Type | Data | |
Ammonia world (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 1,327.610718 | : Lasuae AA-A h246 7
| |
Lowest: | | 0.07346 | : Schiqee RC-M b8-2 A 1
| |
| |
Average: | | 6.08 | | |
Count: 728,239 | Standard Deviation: | | 18.3211 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 1,327.610718 | | Lasuae AA-A h246 7
| | 0.07346 | | Schiqee RC-M b8-2 A 1
| 1,142.645874 | | Eembaids AA-A h163 6
| | 0.077788 | | Dumbae QD-Z c27-2998 5 a
| 994.965149 | | Hypio Prao ZE-A g1552 5
| | 0.078173 | | Phroi Pri DL-O d6-4639 4 a
| 971.666504 | | Dryao Broae YU-Y e132 6
| | 0.079473 | | Thailoe AS-H d11-41 4 a
| 824.452576 | | Agnaix OZ-N d7-20 8
| | 0.079479 | | Eos Freau MS-K d8-2 B 1
| 819.100952 | | Screakiae AA-A h64 9
| | 0.079936 | | Syrivoo CQ-P d5-76 A 5 a
| 741.317322 | | Phae Aob AA-A h6 6
| | 0.081145 | | Eidairld UU-E c28-197 A 7
| 694.241211 | | Eol Prou IM-V d2-369 15
| | 0.081582 | | Prua Dryoae YC-M c10-7 3
| 685.885925 | | Teqie LS-S d4-21 17
| | 0.081688 | | Pru Euq WO-A d26 B 1
| 680.453308 | | Dryuae Aoscs AA-A h370 4
| | 0.081691 | | Boelts HD-A d14-674 3
Ammonia world (as moon) (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 51.168983 | : Smojoo ZE-R d4-109 6 e
| |
Lowest: | | 0.077788 | : Dumbae QD-Z c27-2998 5 a
| |
| |
Average: | | 0.4155 | | |
Count: 21,846 | Standard Deviation: | | 0.7989 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 51.168983 | | Smojoo ZE-R d4-109 6 e
| | 0.077788 | | Dumbae QD-Z c27-2998 5 a
| 36.591129 | | Eephaills WF-E d12-259 11 a
| | 0.078173 | | Phroi Pri DL-O d6-4639 4 a
| 31.30505 | | Eorld Prau UZ-X d1-109 10 a
| | 0.079473 | | Thailoe AS-H d11-41 4 a
| 22.387501 | | Graea Hypue OT-P d6-336 A 12 a
| | 0.079936 | | Syrivoo CQ-P d5-76 A 5 a
| 14.934156 | | Col 359 Sector BA-Q d5-64 9 a
| | 0.082192 | | Whamboo QS-R c5-83 7 c
| 12.823923 | | Flyiedge GY-F d12-42 10 a
| | 0.082406 | | Hypoae Phyloea AA-A h71 1 b
| 10.035513 | | Blaa Eork NT-O d7-5 7 a
| | 0.082422 | | Wredguia FS-B d13-5 ABCD 2 c
| 9.803776 | | Schee Pri HI-A d14-54 6 a
| | 0.082434 | | Byua Chrea AQ-C b30-0 6 a
| 9.285158 | | Eephaik VZ-M d8-7536 8 a
| | 0.083015 | | Drumboa AA-A h201 1 b
| 8.373155 | | Hypoi Proae AA-A h48 A 9 a
| | 0.083172 | | Nuekuae ZG-K d9-90 13 c
Ammonia world (as planet) (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 1,327.610718 | : Lasuae AA-A h246 7
| |
Lowest: | | 0.07346 | : Schiqee RC-M b8-2 A 1
| |
| |
Average: | | 6.2545 | | |
Count: 705,812 | Standard Deviation: | | 18.5674 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 1,327.610718 | | Lasuae AA-A h246 7
| | 0.07346 | | Schiqee RC-M b8-2 A 1
| 1,142.645874 | | Eembaids AA-A h163 6
| | 0.079479 | | Eos Freau MS-K d8-2 B 1
| 994.965149 | | Hypio Prao ZE-A g1552 5
| | 0.081145 | | Eidairld UU-E c28-197 A 7
| 971.666504 | | Dryao Broae YU-Y e132 6
| | 0.081582 | | Prua Dryoae YC-M c10-7 3
| 824.452576 | | Agnaix OZ-N d7-20 8
| | 0.081688 | | Pru Euq WO-A d26 B 1
| 819.100952 | | Screakiae AA-A h64 9
| | 0.081691 | | Boelts HD-A d14-674 3
| 741.317322 | | Phae Aob AA-A h6 6
| | 0.081702 | | Boelts GC-J d10-6990 B 3
| 694.241211 | | Eol Prou IM-V d2-369 15
| | 0.081734 | | Foerdy UK-O d6-108 E 2
| 685.885925 | | Teqie LS-S d4-21 17
| | 0.081752 | | Ushott GK-R d4-1 7
| 680.453308 | | Dryuae Aoscs AA-A h370 4
| | 0.081763 | | Plae Flaae RO-I d9-114 4
Class I gas giant (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 911.079224 | : Pythaics BP-Y a41-62 8
| |
Lowest: | | 0.730386 | : Wepaa ON-T e3-5663 4 a
| |
| |
Average: | | 115.6498 | | |
Count: 17,664,256 | Standard Deviation: | | 137.5778 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 911.079224 | | Pythaics BP-Y a41-62 8
| | 0.730386 | | Wepaa ON-T e3-5663 4 a
| 911.015686 | | Eorl Auwsy BQ-Y f794 3
| | 0.734365 | | Byaa Theia EG-Y g3 8 a
| 910.971558 | | Myneageia AA-A g16 1
| | 0.738861 | | Phroea Prau NS-U f2-3815 4 a
| 910.755737 | | Byoomao DB-X f1-5268 4
| | 0.739074 | | Spooruia YE-A g1 1 a
| 910.550964 | | Wrupu AA-A h6 3
| | 0.743703 | | Eephaim KM-W f1-687 4 d
| 910.472473 | | Eoch Proo PT-Q e5-397 1
| | 0.758244 | | Voqoi ZU-Y f31 4 a
| 910.442139 | | Eoch Flyuae MS-U f2-1289 1
| | 0.758632 | | Dryio Flyue EG-Y g152 4 c
| 910.37854 | | Egnaix KM-W f1-1278 5
| | 0.765162 | | Eorl Phyloi TS-U e2-1991 3 a
| 910.303711 | | Wepoae AA-A h328 A 1
| | 0.769455 | | Byeia Eurk YD-O b47-7 15 a
| 910.196106 | | Dumbai AA-A g1004 1
| | 0.771348 | | Ogaiws YE-A g1073 4 a
Class I gas giant (as moon) (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 818.532593 | : Vegneia KM-W f1-952 2 a
| |
Lowest: | | 0.730386 | : Wepaa ON-T e3-5663 4 a
| |
| |
Average: | | 57.6867 | | |
Count: 92,159 | Standard Deviation: | | 94.8725 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 818.532593 | | Vegneia KM-W f1-952 2 a
| | 0.730386 | | Wepaa ON-T e3-5663 4 a
| 815.560181 | | Aishaish IH-V f2-2012 1 a
| | 0.734365 | | Byaa Theia EG-Y g3 8 a
| 807.067017 | | Phroi Pra LX-U f2-416 3 a
| | 0.738861 | | Phroea Prau NS-U f2-3815 4 a
| 806.011597 | | Hyuqau IR-W f1-3053 3 a
| | 0.739074 | | Spooruia YE-A g1 1 a
| 793.422241 | | Zunue LM-W f1-3184 3 a
| | 0.743703 | | Eephaim KM-W f1-687 4 d
| 788.780701 | | Eol Flyou KC-V f2-3649 1 a
| | 0.758244 | | Voqoi ZU-Y f31 4 a
| 788.440247 | | Eoch Pruae HG-Y f4438 3 d
| | 0.758632 | | Dryio Flyue EG-Y g152 4 c
| 785.94928 | | Wepaa LX-U f2-2892 3 a
| | 0.765162 | | Eorl Phyloi TS-U e2-1991 3 a
| 783.395264 | | Tegnae CL-Y g2 5 a
| | 0.769455 | | Byeia Eurk YD-O b47-7 15 a
| 781.945984 | | Byoomiae FG-Y f2242 5 b
| | 0.771348 | | Ogaiws YE-A g1073 4 a
Class I gas giant (as planet) (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 911.079224 | : Pythaics BP-Y a41-62 8
| |
Lowest: | | 1.120071 | : Braisio TL-G c13-251 B 6
| |
| |
Average: | | 115.951 | | |
Count: 17,553,858 | Standard Deviation: | | 137.6977 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 911.079224 | | Pythaics BP-Y a41-62 8
| | 1.120071 | | Braisio TL-G c13-251 B 6
| 911.015686 | | Eorl Auwsy BQ-Y f794 3
| | 1.121132 | | Phroi Phio LS-X b19-0 B 7
| 910.971558 | | Myneageia AA-A g16 1
| | 1.122314 | | Flyae Hype LN-I b43-1 A 11
| 910.755737 | | Byoomao DB-X f1-5268 4
| | 1.130802 | | IC 4663 Sector CW-V b2-0 BC 5
| 910.550964 | | Wrupu AA-A h6 3
| | 1.131241 | | Theemeia AF-A f787 1
| 910.472473 | | Eoch Proo PT-Q e5-397 1
| | 1.132436 | | Scutum Dark Region KX-T b3-3 BC 9
| 910.442139 | | Eoch Flyuae MS-U f2-1289 1
| | 1.133224 | | Sifi LJ-V b2-3 B 12
| 910.37854 | | Egnaix KM-W f1-1278 5
| | 1.13342 | | Floarps DK-Y d1-128 B 8
| 910.196106 | | Dumbai AA-A g1004 1
| | 1.135558 | | Systimbu MP-R c7-3899 B 9
| 910.059082 | | Hypheesms WQ-D a39-0 1
| | 1.135592 | | Synuefai YI-I c26-9 B 13
Class II gas giant (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 1,368.457764 | : Wrupaea AA-A h125 1
| |
Lowest: | | 2.641097 | : Aucoths JD-J d9-2 AB 3 e
| |
| |
Average: | | 435.4566 | | |
Count: 3,799,033 | Standard Deviation: | | 299.706 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 1,368.457764 | | Wrupaea AA-A h125 1
| | 2.641097 | | Aucoths JD-J d9-2 AB 3 e
| 1,368.296631 | | Dryuae Scraa AA-A h295 A 1
| | 2.641392 | | Byoomeae TZ-O e6-5487 AB 5 a
| 1,368.230103 | | Schee Flyi LC-V f2-377 2
| | 2.644085 | | Plua Eun MH-V d2-1 5
| 1,367.647827 | | Iojaing HG-Y f1604 3
| | 2.674021 | | Blua Eaec YJ-X d2-2088 2 a
| 1,367.597046 | | Tyriae Hypa ZE-A g0 1
| | 2.676736 | | Preae Aewsy BR-A c28-35 5 a
| 1,367.456177 | | Croomaa HH-V f2-9 1
| | 2.686207 | | Byoomao FS-I d10-6295 AB 1
| 1,367.396118 | | Pyroomoa BQ-Y f89 1
| | 2.68783 | | Dryao Aoscs FH-M d7-9611 5
| 1,367.290283 | | Eoch Flyuae BA-A g72 3
| | 2.688033 | | Eoch Pruae MO-H d10-731 7 c
| 1,367.003906 | | Hypiae Aub JC-V f2-4614 1
| | 2.692256 | | Prooe Hypa XV-L d8-72 A 5
| 1,366.824585 | | Rhuedgu HR-W f1-674 1
| | 2.704167 | | Syralaei LS-J d9-1 AB 3
Class II gas giant (as moon) (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 1,283.875977 | : Dryoi Pruae JM-W f1-3820 3 a
| |
Lowest: | | 2.641097 | : Aucoths JD-J d9-2 AB 3 e
| |
| |
Average: | | 229.2609 | | |
Count: 21,975 | Standard Deviation: | | 265.4782 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 1,283.875977 | | Dryoi Pruae JM-W f1-3820 3 a
| | 2.641097 | | Aucoths JD-J d9-2 AB 3 e
| 1,263.540039 | | Byeia Eurk ZE-A g1 3 a
| | 2.641392 | | Byoomeae TZ-O e6-5487 AB 5 a
| 1,254.743042 | | Oephairb BA-A g1027 2 a
| | 2.674021 | | Blua Eaec YJ-X d2-2088 2 a
| 1,254.683716 | | Hypuae Aoscs FB-X f1-2061 4 a
| | 2.676736 | | Preae Aewsy BR-A c28-35 5 a
| 1,250.658936 | | Dryio Bloo YE-A g143 3 a
| | 2.688033 | | Eoch Pruae MO-H d10-731 7 c
| 1,233.222046 | | Blua Eaec ZE-A g96 3 a
| | 2.708444 | | Floade OZ-E d12-21 6 a
| 1,226.338623 | | Stuemeae HG-Y f39 3 a
| | 2.711706 | | Goothee ZE-A g1 21 a
| 1,221.971313 | | Eoch Blou KM-W f1-1627 2 a
| | 2.720979 | | Boekh SS-S d4-408 5 a
| 1,218.832397 | | Zunao AA-A g44 3 a
