Type | Data | |
Body Count (Discovery Scan) M (Red dwarf) Star Systems |
Highest: | | 116 | : Eoch Flyuae PQ-I c24-54
| |
Lowest: | | 1 | : LTT 3010
| 638,618 * |
| |
Average: | | 11.351 | | |
Count: 6,636,916 | Standard Deviation: | | 9.2733 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 116 | | Eoch Flyuae PQ-I c24-54
| | 1 | | LTT 3010
| 109 | | Boelts VR-Y b15-3
| | 1 | | Alrai Sector GH-V b2-0
| 107 | | Synuefe TI-C c15-5
| | 1 | | Alrai Sector IR-W c1-24
| 103 | | Synuefue EW-V b48-1
| | 1 | | Arietis Sector PV-B a14-3
| 103 | | Prieluia AB-F c11-8
| | 1 | | BD+19 3268
| 103 | | Drojeae ZM-U c19-7
| | 1 | | BD-06 4663
| 102 | | Col 285 Sector TW-F b26-1
| | 1 | | Bei Dou Sector CQ-Y b3
| 102 | | Swoilz GO-T b23-1
| | 1 | | Bei Dou Sector JC-V b2-2
| 101 | | Stock 1 Sector HI-G b12-4
| | 1 | | Bei Dou Sector JC-V b2-3
| 101 | | Hypi Aim LO-Y b14-1
| | 1 | | Bei Dou Sector KC-V b2-4
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
id64boxelnum M (Red dwarf) Star Systems |
Highest: | | 14,997 | : Hypoe Flyi AW-K d9-14997
| |
Lowest: | | 0 | : Col 285 Sector DI-F b13-0
| 8,671,729 * |
| |
Average: | | 60.4275 | | |
Count: 24,935,529 | Standard Deviation: | | 485.5992 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 14,997 | | Hypoe Flyi AW-K d9-14997
| | 0 | | Col 285 Sector DI-F b13-0
| 14,454 | | Shrogea JI-K d8-14454
| | 0 | | Col 285 Sector RV-Q b20-0
| 14,330 | | Stuemeae OD-B d14330
| | 0 | | Col 285 Sector YM-N b22-0
| 14,326 | | Leamuae DR-C d14326
| | 0 | | HIP 11410
| 14,199 | | Stuemeae OD-B d14199
| | 0 | | HIP 93722
| 14,131 | | Dryao Aowsy RG-Y d14131
| | 0 | | LHS 207
| 14,104 | | Wepai RF-M d8-14104
| | 0 | | LP 123-75
| 14,058 | | Dryao Aowsy FZ-S d3-14058
| | 0 | | LP 25-2
| 13,702 | | Juenae DH-U d3-13702
| | 0 | | LTT 10787
| 13,582 | | Mylaifai NN-Q d6-13582
| | 0 | | NLTT 8065
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Number of Ammonia worlds M (Red dwarf) Star Systems |
Highest: | | 4 | : M7 Sector IF-S b19-4
| |
Lowest: | | 0 | : Antliae Sector UZ-P b5-2
| 24,671,780 * |
| |
Average: | | 0.0046 | | |
Count: 24,784,780 | Standard Deviation: | | 0.0693 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 4 | | M7 Sector IF-S b19-4
| | 0 | | Antliae Sector UZ-P b5-2
| 3 | | NGC 3324 Sector WV-S b18-0
| | 0 | | Aries Dark Region JC-V d2-46
| 3 | | Sleguae XT-A b20-11
| | 0 | | BD+03 3861
| 3 | | Wredgaei VE-S b45-0
| | 0 | | Capricorni Sector EB-X b1-4
| 3 | | Col 140 Sector IW-L b8-1
| | 0 | | Cephei Sector NI-T b3-2
| 3 | | Ploi Thua KB-X c1-0
| | 0 | | Col 285 Sector AQ-N c7-17
| 3 | | Eafots WY-C b54-2
| | 0 | | Col 285 Sector CD-P b20-7
