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Galactic Records

(updated weekly)


Number of Stars (Reported)

A (Blue‑White super giant) Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 16
Lowest: 1  4,402 *
Average: 2.447
Count: 11,386Standard Deviation: 1.6809 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
A (Blue‑White) Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 13
Lowest: 1  2,082,500 *
Average: 1.8668
Count: 4,392,591Standard Deviation: 1.0441 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
B (Blue‑White super giant) Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 24
Lowest: 1  4,844 *
Average: 2.5109
Count: 14,097Standard Deviation: 1.6779 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
B (Blue‑White) Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 21
Lowest: 1  347,136 *
Average: 2.6489
Count: 1,048,396Standard Deviation: 1.7891 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
Black Hole Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 22  2 *
Lowest: 1  103,797 *
Average: 2.7354
Count: 353,550Standard Deviation: 1.7845 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
C Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 7  2 *
Lowest: 1  67 *
Average: 2.1547
Count: 181Standard Deviation: 1.2341 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
CJ Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 7
Lowest: 1  1,276 *
Average: 1.6814
Count: 2,244Standard Deviation: 0.9406 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
CN Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 8  2 *
Lowest: 1  9,721 *
Average: 1.6957
Count: 17,190Standard Deviation: 0.9601 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
F (White super giant) Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 11
Lowest: 1  1,622 *
Average: 2.2792
Count: 4,147Standard Deviation: 1.4083 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
F (White) Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 16
Lowest: 1  4,293,169 *
Average: 1.8141
Count: 8,647,554Standard Deviation: 1.0094 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
G (White‑Yellow super giant) Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 12
Lowest: 1  2,709 *
Average: 2.3332
Count: 8,110Standard Deviation: 1.3232 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
G (White‑Yellow) Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 12  3 *
Lowest: 1  3,250,862 *
Average: 1.7658
Count: 6,243,886Standard Deviation: 0.9831 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
Herbig Ae/Be Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 25  3 *
Lowest: 1  22,503 *
Average: 4.1801
Count: 92,416Standard Deviation: 3.3159 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
K (Yellow‑Orange giant) Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 8  8 *
Lowest: 1  22,400 *
Average: 1.8739
Count: 47,609Standard Deviation: 1.0363 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
K (Yellow‑Orange) Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 14
Lowest: 1  8,310,036 *
Average: 1.7316
Count: 15,390,610Standard Deviation: 0.964 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
L (Brown dwarf) Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 7  6 *
Lowest: 1  613,052 *
Average: 1.4244
Count: 903,535Standard Deviation: 0.6948 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
M (Red dwarf) Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 16
Lowest: 1  12,761,107 *
Average: 1.6653
Count: 23,106,740Standard Deviation: 0.8832 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
M (Red giant) Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 8  7 *
Lowest: 1  66,934 *
Average: 1.7074
Count: 125,101Standard Deviation: 0.9212 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
M (Red super giant) Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 9
Lowest: 1  1,351 *
Average: 1.8417
Count: 2,634Standard Deviation: 1.062 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
MS‑type Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 8  2 *
Lowest: 1  13,315 *
Average: 1.7281
Count: 24,190Standard Deviation: 0.9857 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
Neutron Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 14
Lowest: 1  1,800,612 *
Average: 1.7014
Count: 3,189,104Standard Deviation: 0.9675 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
O (Blue‑White) Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 23
Lowest: 1  44,177 *
Average: 2.6607
Count: 111,406Standard Deviation: 2.2046 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
S‑type Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 14
Lowest: 1  14,106 *
Average: 1.7118
Count: 25,249Standard Deviation: 0.9841 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
Supermassive Black Hole Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 3
Lowest: 3
Average: 3
Count: 1Standard Deviation: 0 Top10/Bottom10
T (Brown dwarf) Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 4
Lowest: 1  962,868 *
Average: 1
Count: 962,897Standard Deviation: 0.008 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
T Tauri Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 10
Lowest: 1  438,562 *
Average: 1.6667
Count: 776,065Standard Deviation: 0.9136 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
White Dwarf (D) Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 7
Lowest: 1  555 *
Average: 1.6979
Count: 993Standard Deviation: 0.9559 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
White Dwarf (DA) Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 8  4 *
Lowest: 1  54,500 *
Average: 1.6557
Count: 93,359Standard Deviation: 0.9306 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
White Dwarf (DAB) Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 7  6 *
Lowest: 1  24,150 *
Average: 1.6711
Count: 42,015Standard Deviation: 0.9365 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
White Dwarf (DAV) Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 8
Lowest: 1  6,320 *
Average: 1.6715
Count: 11,065Standard Deviation: 0.9284 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
White Dwarf (DAZ) Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 6
Lowest: 1  998 *
Average: 1.6721
Count: 1,763Standard Deviation: 0.9256 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
White Dwarf (DB) Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 10
Lowest: 1  9,792 *
Average: 1.6643
Count: 16,990Standard Deviation: 0.9341 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
White Dwarf (DBV) Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 7  2 *
Lowest: 1  1,985 *
Average: 1.6916
Count: 3,496Standard Deviation: 0.957 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
White Dwarf (DBZ) Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 6
Lowest: 1  260 *
Average: 1.7373
Count: 491Standard Deviation: 0.9712 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
White Dwarf (DC) Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 8  3 *
Lowest: 1  85,597 *
Average: 1.6705
Count: 148,175Standard Deviation: 0.9417 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
White Dwarf (DCV) Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 7  2 *
Lowest: 1  7,518 *
Average: 1.6761
Count: 13,184Standard Deviation: 0.9361 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
White Dwarf (DQ) Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 3
Lowest: 1  7 *
Average: 1.6
Count: 15Standard Deviation: 0.611 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
Wolf‑Rayet C Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 15
Lowest: 1  3,368 *
Average: 1.8379
Count: 6,710Standard Deviation: 1.1513 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
Wolf‑Rayet N Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 21
Lowest: 1  3,109 *
Average: 1.7982
Count: 6,145Standard Deviation: 1.0599 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
Wolf‑Rayet NC Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 12
Lowest: 1  3,058 *
Average: 1.8232
Count: 6,279Standard Deviation: 1.0036 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
Wolf‑Rayet O Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 7  5 *
Lowest: 1  10,564 *
Average: 1.7988
Count: 21,161Standard Deviation: 0.9778 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
Wolf‑Rayet Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 5  2 *
Lowest: 1  30 *
Average: 2.0779
Count: 77Standard Deviation: 1.1139 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
Y (Brown dwarf) Star Systems
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 5  2 *
Lowest: 1  816,216 *
Average: 1
Count: 816,240Standard Deviation: 0.0103 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
(Number of Stars (Reported))
Highest: 25  3 *
Lowest: 1  36,294,863 *
Average: 1.7298
Count: 66,818,785Standard Deviation: 0.994 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.

Galactic Records BETA | Last update: 2024-07-20 10:11:05

Records by Body Type

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System Attributes

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