| | 2.729567 | | Iowhail DL-Y f4573 14 a
| 1,216.982056 | | Phaa Briae AF-A f2918 2 a
| | 2.738452 | | Blo Thae EQ-N c7-2 6 a
Class II gas giant (as planet) (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 1,368.457764 | : Wrupaea AA-A h125 1
| |
Lowest: | | 2.644085 | : Plua Eun MH-V d2-1 5
| |
| |
Average: | | 436.6538 | | |
Count: 3,773,249 | Standard Deviation: | | 299.4674 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 1,368.457764 | | Wrupaea AA-A h125 1
| | 2.644085 | | Plua Eun MH-V d2-1 5
| 1,368.296631 | | Dryuae Scraa AA-A h295 A 1
| | 2.686207 | | Byoomao FS-I d10-6295 AB 1
| 1,368.230103 | | Schee Flyi LC-V f2-377 2
| | 2.68783 | | Dryao Aoscs FH-M d7-9611 5
| 1,367.647827 | | Iojaing HG-Y f1604 3
| | 2.692256 | | Prooe Hypa XV-L d8-72 A 5
| 1,367.597046 | | Tyriae Hypa ZE-A g0 1
| | 2.704167 | | Syralaei LS-J d9-1 AB 3
| 1,367.456177 | | Croomaa HH-V f2-9 1
| | 2.705081 | | Eoch Pruae AC-L d8-1503 2
| 1,367.396118 | | Pyroomoa BQ-Y f89 1
| | 2.70635 | | Aucoks EC-B d1-94 A 4
| 1,367.290283 | | Eoch Flyuae BA-A g72 3
| | 2.713335 | | Stuemoae TK-F d11-4164 4
| 1,367.003906 | | Hypiae Aub JC-V f2-4614 1
| | 2.714339 | | Gru Phio LY-Y d1-1077 4
| 1,366.824585 | | Rhuedgu HR-W f1-674 1
| | 2.718402 | | Graea Hypue FR-T d4-394 ABC 1
Class III gas giant (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 3,457.928223 | : Agnaiz JM-W f1-2292 3
| |
Lowest: | | 4.296463 | : Dryooe Prou JW-W d1-827 3 a
| |
| |
Average: | | 1,254.5575 | | |
Count: 8,812,400 | Standard Deviation: | | 739.6746 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 3,457.928223 | | Agnaiz JM-W f1-2292 3
| | 4.296463 | | Dryooe Prou JW-W d1-827 3 a
| 3,457.905762 | | Dryuae Auscs IG-Y e2567 2
| | 4.32693 | | Spase KW-C d273 8 e
| 3,457.422363 | | Kyloaln JC-V f2-2621 3
| | 4.35898 | | Byaa Theia AA-A g2 12 a
| 3,457.407959 | | Voqooe DB-X f1-232 2
| | 4.399539 | | Dryeae Broae AW-M d7-1 ABC 2
| 3,457.406738 | | Phroi Flyuae AA-A h230 C 1
| | 4.403802 | | Droju UW-I d10-22 AB 2
| 3,457.338379 | | Dryio Flyi FG-Y f1786 2
| | 4.404549 | | Praei Phla SI-A d1-15 8
| 3,457.003906 | | Sphoetz AV-Y f15 2
| | 4.409164 | | Oochont MT-F d12-3 4
| 3,456.770996 | | Hyieseae AA-A h32 1
| | 4.411561 | | Hegua OD-I d10-3 AB 4
| 3,456.689209 | | Phroi Blou AA-A f1185 3
| | 4.414768 | | Syralaei ET-G d11-10 AB 2
| 3,456.4729 | | Dryooe Prou IM-W f1-2432 2
| | 4.419622 | | Screakiae OU-N d7-3891 2
Class III gas giant (as moon) (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 3,380.834961 | : Plimbee MS-U f2-1874 4 d
| |
Lowest: | | 4.296463 | : Dryooe Prou JW-W d1-827 3 a
| |
| |
Average: | | 834.7808 | | |
Count: 84,113 | Standard Deviation: | | 730.3119 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 3,380.834961 | | Plimbee MS-U f2-1874 4 d
| | 4.296463 | | Dryooe Prou JW-W d1-827 3 a
| 3,332.401611 | | Whanee KC-V f2-131 1 a
| | 4.32693 | | Spase KW-C d273 8 e
| 3,325.794189 | | Boesky BA-A g288 4 h
| | 4.35898 | | Byaa Theia AA-A g2 12 a
| 3,321.688721 | | Chraise ZE-A g29 4 a
| | 4.441497 | | Boeths BC-L d8-811 5 c
| 3,307.845215 | | Juenoe EG-Y f1191 2 a
| | 4.458534 | | Nyeajee RO-Z e18 13 a
| 3,284.339844 | | Throepps EL-Y f805 3 a
| | 4.499413 | | Proo Flyiae PL-J d10-25 1 a
| 3,281.470459 | | Eephaim AA-A g968 A 2 a
| | 4.509313 | | Pru Aescs AF-R e4-76 7 c
| 3,274.469482 | | Eol Flyou FG-Y g2501 4 a
| | 4.513412 | | Phleedgoea QO-Z e45 6 a
| 3,269.443604 | | Byoomiae EG-Y g656 3 a
| | 4.528668 | | Phua Phylio AA-A h25 11 a
| 3,268.821289 | | Dryau Phylio LX-U e2-2089 1 a
| | 4.547062 | | Vegnoae HV-Y d1881 AB 3 a
Class III gas giant (as planet) (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 3,457.928223 | : Agnaiz JM-W f1-2292 3
| |
Lowest: | | 4.399539 | : Dryeae Broae AW-M d7-1 ABC 2
| |
| |
Average: | | 1,258.6289 | | |
Count: 8,719,396 | Standard Deviation: | | 738.5867 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 3,457.928223 | | Agnaiz JM-W f1-2292 3
| | 4.399539 | | Dryeae Broae AW-M d7-1 ABC 2
| 3,457.905762 | | Dryuae Auscs IG-Y e2567 2
| | 4.403802 | | Droju UW-I d10-22 AB 2
| 3,457.422363 | | Kyloaln JC-V f2-2621 3
| | 4.404549 | | Praei Phla SI-A d1-15 8
| 3,457.407959 | | Voqooe DB-X f1-232 2
| | 4.409164 | | Oochont MT-F d12-3 4
| 3,457.406738 | | Phroi Flyuae AA-A h230 C 1
| | 4.411561 | | Hegua OD-I d10-3 AB 4
| 3,457.338379 | | Dryio Flyi FG-Y f1786 2
| | 4.414768 | | Syralaei ET-G d11-10 AB 2
| 3,457.003906 | | Sphoetz AV-Y f15 2
| | 4.419622 | | Screakiae OU-N d7-3891 2
| 3,456.770996 | | Hyieseae AA-A h32 1
| | 4.423513 | | Screakao PS-R d5-1072 5
| 3,456.689209 | | Phroi Blou AA-A f1185 3
| | 4.425906 | | Schieno OT-Q d5-132 6
| 3,456.4729 | | Dryooe Prou IM-W f1-2432 2
| | 4.42608 | | Xothao UO-A d26 5
Class IV gas giant (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 5,403.108398 | : CT Chamaeleontis 5
| |
Lowest: | | 16.754765 | : Phroi Pri IH-V f2-3853 B 5 a
| |
| |
Average: | | 2,456.0493 | | |
Count: 1,441,199 | Standard Deviation: | | 1,166.5353 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 5,403.108398 | | CT Chamaeleontis 5
| | 16.754765 | | Phroi Pri IH-V f2-3853 B 5 a
| 4,893.999023 | | HIP 73408 3
| | 16.912287 | | Dryoea Flyoo AA-A h241 ABC 5 c
| 4,893.998047 | | Gliese 4052 2
| | 17.229593 | | Flyae Eaec UO-A f1063 7 a
| 4,893.993652 | | Gurney Slade Five
| | 17.343504 | | Zuni BV-Y f183 13 a
| 4,893.991699 | | Achenar 9
| | 17.391258 | | Mylaifoi AL-F d11-138 1
| 4,569.46582 | | Dumbue LH-L d8-23 15
| | 17.411942 | | Rhuedgie GW-V e2-121 AB 3
| 4,545.643066 | | Qoefuae QS-T d3-10 AB 6
| | 17.432911 | | Agnaix IH-M d7-13 A 1
| 4,533.585938 | | Teqie IL-O d6-130 8
| | 17.542631 | | Byoomao MI-S e4-6873 3
| 4,530.657715 | | Dryaa Flyi XI-B d1077 5
| | 17.579311 | | Dryeia Flyou PD-A d1-17 A 1
| 4,529.449219 | | Graea Hypue EN-R d5-400 9
| | 17.596197 | | Byoi Aip LI-K d8-3191 1
Class IV gas giant (as moon) (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 3,753.201904 | : Rhuedgo AA-A h94 A 2 b
| |
Lowest: | | 16.754765 | : Phroi Pri IH-V f2-3853 B 5 a
| |
| |
Average: | | 1,851.0007 | | |
Count: 29,402 | Standard Deviation: | | 1,006.0525 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 3,753.201904 | | Rhuedgo AA-A h94 A 2 b
| | 16.754765 | | Phroi Pri IH-V f2-3853 B 5 a
| 3,746.964844 | | Phraa Prao AA-A h10 ABC 10 a
| | 16.912287 | | Dryoea Flyoo AA-A h241 ABC 5 c
| 3,742.905762 | | Dryau Scraa AA-A h13 A 1 a
| | 17.229593 | | Flyae Eaec UO-A f1063 7 a
| 3,733.935791 | | Dryao Broae YU-Y e79 6 a
| | 17.343504 | | Zuni BV-Y f183 13 a
| 3,732.490967 | | HD 58256 A 14 a
| | 17.661602 | | Dryaa Flyi MX-U f2-1200 9 a
| 3,732.358887 | | Scheau Flyi AA-A g1452 3 a
| | 17.7647 | | Phrio Byoe CB-X f1-2320 12 a
| 3,729.369629 | | Phleedgaa AB-W e2-12 AB 1 a
| | 17.838501 | | Granaea HW-W f1-252 7 a
| 3,728.547119 | | Greae Phio DQ-Y f68 10 a
| | 17.8482 | | Boewnst BG-O e6-1178 4 a
| 3,726.775146 | | Eorgh Graae AA-A h24 3 a
| | 17.930054 | | Phua Freau AA-A h0 BC 8 a
| 3,726.467529 | | Eoch Flyuae SE-Q e5-313 14 a
| | 17.947721 | | Noijuae FG-Y g794 13 a
Class IV gas giant (as planet) (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 5,403.108398 | : CT Chamaeleontis 5
| |
Lowest: | | 17.391258 | : Mylaifoi AL-F d11-138 1
| |
| |
Average: | | 2,468.7337 | | |
Count: 1,410,263 | Standard Deviation: | | 1,166.3035 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 5,403.108398 | | CT Chamaeleontis 5
| | 17.391258 | | Mylaifoi AL-F d11-138 1
| 4,893.999023 | | HIP 73408 3
| | 17.411942 | | Rhuedgie GW-V e2-121 AB 3
| 4,893.998047 | | Gliese 4052 2
| | 17.432911 | | Agnaix IH-M d7-13 A 1
| 4,893.991699 | | Achenar 9
| | 17.542631 | | Byoomao MI-S e4-6873 3
| 4,569.46582 | | Dumbue LH-L d8-23 15
| | 17.579311 | | Dryeia Flyou PD-A d1-17 A 1
| 4,545.643066 | | Qoefuae QS-T d3-10 AB 6
| | 17.596197 | | Byoi Aip LI-K d8-3191 1
| 4,533.585938 | | Teqie IL-O d6-130 8
| | 17.611444 | | Teqaea VN-T d3-387 A 1
| 4,530.657715 | | Dryaa Flyi XI-B d1077 5
| | 17.639017 | | Eofairg RS-U e2-12 AB 2
| 4,529.449219 | | Graea Hypue EN-R d5-400 9
| | 17.644041 | | Plaa Eurk BX-E b27-0 1
| 4,523.462402 | | HAT-P-13 2
| | 17.70594 | | Eoch Flyuae CX-B d13-1001 1
Class V gas giant (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 13,063.395508 | : Capella A 6
| |
Lowest: | | 31.56221 | : Boerth FG-Y g1267 5
| |
| |
Average: | | 1,619.0421 | | |
Count: 181,673 | Standard Deviation: | | 1,249.7502 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 13,063.395508 | | Capella A 6
| | 31.56221 | | Boerth FG-Y g1267 5
| 9,852.727539 | | CD-35 2722 A 1
| | 32.504833 | | Skaudai AV-Y f960 4
| 9,534.878906 | | 2MASS J07464256+2000321 A 1
| | 32.528526 | | Flyue Flyou YE-A g18 D 4 a
| 6,910.277344 | | CoRoT-3 1
| | 32.750023 | | Eephain AV-Y f550 A 5 a
| 6,356.59668 | | CLO 2Aa 1
| | 32.810795 | | Drojo EV-E c28-21 1
| 6,165.893066 | | 11 Comae Berenices 1
| | 33.260643 | | Scheau Prao DL-Y g204 A 4
| 5,762.010254 | | Kepler-39 2