| 3 | | Praea Euq TQ-A b41-4
| | 0 | | Col 285 Sector DI-F b13-0
| 3 | | Eodgols IS-D b41-2
| | 0 | | Col 285 Sector FZ-T b18-4
| 3 | | Preae Eurk EG-P b47-0
| | 0 | | Col 285 Sector GT-D b14-2
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Number of Bodies (Total Reported) M (Red dwarf) Star Systems |
Highest: | | 123 | : Ellairb AP-K b37-0
| |
Lowest: | | 1 | : LTT 3010
| 7,351,045 * |
| |
Average: | | 6.5718 | | |
Count: 24,777,716 | Standard Deviation: | | 8.016 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 123 | | Ellairb AP-K b37-0
| | 1 | | LTT 3010
| 116 | | Eoch Flyuae PQ-I c24-54
| | 1 | | Alrai Sector GH-V b2-0
| 112 | | Wregoi XS-Y b41-1
| | 1 | | Alrai Sector IR-W c1-24
| 111 | | Prua Phoe ZT-M b54-26
| | 1 | | Arietis Sector PV-B a14-3
| 110 | | Wellington
| | 1 | | BD+19 3268
| 109 | | Boelts VR-Y b15-3
| | 1 | | BD-06 4663
| 107 | | Eorm Chreou EX-H b37-1
| | 1 | | Bei Dou Sector CQ-Y b3
| 107 | | Plaa Eurk BL-P e5-8
| | 1 | | Bei Dou Sector JC-V b2-2
| 106 | | Oephaif OV-W b2-83
| | 1 | | Bei Dou Sector JC-V b2-3
| 105 | | Drooteou XY-Q b24-0
| | 1 | | Bei Dou Sector KC-V b2-4
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Number of Earth-like worlds M (Red dwarf) Star Systems |
Highest: | | 3 | : Jinicoch
| 5 * |
Lowest: | | 0 | : Antliae Sector UZ-P b5-2
| 24,761,609 * |
| |
Average: | | 0.0009 | | |
Count: 24,784,780 | Standard Deviation: | | 0.0312 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 3 | | Jinicoch
| | 0 | | Antliae Sector UZ-P b5-2
| 3 | | BD+49 1280
| | 0 | | Aries Dark Region JC-V d2-46
| 3 | | Fortuna
| | 0 | | BD+03 3861
| 3 | | Eok Flyuae ZY-V b7-81
| | 0 | | Capricorni Sector EB-X b1-4
| 3 | | Thuechae CM-P c8-4
| | 0 | | Cephei Sector NI-T b3-2
| 2 | | Swoilz ZD-S c20-4
| | 0 | | Col 285 Sector AQ-N c7-17
| 2 | | Col 285 Sector TA-K b10-3
| | 0 | | Col 285 Sector CD-P b20-7
| 2 | | Pyraea Eur EH-R b4-0
| | 0 | | Col 285 Sector DI-F b13-0
| 2 | | Praea Euq VW-F b11-4
| | 0 | | Col 285 Sector FZ-T b18-4
| 2 | | Mel 22 Sector WZ-E b12-2
| | 0 | | Col 285 Sector GT-D b14-2
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Number of Planets (Reported) M (Red dwarf) Star Systems |
Highest: | | 119 | : Ellairb AP-K b37-0
| |
Lowest: | | 0 | : DP Draconis
| 13,451,055 * |
| |
Average: | | 4.9012 | | |
Count: 24,785,954 | Standard Deviation: | | 7.9349 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 119 | | Ellairb AP-K b37-0
| | 0 | | DP Draconis
| 114 | | Eoch Flyuae PQ-I c24-54
| | 0 | | LFT 1361
| 109 | | Prua Phoe ZT-M b54-26
| | 0 | | LHS 207
| 109 | | Wregoi XS-Y b41-1
| | 0 | | LP 123-75
| 105 | | Plaa Eurk BL-P e5-8
| | 0 | | LP 271-25
