Type | Data | |
Body Count (Discovery Scan) L (Brown dwarf) Star Systems |
Highest: | | 69 | : Dehue UK-R b20-1
| |
Lowest: | | 1 | : Alrai Sector UO-R a4-2
| 35,289 * |
| |
Average: | | 9.274 | | |
Count: 280,705 | Standard Deviation: | | 6.666 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 69 | | Dehue UK-R b20-1
| | 1 | | Alrai Sector UO-R a4-2
| 67 | | Col 173 Sector EM-L d8-26
| | 1 | | Col 285 Sector BL-J a11-0
| 67 | | Synuefai NP-F a93-2
| | 1 | | Col 285 Sector JS-U a32-0
| 66 | | Synuefe XX-Q b38-5
| | 1 | | Col 285 Sector QD-T a33-1
| 64 | | HIP 33390
| | 1 | | Col 285 Sector SV-E a41-2
| 63 | | Goothee RQ-G a106-1
| | 1 | | Col 285 Sector TJ-R a34-1
| 62 | | Drojaea YQ-N a6-0
| | 1 | | Crucis Sector SI-T a3-2
| 61 | | Col 359 Sector HB-X d1-40
| | 1 | | Crucis Sector TO-R a4-1
| 60 | | Dryooe Flyou KQ-R b20-0
| | 1 | | Crucis Sector XO-R a4-0
| 60 | | Aucopp UB-D a12-1
| | 1 | | Tascheter Sector NY-R a4-0
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
id64boxelnum L (Brown dwarf) Star Systems |
Highest: | | 13,686 | : Phipoea TW-W d1-13686
| |
Lowest: | | 0 | : 2MASS J07464256+2000321 A
| 300,900 * |
| |
Average: | | 71.5956 | | |
Count: 978,063 | Standard Deviation: | | 613.4886 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 13,686 | | Phipoea TW-W d1-13686
| | 0 | | 2MASS J07464256+2000321 A
| 13,404 | | Zuni KD-K d8-13404
| | 0 | | Alrai Sector XI-T a3-0
| 13,346 | | Zuni VP-G d10-13346
| | 0 | | Arietis Sector OP-D a13-0
| 13,133 | | Zuni VP-G d10-13133
| | 0 | | Ceti Sector OC-V b2-0
| 13,054 | | Shrogea QS-U d2-13054
| | 0 | | Col 285 Sector BL-J a11-0
| 13,041 | | Dryaa Pri BN-Q d6-13041
| | 0 | | Col 285 Sector JS-U a32-0
| 12,918 | | Shrogea MX-U d2-12918
| | 0 | | Col 285 Sector MK-P a35-0
| 12,884 | | Dryao Chrea HB-F d11-12884
| | 0 | | Col 285 Sector VY-M a9-0
| 12,878 | | Athaip FC-B d1-12878
| | 0 | | Core Sys Sector DQ-P a5-0
| 12,871 | | Blu Ain EC-D d12-12871
| | 0 | | Core Sys Sector HW-N a6-0
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Number of Ammonia worlds L (Brown dwarf) Star Systems |
Highest: | | 2 | : Bleae Aewsy CH-U b30-0
| 8 * |
Lowest: | | 0 | : Hyades Sector DB-X d1-66
| 970,778 * |
| |
Average: | | 0.0009 | | |
Count: 971,628 | Standard Deviation: | | 0.03 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 2 | | Bleae Aewsy CH-U b30-0
| | 0 | | Hyades Sector DB-X d1-66
| 2 | | Phraa Byoe BN-I d10-1280
| | 0 | | WISE 1647+5632
| 2 | | Slegi GA-X a28-1
| | 0 | | 2MASS J07464256+2000321 A
| 2 | | Byeia Ain EH-P b21-61
| | 0 | | Alrai Sector UO-R a4-1
| 2 | | Prua Phio RD-J b54-1
| | 0 | | Alrai Sector UO-R a4-2
| 2 | | Bya Ail ZT-A b30-1
| | 0 | | Alrai Sector XI-T a3-0
| 2 | | Systipoi TR-Y b28-0
| | 0 | | Arietis Sector AA-Z b3