| | 33.351379 | | Byoomiae AA-A g1070 8 a
| 5,403.106445 | | V2149 Orionis B 9
| | 33.357719 | | Hypo Flaae CL-Y g3 8 a
| 5,247.586426 | | Alkaid 16
| | 33.539486 | | Ogaicy HB-X e1-2754 4
| 4,893.999023 | | HIP 104903 1
| | 33.714767 | | Eok Gree AA-A g80 4 a
Class V gas giant (as moon) (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 3,743.252686 | : Scheau Blou XJ-R e4-2 8 a
| |
Lowest: | | 32.528526 | : Flyue Flyou YE-A g18 D 4 a
| |
| |
Average: | | 2,306.6472 | | |
Count: 13,081 | Standard Deviation: | | 923.7099 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 3,743.252686 | | Scheau Blou XJ-R e4-2 8 a
| | 32.528526 | | Flyue Flyou YE-A g18 D 4 a
| 3,734.73291 | | HD 209809 5 a
| | 32.750023 | | Eephain AV-Y f550 A 5 a
| 3,729.888916 | | Graea Phio NX-U f2-0 AB 1 a
| | 33.351379 | | Byoomiae AA-A g1070 8 a
| 3,728.495117 | | Byoi Aewsy AA-A h37 B 12 a
| | 33.357719 | | Hypo Flaae CL-Y g3 8 a
| 3,727.768555 | | Preia Phoea DL-Y g5 3 a
| | 33.714767 | | Eok Gree AA-A g80 4 a
| 3,726.826904 | | Phoo Ain SD-T e3-2 13 a
| | 33.824192 | | Dryao Phyloea BA-A g917 7 a
| 3,726.718994 | | Ooscs Freau AV-Y f2543 7 a
| | 33.947914 | | Choomee HH-V f2-416 A 4 a
| 3,724.928467 | | Stuelaa CL-Y g3 5 a
| | 34.636127471924 | | Byoomue YE-A g113 B 6 a
| 3,723.740967 | | Phroi Blou DL-Y g102 8 a
| | 34.85955 | | Eol Prou KH-V e2-2473 2 a
| 3,723.46167 | | Cyaumie ZE-A g5 3 a
| | 35.100178 | | Brairee YJ-A f3768 A 6 a
Class V gas giant (as planet) (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 13,063.395508 | : Capella A 6
| |
Lowest: | | 31.56221 | : Boerth FG-Y g1267 5
| |
| |
Average: | | 1,565.5478 | | |
Count: 168,401 | Standard Deviation: | | 1,255.868 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 13,063.395508 | | Capella A 6
| | 31.56221 | | Boerth FG-Y g1267 5
| 9,852.727539 | | CD-35 2722 A 1
| | 32.504833 | | Skaudai AV-Y f960 4
| 9,534.878906 | | 2MASS J07464256+2000321 A 1
| | 32.810795 | | Drojo EV-E c28-21 1
| 6,910.277344 | | CoRoT-3 1
| | 33.260643 | | Scheau Prao DL-Y g204 A 4
| 6,356.59668 | | CLO 2Aa 1
| | 33.539486 | | Ogaicy HB-X e1-2754 4
| 6,165.893066 | | 11 Comae Berenices 1
| | 33.732849 | | Eoch Flyuae JM-V e2-2717 4
| 5,762.010254 | | Kepler-39 2
| | 33.974636 | | Phroi Bluae DQ-X e1-8667 1
| 5,403.106445 | | V2149 Orionis B 9
| | 34.09145 | | Whambeia PO-I d9-5403 3
| 5,247.586426 | | Alkaid 16
| | 34.435966 | | Outotch JM-M d7-8 1
| 4,893.999023 | | HIP 104903 1
| | 34.565968 | | Lasiae HR-W f1-2771 5
Earth‑like world (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 7.1 | : Tira Flirble
| |
Lowest: | | 0.026 | : Smade's Planet
| |
| |
Average: | | 0.7954 | | |
Count: 463,956 | Standard Deviation: | | 0.5827 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 7.1 | | Tira Flirble
| | 0.026 | | Smade's Planet |
| 6.9 | | The Land
| | 0.04 | | Merlin
| 4.970021 | | Boeph NN-J d9-131 5
| | 0.04 | | Panmore
| 4.57715 | | Dumbai HG-Y e98 A 1
| | 0.068096 | | Orannika A 1
| 4.309364 | | Schee Flyi TJ-Q e5-4219 12 a
| | 0.068138 | | Al Mina A 2
| 3.843445 | | Nuekau NB-O b39-5 3
| | 0.068344 | | Wosraesi A 3
| 3.833972 | | 13 Orionis 4
| | 0.068606 | | Panorua A 2
| 3.74957 | | LHS 2310 A 5
| | 0.068798 | | Ross 860 A 5
| 3.710413 | | Theta Indi B 5
| | 0.069028 | | Sui Guei 2
| 3.709567 | | Dryooe Prou SY-A e4216 A 1
| | 0.069034 | | Rajgonta 1
Earth‑like world (as moon) (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 4.309364 | : Schee Flyi TJ-Q e5-4219 12 a
| |
Lowest: | | 0.093873 | : LTT 15225 5 a
| |
| |
Average: | | 0.4074 | | |
Count: 6,861 | Standard Deviation: | | 0.2566 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 4.309364 | | Schee Flyi TJ-Q e5-4219 12 a
| | 0.093873 | | LTT 15225 5 a
| 3.095419 | | Dryuae Aoscs XJ-A e5333 8 a
| | 0.093935 | | Macalites D 5 a
| 2.796885 | | Wepoae JW-W e1-6278 13 b
| | 0.095612 | | Binar 2 a
| 2.625982 | | Segnao FW-V e2-2417 AB 21 a
| | 0.097861 | | HIP 27058 A 6 a
| 2.594529 | | Wregoe QX-U e2-12 13 a
| | 0.09842 | | HR 6836 A 3 a
| 2.588882 | | Eorm Chroa JN-S e4-2 5 a
| | 0.099375 | | Cegreeth 2 f
| 2.549143 | | Eok Pruae QY-R e4-6176 14 a
| | 0.102969 | | HR 5156 4 a
| 2.522746 | | Eos Scraa RY-R e4-133 AB 3 a
| | 0.103142 | | Jera 5 a
| 2.511141 | | Smojoo ZE-R d4-109 6 b
| | 0.105317 | | Zarece A 3 a
| 2.507605 | | Eol Prou TY-R e4-1498 14 a
| | 0.108179 | | Almas 1 a
Earth‑like world (as planet) (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 4.970021 | : Boeph NN-J d9-131 5
| |
Lowest: | | 0.068096 | : Orannika A 1
| |
| |
Average: | | 0.8011 | | |
Count: 456,429 | Standard Deviation: | | 0.5842 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 4.970021 | | Boeph NN-J d9-131 5
| | 0.068096 | | Orannika A 1
| 4.57715 | | Dumbai HG-Y e98 A 1
| | 0.068138 | | Al Mina A 2
| 3.843445 | | Nuekau NB-O b39-5 3
| | 0.068344 | | Wosraesi A 3
| 3.833972 | | 13 Orionis 4
| | 0.068606 | | Panorua A 2
| 3.74957 | | LHS 2310 A 5
| | 0.068798 | | Ross 860 A 5
| 3.710413 | | Theta Indi B 5
| | 0.069028 | | Sui Guei 2
| 3.709567 | | Dryooe Prou SY-A e4216 A 1
| | 0.069034 | | Rajgonta 1
| 3.641073 | | Prua Phoe TL-F b43-0 2
| | 0.069042 | | LHS 1348 CD 2
| 3.594122 | | Preia Phoe DL-Y g1654 2
| | 0.06922 | | Dharuek A 1
| 3.557799 | | 53 chi Ceti A 5
| | 0.069514 | | Dulerce B 4
Earth‑like world ProcGen (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 4.970021 | : Boeph NN-J d9-131 5
| |
Lowest: | | 0.213191 | : Bla Dryai RZ-J c11-1 4
| |
| |
Average: | | 0.7955 | | |
Count: 460,405 | Standard Deviation: | | 0.5818 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 4.970021 | | Boeph NN-J d9-131 5
| | 0.213191 | | Bla Dryai RZ-J c11-1 4
| 4.57715 | | Dumbai HG-Y e98 A 1
| | 0.213889 | | Zunou SO-Z d13-1086 B 3
| 4.309364 | | Schee Flyi TJ-Q e5-4219 12 a
| | 0.217845 | | Blae Drye HS-Z b47-7 A 7
| 3.843445 | | Nuekau NB-O b39-5 3
| | 0.218038 | | Oephairb KA-A d8548 B 3
| 3.709567 | | Dryooe Prou SY-A e4216 A 1
| | 0.218359 | | Eorm Phyloi SG-J c10-21 6
| 3.641073 | | Prua Phoe TL-F b43-0 2
| | 0.218668 | | Schadgae MZ-S c3-1 B 4
| 3.594122 | | Preia Phoe DL-Y g1654 2
| | 0.218894 | | Ogaiws EV-O d6-1187 B 1
| 3.453475 | | Wredguia CR-N d6-15 ABC 1
| | 0.219378 | | Prue Graae XL-V b35-2 A 2
| 3.444755 | | Blu Euq NL-Y d73 3
| | 0.219652 | | Graea Hypue KD-I b14-14 BC 2
| 3.347175 | | Truechou WE-H d10-31 B 2
| | 0.219686 | | Traikee ZV-C c26-33 AB 4
Earth‑like world ProcGen (as moon) (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 4.309364 | : Schee Flyi TJ-Q e5-4219 12 a
| |
Lowest: | | 0.222504 | : Puwhoi GR-N d6-0 A 2 a
| |
| |
Average: | | 0.4086 | | |
Count: 6,766 | Standard Deviation: | | 0.2557 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 4.309364 | | Schee Flyi TJ-Q e5-4219 12 a
| | 0.222504 | | Puwhoi GR-N d6-0 A 2 a
| 3.095419 | | Dryuae Aoscs XJ-A e5333 8 a
| | 0.222505 | | Byoi Ain YP-P d5-7788 ABC 2 c
| 2.796885 | | Wepoae JW-W e1-6278 13 b
| | 0.222534 | | Hypua Bliae VZ-N d7-113 BC 7 a
| 2.625982 | | Segnao FW-V e2-2417 AB 21 a
| | 0.225097 | | Phloinn MK-C d14-6 4 a
| 2.594529 | | Wregoe QX-U e2-12 13 a
| | 0.226068 | | Splojua KO-H d10-2594 6 a
| 2.588882 | | Eorm Chroa JN-S e4-2 5 a
| | 0.226769 | | Thaikeau PZ-N d7-14 3 a
| 2.549143 | | Eok Pruae QY-R e4-6176 14 a
| | 0.226988 | | Eoch Pruae BM-U d3-4885 6 b
| 2.522746 | | Eos Scraa RY-R e4-133 AB 3 a
| | 0.227317 | | Zunia BY-Y c14-58 4 a
| 2.511141 | | Smojoo ZE-R d4-109 6 b
| | 0.23035 | | Phooe Aowsy WJ-H d10-96 9 b
| 2.507605 | | Eol Prou TY-R e4-1498 14 a
| | 0.231054 | | Qaugnaae XK-M d8-4 7 a
Earth‑like world ProcGen (as planet) (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 4.970021 | : Boeph NN-J d9-131 5
| |
Lowest: | | 0.213191 | : Bla Dryai RZ-J c11-1 4
| |
| |
Average: | | 0.8013 | | |
Count: 453,294 | Standard Deviation: | | 0.5834 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 4.970021 | | Boeph NN-J d9-131 5
| | 0.213191 | | Bla Dryai RZ-J c11-1 4
| 4.57715 | | Dumbai HG-Y e98 A 1
| | 0.213889 | | Zunou SO-Z d13-1086 B 3
| 3.843445 | | Nuekau NB-O b39-5 3
| | 0.217845 | | Blae Drye HS-Z b47-7 A 7
| 3.709567 | | Dryooe Prou SY-A e4216 A 1
| | 0.218038 | | Oephairb KA-A d8548 B 3
| 3.641073 | | Prua Phoe TL-F b43-0 2
| | 0.218359 | | Eorm Phyloi SG-J c10-21 6
| 3.594122 | | Preia Phoe DL-Y g1654 2
| | 0.218668 | | Schadgae MZ-S c3-1 B 4
| 3.453475 | | Wredguia CR-N d6-15 ABC 1
| | 0.218894 | | Ogaiws EV-O d6-1187 B 1
| 3.444755 | | Blu Euq NL-Y d73 3
| | 0.219378 | | Prue Graae XL-V b35-2 A 2
| 3.347175 | | Truechou WE-H d10-31 B 2
| | 0.219652 | | Graea Hypue KD-I b14-14 BC 2
| 3.330163 | | Eoch Pruae YR-I d10-4437 A 4
| | 0.219686 | | Traikee ZV-C c26-33 AB 4
Gas giant with ammonia‑based life (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 909.972778 | : Dryeia Flyou AA-A h58 6
| |
Lowest: | | 1.698763 | : Eoch Pruae WV-M d7-2191 5
| |
| |
Average: | | 189.5443 | | |
