Type | Data | |
Body Count (Discovery Scan) White Dwarf (DC) Star Systems |
Highest: | | 91 | : Eol Prou GF-A d145
| |
Lowest: | | 1 | : GD 356
| 3,286 * |
| |
Average: | | 10.9212 | | |
Count: 36,772 | Standard Deviation: | | 10.9594 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 91 | | Eol Prou GF-A d145
| | 1 | | GD 356
| 84 | | Eorm Phyloi QY-Q d5-215
| | 1 | | LP 103-294
| 83 | | Hypio Gree NT-Z d13-1013
| | 1 | | LP 63-267
| 74 | | Preia Hypoea XP-M d8-6
| | 1 | | Phroea Eaec PS-K d8-0
| 74 | | Schee Phio HS-B d13-1
| | 1 | | Floarks NT-Z d13-452
| 72 | | Aemosys RZ-G d10-10
| | 1 | | Phrio Phoea KG-O d6-0
| 70 | | Flyai Hypio KI-Z d1-2
| | 1 | | Prua Hypai DG-O d6-9
| 69 | | Oumbad MU-D d13-0
| | 1 | | Greeroi PU-M d8-0
| 69 | | Aemosys OC-V d2-12
| | 1 | | Eock Bluae WN-T d3-3
| 68 | | Spoihaei QC-U d3-0
| | 1 | | Skauduae LG-O d6-19
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
id64boxelnum White Dwarf (DC) Star Systems |
Highest: | | 14,176 | : Phraa Flyuae RD-A d14-14176
| |
Lowest: | | 0 | : LP 103-294
| 22,581 * |
| |
Average: | | 624.3144 | | |
Count: 160,133 | Standard Deviation: | | 1,332.9646 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 14,176 | | Phraa Flyuae RD-A d14-14176
| | 0 | | LP 103-294
| 12,162 | | Wepue CX-B d13-12162
| | 0 | | LHS 1734
| 12,084 | | Wepooe OS-B d13-12084
| | 0 | | Swoiwns QO-I d9-0
| 11,979 | | Zunou JS-A d1-11979
| | 0 | | Phroea Eaec PS-K d8-0
| 11,537 | | Schee Flyi IX-B d13-11537
| | 0 | | Outorst FS-A d1-0
| 11,504 | | Wepooe OS-B d13-11504
| | 0 | | Greeroi JI-Q d6-0
| 11,272 | | Schee Flyi IX-B d13-11272
| | 0 | | Prua Dryou UY-I d9-0
| 11,242 | | Hypoe Pruae WQ-D d12-11242
| | 0 | | NGC 6326 Sector ZU-Y d0
| 11,129 | | Schee Flyi IX-B d13-11129
| | 0 | | Phaa Ain RE-X d2-0
| 11,003 | | Byoomao SK-F d11-11003
| | 0 | | Eock Prau FQ-Y d0
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Number of Ammonia worlds White Dwarf (DC) Star Systems |
Highest: | | 2 | : Greae Phoea VU-P d5-138
| 6 * |
Lowest: | | 0 | : Charick Drift
| 158,770 * |
| |
Average: | | 0.0021 | | |
Count: 159,096 | Standard Deviation: | | 0.0465 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 2 | | Greae Phoea VU-P d5-138
| | 0 | | Charick Drift
| 2 | | Spoijio CW-T d4-1598
| | 0 | | Devi
| 2 | | Eock Prau VX-U d2-1
| | 0 | | GD 356
| 2 | | Wembeau IY-I d9-15
| | 0 | | LHS 1044
| 2 | | Thailoea XI-K d8-3
| | 0 | | LP 103-294
| 2 | | Dryao Chraei FE-E d13-894
| | 0 | | G 125-3
| 1 | | Flyai Flyuae ZE-A d9
| | 0 | | LP 710-47
| 1 | | Tepuae CM-J d10-716
| | 0 | | LP 63-267
| 1 | | Eock Bluae JB-X d1-6
| | 0 | | Nyeajeau FG-O d6-5
| 1 | | Boewnst JH-V d2-336
| | 0 | | LHS 1734
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Number of Bodies (Total Reported) White Dwarf (DC) Star Systems |
Highest: | | 91 | : Eol Prou GF-A d145
| |
Lowest: | | 1 | : GD 356
| 52,481 * |
| |
Average: | | 6.5953 | | |
Count: 159,085 | Standard Deviation: | | 9.1023 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 91 | | Eol Prou GF-A d145
| | 1 | | GD 356
| 90 | | Pludgeou XJ-X d2-0
| | 1 | | LP 103-294
| 84 | | Rothi DQ-F d11-0
| | 1 | | LP 63-267
| 84 | | Eorm Phyloi QY-Q d5-215
| | 1 | | Phroea Eaec GV-P d5-2
| 83 | | Hypio Gree NT-Z d13-1013
| | 1 | | Phroea Eaec PS-K d8-0
| 74 | | Preia Hypoea XP-M d8-6