| 2 | | Swoiwns HS-Q b7-0
| | 0 | | Arietis Sector GD-H a11-1
| 1 | | Cheae Theia CW-E b11-0
| | 0 | | Arietis Sector KJ-F a12-1
| 1 | | Synuefai LP-R b24-0
| | 0 | | Arietis Sector OP-D a13-0
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Number of Bodies (Total Reported) L (Brown dwarf) Star Systems |
Highest: | | 86 | : Flyue Dryai UJ-G d11-13
| |
Lowest: | | 1 | : Alrai Sector UO-R a4-2
| 382,150 * |
| |
Average: | | 5.3263 | | |
Count: 971,343 | Standard Deviation: | | 6.0786 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 86 | | Flyue Dryai UJ-G d11-13
| | 1 | | Alrai Sector UO-R a4-2
| 72 | | Deheae HD-Q b51-3
| | 1 | | Col 285 Sector BL-J a11-0
| 71 | | Stuelou ND-X b4-19
| | 1 | | Col 285 Sector JS-U a32-0
| 69 | | Byeia Eurk FS-S b17-7
| | 1 | | Col 285 Sector QD-T a33-1
| 69 | | Dehue UK-R b20-1
| | 1 | | Col 285 Sector SV-E a41-2
| 68 | | Blu Thua XV-T b17-2
| | 1 | | Col 285 Sector TJ-R a34-1
| 68 | | Praea Euq XH-F b27-0
| | 1 | | Crucis Sector SI-T a3-2
| 67 | | Iwainch JF-W b48-0
| | 1 | | Crucis Sector TO-R a4-1
| 67 | | Col 173 Sector EM-L d8-26
| | 1 | | Crucis Sector XO-R a4-0
| 67 | | Schieni KQ-I b11-0
| | 1 | | Tascheter Sector NY-R a4-0
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Number of Earth-like worlds L (Brown dwarf) Star Systems |
Highest: | | 2 | : Flyae Drye TA-C d14-15
| |
Lowest: | | 0 | : Hyades Sector DB-X d1-66
| 971,539 * |
| |
Average: | | 0.0001 | | |
Count: 971,628 | Standard Deviation: | | 0.0097 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 2 | | Flyae Drye TA-C d14-15
| | 0 | | Hyades Sector DB-X d1-66
| 1 | | Synuefe TO-M b25-0
| | 0 | | WISE 1647+5632
| 1 | | Hatchoi IA-G b52-0
| | 0 | | 2MASS J07464256+2000321 A
| 1 | | Outotz DU-Y b55-0
| | 0 | | Alrai Sector UO-R a4-1
| 1 | | Mariyacoch
| | 0 | | Alrai Sector UO-R a4-2
| 1 | | Negidals
| | 0 | | Alrai Sector XI-T a3-0
| 1 | | M21 Sector GG-N b7-0
| | 0 | | Arietis Sector AA-Z b3
| 1 | | Nyeajaae IQ-M b8-0
| | 0 | | Arietis Sector GD-H a11-1
| 1 | | Synuefe FC-C b58-0
| | 0 | | Arietis Sector KJ-F a12-1
| 1 | | Blu Thua EH-D b12-0
| | 0 | | Arietis Sector OP-D a13-0
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Number of Planets (Reported) L (Brown dwarf) Star Systems |
Highest: | | 84 | : Flyue Dryai UJ-G d11-13
| |
Lowest: | | 0 | : WISE 1647+5632
| 560,248 * |
| |
Average: | | 3.8983 | | |
Count: 971,688 | Standard Deviation: | | 5.9846 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 84 | | Flyue Dryai UJ-G d11-13
| | 0 | | WISE 1647+5632
| 70 | | Deheae HD-Q b51-3
| | 0 | | Alrai Sector UO-R a4-2
| 69 | | Stuelou ND-X b4-19
| | 0 | | Col 285 Sector BL-J a11-0
| 66 | | Byeia Eurk FS-S b17-7
| | 0 | | Col 285 Sector DL-P a35-3