Count: 2,074,522 | Standard Deviation: | | 175.6316 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 909.972778 | | Dryeia Flyou AA-A h58 6
| | 1.698763 | | Eoch Pruae WV-M d7-2191 5
| 909.922791 | | Prae Blou JC-S a72-4 4
| | 1.791545 | | Dryua Ploe BQ-F d11-7 A 3
| 909.848999 | | Smumbie BA-A f0 1
| | 1.824571 | | Byoo Euq HG-Y d6 AB 2 a
| 909.653076 | | Clookia FG-Y g4 B 1
| | 1.837912 | | Greae Phoea KC-C d164 8 c
| 909.597656 | | Kyluae Flyuae ZU-Y f14 1
| | 1.853933 | | Crookoa HL-F c14-8 7 c
| 909.197693 | | Dryaa Blou AA-A g573 4
| | 1.858801 | | Eoch Flyuae XJ-A d248 2
| 909.068481 | | Brambai BB-W e2-748 3
| | 1.862277 | | Swoiwns GI-H d11-59 A 2
| 909.067322 | | Eoch Flyuae NS-U f2-244 1
| | 1.866325 | | Engopr NE-E c13-0 3 c
| 909.052673 | | Throepps FW-W f1-401 1
| | 1.868402 | | Pyrali FW-V e2-2 A 17 a
| 909.009338 | | Schieno AA-A g243 1
| | 1.870323 | | Shrogea NM-W c1-962 12 g
Gas giant with ammonia‑based life (as moon) (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 800.970642 | : Blaa Hypa HG-Y f255 3 c
| |
Lowest: | | 1.824571 | : Byoo Euq HG-Y d6 AB 2 a
| |
| |
Average: | | 71.3501 | | |
Count: 11,420 | Standard Deviation: | | 124.1538 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 800.970642 | | Blaa Hypa HG-Y f255 3 c
| | 1.824571 | | Byoo Euq HG-Y d6 AB 2 a
| 797.547607 | | Myriesly HR-W f1-425 4 a
| | 1.837912 | | Greae Phoea KC-C d164 8 c
| 768.11792 | | Dryoea Pra LC-V f2-822 3 c
| | 1.853933 | | Crookoa HL-F c14-8 7 c
| 765.283936 | | Phipoea VU-X e1-9542 2 a
| | 1.866325 | | Engopr NE-E c13-0 3 c
| 764.773865 | | Whambio BF-A f4376 2 a
| | 1.868402 | | Pyrali FW-V e2-2 A 17 a
| 763.589417 | | Thailae IR-W f1-0 1 a
| | 1.870323 | | Shrogea NM-W c1-962 12 g
| 760.605286 | | Braireau AA-A h602 C 3 a
| | 1.876455 | | Swoilz SN-G c12-2 3 b
| 758.803772 | | Stranuia LM-W f1-6 1 a
| | 1.87886 | | Dumbae BM-C d623 5 b
| 758.067871 | | Phua Bre VO-R e4-292 3 a
| | 1.879332 | | Phua Aub CV-W c15-3529 3 c
| 754.552368 | | Dryi Audst NX-U f2-348 4 c
| | 1.886518 | | Preae Aewsy NB-W c15-23 4 e
Gas giant with ammonia‑based life (as planet) (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 909.972778 | : Dryeia Flyou AA-A h58 6
| |
Lowest: | | 1.698763 | : Eoch Pruae WV-M d7-2191 5
| |
| |
Average: | | 190.1915 | | |
Count: 2,061,035 | Standard Deviation: | | 175.6452 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 909.972778 | | Dryeia Flyou AA-A h58 6
| | 1.698763 | | Eoch Pruae WV-M d7-2191 5
| 909.922791 | | Prae Blou JC-S a72-4 4
| | 1.791545 | | Dryua Ploe BQ-F d11-7 A 3
| 909.848999 | | Smumbie BA-A f0 1
| | 1.858801 | | Eoch Flyuae XJ-A d248 2
| 909.653076 | | Clookia FG-Y g4 B 1
| | 1.862277 | | Swoiwns GI-H d11-59 A 2
| 909.597656 | | Kyluae Flyuae ZU-Y f14 1
| | 1.872286 | | Hyphokooe BZ-A d8 5
| 909.197693 | | Dryaa Blou AA-A g573 4
| | 1.880123 | | Thruchio ZA-F d11-14 4
| 909.068481 | | Brambai BB-W e2-748 3
| | 1.880945 | | Phleedgae NX-A d1-676 10
| 909.067322 | | Eoch Flyuae NS-U f2-244 1
| | 1.889656 | | Synuefe IO-X d2-16 3
| 909.052673 | | Throepps FW-W f1-401 1
| | 1.898142 | | Chraufao DI-F b52-3 1
| 909.009338 | | Schieno AA-A g243 1
| | 1.902474 | | Col 285 Sector SP-O d6-40 2
Gas giant with water‑based life (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 1,368.746704 | : Dryipai YE-A g226 A 1
| |
Lowest: | | 2.590262 | : Outotch RO-Z d13-39 B 5 c
| |
| |
Average: | | 434.8345 | | |
Count: 3,845,494 | Standard Deviation: | | 299.8663 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 1,368.746704 | | Dryipai YE-A g226 A 1
| | 2.590262 | | Outotch RO-Z d13-39 B 5 c
| 1,368.726929 | | Theemaa HG-Y f865 1
| | 2.601321 | | Spooria EG-Y g1 14 a
| 1,367.778809 | | Eok Pruae LX-U f2-168 2
| | 2.616143 | | Plae Aeb AF-A f1 8 a
| 1,367.6698 | | Phoi Scraa AA-A h91 A 1
| | 2.659115 | | Wredguia ZA-S c19-3 B 1
| 1,367.547241 | | Juenae GG-X e1-6227 2
| | 2.660157 | | Greae Phio EM-C d1838 AB 7 e
| 1,367.527466 | | Eol Prou YJ-R e4-871 1
| | 2.666148 | | Phreia Flyou AQ-T c5-18 2 a
| 1,367.342529 | | Phroi Pruae AA-A h405 C 1
| | 2.669849 | | Pro Trae IA-Z d1 ABC 1
| 1,367.338135 | | Eos Free AV-Y e9600 1
| | 2.68332 | | Scheau Flyi ON-B d3130 6
| 1,366.706177 | | Wepooe DL-Y f1254 1
| | 2.686404 | | Oob Airg UR-Z c14-1 2
| 1,366.692261 | | Segnao AV-Y f3407 1
| | 2.690891 | | Byoi Ain BH-L d8-752 3 a
Gas giant with water‑based life (as moon) (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 1,281.421631 | : Dryau Briae LC-V f2-3485 3 a
| |
Lowest: | | 2.590262 | : Outotch RO-Z d13-39 B 5 c
| |
| |
Average: | | 236.9039 | | |
Count: 25,794 | Standard Deviation: | | 261.7391 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 1,281.421631 | | Dryau Briae LC-V f2-3485 3 a
| | 2.590262 | | Outotch RO-Z d13-39 B 5 c
| 1,277.099365 | | Pho Free EG-Y g13 1 a
| | 2.601321 | | Spooria EG-Y g1 14 a
| 1,269.432251 | | Eeshovvy AA-A f28 3 a
| | 2.616143 | | Plae Aeb AF-A f1 8 a
| 1,267.382568 | | Eulail EL-Y f1 2 a
| | 2.660157 | | Greae Phio EM-C d1838 AB 7 e
| 1,266.81543 | | Ooscs Chreou DL-Y f4777 5 a
| | 2.666148 | | Phreia Flyou AQ-T c5-18 2 a
| 1,252.523804 | | Gru Phrua DQ-Y f43 3 a
| | 2.690891 | | Byoi Ain BH-L d8-752 3 a
| 1,249.684326 | | Phrio Prue VU-X e1-772 3 a
| | 2.692326 | | Graea Hypue AL-O d6-66 9 a
| 1,247.60437 | | Aemonz ZE-A g5 2 a
| | 2.70003 | | Phreia Flyuae BW-C d72 10 a
| 1,242.1427 | | Phroi Pra LX-U f2-101 5 c
| | 2.702764 | | Vegnoae DF-R d4-3978 4 a
| 1,241.269165 | | Blue Phraa DL-Y g227 3 a
| | 2.705963 | | Dryooe Flyou PC-L d8-133 4 a
Gas giant with water‑based life (as planet) (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 1,368.746704 | : Dryipai YE-A g226 A 1
| |
Lowest: | | 2.659115 | : Wredguia ZA-S c19-3 B 1
| |
| |
Average: | | 436.1648 | | |
Count: 3,816,013 | Standard Deviation: | | 299.6577 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 1,368.746704 | | Dryipai YE-A g226 A 1
| | 2.659115 | | Wredguia ZA-S c19-3 B 1
| 1,368.726929 | | Theemaa HG-Y f865 1
| | 2.669849 | | Pro Trae IA-Z d1 ABC 1
| 1,367.778809 | | Eok Pruae LX-U f2-168 2
| | 2.68332 | | Scheau Flyi ON-B d3130 6
| 1,367.6698 | | Phoi Scraa AA-A h91 A 1
| | 2.686404 | | Oob Airg UR-Z c14-1 2
| 1,367.547241 | | Juenae GG-X e1-6227 2
| | 2.698973 | | Blu Thua FK-R d4-27 A 3
| 1,367.527466 | | Eol Prou YJ-R e4-871 1
| | 2.702889 | | Phroea Phoe XV-T d4-117 ABC 2
| 1,367.342529 | | Phroi Pruae AA-A h405 C 1
| | 2.721033 | | Smojai JN-K d8-12 7
| 1,367.338135 | | Eos Free AV-Y e9600 1
| | 2.721525 | | Dryau Aec AP-R b4-0 3
| 1,366.706177 | | Wepooe DL-Y f1254 1
| | 2.730936 | | Hypoae Ain AB-F c11-7 2
| 1,366.692261 | | Segnao AV-Y f3407 1
| | 2.735398 | | Eos Brue SM-V d2-3 A 5
Helium gas giant (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 5,781.101074 | : 52 Herculis 11
| |
Lowest: | | 9.003934 | : Boeths MM-S b22-31 A 6
| |
| |
Average: | | 1,942.4699 | | |
Count: 17 | Standard Deviation: | | 1,465.9638 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 5,781.101074 | | 52 Herculis 11
| | 9.003934 | | Boeths MM-S b22-31 A 6
| 3,749.563232 | | 52 Herculis 7
| | 11.948307 | | Ooch Chrea US-U d2-21 2
| 3,194.167236 | | 52 Herculis 1
| | 15.306141 | | Swuemuia EJ-L c10-0 4
| 2,686.955566 | | 52 Herculis 3
| | 284.473785 | | 52 Herculis 7 a
| 2,457.232422 | | HR 6870 12 a
| | 655.897217 | | HR 6870 8 a
| 2,291.643555 | | 52 Herculis 8
| | 1,511.141357 | | 52 Herculis 4
| 2,266.341553 | | 52 Herculis 9
| | 1,723.879028 | | HR 6870 11 a
| 2,137.311035 | | 52 Herculis 5
| | 2,121.14209 | | 52 Herculis 6
| 2,124.880615 | | 52 Herculis 10
| | 2,124.880615 | | 52 Herculis 10
| 2,121.14209 | | 52 Herculis 6
| | 2,137.311035 | | 52 Herculis 5
Helium gas giant (as moon) (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 2,457.232422 | : HR 6870 12 a
| |
Lowest: | | 284.473785 | : 52 Herculis 7 a
| |
| |
Average: | | 1,280.3706 | | |
Count: 4 | Standard Deviation: | | 860.7382 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 2,457.232422 | | HR 6870 12 a
| | 284.473785 | | 52 Herculis 7 a
| 1,723.879028 | | HR 6870 11 a
| | 655.897217 | | HR 6870 8 a
| 655.897217 | | HR 6870 8 a
| | 1,723.879028 | | HR 6870 11 a
| 284.473785 | | 52 Herculis 7 a
| | 2,457.232422 | | HR 6870 12 a
Helium gas giant (as planet) (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 5,781.101074 | : 52 Herculis 11
| |
Lowest: | | 9.003934 | : Boeths MM-S b22-31 A 6
| |
| |
Average: | | 2,146.1927 | | |
Count: 13 | Standard Deviation: | | 1,551.1119 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 5,781.101074 | | 52 Herculis 11
| | 9.003934 | | Boeths MM-S b22-31 A 6
| 3,749.563232 | | 52 Herculis 7
| | 11.948307 | | Ooch Chrea US-U d2-21 2
| 3,194.167236 | | 52 Herculis 1
| | 15.306141 | | Swuemuia EJ-L c10-0 4
| 2,686.955566 | | 52 Herculis 3
| | 1,511.141357 | | 52 Herculis 4
| 2,291.643555 | | 52 Herculis 8
| | 2,121.14209 | | 52 Herculis 6
| 2,266.341553 | | 52 Herculis 9
| | 2,124.880615 | | 52 Herculis 10
| 2,137.311035 | | 52 Herculis 5
| | 2,137.311035 | | 52 Herculis 5
