Type | Data | |
Body Count (Discovery Scan) S‑type Star Systems |
Highest: | | 72 | : NGC 2682 FBC 3456
| |
Lowest: | | 1 | : BD Camelopardalis
| 553 * |
| |
Average: | | 11.0975 | | |
Count: 6,173 | Standard Deviation: | | 9.2024 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 72 | | NGC 2682 FBC 3456
| | 1 | | BD Camelopardalis
| 70 | | Eeshorks TC-M d7-370
| | 1 | | Scheau Gree EP-A d683
| 62 | | Eol Prou WV-T d4-2289
| | 1 | | Scheau Phoe OZ-D d13-38
| 60 | | Eor Auscs BC-J d10-461
| | 1 | | Tepuae BM-J d10-676
| 54 | | Boeths YJ-I d9-537
| | 1 | | Blia Aeb OX-L d7-307
| 53 | | Whamboo WB-S d5-80
| | 1 | | Eol Prou HM-M d7-390
| 52 | | Eorgh Prooe XI-A d1-18
| | 1 | | Eodgols OT-Z d13-135
| 51 | | HR 8714
| | 1 | | Oob Free UF-F d11-59
| 49 | | Egnairs NI-B d13-103
| | 1 | | Dryooe Flyou MS-B d13-1852
| 49 | | Sphoetz ZA-U d4-20
| | 1 | | Eol Prou US-U d2-415
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
id64boxelnum S‑type Star Systems |
Highest: | | 13,066 | : Byoomi EM-D d12-13066
| |
Lowest: | | 0 | : HR 8714
| 763 * |
| |
Average: | | 1,300.1842 | | |
Count: 26,802 | Standard Deviation: | | 1,843.4454 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 13,066 | | Byoomi EM-D d12-13066
| | 0 | | HR 8714
| 12,850 | | Wepue OE-H d10-12850
| | 0 | | HD 14028
| 12,767 | | Hypuae Aoscs NW-N d6-12767
| | 0 | | Prua Hypai KX-U d2-0
| 12,743 | | Wepue OE-H d10-12743
| | 0 | | Teakoi JF-A d0
| 12,214 | | Shrogaei YG-C d13-12214
| | 0 | | Hegoi RI-Z d1-0
| 12,051 | | Byoomi SS-K d8-12051
| | 0 | | Clookoae PR-N d6-0
| 11,588 | | Agnairy FM-M d7-11588
| | 0 | | R Andromedae
| 11,516 | | Hypoe Flyi CK-Y d1-11516
| | 0 | | Sifou QK-C d14-0
| 11,353 | | Schee Flyi RE-H d10-11353
| | 0 | | Blo Thae RD-Z d1-0
| 11,351 | | Byoomao SK-F d11-11351
| | 0 | | HIP 96983
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Number of Ammonia worlds S‑type Star Systems |
Highest: | | 2 | : Eos Briae RX-A d1-4121
| 6 * |
Lowest: | | 0 | : HR 8714
| 26,448 * |
| |
Average: | | 0.0068 | | |
Count: 26,624 | Standard Deviation: | | 0.0851 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 2 | | Eos Briae RX-A d1-4121
| | 0 | | HR 8714
| 2 | | Hypoe Flyi DD-A d14-392
| | 0 | | Blaa Drye DV-G d10-5
| 2 | | Dryoea Flyuae ZG-D d12-1364
| | 0 | | Nuekau FB-F d11-135
| 2 | | Noijeae UD-T d3-149
| | 0 | | Col 285 Sector AL-O d6-171
| 2 | | Eoch Pruae YK-F d11-1011
| | 0 | | Eor Auscs XV-K d9-1196
| 2 | | Scaulao BH-D d12-2417
| | 0 | | Boeths FV-W d2-836
| 1 | | Blae Phoe WC-V d2-22
| | 0 | | Greae Hypai SY-S d3-4
| 1 | | Dryooe Flyou KG-O d6-959