| 105 | | Boelts VR-Y b15-3
| | 0 | | LP 366-45
| 104 | | Eorm Chreou EX-H b37-1
| | 0 | | LP 413-18
| 102 | | Eidaih PT-E b58-38
| | 0 | | LP 488-37
| 102 | | Hypuae Ain XO-W b16-0
| | 0 | | LTT 3010
| 102 | | Oephaif OV-W b2-83
| | 0 | | Alrai Sector GH-V b2-0
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Number of Stars (Reported) M (Red dwarf) Star Systems |
Highest: | | 16 | : Suluo
| |
Lowest: | | 1 | : Aries Dark Region JC-V d2-46
| 13,620,862 * |
| |
Average: | | 1.6692 | | |
Count: 24,775,304 | Standard Deviation: | | 0.8846 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 16 | | Suluo
| | 1 | | Aries Dark Region JC-V d2-46
| 12 | | Eock Prau SW-L b24-2
| | 1 | | BD+03 3861
| 11 | | Praea Euq ZC-O b47-7
| | 1 | | Capricorni Sector EB-X b1-4
| 10 | | Wepiae SR-U c3-116
| | 1 | | Cephei Sector NI-T b3-2
| 9 | | Wellington
| | 1 | | Col 285 Sector CD-P b20-7
| 9 | | Eidairld PV-P c5-1
| | 1 | | Col 285 Sector HT-E b13-2
| 9 | | Blu Aescs QM-C b17-0
| | 1 | | Col 285 Sector RV-Q b20-0
| 9 | | Byeia Ain QM-D b12-376
| | 1 | | Col 285 Sector UG-P b21-1
| 9 | | Grie Dryue GD-M c23-14
| | 1 | | Col 285 Sector VM-O b21-3
| 9 | | Byeia Thaa IZ-M b34-0
| | 1 | | ICZ IR-W c1-13
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Number of Terraforming Candidates M (Red dwarf) Star Systems |
Highest: | | 10 | : Dryeae Aoscs VX-R b8-0
| 7 * |
Lowest: | | 0 | : Antliae Sector UZ-P b5-2
| 24,082,018 * |
| |
Average: | | 0.0407 | | |
Count: 24,784,780 | Standard Deviation: | | 0.2729 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 10 | | Dryeae Aoscs VX-R b8-0
| | 0 | | Antliae Sector UZ-P b5-2
| 10 | | Pru Aescs KX-R b18-10
| | 0 | | BD+03 3861
| 10 | | Dryuae Bru TP-S c6-3
| | 0 | | Capricorni Sector EB-X b1-4
| 10 | | Synuefe VL-W b34-2
| | 0 | | Col 285 Sector SQ-I b24-5
| 10 | | Preia Byoea FC-K b8
| | 0 | | Col 285 Sector ZC-O b21-5
| 10 | | Trailau TX-Z b30-0
| | 0 | | DP Draconis
| 10 | | Prua Phreia ZL-X b21-0
| | 0 | | ICZ IR-W c1-13
| 9 | | Eos Chruia GH-Y b19-0
| | 0 | | Piscium Sector EB-X b1-2
| 9 | | Phaa Ain KE-G b38-7
| | 0 | | LFT 1361
| 9 | | Stuemeae FG-Y d6195
| | 0 | | LHS 1168
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Number of Water Worlds M (Red dwarf) Star Systems |
Highest: | | 6 | : 2MASS J21533963+4718350
| 7 * |
Lowest: | | 0 | : Antliae Sector UZ-P b5-2
| 24,193,972 * |
| |
Average: | | 0.0274 | | |
Count: 24,784,780 | Standard Deviation: | | 0.1857 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 6 | | 2MASS J21533963+4718350
| | 0 | | Antliae Sector UZ-P b5-2
| 6 | | Prua Phoe CS-X b4-2
| | 0 | | BD+03 3861
| 6 | | Synuefai OS-B d13-0