| 2,124.880615 | | 52 Herculis 10
| | 2,266.341553 | | 52 Herculis 9
| 2,121.14209 | | 52 Herculis 6
| | 2,291.643555 | | 52 Herculis 8
| 1,511.141357 | | 52 Herculis 4
| | 2,686.955566 | | 52 Herculis 3
Helium‑rich gas giant (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 4,834.442383 | : Dunee RT-Y d1-67 12
| |
Lowest: | | 0.854564 | : Kyloalks DL-Y g130 2 a
| |
| |
Average: | | 1,024.113 | | |
Count: 208,516 | Standard Deviation: | | 1,109.2579 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 4,834.442383 | | Dunee RT-Y d1-67 12
| | 0.854564 | | Kyloalks DL-Y g130 2 a
| 4,764.864258 | | Trailua BH-C d13-31 14
| | 1.028593 | | Eol Prou VD-X b16-10 10 e
| 4,760.287109 | | Swoilz DI-I d10-18 ABC 7
| | 1.306271 | | Xothaei BW-M d7-0 D 7 a
| 4,753.00293 | | Swoilz FG-V d3-13 AB 1
| | 1.385142 | | Prooe Flyuae PA-D d13-193 D 6 c
| 4,706.912598 | | Phleedgaa CH-B d14-415 6
| | 1.399551 | | Dryaa Flyi XI-B d262 D 6 b
| 4,674.57666 | | Zuneae AA-X d2-881 14
| | 1.406602 | | Eol Prou HC-K d9-389 B 12 d
| 4,652.991699 | | Prielea NS-J d9-33 13
| | 1.418341 | | Thailuae SB-H b41-0 7 a
| 4,644.45166 | | Teqie IL-O d6-62 AB 1
| | 1.42928 | | Eoch Gree UZ-F d11-120 C 11
| 4,602.815918 | | Eol Prou JM-U d3-18 4
| | 1.447548 | | Blua Eaec TC-S b50-3 1 a
| 4,601.998047 | | Phroea Gree LS-R d5-91 7
| | 1.454278 | | Skaude NO-W b16-1 10 b
Helium‑rich gas giant (as moon) (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 3,734.495117 | : Bleae Aim ST-A e68 11 a
| |
Lowest: | | 0.854564 | : Kyloalks DL-Y g130 2 a
| |
| |
Average: | | 484.3811 | | |
Count: 18,516 | Standard Deviation: | | 556.0102 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 3,734.495117 | | Bleae Aim ST-A e68 11 a
| | 0.854564 | | Kyloalks DL-Y g130 2 a
| 3,730.876953 | | Phleedgoea CB-X f1-37 ABCD 3 a
| | 1.028593 | | Eol Prou VD-X b16-10 10 e
| 3,729.965332 | | Hyuqoae DL-Y g117 6 a
| | 1.306271 | | Xothaei BW-M d7-0 D 7 a
| 3,723.729248 | | HD 29403 ABC 10 a
| | 1.385142 | | Prooe Flyuae PA-D d13-193 D 6 c
| 3,723.096924 | | Traikee UE-R e4-14 AB 2 a
| | 1.399551 | | Dryaa Flyi XI-B d262 D 6 b
| 3,719.605225 | | Preae Ain WE-R e4-471 7 a
| | 1.406602 | | Eol Prou HC-K d9-389 B 12 d
| 3,715.296875 | | HD 17280 ABC 1 a
| | 1.418341 | | Thailuae SB-H b41-0 7 a
| 3,683.015137 | | Phleedgaa DL-Y g5 A 12 a
| | 1.447548 | | Blua Eaec TC-S b50-3 1 a
| 3,680.248779 | | Greae Phio DQ-Y f18 14 a
| | 1.454278 | | Skaude NO-W b16-1 10 b
| 3,679.96875 | | Blue Eaewsy JN-S e4-463 AB 8 a
| | 1.488063 | | Prua Phoe EW-U d3-65 6 a
Helium‑rich gas giant (as planet) (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 4,834.442383 | : Dunee RT-Y d1-67 12
| |
Lowest: | | 1.42928 | : Eoch Gree UZ-F d11-120 C 11
| |
| |
Average: | | 1,076.7916 | | |
Count: 189,885 | Standard Deviation: | | 1,135.4055 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 4,834.442383 | | Dunee RT-Y d1-67 12
| | 1.42928 | | Eoch Gree UZ-F d11-120 C 11
| 4,764.864258 | | Trailua BH-C d13-31 14
| | 1.53313 | | Hyuqo GD-R d5-32 A 6
| 4,760.287109 | | Swoilz DI-I d10-18 ABC 7
| | 1.744671 | | Athair LP-D d13-106 B 8
| 4,753.00293 | | Swoilz FG-V d3-13 AB 1
| | 1.7649 | | Pyrivu UT-P d6-6 B 9
| 4,706.912598 | | Phleedgaa CH-B d14-415 6
| | 1.777995 | | Preia Phoe CH-O b35-3 2
| 4,674.57666 | | Zuneae AA-X d2-881 14
| | 1.795443 | | Phrooe Flyuae FT-B b3-1 5
| 4,652.991699 | | Prielea NS-J d9-33 13
| | 1.827753 | | Graea Hypue PN-A d1-135 2
| 4,644.45166 | | Teqie IL-O d6-62 AB 1
| | 1.849587 | | Phleedgaa CH-B d14-46 2
| 4,602.815918 | | Eol Prou JM-U d3-18 4
| | 1.856408 | | Blaea Eun VI-S d4-5 C 6
| 4,601.998047 | | Phroea Gree LS-R d5-91 7
| | 1.867667 | | Synuefe MI-S d4-0 1
High metal content world (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 1,397.998047 | : S171 37 8
| |
Lowest: | | 0.000031 | : Smithy's Claim
| |
| |
Average: | | 1.0508 | | |
Count: 89,590,311 | Standard Deviation: | | 2.7059 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 1,397.998047 | | S171 37 8
| | 0.000031 | | Smithy's Claim |
| 1,303.767212 | | HD 47417 5
| | 0.000035 | | Lasoae VO-Z d713 1
| 1,222.269531 | | HIP 111257 5
| | 0.000036 | | Col 359 Sector MS-H a82-2 A 3
| 709.077332 | | HD 219286 11
| | 0.000036 | | Sifou WR-P b20-0 C 1
| 620.427795 | | Syritchao EG-Y g1 5
| | 0.000036 | | Pru Eurk AF-S b32-1 B 1
| 528.209717 | | CD-26 1339 A 5
| | 0.000036 | | Plaa Aescs HW-U b16-15 A 1
| 491.519409 | | HD 192001 6
| | 0.000037 | | Swoilz MD-A d1-19 A 1
| 452.16803 | | HR 8023 2
| | 0.000037 | | Synuefe PD-D a108-2 A 2
| 438.942474 | | Stuemao AA-A h205 AB 3
| | 0.000037 | | Hyphielie VK-H b10-0 1
| 430.931763 | | HIP 111257 3
| | 0.000037 | | Hypoea Graae LQ-H b29-2 B 1
High metal content world (as moon) (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 28.746681 | : Eok Flyuae AA-A h16 1 b
| |
Lowest: | | 5e-05 | : Prooe Drye XU-M c21-0 2 b
| |
| |
Average: | | 0.1427 | | |
Count: 254,301 | Standard Deviation: | | 0.4227 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 28.746681 | | Eok Flyuae AA-A h16 1 b
| | 5e-05 | | Prooe Drye XU-M c21-0 2 b
| 22.012985 | | Eord Bloo AA-A h48 3 c
| | 0.000059999998 | | Gludgoae IT-N b34-2 1 a
| 18.122375 | | Dryio Blue AA-A h231 ABC 2 d
| | 0.000069 | | Prooe Drye XU-M c21-0 2 a
| 17.28549 | | Braisoea AA-A h357 ABC 3 c
| | 0.000069000002 | | Stuelou CI-H b25-5 1 a
| 16.949659 | | Hypiae Audst AA-A h182 3 d
| | 0.000076 | | Flyiedge QA-Q c21-9 1 a
| 16.281336 | | Nyuenoea AA-A h79 2 b
| | 0.000090000001 | | Eol Prou XQ-C b1-9 2 a
| 16.002007 | | Preia Phio HW-V e2-1 5 d
| | 0.000109 | | Dryooe Flyou KI-G c25-302 3 a
| 14.644497 | | Phoi Phylaa AA-A h11 1 b
| | 0.000114 | | Dryaea Flee GC-D d12-2163 7 b
| 14.422405 | | Phoi Phylaa AA-A h11 1 a
| | 0.000114 | | Bleae Thaa ZL-T d4-5 6 c
| 13.834596 | | Eok Pruae AA-A h98 3 b
| | 0.000116 | | Lyaisae AQ-N d7-3338 2 a
High metal content world (as planet) (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 1,397.998047 | : S171 37 8
| |
Lowest: | | 0.000035 | : Lasoae VO-Z d713 1
| |
| |
Average: | | 1.0534 | | |
Count: 89,254,695 | Standard Deviation: | | 2.709 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 1,397.998047 | | S171 37 8
| | 0.000035 | | Lasoae VO-Z d713 1
| 1,303.767212 | | HD 47417 5
| | 0.000036 | | Col 359 Sector MS-H a82-2 A 3
| 1,222.269531 | | HIP 111257 5
| | 0.000036 | | Sifou WR-P b20-0 C 1
| 709.077332 | | HD 219286 11
| | 0.000036 | | Pru Eurk AF-S b32-1 B 1
| 620.427795 | | Syritchao EG-Y g1 5
| | 0.000036 | | Plaa Aescs HW-U b16-15 A 1
| 528.209717 | | CD-26 1339 A 5
| | 0.000037 | | Swoilz MD-A d1-19 A 1
| 491.519409 | | HD 192001 6
| | 0.000037 | | Synuefe PD-D a108-2 A 2
| 452.16803 | | HR 8023 2
| | 0.000037 | | Hyphielie VK-H b10-0 1
| 438.942474 | | Stuemao AA-A h205 AB 3
| | 0.000037 | | Hypoea Graae LQ-H b29-2 B 1
| 430.931763 | | HIP 111257 3
| | 0.000037 | | Kyloagh SH-K b13-33 A 1
High metal content world (landable) (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 148.278381 | : Dryoea Prao AA-A h235 B 1
| |
Lowest: | | 0.000031 | : Smithy's Claim
| |
| |
Average: | | 0.4286 | | |
Count: 43,037,159 | Standard Deviation: | | 1.246 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 148.278381 | | Dryoea Prao AA-A h235 B 1
| | 0.000031 | | Smithy's Claim |
| 122.102974 | | Eor Free AA-A h639 A 5
| | 0.000035 | | Lasoae VO-Z d713 1
| 117.889191 | | Hypiae Aurb AA-A g588 A 1
| | 0.000036 | | Col 359 Sector MS-H a82-2 A 3
| 116.212013 | | Umbains AA-A h9 ABC 4
| | 0.000036 | | Sifou WR-P b20-0 C 1
| 103.042625 | | Eos Phyloea FL-Y f1278 1
| | 0.000036 | | Pru Eurk AF-S b32-1 B 1
| 99.600662 | | Ellaidst GG-Y f493 3
| | 0.000036 | | Plaa Aescs HW-U b16-15 A 1
| 97.939056 | | HD 148937 3
| | 0.000037 | | Swoilz MD-A d1-19 A 1
| 97.939056 | | HD 148937 3
| | 0.000037 | | Synuefe PD-D a108-2 A 2
| 97.939056 | | HD 148937 3
| | 0.000037 | | Hyphielie VK-H b10-0 1
| 96.59153 | | Kyloalks DL-Y g17 4
| | 0.000037 | | Hypoea Graae LQ-H b29-2 B 1
Icy body (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 2,214.019287 | : Teqaea AA-A h22 AB 5
| |
Lowest: | | 3e-06 | : Hi'iaka
| |
| |
Average: | | 0.8205 | | |
Count: 174,166,217 | Standard Deviation: | | 4.075 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 2,214.019287 | | Teqaea AA-A h22 AB 5
| | 3e-06 | | Hi'iaka |
| 2,161.145264 | | Lasao AA-A h211 8
| | 0.000018 | | Enceladus
| 1,832.978149 | | Hypoae Screia AA-A h466 7
| | 2e-05 | | Wanderer
| 1,456.812256 | | Rothie AA-A h439 ABCD 1
| | 0.000097999997 | | Droju LR-F b43-0 4 b
| 1,345.39917 | | Huemai AA-A h644 7
| | 0.0001 | | Blaa Eohn ZD-U b50-0 6 a
| 1,077.215332 | | Eol Prou AK-A e208 5
| | 0.0001 | | Hegua GK-A c53 AB 4 c
| 872.715393 | | Eol Prou HC-K d9-2196 15
| | 0.000101 | | Dryio Flyuae OT-I b25-81 5 f
| 863.840942 | | Scaulai AA-A h57 AB 5
| | 0.000101 | | Wregoe QO-Q b47-1 7 d
| 827.387512 | | Synuefe WB-B d14-15 AB 8
| | 0.000101 | | Voqooe FG-Y d8 1 c