| | 0 | | Greae Phio YA-O d6-1722
| 1 | | Phua Aub FZ-S d3-7282
| | 0 | | Pueloe HL-P d5-1032
| 1 | | Shrogaei RH-V d2-8824
| | 0 | | Phroi Pri CA-A d6512
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Number of Bodies (Total Reported) S‑type Star Systems |
Highest: | | 77 | : Dryua Ploe AB-F d11-5
| |
Lowest: | | 1 | : Blaa Drye DV-G d10-5
| 6,341 * |
| |
Average: | | 8.1707 | | |
Count: 26,625 | Standard Deviation: | | 8.7403 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 77 | | Dryua Ploe AB-F d11-5
| | 1 | | Blaa Drye DV-G d10-5
| 72 | | NGC 2682 FBC 3456
| | 1 | | Plielao JK-A d2
| 71 | | Brambai OD-Z d1-104
| | 1 | | BD Camelopardalis
| 70 | | Eeshorks BT-U d2-456
| | 1 | | Scheau Gree EP-A d683
| 70 | | Eeshorks TC-M d7-370
| | 1 | | Oob Chreou VS-U d2-86
| 67 | | Blua Hypa ZI-T d3-13
| | 1 | | Pyralea ST-R d4-7
| 66 | | Gru Phrua SD-B d17
| | 1 | | Wepue MN-T d3-8849
| 63 | | Blua Hypoea ID-Z d1-20
| | 1 | | Granou UX-B d558
| 62 | | Eol Prou WV-T d4-2289
| | 1 | | Mylaifai FS-K d8-4367
| 61 | | Whambeia ZP-V d3-265
| | 1 | | Preae Aim PW-W d1-266
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Number of Earth-like worlds S‑type Star Systems |
Highest: | | 3 | : Rhuedgie NI-A d14-203
| |
Lowest: | | 0 | : HR 8714
| 26,286 * |
| |
Average: | | 0.013 | | |
Count: 26,624 | Standard Deviation: | | 0.1167 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 3 | | Rhuedgie NI-A d14-203
| | 0 | | HR 8714
| 2 | | Phua Aub LG-Y d9788
| | 0 | | Blaa Drye DV-G d10-5
| 2 | | Phrae Flyou AF-X d2-2983
| | 0 | | Nuekau FB-F d11-135
| 2 | | Myumbau WA-C d14-597
| | 0 | | Col 285 Sector AL-O d6-171
| 2 | | Xeehia YW-B d13-3
| | 0 | | Eor Auscs XV-K d9-1196
| 2 | | Struqia NZ-M d8-242
| | 0 | | Boeths FV-W d2-836
| 2 | | Hypiae Free IT-F d12-50
| | 0 | | Greae Hypai SY-S d3-4
| 2 | | Baukaae DC-B d1-1501
| | 0 | | Pueloe HL-P d5-1032
| 1 | | Greae Phio YA-O d6-1722
| | 0 | | Phroi Pri CA-A d6512
| 1 | | Wredguia XD-K d8-24
| | 0 | | HD 14028
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Number of Planets (Reported) S‑type Star Systems |
Highest: | | 73 | : Dryua Ploe AB-F d11-5
| |
Lowest: | | 0 | : Blaa Drye DV-G d10-5
| 11,095 * |
| |
Average: | | 6.4483 | | |
Count: 26,625 | Standard Deviation: | | 8.6072 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 73 | | Dryua Ploe AB-F d11-5
| | 0 | | Blaa Drye DV-G d10-5
| 68 | | NGC 2682 FBC 3456
| | 0 | | Juenae KD-A d1-6994
| 68 | | Brambai OD-Z d1-104
| | 0 | | Wregoe FN-B d13-65
| 68 | | Eeshorks TC-M d7-370
| | 0 | | Plielao JK-A d2
| 66 | | Eeshorks BT-U d2-456
| | 0 | | BD Camelopardalis
