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Galactic Records

(updated weekly)


S‑type Star

Absolute Magnitude
S‑type Star
Highest: 6.554138
Lowest: -3.85849
Average: 0.1611
Count: 27,264Standard Deviation: 0.4258 Top10/Bottom10
S‑type Star
Highest: 13,065  8 *
Lowest: 0
Average: 9,556.4923
Count: 27,289Standard Deviation: 2,450.8013 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
Axial Tilt
S‑type Star
Highest: 2.576296
Lowest: -2.072981
Average: 0
Count: 24,314Standard Deviation: 0.022 Top10/Bottom10
Outermost Belt - Area
S‑type Star
Highest: 2,970,501,164,871,293,440
Lowest: 19,080,401,843,042,960
Average: 184,670,958,012,249,344
Count: 2,249Standard Deviation: 146,047,933,966,717,472 Top10/Bottom10
Outermost Belt - Density
S‑type Star
Highest: 3.89231334881953
Lowest: 0.000000451020592133815
Average: 0.0895
Count: 2,244Standard Deviation: 0.1962 Top10/Bottom10
Outermost Belt - Inner Radius
S‑type Star
Highest: 305,980,000 km
Lowest: 55,122,000 km
Average: 106,035,076.9231 km
Count: 2,249Standard Deviation: 39,310,323.2851 Top10/Bottom10
Outermost Belt - Mass
S‑type Star
Highest: 185,010,000,000,000,000
Lowest: 66,754,000,000
Average: 11,421,488,738,303,934
Count: 2,244Standard Deviation: 17,623,439,851,867,104 Top10/Bottom10
Outermost Belt - Outer Radius
S‑type Star
Highest: 977,210,000 km
Lowest: 100,350,000 km
Average: 258,270,938.1948 km
Count: 2,249Standard Deviation: 69,767,135.2801 Top10/Bottom10
Outermost Belt - Width
S‑type Star
Highest: 880,259,000
Lowest: 37,131,000
Average: 152,235,861.2717
Count: 2,249Standard Deviation: 71,560,013.803 Top10/Bottom10
Innermost Belt - Area
S‑type Star
Highest: 2,970,501,164,871,293,440
Lowest: 19,080,401,843,042,960
Average: 184,670,958,012,249,344
Count: 2,249Standard Deviation: 146,047,933,966,717,472 Top10/Bottom10
Innermost Belt - Density
S‑type Star
Highest: 3.89231334881953
Lowest: 0.000000451020592133815
Average: 0.0895
Count: 2,244Standard Deviation: 0.1962 Top10/Bottom10
Innermost Belt - Inner Radius
S‑type Star
Highest: 305,980,000 km
Lowest: 55,122,000 km
Average: 106,035,076.9231 km
Count: 2,249Standard Deviation: 39,310,323.2851 Top10/Bottom10
Innermost Belt - Mass
S‑type Star
Highest: 185,010,000,000,000,000
Lowest: 66,754,000,000
Average: 11,421,488,738,303,934
Count: 2,244Standard Deviation: 17,623,439,851,867,104 Top10/Bottom10
Innermost Belt - Outer Radius
S‑type Star
Highest: 977,210,000 km
Lowest: 100,350,000 km
Average: 258,270,938.1948 km
Count: 2,249Standard Deviation: 69,767,135.2801 Top10/Bottom10
Innermost Belt - Width
S‑type Star
Highest: 880,259,000
Lowest: 37,131,000
Average: 152,235,861.2717
Count: 2,249Standard Deviation: 71,560,013.803 Top10/Bottom10
Distance From Arrival
S‑type Star
Highest: 607,399
Lowest: 103
Average: 83,522.3542
Count: 465Standard Deviation: 120,528.3804 Top10/Bottom10
Orbital Eccentricity
S‑type Star
Highest: 0.813922
Lowest: 8e-06
Average: 0.1539
Count: 14,014Standard Deviation: 0.1204 Top10/Bottom10
Orbital Inclination
S‑type Star
Highest: 182.445319
Lowest: -237.940828
Average: 0.6185
Count: 14,014Standard Deviation: 44.6528 Top10/Bottom10
Orbital Period
S‑type Star
Highest: 10,401,054.72
Lowest: 17.567633616701
Average: 861,004.7752
Count: 14,014Standard Deviation: 1,768,513.6692 Top10/Bottom10
Periapsis / Closest Approach
S‑type Star
Highest: 1,007,595,075.43 km
Lowest: 1,007,595,075.43 km
Average: 1,007,595,075.43 km
Count: 1Standard Deviation: 0 Top10/Bottom10
Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)
S‑type Star
Highest: 1,385,545,660.48 km
Lowest: 3,878,818.69 km
Average: 42,346,734.9053 km
Count: 3,526Standard Deviation: 57,713,780.7754 Top10/Bottom10
Rotational Period
S‑type Star
Highest: 552.459444444444
Lowest: 29.669153136088
Average: 115.5864
Count: 27,273Standard Deviation: 27.5401 Top10/Bottom10
Sagittarius A* Distance
S‑type Star
Highest: 43,525.6470488674
Lowest: 214.611942115158
Average: 9,347.2418
Count: 27,259Standard Deviation: 6,038.4772 Top10/Bottom10
Semi-Major Axis
S‑type Star
Highest: 761.666045130414 AU
Lowest: 0.026105006258 AU
Average: 51.6101 AU
Count: 14,014Standard Deviation: 86.7533 Top10/Bottom10
Sol Distance
S‑type Star
Highest: 62,925.5
Lowest: 122.708
Average: 24,536.3485
Count: 27,259Standard Deviation: 7,215.2837 Top10/Bottom10
Solar Masses
S‑type Star
Highest: 2.070313
Lowest: 0.53125
Average: 1.0996
Count: 27,289Standard Deviation: 0.1371 Top10/Bottom10
Solar Radius
S‑type Star
Highest: 172.92613902404
Lowest: 29.055603687854  6 *
Average: 31.1351
Count: 27,289Standard Deviation: 2.4061 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
Surface Temperature
S‑type Star
Highest: 3,699  9 *
Lowest: 1,125
Average: 3,044.6735
Count: 27,289Standard Deviation: 236.2014 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.

Galactic Records BETA | Last update: 2025-03-08 17:40:15

Records by Body Type

Records by Attribute

System Attributes

    Planet Attributes

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    Star/Planet Attributes

    Ring/Belt Attributes

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