| 798.149841 | | Graea Hypa VO-P d6-457 12
| | 0.000101 | | Smoje FX-M b36-0 B 11 b
Icy body (as moon) (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 120.99044 | : NGC 2168 CD 379 C 1 f
| |
Lowest: | | 0.000097999997 | : Droju LR-F b43-0 4 b
| |
| |
Average: | | 0.0181 | | |
Count: 94,094,621 | Standard Deviation: | | 0.1752 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 120.99044 | | NGC 2168 CD 379 C 1 f
| | 0.000097999997 | | Droju LR-F b43-0 4 b
| 68.864677 | | Flyai Phroo ZG-B d14-4 9 a
| | 0.0001 | | Blaa Eohn ZD-U b50-0 6 a
| 60.324142 | | Flyoo Phio KO-F d12-11 11 a
| | 0.0001 | | Hegua GK-A c53 AB 4 c
| 59.2967 | | Dryaa Flyi XI-B d967 11 a
| | 0.000101 | | Dryio Flyuae OT-I b25-81 5 f
| 57.055374 | | Gru Eop PY-R d4-8 15 a
| | 0.000101 | | Wregoe QO-Q b47-1 7 d
| 56.771507 | | Graea Hypue PN-A d1-161 A 7 a
| | 0.000101 | | Voqooe FG-Y d8 1 c
| 56.452873 | | Eol Prou HC-K d9-1306 12 a
| | 0.000101 | | Smoje FX-M b36-0 B 11 b
| 56.420113 | | Eord Prau WF-M d8-123 12 a
| | 0.000101999998 | | Splojoea VH-K b41-10 5 b
| 55.523651 | | Swoilz DI-I d10-14 14 a
| | 0.000102 | | Sleguae TP-B c2-18 A 9 d
| 52.887539 | | Juemee RT-P d6-911 12 a
| | 0.000102 | | Blia Aoc RG-D c0 A 2 b
Icy body (as planet) (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 2,214.019287 | : Teqaea AA-A h22 AB 5
| |
Lowest: | | 0.000105 | : Droju WQ-I a50-0 B 1
| |
| |
Average: | | 1.7635 | | |
Count: 79,984,769 | Standard Deviation: | | 5.8685 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 2,214.019287 | | Teqaea AA-A h22 AB 5
| | 0.000105 | | Droju WQ-I a50-0 B 1
| 2,161.145264 | | Lasao AA-A h211 8
| | 0.000106 | | Ridgai GR-N b6-8 C 3
| 1,832.978149 | | Hypoae Screia AA-A h466 7
| | 0.000106 | | Gludgoi KR-A b57-0 B 2
| 1,456.812256 | | Rothie AA-A h439 ABCD 1
| | 0.000106 | | Syroomaei PD-T e3-2 1
| 1,345.39917 | | Huemai AA-A h644 7
| | 0.000107 | | Bloo Hype UM-D c15-0 D 6
| 1,077.215332 | | Eol Prou AK-A e208 5
| | 0.000107 | | Plio Eurl PT-L b49-0 C 3
| 872.715393 | | Eol Prou HC-K d9-2196 15
| | 0.000107 | | Col 359 Sector SW-G b26-5 3
| 863.840942 | | Scaulai AA-A h57 AB 5
| | 0.000108 | | Blue Greau TW-K b41-2 C 2
| 827.387512 | | Synuefe WB-B d14-15 AB 8
| | 0.000108 | | Ploea Aoc NA-Z b16-8 C 4
| 798.149841 | | Graea Hypa VO-P d6-457 12
| | 0.000108 | | Blu Thua UZ-K b49-2 C 3
Icy body (landable) (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 129.145462 | : Col 89 Sector MI-J d9-36 2
| |
Lowest: | | 3e-06 | : Hi'iaka
| |
| |
Average: | | 0.0705 | | |
Count: 104,993,527 | Standard Deviation: | | 0.7706 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 129.145462 | | Col 89 Sector MI-J d9-36 2
| | 3e-06 | | Hi'iaka |
| 127.037239 | | Skaudoae ZG-C d13-28 13
| | 0.000018 | | Enceladus
| 120.99044 | | NGC 2168 CD 379 C 1 f
| | 2e-05 | | Wanderer
| 119.726097 | | Skaudoae ZG-C d13-28 14
| | 0.000097999997 | | Droju LR-F b43-0 4 b
| 118.540886 | | Dryao Chrea GC-J d10-7513 1
| | 0.0001 | | Blaa Eohn ZD-U b50-0 6 a
| 116.092934 | | Blau Chraei KH-V d2-44 1
| | 0.0001 | | Hegua GK-A c53 AB 4 c
| 115.239296 | | Hyuqau RI-Z d1-7809 1
| | 0.000101 | | Dryio Flyuae OT-I b25-81 5 f
| 111.408211 | | Blaa Phrae SZ-F d11-7 1
| | 0.000101 | | Wregoe QO-Q b47-1 7 d
| 108.404137 | | Kyloall YD-S d4-5226 1
| | 0.000101 | | Smoje FX-M b36-0 B 11 b
| 105.822159 | | Clooku SJ-X d2-174 DE 9
| | 0.000101999998 | | Splojoea VH-K b41-10 5 b
Metal‑rich body (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 715.209778 | : 2MASS J02323627+6128255 3
| |
Lowest: | | 0.000017 | : Dryooe Prou BL-F d11-144 ABC 1 a
| 1,056 * |
| |
Average: | | 0.4969 | | |
Count: 5,553,498 | Standard Deviation: | | 1.2872 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 715.209778 | | 2MASS J02323627+6128255 3
| | 0.000017 | | Dryooe Prou BL-F d11-144 ABC 1 a
| 513.719666 | | Hyuqoae DL-Y g117 3
| | 0.000017 | | Suvua HG-Y e5 1 a
| 508.774048 | | HD 184279 2
| | 0.000017 | | 2MASS J02324083+6127598 6 a b
| 316.999969 | | KOI 1701 1
| | 0.000017 | | Flyiedgiae QN-T d3-17 AB 1 b
| 316.999969 | | KOI 1701 1
| | 0.000017 | | Preia Phoe MI-B e222 1 c
| 229.025238 | | Dryoea Prue BA-A g142 3
| | 0.000017 | | Eoch Pruae IX-T e3-6619 A 3 c
| 181.450134 | | Eord Gree EG-Y g1 2
| | 0.000017 | | Eorgh Prou BA-A g1944 BC 1 a
| 162.019592 | | Clookou DL-Y g6 3
| | 0.000017 | | Eos Free TF-D d13-4932 1 a a
| 150.501022 | | 2MASS J02332048+6132232 2
| | 0.000017 | | Flyiedgiae RP-D d13-147 2 a
| 146.828812 | | 2MASS J02334432+6126182 2
| | 0.000017 | | Agnainks GB-X e1-3201 5 c
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Metal‑rich body (as moon) (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 5.069266 | : HD 38179 5 d
| |
Lowest: | | 0.000017 | : Dryooe Prou BL-F d11-144 ABC 1 a
| 1,056 * |
| |
Average: | | 0.0037 | | |
Count: 434,867 | Standard Deviation: | | 0.0338 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 5.069266 | | HD 38179 5 d
| | 0.000017 | | Dryooe Prou BL-F d11-144 ABC 1 a
| 4.83793 | | Eord Graei AA-A h221 1 d
| | 0.000017 | | Suvua HG-Y e5 1 a
| 4.535758 | | Phoi Phylaa AA-A h11 1 c
| | 0.000017 | | 2MASS J02324083+6127598 6 a b
| 4.534848 | | Phoi Phylaa AA-A h11 1 d
| | 0.000017 | | Flyiedgiae QN-T d3-17 AB 1 b
| 3.77264 | | Graea Hypoea DL-Y g122 ABCDE 3 d
| | 0.000017 | | Preia Phoe MI-B e222 1 c
| 3.746104 | | Eor Bro AA-A h308 AB 6 a
| | 0.000017 | | Eoch Pruae IX-T e3-6619 A 3 c
| 3.55092 | | HIP 29216 10 a
| | 0.000017 | | Eorgh Prou BA-A g1944 BC 1 a
| 3.038977 | | HD 38179 5 e
| | 0.000017 | | Eos Free TF-D d13-4932 1 a a
| 3.030472 | | Cieso AA-A h101 ABC 8 c
| | 0.000017 | | Flyiedgiae RP-D d13-147 2 a
| 2.821208 | | Rothi AA-A h43 2 e
| | 0.000017 | | Agnainks GB-X e1-3201 5 c
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Metal‑rich body (as planet) (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 715.209778 | : 2MASS J02323627+6128255 3
| |
Lowest: | | 0.000024999999 | : Dumbae CB-B b5-1 A 1
| |
| |
Average: | | 0.5387 | | |
Count: 5,114,180 | Standard Deviation: | | 1.3249 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 715.209778 | | 2MASS J02323627+6128255 3
| | 0.000024999999 | | Dumbae CB-B b5-1 A 1
| 513.719666 | | Hyuqoae DL-Y g117 3
| | 0.000026 | | Traikoa XS-F b55-0 A 1
| 508.774048 | | HD 184279 2
| | 0.000028 | | Praea Euq ZY-B b28-2 1
| 316.999969 | | KOI 1701 1
| | 0.000029000001 | | Phroi Bluae CV-V c3-359 1
| 229.025238 | | Dryoea Prue BA-A g142 3
| | 3e-05 | | Swoiwns AT-J c25-17 1
| 181.450134 | | Eord Gree EG-Y g1 2
| | 0.000031 | | Clooku LD-G c25-20 1
| 162.019592 | | Clookou DL-Y g6 3
| | 0.000031 | | NGC 5281 Sector YD-U c18-5 1
| 150.501022 | | 2MASS J02332048+6132232 2
| | 0.000032 | | Prieluia KS-B c13-52 1
| 146.828812 | | 2MASS J02334432+6126182 2
| | 0.000032 | | Phleefoa BW-Q c7-16 1
| 141.363876 | | BD+46 1067 AB 2
| | 0.000032 | | Clooku KD-I c26-518 1
Metal‑rich body (landable) (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 316.999969 | : KOI 1701 1
| 2 * |
Lowest: | | 0.000017 | : Dryooe Prou BL-F d11-144 ABC 1 a
| 1,056 * |
| |
Average: | | 0.2611 | | |
Count: 4,345,869 | Standard Deviation: | | 0.5931 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 316.999969 | | KOI 1701 1
| | 0.000017 | | Dryooe Prou BL-F d11-144 ABC 1 a
| 316.999969 | | KOI 1701 1
| | 0.000017 | | Suvua HG-Y e5 1 a
| 109.983803 | | Eor Phyloi CL-Y g137 A 2
| | 0.000017 | | 2MASS J02324083+6127598 6 a b
| 94.588409 | | Kyloall CL-Y g1518 D 1
| | 0.000017 | | Flyiedgiae QN-T d3-17 AB 1 b
| 84.35508 | | Phroi Bluae IR-W f1-1530 AB 1
| | 0.000017 | | Preia Phoe MI-B e222 1 c
| 77.963364 | | Iwaisty CL-Y g14 AB 3
| | 0.000017 | | Eoch Pruae IX-T e3-6619 A 3 c
| 75.738792 | | Dryao Aowsy EB-X f1-2327 A 1
| | 0.000017 | | Eorgh Prou BA-A g1944 BC 1 a
| 71.06076 | | Voqoo YE-A g772 1
| | 0.000017 | | Eos Free TF-D d13-4932 1 a a
| 69.159157 | | Byua Ain XJ-A f2626 A 1
| | 0.000017 | | Flyiedgiae RP-D d13-147 2 a
| 69.159157 | | Byua Ain XJ-A f2626 A 1
| | 0.000017 | | Agnainks GB-X e1-3201 5 c
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Rocky Ice world (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 298.62381 | : HIP 43144 11
| |
Lowest: | | 3e-06 | : Actaea
| |
| |
Average: | | 0.5999 | | |
Count: 13,918,428 | Standard Deviation: | | 1.2049 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 298.62381 | | HIP 43144 11
| | 3e-06 | | Actaea
| 233.545013 | | Eifolz ZL-J d10-5 5
| | 7e-06 | | Vanth
| 218.953491 | | Byua Chrea IF-A d21 13
| | 0.000106 | | Hyiechuae CY-Y b41-1 3
| 205.390259 | | Byoi Aewsy AA-A h29 5
| | 0.000107 | | 90482 Orcus
| 161.767395 | | Hypau Flee AA-A g37 2
| | 0.000109 | | Praea Euq KT-F b38-5 2
| 161.54332 | | Eidaills TZ-E d12-19 18
| | 0.000109 | | Hegu TJ-H d10-11 13 a
| 141.709946 | | Wredgu QS-U e2-8 18
| | 0.000109 | | Bleae Thaa FL-S b31-1 A 1
| 138.11795 | | Swoiwns SA-D d13-15 8
| | 0.000109 | | Pria Auscs CN-Y c28-0 C 4
| 133.743912 | | Sifeae LM-W e1-14 15
| | 0.00011 | | Bleae Aewsy NF-S b20-1 A 3