| 66 | | Praea Euq XH-F b27-0
| | 0 | | Col 285 Sector JS-U a32-0
| 65 | | Iwainch JF-W b48-0
| | 0 | | Col 285 Sector LX-U a32-3
| 65 | | Dehue UK-R b20-1
| | 0 | | Col 285 Sector MX-U a32-2
| 65 | | Schieni KQ-I b11-0
| | 0 | | Col 285 Sector NS-U a32-4
| 64 | | Blu Thua XV-T b17-2
| | 0 | | Col 285 Sector QD-T a33-1
| 64 | | Col 173 Sector EM-L d8-26
| | 0 | | Col 285 Sector SV-E a41-2
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Number of Stars (Reported) L (Brown dwarf) Star Systems |
Highest: | | 7 | : IC 1396 Sector XJ-U b5-0
| 6 * |
Lowest: | | 1 | : Hyades Sector DB-X d1-66
| 657,436 * |
| |
Average: | | 1.4267 | | |
Count: 971,269 | Standard Deviation: | | 0.6963 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 7 | | IC 1396 Sector XJ-U b5-0
| | 1 | | Hyades Sector DB-X d1-66
| 7 | | Blaa Eoq MZ-J a8-0
| | 1 | | 2MASS J07464256+2000321 A
| 7 | | Ploi Eurl ZY-Y b43-0
| | 1 | | Alrai Sector UO-R a4-1
| 7 | | Flyeia Hypai SP-Z b19-6
| | 1 | | Alrai Sector UO-R a4-2
| 7 | | Proo Eaec HM-E b59-3
| | 1 | | Alrai Sector XI-T a3-0
| 7 | | Byaa Aod II-X b58-0
| | 1 | | Arietis Sector AA-Z b3
| 6 | | IC 1396 Sector VA-P b22-0
| | 1 | | Arietis Sector GD-H a11-1
| 6 | | Wregoe MR-Q b48-0
| | 1 | | Arietis Sector KJ-F a12-1
| 6 | | Swoilz WC-N a20-1
| | 1 | | Bei Dou Sector DL-Y d76
| 6 | | Col 285 Sector VC-G b25-0
| | 1 | | Ceti Sector OC-V b2-0
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Number of Terraforming Candidates L (Brown dwarf) Star Systems |
Highest: | | 5 | : Pro Eur LL-N b20-10
| 3 * |
Lowest: | | 0 | : WISE 1647+5632
| 966,630 * |
| |
Average: | | 0.0061 | | |
Count: 971,628 | Standard Deviation: | | 0.091 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 5 | | Pro Eur LL-N b20-10
| | 0 | | WISE 1647+5632
| 5 | | Skaudai MB-O b9-3
| | 0 | | 2MASS J07464256+2000321 A
| 5 | | Skauduae MS-G b44-18
| | 0 | | Alrai Sector UO-R a4-1
| 4 | | Col 359 Sector RL-K b10-7
| | 0 | | Alrai Sector UO-R a4-2
| 4 | | Eoch Flyuae YA-P a115-192
| | 0 | | Alrai Sector XI-T a3-0
| 4 | | Flyiedgiae ON-X b6-5
| | 0 | | Arietis Sector AA-Z b3
| 4 | | Blaa Phoe GY-X a106-0
| | 0 | | Arietis Sector GD-H a11-1
| 4 | | M20 Sector DP-B a15-0
| | 0 | | Arietis Sector KJ-F a12-1
| 4 | | Traikea QO-F b12-1
| | 0 | | Arietis Sector OP-D a13-0
| 4 | | Flyiedgiae TP-D b16-2
| | 0 | | Bei Dou Sector DL-Y d76
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Number of Water Worlds L (Brown dwarf) Star Systems |
Highest: | | 3 | : Bleia Eohn MD-E a80-1
| 39 * |
Lowest: | | 0 | : Hyades Sector DB-X d1-66
| 966,702 * |
| |
Average: | | 0.0056 | | |
Count: 971,628 | Standard Deviation: | | 0.0823 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 3 | | Bleia Eohn MD-E a80-1
| | 0 | | Hyades Sector DB-X d1-66