| | 1 | | NGC 7789 Sector SN-T d3-5
| 74 | | Schee Phio HS-B d13-1
| | 1 | | Blae Hypue XY-I d9-23
| 73 | | Aucofs PM-M d7-0
| | 1 | | Speamoea RO-G d11-23
| 72 | | Tauthi AL-P d5-2
| | 1 | | Floarks NT-Z d13-452
| 72 | | Aemosys RZ-G d10-10
| | 1 | | Schienaei UD-A d1-40
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Number of Earth-like worlds White Dwarf (DC) Star Systems |
Highest: | | 2 | : Dryau Ausms RM-V d2-823
| 2 * |
Lowest: | | 0 | : Charick Drift
| 158,992 * |
| |
Average: | | 0.0007 | | |
Count: 159,096 | Standard Deviation: | | 0.0263 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 2 | | Dryau Ausms RM-V d2-823
| | 0 | | Charick Drift
| 2 | | Pyroifa WO-A d9
| | 0 | | Devi
| 1 | | Blae Hypue HA-Q d5-9
| | 0 | | GD 356
| 1 | | Whanee ZQ-T d4-1086
| | 0 | | LHS 1044
| 1 | | Scheau Phoea ZG-D d12-2
| | 0 | | LP 103-294
| 1 | | Eol Prou ZX-U d2-236
| | 0 | | G 125-3
| 1 | | LHS 1617
| | 0 | | LP 710-47
| 1 | | Traikoa OV-K d9-2
| | 0 | | LP 63-267
| 1 | | Gyruesys IT-O d7-3
| | 0 | | Nyeajeau FG-O d6-5
| 1 | | Pro Eur RF-L d9-1
| | 0 | | LHS 1734
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Number of Planets (Reported) White Dwarf (DC) Star Systems |
Highest: | | 86 | : Eol Prou GF-A d145
| |
Lowest: | | 0 | : Charick Drift
| 87,820 * |
| |
Average: | | 4.9119 | | |
Count: 159,097 | Standard Deviation: | | 8.9892 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 86 | | Eol Prou GF-A d145
| | 0 | | Charick Drift
| 85 | | Pludgeou XJ-X d2-0
| | 0 | | Devi
| 82 | | Rothi DQ-F d11-0
| | 0 | | GD 356
| 81 | | Eorm Phyloi QY-Q d5-215
| | 0 | | LP 103-294
| 79 | | Hypio Gree NT-Z d13-1013
| | 0 | | G 125-3
| 71 | | Aucofs PM-M d7-0
| | 0 | | LP 710-47
| 71 | | Preia Hypoea XP-M d8-6
| | 0 | | LP 63-267
| 71 | | Schee Phio HS-B d13-1
| | 0 | | Swoiwns MY-I d9-1
| 70 | | Tauthi AL-P d5-2
| | 0 | | Swoiwns QO-I d9-4
| 68 | | Nyeajoa JB-F d11-15
| | 0 | | Phroea Eaec GV-P d5-2
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Number of Stars (Reported) White Dwarf (DC) Star Systems |
Highest: | | 8 | : Phimboa BS-H d11-1036
| 4 * |
Lowest: | | 1 | : GD 356
| 90,803 * |
| |
Average: | | 1.6832 | | |
Count: 159,069 | Standard Deviation: | | 0.9484 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 8 | | Phimboa BS-H d11-1036
| | 1 | | GD 356
| 8 | | Plipooe IY-I d9-43
| | 1 | | LP 103-294
| 8 | | Flyeia Pruae ZP-P d5-3
| | 1 | | LP 63-267
| 8 | | Stuemaae MD-Q d6-0
| | 1 | | Nyeajeau FG-O d6-5
| 7 | | Greae Hypa ZY-S d3-6
| | 1 | | LHS 1734
| 7 | | Bleae Thaa XB-J d10-3
| | 1 | | Swoiwns MY-I d9-3
| 7 | | Spoihaae BW-T d4-256
| | 1 | | Phroea Eaec GV-P d5-2
| 7 | | Dryuae Bru MD-I d10-197
| | 1 | | Phroea Eaec PS-K d8-0
| 7 | | Flyae Bli UT-R d4-10
| | 1 | | NGC 7789 Sector SN-T d3-5
| 7 | | Byua Aowsy SB-J d10-1
| | 1 | | Clookuia NI-K d8-6
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Number of Terraforming Candidates White Dwarf (DC) Star Systems |
Highest: | | 7 | : Dryooe Prooe ZJ-X d2-127
| |
Lowest: | | 0 | : Charick Drift
| 156,681 * |
| |
Average: | | 0.0216 | | |
Count: 159,096 | Standard Deviation: | | 0.1952 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 7 | | Dryooe Prooe ZJ-X d2-127
| | 0 | | Charick Drift
| 6 | | Blue Hypeia UT-Z d13-0
| | 0 | | Devi
| 6 | | Thraikai PM-C d1
| | 0 | | GD 356