| 114.791748 | | Eol Flyou FB-O e6-429 14
| | 0.00011 | | Pru Euq NC-D d12-34 C 5 a
Rocky Ice world (as moon) (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 3.906862 | : Nuekuae WF-W d2-129 13 c
| |
Lowest: | | 0.000109 | : Hegu TJ-H d10-11 13 a
| |
| |
Average: | | 0.0146 | | |
Count: 1,834,487 | Standard Deviation: | | 0.0371 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 3.906862 | | Nuekuae WF-W d2-129 13 c
| | 0.000109 | | Hegu TJ-H d10-11 13 a
| 3.880936 | | Boeph GX-A d14-619 A 4 f
| | 0.00011 | | Pru Euq NC-D d12-34 C 5 a
| 3.841402 | | Scheau Byoea XQ-K d9-191 13 c
| | 0.000112 | | Eodgorph ZS-U d2-1053 A 8 a
| 3.821055 | | Gludgeia PI-S d4-1 6 d
| | 0.000112 | | Flyeia Byoea LN-F c48 2 d
| 3.786362 | | Dryoea Flyuae EG-X d1-3051 11 f
| | 0.000112 | | Dryoi Ploe RE-Q d5-65 BCD 5 b
| 3.693106 | | Skaude RZ-M d8-903 11 c
| | 0.000113 | | Stuemeae NR-W c1-8040 A 2 d
| 3.581473 | | Drojeae JW-W d1-1 B 3 b
| | 0.000114 | | Smoje CW-I c24-2 2 a
| 3.472369 | | Sidgaa LH-V d2-9 9 b
| | 0.000114 | | Dumbooe KX-F b38-9 B 2 c
| 3.414836 | | Slengie TU-G d10-79 7 a
| | 0.000114 | | Ooch Chrea SJ-I d9-45 2 b
| 3.39998 | | Ploea Aoc EX-S d4-93 A 13 e
| | 0.000114 | | Plaa Eurk HG-O d6-11 BC 3 b
Rocky Ice world (as planet) (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 298.62381 | : HIP 43144 11
| |
Lowest: | | 0.000106 | : Hyiechuae CY-Y b41-1 3
| |
| |
Average: | | 0.6888 | | |
Count: 12,071,273 | Standard Deviation: | | 1.2697 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 298.62381 | | HIP 43144 11
| | 0.000106 | | Hyiechuae CY-Y b41-1 3
| 233.545013 | | Eifolz ZL-J d10-5 5
| | 0.000109 | | Praea Euq KT-F b38-5 2
| 218.953491 | | Byua Chrea IF-A d21 13
| | 0.000109 | | Bleae Thaa FL-S b31-1 A 1
| 205.390259 | | Byoi Aewsy AA-A h29 5
| | 0.000109 | | Pria Auscs CN-Y c28-0 C 4
| 161.767395 | | Hypau Flee AA-A g37 2
| | 0.00011 | | Bleae Aewsy NF-S b20-1 A 3
| 161.54332 | | Eidaills TZ-E d12-19 18
| | 0.000111 | | Oochost WP-T c5-0 B 4
| 141.709946 | | Wredgu QS-U e2-8 18
| | 0.000111 | | Preia Dryiae VD-Z d1-42 7
| 138.11795 | | Swoiwns SA-D d13-15 8
| | 0.000111 | | Gria Drye JT-M b13-4 1
| 133.743912 | | Sifeae LM-W e1-14 15
| | 0.000111 | | Hypuae Auwsy LI-I b39-4 3
| 114.791748 | | Eol Flyou FB-O e6-429 14
| | 0.000111 | | Straae Eohn QE-B b6-0 1
Rocky Ice world (landable) (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 100.691391 | : Prooe Drye YY-R d4-4 1
| |
Lowest: | | 3e-06 | : Actaea
| |
| |
Average: | | 0.0609 | | |
Count: 4,043,933 | Standard Deviation: | | 0.6235 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 100.691391 | | Prooe Drye YY-R d4-4 1
| | 3e-06 | | Actaea
| 81.55307 | | Byooe Aeb DG-X d1-116 1
| | 7e-06 | | Vanth
| 74.44487 | | Hyuqau FB-N d7-398 2
| | 0.000107 | | 90482 Orcus
| 67.70787 | | Swoilz EG-W d2-18 1
| | 0.000109 | | Praea Euq KT-F b38-5 2
| 60.975128 | | Stuenae KL-X d1-10 1
| | 0.000109 | | Hegu TJ-H d10-11 13 a
| 58.937843 | | Dryooe Flyou NO-H d10-741 1
| | 0.000109 | | Bleae Thaa FL-S b31-1 A 1
| 58.678894 | | Cryio Aihm OZ-G d10-0 1
| | 0.000109 | | Pria Auscs CN-Y c28-0 C 4
| 58.468338 | | Graea Dryoae JD-Q d6-94 1
| | 0.00011 | | Pru Euq NC-D d12-34 C 5 a
| 54.662315 | | Slulee JF-R d4-180 2
| | 0.000111 | | Preia Dryiae VD-Z d1-42 7
| 54.598099 | | Dryao Aoscs MY-R d4-6346 3
| | 0.000111 | | Gria Drye JT-M b13-4 1
Rocky body (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 527.839539 | : Dumboe AA-A h207 ABC 3
| |
Lowest: | | 0.000017 | : Hypao Brai KW-V b5-2 1 a
| 2 * |
| |
Average: | | 0.0129 | | |
Count: 65,636,096 | Standard Deviation: | | 0.2303 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 527.839539 | | Dumboe AA-A h207 ABC 3
| | 0.000017 | | Hypao Brai KW-V b5-2 1 a
| 417.063812 | | S171 23 A 5
| | 0.000017 | | Blu Thua UQ-W b56-3 2 b
| 343.567261 | | Stuelou DL-Y g36 4
| | 0.000018 | | Stuelou OJ-E c26-45 3 c a
| 301.901337 | | Aishainn ZE-A f19 4
| | 0.000018 | | Bleia Eohn MU-O b39-3 1 a
| 295.820679 | | Hypoea Greau CL-Y g2 6
| | 0.000018 | | Blaa Dryua VC-U c19-0 2 f a
| 278.574707 | | Zunoae DL-Y g423 8
| | 0.000019 | | IC 2602 Sector NS-J b9-10 2 a
| 253.994827 | | Syrivoo AA-A h0 4
| | 0.000019 | | Thaile YV-Y b32-1 2 b
| 237.458176 | | Phraa Flyuae DL-Y g668 4
| | 2e-05 | | Crookie FQ-Y b46-0 1 a
| 211.847305 | | Koijoo EG-Y g1 3
| | 2e-05 | | Eodgorph RV-P b47-21 3 b
| 197.455948 | | Blua Hypue NX-U f2-0 3
| | 2e-05 | | Gria Byoe LY-D b59-0 A 1 a
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Rocky body (as moon) (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 34.720615 | : Scheau Byoea XK-O e6-19 14 a
| |
Lowest: | | 0.000017 | : Hypao Brai KW-V b5-2 1 a
| 2 * |
| |
Average: | | 0.0122 | | |
Count: 65,628,732 | Standard Deviation: | | 0.0626 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 34.720615 | | Scheau Byoea XK-O e6-19 14 a
| | 0.000017 | | Hypao Brai KW-V b5-2 1 a
| 27.632504 | | Hyuqe GX-T e3-154 14 a
| | 0.000017 | | Blu Thua UQ-W b56-3 2 b
| 24.306583 | | Blie Phlai JG-Y e0 ABC 5 a
| | 0.000018 | | Stuelou OJ-E c26-45 3 c a
| 24.059319 | | Vegnoea WO-A e4 9 a
| | 0.000018 | | Bleia Eohn MU-O b39-3 1 a
| 23.854595 | | Graea Hypue HM-V e2-61 13 a
| | 0.000018 | | Blaa Dryua VC-U c19-0 2 f a
| 23.447001 | | Phleedgoea YZ-P e5-6 17 a
| | 0.000019 | | IC 2602 Sector NS-J b9-10 2 a
| 23.202705 | | Schee Blou PD-T e3-25 14 a
| | 0.000019 | | Thaile YV-Y b32-1 2 b
| 22.178387 | | Nyeajaae UO-Z e43 AB 4 a
| | 2e-05 | | Crookie FQ-Y b46-0 1 a
| 22.013611 | | Phleedgoea YZ-P e5-13 17 a
| | 2e-05 | | Eodgorph RV-P b47-21 3 b
| 21.473408 | | Prua Phoe KC-U e3-202 18 a
| | 2e-05 | | Gria Byoe LY-D b59-0 A 1 a
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Rocky body (as planet) (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 527.839539 | : Dumboe AA-A h207 ABC 3
| |
Lowest: | | 0.000145 | : NGC 6383 Sector ZR-H a11-0 3
| |
| |
Average: | | 6.5997 | | |
Count: 7,037 | Standard Deviation: | | 20.3649 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 527.839539 | | Dumboe AA-A h207 ABC 3
| | 0.000145 | | NGC 6383 Sector ZR-H a11-0 3
| 417.063812 | | S171 23 A 5
| | 0.00018 | | Sifi PN-W b1-5 3
| 343.567261 | | Stuelou DL-Y g36 4
| | 0.000188 | | Wredguia LL-H b51-2 2
| 301.901337 | | Aishainn ZE-A f19 4
| | 0.000194 | | NGC 2451A Sector JW-V b2-3 2
| 295.820679 | | Hypoea Greau CL-Y g2 6
| | 0.000223 | | Aucops AT-B b17-0 3
| 278.574707 | | Zunoae DL-Y g423 8
| | 0.000225 | | Fine Ring Sector BR-M b7-3 3
| 253.994827 | | Syrivoo AA-A h0 4
| | 0.000248 | | NGC 2232 Sector HN-S b4-0 3
| 237.458176 | | Phraa Flyuae DL-Y g668 4
| | 0.000259 | | Smoorea IQ-B a54-3 3
| 211.847305 | | Koijoo EG-Y g1 3
| | 0.00027 | | Preia Phoe WE-X b5-3 4
| 197.455948 | | Blua Hypue NX-U f2-0 3
| | 0.000281 | | Smojue FO-N b34-0 4
Rocky body (landable) (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 84.463112 | : Phleedgoea MX-U f2-18 2
| |
Lowest: | | 0.000017 | : Hypao Brai KW-V b5-2 1 a
| 2 * |
| |
Average: | | 0.009 | | |
Count: 51,431,009 | Standard Deviation: | | 0.0419 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 84.463112 | | Phleedgoea MX-U f2-18 2
| | 0.000017 | | Hypao Brai KW-V b5-2 1 a
| 74.968842 | | Groomee LC-V f2-1 A 2
| | 0.000017 | | Blu Thua UQ-W b56-3 2 b
| 70.55426 | | Swoiwns MO-Q e5-3 1
| | 0.000018 | | Stuelou OJ-E c26-45 3 c a
| 61.012096 | | Eodgorph FB-X f1-3 3
| | 0.000019 | | IC 2602 Sector NS-J b9-10 2 a
| 60.337448 | | NGC 6871 24 A 4
| | 0.000019 | | Thaile YV-Y b32-1 2 b
| 50.875832 | | Prooe Phoea KC-V e2-0 A 2
| | 2e-05 | | Crookie FQ-Y b46-0 1 a
| 50.730659 | | Brairee DF-A e7916 A 2
| | 2e-05 | | Eodgorph RV-P b47-21 3 b
| 25.854731 | | Eorgh Graae LD-S e4-236 A 1
| | 2e-05 | | Gria Byoe LY-D b59-0 A 1 a
| 16.720905 | | Plimbea ZO-A e487 4
| | 2e-05 | | Boewnst OO-E b45-25 1 a
| 11.331421 | | Kyloasly HX-T d3-350 4
| | 2e-05 | | Praea Euq WE-J b50-2 1 a
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Water giant (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 2,878.178467 | : Eorl Briae AA-A h600 5
| |
Lowest: | | 17.23122 | : Tyriedgoea MR-W d1-15 9
| |
| |
Average: | | 65.2495 | | |
Count: 303,070 | Standard Deviation: | | 59.0456 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 2,878.178467 | | Eorl Briae AA-A h600 5
| | 17.23122 | | Tyriedgoea MR-W d1-15 9
| 2,561.397949 | | Eorld Flyao ZE-A g36 6
| | 17.353893 | | Chaa Eohn TU-D d13-2 8
| 2,318.976318 | | Screakai AA-A h17 11
| | 17.366201 | | Qoefoae QU-M d8-32 10
| 2,071.871338 | | Dryoea Prao AA-A h31 7
| | 17.390162 | | Blua Eaec UO-Z d565 10
| 2,004.582886 | | Sphoekh AA-A h328 9
| | 17.410219 | | Nuekuae CI-P c7-99 5
| 1,961.928589 | | Scheau Blao AA-A h408 12
| | 17.420393 | | Eol Prou BP-Z d67 7
| 1,831.655518 | | Eord Greou AA-A h381 7
| | 17.496103 | | Swoiwns ON-T d3-6 8
| 1,816.545776 | | Teqo CL-Y g3 8
| | 17.500597 | | Nuekuae UT-S c19-142 4
| 1,786.108643 | | Moihia AA-A h50 7