| | 0 | | Capricorni Sector EB-X b1-4
| 6 | | IC 2944 Sector YS-M c9-2
| | 0 | | Cephei Sector NI-T b3-2
| 6 | | Iowhail EK-M b35-60
| | 0 | | Col 285 Sector CD-P b20-7
| 6 | | NGC 2244 Sector XG-K c9-12
| | 0 | | Col 285 Sector DI-F b13-0
| 6 | | Blu Thua EI-E b53-2
| | 0 | | Col 285 Sector FZ-T b18-4
| 5 | | Bleae Thua GT-W b30-0
| | 0 | | Col 285 Sector HM-I b11-2
| 5 | | Aucops TY-I b13-0
| | 0 | | Col 285 Sector HT-E b13-2
| 5 | | Prieluia AR-X b56-1
| | 0 | | Col 285 Sector QJ-Q d5-74
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Sagittarius A* Distance M (Red dwarf) Star Systems |
Highest: | | 45,045.9227649249 | : Eolls Hypai GV-P c8-0
| |
Lowest: | | 2.40221219712231 | : Stuemeae UY-S b3-122
| |
| |
Average: | | 21,713.7362 | | |
Count: 24,933,187 | Standard Deviation: | | 7,800.3794 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 45,045.9227649249 | | Eolls Hypai GV-P c8-0
| | 2.40221219712231 | | Stuemeae UY-S b3-122
| 45,031.7470022739 | | Angosk FW-E c11-0
| | 2.65572465628436 | | Stuemeae UY-S b3-164
| 45,030.1052718107 | | Angosk RO-I c9-0
| | 2.91809843048484 | | Stuemeae UY-S b3-26
| 44,972.8375132201 | | Angosk UU-G c10-0
| | 3.30769085012418 | | Stuemeae KM-W c1-5858
| 44,971.2456916131 | | Angosk WP-G c10-0
| | 3.34037469904201 | | Stuemeae KM-W c1-4854
| 44,951.334180484 | | Angosk PJ-I c9-0
| | 3.52312272848933 | | Stuemeae KM-W c1-7830
| 44,946.4667177483 | | Angosk GC-D c12-0
| | 3.53604188323595 | | Stuemeae UY-S b3-50
| 44,943.7206310928 | | Angosk CM-D c12-0
| | 3.54018427345117 | | Stuemeae UY-S b3-31
| 44,936.4289112974 | | Eolls Hypai GB-O c9-0
| | 3.6989278446595 | | Stuemeae KM-W c1-2834
| 44,931.2075070738 | | Eolls Hypai CK-O b26-0
| | 4.01987795337122 | | Stuemeae KM-W c1-4862
Sol Distance M (Red dwarf) Star Systems |
Highest: | | 65,424.9 | : Ceeckia SF-C d14-0
| |
Lowest: | | 5.95466 | : Barnard's Star
| |
| |
Average: | | 16,284.3666 | | |
Count: 24,933,102 | Standard Deviation: | | 15,830.3646 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 65,424.9 | | Ceeckia SF-C d14-0
| | 5.95466 | | Barnard's Star |
| 65,415.6 | | Iorady JI-B d13-0
| | 7.7778 | | Wolf 359
| 65,372.4 | | Iorant UQ-C c26-0
| | 8.28732 | | Lalande 21185
| 65,368.5 | | Myeia Thaa FR-C c26-0
| | 8.58187 | | UV Ceti
| 65,367.2 | | Iorant HR-C c26-0
| | 9.68896 | | Ross 154
| 65,360.5 | | Ceeckaea KC-K c25-0
| | 10.3689 | | Ross 248
| 65,347.8 | | Iorady FI-B d13-0
| | 10.6887 | | Lacaille 9352
| 65,339.4 | | Ceeckia OE-E d13-0
| | 10.9397 | | Ross 128
| 65,335.8 | | Iorant RI-B d13-0
| | 11.0983 | | EZ Aquarii
| 65,334.1 | | Iorant LK-E c25-0
| | 11.6388 | | Struve 2398