161,946,452 | Standard Deviation: | | 3,490,819.1491 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 402,858,340.99 | | Dryoea Flyuae BS-A d14-1323 ABC 2 e
| | 10.51 | | Phroi Pri LX-B d13-1778 2 b
| 177,115,327.12 | | Phaa Chruia AA-A h314 B 4 a
| | 10.94 | | Graea Hypue PD-S d4-2 6 a
| 169,049,905.66 | | HD 4313 b
| | 14.54 | | Preae Aewsy RP-E d12-26 3 b
| 160,001,849.3 | | Myumbau AA-A h252 3 c
| | 14.74 | | Clooku MF-F b2-28 1 b
| 157,416,939.74 | | Eorm Chruia HW-W f1-2271 14 a
| | 14.98 | | Graea Hypue RU-W d2-231 2 a
| 157,198,840.38 | | Systimbea AA-A h428 CD 3 a
| | 15.94 | | Eephain XS-T d3-178 2 b
| 155,417,883.4 | | Foijie AA-A h39 B 3 a
| | 16.12 | | Hypuae Ain RO-P c19-12 4 b
| 155,349,588.39 | | Boekh FG-Y g40 3 a
| | 16.49 | | Crookaae PI-N c9-36 1 b
| 155,270,361.9 | | Ellorps AQ-Y f0 11 a
| | 17.32 | | Prua Phoe JO-F d12-955 1 a
| 154,454,928.64 | | Drumbaae AA-A h650 B 3 a
| | 17.52 | | Brairia PA-C d14-87 A 3 e
Planets (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 26,229,135,140.37 km | : Plio Eurl OE-G c24-23 13
| |
Lowest: | | 0 km | : Dryao Chrea AZ-Y c1-3721 7
| 8 * |
| |
Average: | | 54,367,430.7005 km | | |
Count: 330,347,913 | Standard Deviation: | | 128,056,640.1148 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 26,229,135,140.37 | | Plio Eurl OE-G c24-23 13
| | 0 | | Dryao Chrea AZ-Y c1-3721 7
| 20,545,185,705.27 | | Wredgau KS-A d14-31 10
| | 0 | | Pru Chruia JC-L d8-62 B 6
| 20,374,117,037.93 | | Eord Prau CZ-D d13-5146 13
| | 0 | | Graea Eoq YQ-R b23-0 B 8
| 19,389,555,718.87 | | Dryaea Aeb AU-A d1 13
| | 0 | | Dryao Chrea AZ-Y c1-3721 9
| 18,688,404,730.2 | | Drojaea DG-E d12-6 A 4
| | 0 | | Dryao Chrea AZ-Y c1-3721 8
| 18,206,708,587.85 | | Dryaea Aewsy SH-D c12-1 12
| | 0 | | Pru Chruia JC-L d8-62 B 5
| 17,950,325,168.52 | | Brambue QO-Z e37 A 1
| | 0 | | Eafots XY-Z c13-0 A 1
| 16,021,088,173.51 | | Byoomao KZ-D d13-8923 A 2
| | 0 | | Cheae Eurl TY-L b7-0 1
| 15,900,415,689.85 | | Prua Dryoae YF-L d9-33 14
| | 0.01 | | Eafots XY-Z c13-0 A 2
| 15,775,786,461.73 | | Hypuae Briae IX-B d13-923 A 1
| | 0.01 | | Flyue Eaec VA-L d9-2 13
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Stars (Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)) |
Highest: | | 18,088,118,368.67 km | : Boelts PS-U f2-10 B
| |
Lowest: | | 0.56 km | : Eol Prou FL-Y f5618 B 16
| |
| |
Average: | | 54,494,871.843 km | | |
Count: 39,105,820 | Standard Deviation: | | 126,144,576.5587 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 18,088,118,368.67 | | Boelts PS-U f2-10 B
| | 0.56 | | Eol Prou FL-Y f5618 B 16
| 11,837,393,298.81 | | Dryooe Flyou XO-R e4-2582 16
| | 0.6 | | Foijie CL-Y g256 AB 3
| 8,763,503,805.7 | | Athair SU-O e6-77 13
| | 0.6 | | Foijie CL-Y g256 AB 3
| 7,463,830,070.65 | | Hypao Brai JR-W f1-36 12
| | 2.91 | | Phimbee AA-A h121 14
| 7,115,377,770.82 | | Beta Lupi 9
| | 3.75 | | Eor Bru AA-A h23 A 9
| 7,115,377,770.82 | | Beta Lupi 9
| | 4.08 | | Gooria OF-M d8-77 6
| 6,795,011,501.33 | | Dryaa Blou EB-W e2-6050 14
| | 4.08 | | Gooria OF-M d8-77 6
| 6,795,011,501.33 | | Dryaa Blou EB-W e2-6050 14
| | 5.09 | | Chraisao AA-A h15 BC 3
| 6,664,371,084.12 | | Eor Aowsy FW-N e6-251 14
| | 5.09 | | Chraisao AA-A h15 BC 3
| 6,234,852,720.92 | | Tr 24 Sector NY-R d4-35 9
| | 10.97 | | Dryuae Phyloi CW-N e6-1746 ABC 3