| | 17.576248 | | Byua Aowsy WZ-P d5-15 A 9
| 1,678.682007 | | Lasao AA-A h644 6
| | 17.606968 | | Ploea Aowsy WD-S d4-2562 7
Water giant (as moon) (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 66.74176 | : Kyloagy GS-K d8-0 19 a
| |
Lowest: | | 22.010506 | : HIP 59093 17 a
| |
| |
Average: | | 32.4262 | | |
Count: 103 | Standard Deviation: | | 9.9231 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 66.74176 | | Kyloagy GS-K d8-0 19 a
| | 22.010506 | | HIP 59093 17 a
| 62.23225 | | Athair LP-D d13-1486 20 a
| | 22.253923 | | Eorl Aod KS-B d13-858 9 a
| 60.704365 | | Mynoaw PZ-W d2-246 8 a
| | 22.546749 | | Graea Hypue BQ-O d6-106 12 a
| 59.028053 | | Hypoae Screia AA-A h466 7 a
| | 22.556709 | | Braisoea JU-E d12-4325 12 a
| 58.106285 | | Hypuae Briae DM-C d13-1716 7 a
| | 23.21846 | | Boewnst LT-P d6-1312 9 a
| 56.165421 | | Bleou Aick IS-T d3-5 6 a
| | 23.224216 | | Blielie ER-U d3-0 8 a
| 55.920486 | | Graea Hypue PJ-G d11-352 8 a
| | 23.473648 | | Skaudeae WF-W d2-38 9 a
| 55.429916 | | Graea Hypue OK-E d12-62 6 a
| | 23.53838 | | Phoi Bre GV-P d5-1889 A 11 a
| 50.839226 | | Phrio Phoe PN-A d1-18 9 a
| | 23.579575 | | Dryio Flyuae FC-U d3-121 AB 9 a
| 47.149391 | | Nuekie OH-U d3-8 7 a
| | 23.819036 | | Zejiae AG-E d12-26 14 a
Water giant (as planet) (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 2,878.178467 | : Eorl Briae AA-A h600 5
| |
Lowest: | | 17.23122 | : Tyriedgoea MR-W d1-15 9
| |
| |
Average: | | 65.2638 | | |
Count: 302,661 | Standard Deviation: | | 59.0591 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 2,878.178467 | | Eorl Briae AA-A h600 5
| | 17.23122 | | Tyriedgoea MR-W d1-15 9
| 2,561.397949 | | Eorld Flyao ZE-A g36 6
| | 17.353893 | | Chaa Eohn TU-D d13-2 8
| 2,318.976318 | | Screakai AA-A h17 11
| | 17.366201 | | Qoefoae QU-M d8-32 10
| 2,071.871338 | | Dryoea Prao AA-A h31 7
| | 17.390162 | | Blua Eaec UO-Z d565 10
| 2,004.582886 | | Sphoekh AA-A h328 9
| | 17.410219 | | Nuekuae CI-P c7-99 5
| 1,961.928589 | | Scheau Blao AA-A h408 12
| | 17.420393 | | Eol Prou BP-Z d67 7
| 1,831.655518 | | Eord Greou AA-A h381 7
| | 17.496103 | | Swoiwns ON-T d3-6 8
| 1,816.545776 | | Teqo CL-Y g3 8
| | 17.500597 | | Nuekuae UT-S c19-142 4
| 1,786.108643 | | Moihia AA-A h50 7
| | 17.576248 | | Byua Aowsy WZ-P d5-15 A 9
| 1,678.682007 | | Lasao AA-A h644 6
| | 17.606968 | | Ploea Aowsy WD-S d4-2562 7
Water world (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 741.438171 | : Slegi YE-A g0 A 2
| |
Lowest: | | 0.0687 | : Kaurt 1
| |
| |
Average: | | 1.5196 | | |
Count: 5,684,996 | Standard Deviation: | | 3.8423 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 741.438171 | | Slegi YE-A g0 A 2
| | 0.0687 | | Kaurt 1
| 583.970581 | | Myrierph AA-A h210 21
| | 0.069106 | | Xbalamana A 5
| 501.516632 | | Athair LP-D d13-1165 8
| | 0.069227 | | Matyar A 4
| 488.553772 | | Eorl Brou YE-A g119 13
| | 0.069531 | | Baijun A 5
| 482.78479 | | Dryoea Flyao TO-H d10-1132 A 8
| | 0.06998 | | Juenae PO-D b4-40 3
| 470.358124 | | Phroea Blou PI-I d10-1001 8
| | 0.069983 | | Spliech YW-P b46-0 A 1
| 468.252411 | | Huemai AA-A h369 4
| | 0.070218 | | Truechooe HM-L c21-34 5
| 434.529114 | | Bleethue IH-V f2-47 6
| | 0.070321 | | Bleae Thaa IU-A b1 3
| 427.008881 | | Eorm Bre AA-A h614 C 9
| | 0.070324 | | Dryo Aewsy BD-M c7-0 1
| 415.218079 | | Athair SU-O e6-321 16
| | 0.070438 | | Syniechee XV-H c12-0 1
Water world (as moon) (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 30.450802 | : Virph XP-P e5-1 11 a
| |
Lowest: | | 0.077265 | : Screakiae CK-A d1000 5 a
| |
| |
Average: | | 0.3509 | | |
Count: 124,002 | Standard Deviation: | | 0.42 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 30.450802 | | Virph XP-P e5-1 11 a
| | 0.077265 | | Screakiae CK-A d1000 5 a
| 22.974558 | | Bleethoae CA-Z e31 17 a
| | 0.078401 | | Plaa Aescs GX-L d7-323 10 d
| 21.229321 | | Graea Hypue YK-X e1-11 15 a
| | 0.078417 | | Kyloabs PN-R d5-2654 7 d
| 19.104326 | | Phleedgoea RU-O e6-387 16 a
| | 0.078445 | | Nyeakeia IB-N d7-3 8 d
| 18.868137 | | Eembaism UD-T e3-360 13 a
| | 0.078831 | | Blua Phio EB-V d3-83 6 c
| 18.026257 | | Prue Proae SP-O e6-8 20 a
| | 0.079293 | | Dryua Gruia GC-S d5-39 2 c
| 17.639339 | | Dryo Broo AW-N e6-1 13 a
| | 0.079609 | | Shumbua MU-D d13-56 A 1 a
| 15.35577 | | Eorgh Prou OC-V e2-17 15 a
| | 0.079718 | | Greae Phio VK-O e6-1527 11 a
| 15.143762 | | Froarks RJ-Q e5-160 20 a
| | 0.079907 | | Schee Flyi SA-M d8-7223 8 d
| 14.937396 | | Blaa Phoe JX-T e3-8 16 a
| | 0.079928 | | Prudgu AT-F d12-0 5 c
Water world (as planet) (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 741.438171 | : Slegi YE-A g0 A 2
| |
Lowest: | | 0.0687 | : Kaurt 1
| |
| |
Average: | | 1.5456 | | |
Count: 5,556,500 | Standard Deviation: | | 3.8808 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 741.438171 | | Slegi YE-A g0 A 2
| | 0.0687 | | Kaurt 1
| 583.970581 | | Myrierph AA-A h210 21
| | 0.069106 | | Xbalamana A 5
| 501.516632 | | Athair LP-D d13-1165 8
| | 0.069227 | | Matyar A 4
| 488.553772 | | Eorl Brou YE-A g119 13
| | 0.069531 | | Baijun A 5
| 482.78479 | | Dryoea Flyao TO-H d10-1132 A 8
| | 0.06998 | | Juenae PO-D b4-40 3
| 470.358124 | | Phroea Blou PI-I d10-1001 8
| | 0.069983 | | Spliech YW-P b46-0 A 1
| 468.252411 | | Huemai AA-A h369 4
| | 0.070218 | | Truechooe HM-L c21-34 5
| 434.529114 | | Bleethue IH-V f2-47 6
| | 0.070321 | | Bleae Thaa IU-A b1 3
| 427.008881 | | Eorm Bre AA-A h614 C 9
| | 0.070324 | | Dryo Aewsy BD-M c7-0 1
| 415.218079 | | Athair SU-O e6-321 16
| | 0.070438 | | Syniechee XV-H c12-0 1
Landables (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 316.999969 | : KOI 1701 1
| 2 * |
Lowest: | | 3e-06 | : Actaea
| 2 * |
| |
Average: | | 0.1332 | | |
Count: 207,851,497 | Standard Deviation: | | 0.8131 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 316.999969 | | KOI 1701 1
| | 3e-06 | | Actaea
| 316.999969 | | KOI 1701 1
| | 3e-06 | | Hi'iaka |
| 148.278381 | | Dryoea Prao AA-A h235 B 1
| | 7e-06 | | Vanth
| 129.145462 | | Col 89 Sector MI-J d9-36 2
| | 0.000017 | | Dryooe Prou BL-F d11-144 ABC 1 a
| 127.037239 | | Skaudoae ZG-C d13-28 13
| | 0.000017 | | Suvua HG-Y e5 1 a
| 122.102974 | | Eor Free AA-A h639 A 5
| | 0.000017 | | 2MASS J02324083+6127598 6 a b
| 120.99044 | | NGC 2168 CD 379 C 1 f
| | 0.000017 | | Flyiedgiae QN-T d3-17 AB 1 b
| 119.726097 | | Skaudoae ZG-C d13-28 14
| | 0.000017 | | Preia Phoe MI-B e222 1 c
| 118.540886 | | Dryao Chrea GC-J d10-7513 1
| | 0.000017 | | Eoch Pruae IX-T e3-6619 A 3 c
| 117.889191 | | Hypiae Aurb AA-A g588 A 1
| | 0.000017 | | Eorgh Prou BA-A g1944 BC 1 a
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Moons (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 3,753.201904 | : Rhuedgo AA-A h94 A 2 b
| |
Lowest: | | 0.000017 | : Dryooe Prou BL-F d11-144 ABC 1 a
| 1,058 * |
| |
Average: | | 1.1291 | | |
Count: 162,696,284 | Standard Deviation: | | 45.1658 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 3,753.201904 | | Rhuedgo AA-A h94 A 2 b
| | 0.000017 | | Dryooe Prou BL-F d11-144 ABC 1 a
| 3,746.964844 | | Phraa Prao AA-A h10 ABC 10 a
| | 0.000017 | | Suvua HG-Y e5 1 a
| 3,743.252686 | | Scheau Blou XJ-R e4-2 8 a
| | 0.000017 | | 2MASS J02324083+6127598 6 a b
| 3,742.905762 | | Dryau Scraa AA-A h13 A 1 a
| | 0.000017 | | Flyiedgiae QN-T d3-17 AB 1 b
| 3,734.73291 | | HD 209809 5 a
| | 0.000017 | | Preia Phoe MI-B e222 1 c
| 3,734.495117 | | Bleae Aim ST-A e68 11 a
| | 0.000017 | | Eoch Pruae IX-T e3-6619 A 3 c
| 3,733.935791 | | Dryao Broae YU-Y e79 6 a
| | 0.000017 | | Eorgh Prou BA-A g1944 BC 1 a
| 3,732.490967 | | HD 58256 A 14 a
| | 0.000017 | | Eos Free TF-D d13-4932 1 a a
| 3,732.358887 | | Scheau Flyi AA-A g1452 3 a
| | 0.000017 | | Flyiedgiae RP-D d13-147 2 a
| 3,730.876953 | | Phleedgoea CB-X f1-37 ABCD 3 a
| | 0.000017 | | Agnainks GB-X e1-3201 5 c
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Planets (Earth Masses) |
Highest: | | 13,063.395508 | : Capella A 6
| |
Lowest: | | 3e-06 | : Actaea
| 2 * |
| |
Average: | | 53.6648 | | |
Count: 394,071,921 | Standard Deviation: | | 286.2804 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | Body | | Value | | Body |
| 13,063.395508 | | Capella A 6
| | 3e-06 | | Actaea
| 9,852.727539 | | CD-35 2722 A 1
| | 3e-06 | | Hi'iaka |
| 9,534.878906 | | 2MASS J07464256+2000321 A 1
| | 7e-06 | | Vanth
| 6,910.277344 | | CoRoT-3 1
| | 0.000017 | | Dryooe Prou BL-F d11-144 ABC 1 a
| 6,356.59668 | | CLO 2Aa 1
| | 0.000017 | | Suvua HG-Y e5 1 a
| 6,165.893066 | | 11 Comae Berenices 1
| | 0.000017 | | 2MASS J02324083+6127598 6 a b
| 5,781.101074 | | 52 Herculis 11
| | 0.000017 | | Flyiedgiae QN-T d3-17 AB 1 b
| 5,762.010254 | | Kepler-39 2
| | 0.000017 | | Preia Phoe MI-B e222 1 c
| 5,403.108398 | | CT Chamaeleontis 5
| | 0.000017 | | Eoch Pruae IX-T e3-6619 A 3 c
| 5,403.106445 | | V2149 Orionis B 9
| | 0.000017 | | Eorgh Prou BA-A g1944 BC 1 a
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |