Note: If you would like to upload some of your journal data that has not already been sent to us, you can do so [here].
As of version 12, EDDiscovery now supports our data submission API. We can also receive data directly from EDMC with the ATEL/IGAU plugin.
If you would like to help us with this endeavor, please remeber to upgrade to the latest version of EDD or EDMC+ATEL and turn on EDAstro submissions in your settings.
Currently we still receive the bulk of our data through the traditional sources, with most of it coming from EDDN and EDSM. These sources are very good for collecting body scan and system discovery information. However, there are gaps in what we are able to collect this way, most notably with regards to fleet carriers, codex, and the new Odyssey organic genetic scans.
To fill in the gaps, our API is set up to handle some of the low-volume journal events that address these specific shortcomings. At any given time, the API provides a list of event types that we're interested in, and EDD or ATEL will send only those specific events to us. Nothing that we collect is personally identifiable information. The closest we get to that is collecting the "CarrierStats" event, which is only generated when the carrier's owner enters the carrier management UI (either remotely, or when docked). But the event doesn't include information on who the owner is.
Websites like ours, such as EDSM, EDDB, Inara, and others, all rely on the support and data contributions of commanders. Data submissions are our life blood, so we encourage everyone to contribute if they are able! Thanks,
- CMDR Orvidius