| 3 | | Drojeae DU-Z a109-0
| | 0 | | WISE 1647+5632
| 3 | | Gru Eork LO-U b21-0
| | 0 | | 2MASS J07464256+2000321 A
| 3 | | Hypoae Ain VG-M b49-1
| | 0 | | Alrai Sector UO-R a4-1
| 3 | | Flyooe Hypue BT-F d12-52
| | 0 | | Alrai Sector UO-R a4-2
| 3 | | Sifi LD-Y b31-0
| | 0 | | Alrai Sector XI-T a3-0
| 3 | | Blae Phoe JK-V a29-66
| | 0 | | Arietis Sector AA-Z b3
| 3 | | Bleia Eohn ZR-J b1-0
| | 0 | | Arietis Sector GD-H a11-1
| 3 | | Blu Euq BR-U d3-1
| | 0 | | Arietis Sector KJ-F a12-1
| 3 | | Pyramio HG-E b16-3
| | 0 | | Arietis Sector OP-D a13-0
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Sagittarius A* Distance L (Brown dwarf) Star Systems |
Highest: | | 44,752.6597279735 | : Eolls Hypai KR-I b43-0
| |
Lowest: | | 4.39381667801472 | : Juenae VY-J a8-3
| |
| |
Average: | | 21,042.6836 | | |
Count: 978,018 | Standard Deviation: | | 7,906.6771 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 44,752.6597279735 | | Eolls Hypai KR-I b43-0
| | 4.39381667801472 | | Juenae VY-J a8-3
| 44,517.2689922291 | | Wizz AY-E b11-0
| | 5.05748208103598 | | Stuemeae FG-Y d6792
| 44,492.3196763252 | | Eolls Hypai VC-F b45-0
| | 5.14600907305844 | | Juenae UY-J a8-29
| 44,491.3959596319 | | Angosk PN-D b53-0
| | 5.29226824055597 | | Juenae UY-J a8-6
| 44,487.2817774038 | | Ooscs Aewsy ZW-A b41-0
| | 5.57285539019268 | | Juenae VY-J a8-64
| 44,439.5491007882 | | Dryeae Aec MO-O b33-0
| | 5.58777893710946 | | Juenae BC-B d1-6220
| 44,429.5386832107 | | Dryeae Aec PY-W b42-0
| | 6.15004293724849 | | Juenae UY-J a8-5
| 44,428.8719859403 | | Angosk GN-C b54-0
| | 6.31069912529597 | | Juenae VY-J a8-76
| 44,393.2330792447 | | Eocs Aip QS-U b2-0
| | 6.86527403094807 | | Juenae UY-J a8-47
| 44,390.7932990554 | | Ooscs Aewsy ZS-Y b41-0
| | 6.86931025940771 | | Stuemeae FG-Y d4771
Sol Distance L (Brown dwarf) Star Systems |
Highest: | | 65,385.6 | : Hyia Eohn AE-E d13-0
| |
Lowest: | | 6.56919 | : Luhman 16
| |
| |
Average: | | 14,508.8974 | | |
Count: 978,017 | Standard Deviation: | | 15,396.6246 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 65,385.6 | | Hyia Eohn AE-E d13-0
| | 6.56919 | | Luhman 16
| 65,339.7 | | Iorant QN-B d13-0
| | 16.1874 | | DEN 0255-4700
| 65,308.3 | | Iorady DC-D d12-1
| | 20.2104 | | Jastreb Sector CL-Y d145
| 65,267.4 | | Hyia Eohn DO-F d12-0
| | 27.9876 | | WISE 1647+5632
| 65,260.2 | | Iorady YG-D d12-0
| | 28.6929 | | WISE 1800+0134
| 65,259.2 | | Hyia Eohn YS-F d12-0
| | 28.8854 | | Kushen
| 65,233.9 | | Ceeckia FS-H d11-1
| | 29.3792 | | Tascheter Sector ST-R b4-8
| 65,219.4 | | Ceeckia FJ-D b46-0
| | 29.6974 | | SDSS J1416+1348
| 65,206.2 | | Ceeckaea LX-G b44-0
| | 31.5025 | | Core Sys Sector VO-R a4-0
| 65,177.5 | | Iorant BV-F d11-0
| | 31.6195 | | DX 799