| 5 | | Eol Prou OH-V d2-1307
| | 0 | | LHS 1044
| 5 | | Bleae Aewsy BR-C d0
| | 0 | | LP 103-294
| 5 | | Spoihaae II-Z d1-263
| | 0 | | G 125-3
| 5 | | Phrae Proo AZ-A d0
| | 0 | | LP 710-47
| 5 | | Blae Drye UO-R d4-0
| | 0 | | LP 63-267
| 5 | | Eodgovvy XP-M d8-1
| | 0 | | Nyeajeau FG-O d6-5
| 4 | | Dryooe Flyou OO-Z d13-185
| | 0 | | LHS 1734
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Number of Water Worlds White Dwarf (DC) Star Systems |
Highest: | | 3 | : Eord Flyue IX-I d10-258
| 16 * |
Lowest: | | 0 | : Charick Drift
| 157,621 * |
| |
Average: | | 0.0103 | | |
Count: 159,096 | Standard Deviation: | | 0.1113 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 3 | | Eord Flyue IX-I d10-258
| | 0 | | Charick Drift
| 3 | | Eos Chrea MT-F d12-5300
| | 0 | | Devi
| 3 | | Eos Chrea XA-C d14-3258
| | 0 | | GD 356
| 3 | | Bloomu PL-B d14-0
| | 0 | | LHS 1044
| 3 | | Dryau Ausms PC-M d7-596
| | 0 | | LP 103-294
| 3 | | Eok Bluae SW-W d1-2809
| | 0 | | G 125-3
| 3 | | Phipaa EU-D d13-2059
| | 0 | | LP 710-47
| 3 | | Flyiedgooe PW-N d6-7
| | 0 | | LP 63-267
| 3 | | Phoi Scraa UU-G d10-137
| | 0 | | Nyeajeau FG-O d6-5
| 3 | | Blae Phrooe SD-A d1-2
| | 0 | | LHS 1734
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Sagittarius A* Distance White Dwarf (DC) Star Systems |
Highest: | | 44,222.9898849341 | : Dryua Hypai YT-R d4-0
| |
Lowest: | | 1,371.45049192455 | : Byoomao EG-Y g1144
| |
| |
Average: | | 14,407.5182 | | |
Count: 160,082 | Standard Deviation: | | 8,873.8963 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 44,222.9898849341 | | Dryua Hypai YT-R d4-0
| | 1,371.45049192455 | | Byoomao EG-Y g1144
| 44,170.9061642978 | | Hyuewry NH-V d2-0
| | 1,378.88125156501 | | Phroi Pri YO-A d5581
| 44,153.2649870784 | | Hyuewry GB-X d1-0
| | 1,391.28731426341 | | Phroi Pri YO-A d2464
| 44,093.492484498 | | Dryua Hypai CV-P d5-0
| | 1,429.02754506072 | | Byoomao QE-H d10-5836
| 44,081.9213521826 | | Hyuewry XT-R d4-0
| | 1,430.18106278439 | | Byoomao EG-Y g941
| 44,070.6539990333 | | Dryua Hypai RS-K d8-0
| | 1,436.16451910771 | | Phroi Pri GB-X d1-6974
| 44,011.0198542722 | | Hyuewry SI-T d3-0
| | 1,436.32532532824 | | Myriesly MA-C d14-6284
| 43,978.2909748446 | | Dryua Hypai QS-K d8-0
| | 1,450.95716013785 | | Myriesly IU-D d13-7570
| 43,976.8572572329 | | Hyuewry CV-P d5-0
| | 1,453.16917550011 | | Phroi Pri EG-Y g149
| 43,941.6195325861 | | Wizz FC-J d10-0
| | 1,455.44407558706 | | Phroi Pri YO-A d5965
Sol Distance White Dwarf (DC) Star Systems |
Highest: | | 64,003.3 | : Fleckie PY-I d9-0
| |
Lowest: | | 28.5951 | : Charick Drift
| |
| |
Average: | | 22,346.8966 | | |
Count: 160,082 | Standard Deviation: | | 10,961.6078 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 64,003.3 | | Fleckie PY-I d9-0
| | 28.5951 | | Charick Drift
| 63,983.5 | | Fleckie NY-I d9-0
| | 33.7342 | | LHS 262
| 63,894.7 | | Fleckie IM-M d7-0
| | 38.1028 | | G 125-3
| 63,884.7 | | Fleckie GS-K d8-0
| | 39.2772 | | LP 104-2
| 63,854.6 | | Fleckie JM-M d7-0
| | 41.7606 | | LP 103-294
| 63,854.2 | | Fleckia RS-K d8-0
| | 43.3945 | | LFT 1
| 63,836 | | Fleckie GG-O d6-0
| | 47.2339 | | LHS 378
| 63,812.4 | | Fleckie EM-M d7-0
| | 48.2038 | | ER 8
| 63,767.4 | | Fleckia MM-M d7-0
| | 50.5 | | LP 710-47
| 63,756.6 | | Fleckie AA-Q d5-0
| | 55.6576 | | LP 542-33