Type | Data | |
Body Count (Discovery Scan) Herbig Ae/Be Star Systems |
Highest: | | 57 | : Ogairt AA-A h568
| |
Lowest: | | 1 | : Aucopp CL-Y g1
| 3,844 * |
| |
Average: | | 11.0449 | | |
Count: 32,392 | Standard Deviation: | | 8.9581 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 57 | | Ogairt AA-A h568
| | 1 | | Aucopp CL-Y g1
| 54 | | Hypiae Chrea AA-A h19
| | 1 | | Drootaae ZE-A g6
| 49 | | Croomae AA-A h421
| | 1 | | Gria Hypai DL-Y g4
| 49 | | Hypiae Auscs QD-S e4-8437
| | 1 | | Pyrie Eurk UE-R e4-0
| 49 | | Eorgh Graae DL-Y g313
| | 1 | | Dryeae Aec HG-Y e0
| 49 | | Myrielk KM-W f1-375
| | 1 | | Prue Hypa YE-A g7
| 48 | | Stuemao AA-A h445
| | 1 | | Bloo Drye DL-Y g1
| 47 | | Eoch Blao KX-U f2-2705
| | 1 | | Iorant MM-W e1-0
| 47 | | Baukoa AA-A h623
| | 1 | | Eidaills XE-Q e5-7
| 47 | | Boepp PY-R e4-863
| | 1 | | Greae Phio YF-O e6-4851
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
id64boxelnum Herbig Ae/Be Star Systems |
Highest: | | 12,961 | : Dryi Broae PT-R e4-12961
| |
Lowest: | | 0 | : Hedguia AA-A f0
| 7,084 * |
| |
Average: | | 1,659.8091 | | |
Count: 101,161 | Standard Deviation: | | 2,316.9132 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 12,961 | | Dryi Broae PT-R e4-12961
| | 0 | | Hedguia AA-A f0
| 12,843 | | Juenio IX-T e3-12843
| | 0 | | Plooe Thoi AA-A h0
| 12,745 | | Lyaisoo BK-A e12745
| | 0 | | Greae Phoea LC-V f2-0
| 12,701 | | Phaa Aoc YU-P e5-12701
| | 0 | | Thuechea ZE-A g0
| 12,523 | | Zuni UJ-Q e5-12523
| | 0 | | Rhoolaa LN-S e4-0
| 12,512 | | Wepae CK-A e12512
| | 0 | | Phae Phlai AA-A h0
| 12,468 | | Leamue AL-O e6-12468
| | 0 | | Tyriedgeia AA-A h0
| 12,286 | | Phroi Pri CL-P e5-12286
| | 0 | | Grie Eop DL-Y g0
| 12,278 | | Whambio CF-A e12278
| | 0 | | NGC 1491 Sector CL-Y e0
| 12,268 | | Cleeqai XO-A e12268
| | 0 | | Bloo Drye DL-Y g0
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Number of Ammonia worlds Herbig Ae/Be Star Systems |
Highest: | | 4 | : Pyraleau ZE-A g9
| 2 * |
Lowest: | | 0 | : Drojuae ZP-O e6-2
| 95,721 * |
| |
Average: | | 0.0518 | | |
Count: 100,387 | Standard Deviation: | | 0.2462 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 4 | | Pyraleau ZE-A g9
| | 0 | | Drojuae ZP-O e6-2
| 4 | | Hypiae Auscs QD-S e4-8437
| | 0 | | Aucopp CL-Y g1
| 3 | | Dryaea Aob AA-A g1432
| | 0 | | Oofain EG-Y g1
| 3 | | Blua Eaec EW-W f1-755
| | 0 | | Oofain EG-Y g6
| 3 | | Eol Prou JR-W f1-4427
| | 0 | | Hedguia AA-A f0
| 3 | | Kyloall EW-W e1-1736
| | 0 | | Myriesly GG-Y f680
| 3 | | Dryoea Bluae AA-A h280