| 65 | | Blua Hypa ZI-T d3-13
| | 0 | | Scheau Gree EP-A d683
| 62 | | Gru Phrua SD-B d17
| | 0 | | Dryau Ausms PR-W d1-514
| 60 | | Eol Prou WV-T d4-2289
| | 0 | | Oob Chreou VS-U d2-86
| 60 | | Blua Hypoea ID-Z d1-20
| | 0 | | Pyralea JH-M d7-1
| 59 | | Whambeia ZP-V d3-265
| | 0 | | Pyralea ST-R d4-7
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Number of Stars (Reported) S‑type Star Systems |
Highest: | | 14 | : HD 49368
| |
Lowest: | | 1 | : HR 8714
| 14,741 * |
| |
Average: | | 1.7227 | | |
Count: 26,620 | Standard Deviation: | | 0.9906 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 14 | | HD 49368
| | 1 | | HR 8714
| 8 | | Dryi Phylaa ER-N d6-1024
| | 1 | | Blaa Drye DV-G d10-5
| 7 | | Byaa Airm WP-E d12-140
| | 1 | | Nuekau FB-F d11-135
| 7 | | Plae Aedst JO-Z d13-6
| | 1 | | Phroi Pri CA-A d6512
| 7 | | Hypoe Pruae IR-N d6-4262
| | 1 | | Wredguia XD-K d8-24
| 7 | | Eorm Chruia RJ-O d7-1731
| | 1 | | Phroea Phoe QN-K d8-4
| 7 | | Slengie CB-U d4-2
| | 1 | | Hypio Pri IU-M d8-6662
| 7 | | Lasou RA-C d14-731
| | 1 | | Phrio Phoe VQ-D d12-6
| 7 | | Oufaisc QX-A d1-519
| | 1 | | Plielao JK-A d2
| 7 | | Prua Prau NV-Y d3
| | 1 | | BD Camelopardalis
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Number of Terraforming Candidates S‑type Star Systems |
Highest: | | 8 | : Hyuqoa JO-Z d13-1
| |
Lowest: | | 0 | : HR 8714
| 21,884 * |
| |
Average: | | 0.3375 | | |
Count: 26,624 | Standard Deviation: | | 0.8633 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 8 | | Hyuqoa JO-Z d13-1
| | 0 | | HR 8714
| 7 | | Hypaa Flyou TK-F d11-794
| | 0 | | Blaa Drye DV-G d10-5
| 7 | | Myumbe CX-A d1-61
| | 0 | | Nuekau FB-F d11-135
| 7 | | Vaimoea DE-E d13-397
| | 0 | | Col 285 Sector AL-O d6-171
| 7 | | Hypuae Chraei EW-C d1703
| | 0 | | Eor Auscs XV-K d9-1196
| 7 | | Rhuedgau SO-H d10-298
| | 0 | | Boeths FV-W d2-836
| 7 | | Eord Pri ER-D d12-2338
| | 0 | | Pueloe HL-P d5-1032
| 7 | | Eorl Brou TD-Z d1-2014
| | 0 | | Phroi Pri CA-A d6512
| 7 | | Screakai SU-M d8-1175
| | 0 | | HD 14028
| 6 | | Chraisa OF-L d9-45
| | 0 | | Juenae KD-A d1-6994
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Number of Water Worlds S‑type Star Systems |
Highest: | | 4 | : Dryooe Flyou NG-Y d335
| 9 * |
Lowest: | | 0 | : HR 8714
| 24,505 * |
| |
Average: | | 0.096 | | |
Count: 26,624 | Standard Deviation: | | 0.3549 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 4 | | Dryooe Flyou NG-Y d335
| | 0 | | HR 8714
| 4 | | Boetz PH-M d7-2
| | 0 | | Blaa Drye DV-G d10-5
| 4 | | Bleethue YO-R d4-89
| | 0 | | Nuekau FB-F d11-135
