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Galactic Records

(updated weekly)


Class I gas giant

Axial Tilt
Class I gas giant
Highest: 3.141592
Lowest: -3.141592
Average: -0.0039
Count: 16,028,282Standard Deviation: 0.9575 Top10/Bottom10
Distance From Arrival
Class I gas giant
Highest: 5,404,300
Lowest: 3
Average: 25,914.5538
Count: 16,196,481Standard Deviation: 76,699.7359 Top10/Bottom10
Earth Masses
Class I gas giant
Highest: 911.079224
Lowest: 0.734365
Average: 115.6376
Count: 16,196,439Standard Deviation: 137.5448 Top10/Bottom10
Class I gas giant
Highest: 21.455592750912
Lowest: 0.191422307729
Average: 1.392
Count: 16,196,479Standard Deviation: 0.8791 Top10/Bottom10
Orbital Eccentricity
Class I gas giant
Highest: 0.999925
Lowest: 0  50,777 *
Average: 0.0576
Count: 16,192,428Standard Deviation: 0.1218 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
Orbital Inclination
Class I gas giant
Highest: 358.70001
Lowest: -179.999988
Average: -0.0791
Count: 16,193,980Standard Deviation: 32.5505 Top10/Bottom10
Orbital Period
Class I gas giant
Highest: 584,242,168.67597
Lowest: 0.001108796332  2 *
Average: 8,486.2148
Count: 16,194,019Standard Deviation: 173,268.4954 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
Periapsis / Closest Approach
Class I gas giant
Highest: 1,617,544,592,370.33 km
Lowest: 62,856.82 km
Average: 715,134,259.8668 km
Count: 10,335,449Standard Deviation: 1,390,971,958.9164 Top10/Bottom10
Periapsis (next pass < 5 years)
Class I gas giant
Highest: 18,688,404,730.2 km
Lowest: 0 km  16 *
Average: 136,519,646.1112 km
Count: 7,415,315Standard Deviation: 213,700,565.9985 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
Class I gas giant
Highest: 77,787.584
Lowest: 8,079.091
Average: 48,144.3766
Count: 16,193,241Standard Deviation: 18,293.2399 Top10/Bottom10
Outermost Ring - Area
Class I gas giant
Highest: 119,413,853,272,696,672
Lowest: 361,760.677246
Average: 3,143,181,208,828.89
Count: 9,631,060Standard Deviation: 285,760,488,022,037 Top10/Bottom10
Outermost Ring - Density
Class I gas giant
Highest: 117,077.071085
Lowest: 0.000000000000302157002075843
Average: 8.258
Count: 9,598,082Standard Deviation: 41.3569 Top10/Bottom10
Outermost Ring - Inner Radius
Class I gas giant
Highest: 99,889,000 km
Lowest: 14,738 km
Average: 115,715.6476 km
Count: 9,631,060Standard Deviation: 728,029.8258 Top10/Bottom10
Outermost Ring - Mass
Class I gas giant
Highest: 551,790,000,000,000
Lowest: 6
Average: 457,264,290,869.739
Count: 9,598,082Standard Deviation: 842,976,405,237.359 Top10/Bottom10
Outermost Ring - Outer Radius
Class I gas giant
Highest: 211,480,000 km
Lowest: 16,479 km
Average: 216,963.5824 km
Count: 9,631,060Standard Deviation: 1,223,458.2114 Top10/Bottom10
Outermost Ring - Width
Class I gas giant
Highest: 129,546,000
Lowest: 2
Average: 101,247.9348
Count: 9,631,060Standard Deviation: 564,644.0929 Top10/Bottom10
Innermost Ring - Area
Class I gas giant
Highest: 80,704,420,208,196,896
Lowest: 361,760.677246
Average: 1,508,289,073,623.85
Count: 9,631,060Standard Deviation: 222,178,566,724,926 Top10/Bottom10
Innermost Ring - Density
Class I gas giant
Highest: 19,762.717376
Lowest: 0.000000000000302157002075843
Average: 8.0833
Count: 9,598,082Standard Deviation: 15.0516 Top10/Bottom10
Innermost Ring - Inner Radius
Class I gas giant
Highest: 99,886,000 km
Lowest: 14,738 km
Average: 93,168.3357 km
Count: 9,631,060Standard Deviation: 674,157.4993 Top10/Bottom10
Innermost Ring - Mass
Class I gas giant
Highest: 228,230,000,000,000
Lowest: 6
Average: 208,099,600,612.361
Count: 9,598,082Standard Deviation: 469,692,594,949.708 Top10/Bottom10
Innermost Ring - Outer Radius
Class I gas giant
Highest: 186,110,000 km
Lowest: 16,409 km
Average: 134,012.6586 km
Count: 9,631,060Standard Deviation: 961,931.7041 Top10/Bottom10
Innermost Ring - Width
Class I gas giant
Highest: 114,439,000
Lowest: 2
Average: 40,844.3229
Count: 9,631,060Standard Deviation: 373,290.6031 Top10/Bottom10
Rotational Period
Class I gas giant
Highest: 7,691,317.0962963
Lowest: 0.00000462963
Average: 28.0089
Count: 16,100,622Standard Deviation: 1,947.502 Top10/Bottom10
Sagittarius A* Distance
Class I gas giant
Highest: 45,329.0686755053
Lowest: 1.42258732245119
Average: 19,483.7906
Count: 16,185,212Standard Deviation: 9,069.3322 Top10/Bottom10
Semi-Major Axis
Class I gas giant
Highest: 10,889.355036798 AU
Lowest: 1e-12 AU
Average: 4.4092 AU
Count: 16,194,016Standard Deviation: 9.7056 Top10/Bottom10
Sol Distance
Class I gas giant
Highest: 65,647.3  2 *
Lowest: 4.37712  2 *
Average: 16,709.6535
Count: 16,185,140Standard Deviation: 14,163.6013 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
Surface Pressure
Class I gas giant
Highest: 0.00379244308
Lowest: 0  15,818,101 *
Average: 0
Count: 15,818,102Standard Deviation: 0 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
Surface Temperature
Class I gas giant
Highest: 6,284.717773
Lowest: 0.022387
Average: 85.6151
Count: 16,177,832Standard Deviation: 33.704 Top10/Bottom10

Galactic Records BETA | Last update: 2024-07-20 10:11:05

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