| | 0 | | Plooe Thoi AA-A h0
| 3 | | Kyloall KX-U f2-594
| | 0 | | Iowhaidst BA-A g3
| 3 | | Eor Chruia AA-A g56
| | 0 | | Blau Thua FG-Y g2
| 3 | | Segnao EB-X f1-1445
| | 0 | | Byua Euq AA-A g1
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Number of Bodies (Total Reported) Herbig Ae/Be Star Systems |
Highest: | | 57 | : Ogairt AA-A h568
| |
Lowest: | | 1 | : Aucopp CL-Y g1
| 18,361 * |
| |
Average: | | 9.3089 | | |
Count: 100,381 | Standard Deviation: | | 8.5925 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 57 | | Ogairt AA-A h568
| | 1 | | Aucopp CL-Y g1
| 54 | | Hypiae Chrea AA-A h19
| | 1 | | Oofain EG-Y g1
| 52 | | Dryio Flyuae CL-Y f1961
| | 1 | | Oofain EG-Y g6
| 51 | | Phleedgoea MY-R e4-365
| | 1 | | Myriesly GG-Y f680
| 50 | | Kyloall QZ-O e6-2377
| | 1 | | Nuekoa CL-Y g11
| 50 | | Vegnooe AA-A g30
| | 1 | | Hypuae Briae EB-O e6-1308
| 49 | | Dryooe Prou VO-A f2488
| | 1 | | Drootaae ZE-A g6
| 49 | | Croomae AA-A h421
| | 1 | | Qautheia AA-A e1
| 49 | | Hypiae Auscs QD-S e4-8437
| | 1 | | Bleae Broae VY-S e3-1
| 49 | | Eorgh Graae DL-Y g313
| | 1 | | Grie Eop DL-Y g0
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Number of Earth-like worlds Herbig Ae/Be Star Systems |
Highest: | | 2 | : Phleedgoea XZ-P e5-105
| 2 * |
Lowest: | | 0 | : Drojuae ZP-O e6-2
| 100,201 * |
| |
Average: | | 0.0019 | | |
Count: 100,387 | Standard Deviation: | | 0.0437 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 2 | | Phleedgoea XZ-P e5-105
| | 0 | | Drojuae ZP-O e6-2
| 2 | | Screakou AA-A h229
| | 0 | | Aucopp CL-Y g1
| 1 | | Athaip VJ-R e4-6108
| | 0 | | Oofain EG-Y g1
| 1 | | Dryoea Flyi BA-A f2037
| | 0 | | Oofain EG-Y g6
| 1 | | Eoch Pra WO-A f1164
| | 0 | | Traikoa FG-Y g3
| 1 | | Agnairt HH-V e2-1522
| | 0 | | Hedguia AA-A f0
| 1 | | Eor Aoscs AA-A h125
| | 0 | | Baulou AA-A g1
| 1 | | Eol Prou NC-V e2-1076
| | 0 | | Myriesly GG-Y f680
| 1 | | Eord Blue AA-A h263
| | 0 | | Plooe Thoi AA-A h0
| 1 | | Prua Phoea DL-Y g9
| | 0 | | Iowhaidst BA-A g3
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Number of Planets (Reported) Herbig Ae/Be Star Systems |
Highest: | | 43 | : Phleedgoea MY-R e4-365
| |
Lowest: | | 0 | : Drojuae ZP-O e6-2
| 45,004 * |
| |
Average: | | 5.097 | | |
Count: 100,389 | Standard Deviation: | | 6.508 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 43 | | Phleedgoea MY-R e4-365
| | 0 | | Drojuae ZP-O e6-2
| 42 | | Dryio Flyuae CL-Y f1961
| | 0 | | Aucopp CL-Y g1
| 42 | | Hypiae Auscs QD-S e4-8437
| | 0 | | Oofain EG-Y g1
| 39 | | Dryi Free DB-X e1-4476
