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Galactic Records

(updated weekly)


Number of Stars (Reported)

A (Blue‑White super giant) Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 16
Lowest: 1  4,493 *
Average: 2.466
Count: 11,762Standard Deviation: 1.6889 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
A (Blue‑White) Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 13
Lowest: 1  2,181,775 *
Average: 1.8724
Count: 4,630,052Standard Deviation: 1.0461 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
B (Blue‑White super giant) Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 24
Lowest: 1  5,188 *
Average: 2.5458
Count: 15,467Standard Deviation: 1.6888 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
B (Blue‑White) Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 21
Lowest: 1  361,780 *
Average: 2.6618
Count: 1,106,607Standard Deviation: 1.793 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
Black Hole Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 22  2 *
Lowest: 1  109,187 *
Average: 2.7556
Count: 378,869Standard Deviation: 1.7881 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
C Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 7  2 *
Lowest: 1  67 *
Average: 2.1547
Count: 181Standard Deviation: 1.2341 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
CJ Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 7
Lowest: 1  1,344 *
Average: 1.6988
Count: 2,407Standard Deviation: 0.9479 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
CN Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 8  2 *
Lowest: 1  10,120 *
Average: 1.704
Count: 18,043Standard Deviation: 0.963 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
F (White super giant) Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 11
Lowest: 1  1,689 *
Average: 2.2907
Count: 4,369Standard Deviation: 1.4067 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
F (White) Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 16
Lowest: 1  4,493,270 *
Average: 1.8189
Count: 9,098,308Standard Deviation: 1.0112 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
G (White‑Yellow super giant) Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 12
Lowest: 1  2,892 *
Average: 2.3555
Count: 8,887Standard Deviation: 1.3258 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
G (White‑Yellow) Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 12  3 *
Lowest: 1  3,400,298 *
Average: 1.7698
Count: 6,560,366Standard Deviation: 0.9844 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
Herbig Ae/Be Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 25  4 *
Lowest: 1  23,599 *
Average: 4.2052
Count: 98,285Standard Deviation: 3.324 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
K (Yellow‑Orange giant) Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 8  9 *
Lowest: 1  23,114 *
Average: 1.8846
Count: 49,712Standard Deviation: 1.0396 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
K (Yellow‑Orange) Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 14
Lowest: 1  8,701,462 *
Average: 1.735
Count: 16,174,265Standard Deviation: 0.9652 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
L (Brown dwarf) Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 7  6 *
Lowest: 1  647,355 *
Average: 1.4262
Count: 955,884Standard Deviation: 0.6961 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
M (Red dwarf) Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 16
Lowest: 1  13,417,021 *
Average: 1.6683
Count: 24,378,445Standard Deviation: 0.8843 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
M (Red giant) Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 8  7 *
Lowest: 1  70,676 *
Average: 1.7123
Count: 132,797Standard Deviation: 0.9238 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
M (Red super giant) Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 9
Lowest: 1  1,412 *
Average: 1.8755
Count: 2,852Standard Deviation: 1.0703 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
MS‑type Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 8  2 *
Lowest: 1  13,814 *
Average: 1.7375
Count: 25,298Standard Deviation: 0.991 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
Neutron Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 14
Lowest: 1  1,879,342 *
Average: 1.708
Count: 3,350,984Standard Deviation: 0.9701 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
O (Blue‑White) Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 23
Lowest: 1  45,699 *
Average: 2.6681
Count: 115,859Standard Deviation: 2.2065 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
S‑type Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 14
Lowest: 1  14,630 *
Average: 1.7215
Count: 26,395Standard Deviation: 0.9896 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
Supermassive Black Hole Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 3
Lowest: 3
Average: 3
Count: 1Standard Deviation: 0 Top10/Bottom10
T (Brown dwarf) Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 4
Lowest: 1  1,021,508 *
Average: 1
Count: 1,021,541Standard Deviation: 0.008 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
T Tauri Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 10
Lowest: 1  459,337 *
Average: 1.6708
Count: 815,955Standard Deviation: 0.9158 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
White Dwarf (D) Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 7
Lowest: 1  555 *
Average: 1.6979
Count: 993Standard Deviation: 0.9559 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
White Dwarf (DA) Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 8  4 *
Lowest: 1  57,025 *
Average: 1.6629
Count: 98,404Standard Deviation: 0.9339 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
White Dwarf (DAB) Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 7  6 *
Lowest: 1  25,281 *
Average: 1.6795
Count: 44,374Standard Deviation: 0.9396 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
White Dwarf (DAV) Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 8
Lowest: 1  6,586 *
Average: 1.6784
Count: 11,601Standard Deviation: 0.9329 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
White Dwarf (DAZ) Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 6  2 *
Lowest: 1  1,079 *
Average: 1.6857
Count: 1,947Standard Deviation: 0.926 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
White Dwarf (DB) Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 10
Lowest: 1  10,246 *
Average: 1.6736
Count: 17,922Standard Deviation: 0.9392 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
White Dwarf (DBV) Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 7  2 *
Lowest: 1  2,055 *
Average: 1.6956
Count: 3,637Standard Deviation: 0.9566 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
White Dwarf (DBZ) Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 6
Lowest: 1  271 *
Average: 1.7514
Count: 519Standard Deviation: 0.9726 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
White Dwarf (DC) Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 8  4 *
Lowest: 1  89,563 *
Average: 1.6789
Count: 156,309Standard Deviation: 0.9457 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
White Dwarf (DCV) Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 7  2 *
Lowest: 1  7,862 *
Average: 1.682
Count: 13,882Standard Deviation: 0.9385 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
White Dwarf (DQ) Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 3
Lowest: 1  7 *
Average: 1.6
Count: 15Standard Deviation: 0.611 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
Wolf‑Rayet C Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 15
Lowest: 1  3,655 *
Average: 1.8313
Count: 7,260Standard Deviation: 1.1462 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
Wolf‑Rayet N Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 21
Lowest: 1  3,331 *
Average: 1.7985
Count: 6,590Standard Deviation: 1.0544 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
Wolf‑Rayet NC Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 12
Lowest: 1  3,266 *
Average: 1.8211
Count: 6,708Standard Deviation: 0.9983 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
Wolf‑Rayet O Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 7  5 *
Lowest: 1  11,440 *
Average: 1.7941
Count: 22,824Standard Deviation: 0.9747 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
Wolf‑Rayet Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 5  2 *
Lowest: 1  30 *
Average: 2.0779
Count: 77Standard Deviation: 1.1139 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
Y (Brown dwarf) Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 5  2 *
Lowest: 1  867,460 *
Average: 1
Count: 867,485Standard Deviation: 0.01 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 25  4 *
Lowest: 1  38,092,325 *
Average: 1.7338
Count: 70,409,250Standard Deviation: 0.9962 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.

Galactic Records BETA | Last update: 2025-01-25 16:27:49

Records by Body Type

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