| 4 | | Eotchorts PB-X d1-19
| | 0 | | Col 285 Sector AL-O d6-171
| 4 | | Dryio Blou CG-O d6-91
| | 0 | | Eor Auscs XV-K d9-1196
| 4 | | Moihia UE-H d10-37
| | 0 | | Boeths FV-W d2-836
| 4 | | Lyaisoo LR-C d1964
| | 0 | | Greae Phio YA-O d6-1722
| 4 | | Lyaisae GZ-M d8-988
| | 0 | | Pueloe HL-P d5-1032
| 4 | | Huemai QP-M d8-1158
| | 0 | | Phroi Pri CA-A d6512
| 3 | | Dryaa Pri WB-J d10-1334
| | 0 | | Juenae KD-A d1-6994
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Sagittarius A* Distance S‑type Star Systems |
Highest: | | 43,525.6470488674 | : Wizz VB-J d10-0
| |
Lowest: | | 214.611942115158 | : Stuemeae EW-W d1-5848
| |
| |
Average: | | 9,364.6039 | | |
Count: 26,797 | Standard Deviation: | | 6,054.3165 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 43,525.6470488674 | | Wizz VB-J d10-0
| | 214.611942115158 | | Stuemeae EW-W d1-5848
| 41,997.0846651149 | | Dryo Phlai XF-F d11-0
| | 280.103577973864 | | Phua Aub FZ-S d3-7282
| 40,952.4596436592 | | Tosie DO-F d12-0
| | 294.129851168629 | | Phroi Pri WO-X d2-6887
| 40,920.0048723271 | | Flyeia Proae IN-B d13-0
| | 323.463113997871 | | Phua Aub VM-W d1-91
| 40,298.8396719122 | | Byiae Phla HX-L d7-6
| | 325.170443381129 | | Phua Aub TR-W d1-8102
| 40,255.0415379962 | | Gatcha SJ-X d2-0
| | 390.236312956752 | | Juenae OJ-X d2-5311
| 40,040.6359018614 | | Hyuept EB-O d6-0
| | 425.609617664686 | | Phroi Pri TN-A d1-4696
| 40,018.4797897642 | | Hyueps XK-V d3-2
| | 474.654553898035 | | Juenae KD-A d1-6994
| 39,935.8495926948 | | Hyuept QS-K d8-0
| | 474.941591622728 | | Phroi Pri LC-B d1-7804
| 39,873.803772169 | | Sponguae JM-C d0
| | 487.157462204309 | | Myriesly PI-B d13-7569
Sol Distance S‑type Star Systems |
Highest: | | 62,925.5 | : Pyraea Eur BO-F d12-0
| |
Lowest: | | 122.708 | : HIP 40977
| |
| |
Average: | | 24,526.7609 | | |
Count: 26,797 | Standard Deviation: | | 7,235.4653 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 62,925.5 | | Pyraea Eur BO-F d12-0
| | 122.708 | | HIP 40977
| 62,751.1 | | Nuwia GS-I d10-2
| | 260.579 | | Col 285 Sector AL-O d6-171
| 61,516.6 | | Chua Dryou TJ-R d4-0
| | 289.202 | | Wregoe FN-B d13-65
| 60,641.5 | | Pyrie Thae LX-R d5-0
| | 391.989 | | Wredguia XD-K d8-24
| 60,397.9 | | Chooe Eop GG-F d11-0
| | 519.398 | | BD Camelopardalis
| 60,055.3 | | Chae Eop DH-D d12-0
| | 532.079 | | Pi-1 Gruis
| 59,772.8 | | Greou Ble XO-P d6-0
| | 956.004 | | Aquila Dark Region CQ-Y d8
| 59,762.6 | | Chae Eop FH-L d8-0
| | 1,259.33 | | R Andromedae
| 59,663.9 | | Exahn JM-W d1-13
| | 1,359.03 | | HD 190629
| 59,387.9 | | Chaa Eop AT-F d12-1
| | 1,364.73 | | HR 8714