| | 0 | | Oofain EG-Y g6
| 39 | | Myrielk KM-W f1-375
| | 0 | | Hedguia AA-A f0
| 38 | | Blaa Phoe JX-T e3-26
| | 0 | | Myriesly GG-Y f680
| 38 | | Bleae Thua FR-N e6-13
| | 0 | | Plooe Thoi AA-A h0
| 38 | | Kyloall QZ-O e6-2377
| | 0 | | Iowhaidst BA-A g3
| 38 | | Ellaic LX-U e2-10
| | 0 | | Byua Euq AA-A g1
| 38 | | Ooscs Freau BA-A g66
| | 0 | | Traikea AA-A g4
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Number of Stars (Reported) Herbig Ae/Be Star Systems |
Highest: | | 25 | : Ellaid AA-A h5
| 4 * |
Lowest: | | 1 | : Aucopp CL-Y g1
| 23,953 * |
| |
Average: | | 4.212 | | |
Count: 100,369 | Standard Deviation: | | 3.3235 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 25 | | Ellaid AA-A h5
| | 1 | | Aucopp CL-Y g1
| 25 | | Lasuae AA-A h113
| | 1 | | Oofain EG-Y g1
| 25 | | Juenio AA-A h615
| | 1 | | Oofain EG-Y g6
| 25 | | Sphoekh AA-A h107
| | 1 | | Myriesly GG-Y f680
| 24 | | Dryi Aoc AA-A h62
| | 1 | | Blau Thua FG-Y g2
| 24 | | Stuemao AA-A h106
| | 1 | | Pyraloa DL-Y g6
| 23 | | Xothaei AA-A h8
| | 1 | | Nuekoa CL-Y g11
| 23 | | Phimboa AA-A h73
| | 1 | | Hypuae Briae EB-O e6-1308
| 23 | | Pha Aob AA-A h97
| | 1 | | Auphaiqs CL-Y g4
| 23 | | Dryi Chrea AA-A h395
| | 1 | | Drootaae ZE-A g6
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Number of Terraforming Candidates Herbig Ae/Be Star Systems |
Highest: | | 9 | : Oephairb AA-A h48
| |
Lowest: | | 0 | : Drojuae ZP-O e6-2
| 94,609 * |
| |
Average: | | 0.0829 | | |
Count: 100,387 | Standard Deviation: | | 0.3928 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 9 | | Oephairb AA-A h48
| | 0 | | Drojuae ZP-O e6-2
| 8 | | Aiphaitt GR-W f1-69
| | 0 | | Aucopp CL-Y g1
| 8 | | Phipoea MX-U f2-798
| | 0 | | Oofain EG-Y g1
| 8 | | Eor Audst BA-A f10
| | 0 | | Oofain EG-Y g6
| 7 | | Eocs Brue AA-A g12
| | 0 | | Hedguia AA-A f0
| 7 | | Dryi Aub DL-Y g2411
| | 0 | | Baulou AA-A g1
| 7 | | Phoi Aowsy NS-U f2-773
| | 0 | | Myriesly GG-Y f680
| 7 | | Eor Chruia FB-X f1-5661
| | 0 | | Plooe Thoi AA-A h0
| 7 | | Hypoe Blooe YE-A g324
| | 0 | | Iowhaidst BA-A g3
| 6 | | Schee Ploe EG-Y f32
| | 0 | | Blau Thua FG-Y g2
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Number of Water Worlds Herbig Ae/Be Star Systems |
Highest: | | 7 | : Hypoae Aoc AA-A h308
| |
Lowest: | | 0 | : Drojuae ZP-O e6-2
| 92,479 * |
| |
Average: | | 0.1111 | | |
Count: 100,387 | Standard Deviation: | | 0.435 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 7 | | Hypoae Aoc AA-A h308
| | 0 | | Drojuae ZP-O e6-2
| 6 | | Oephaich AA-A h108
| | 0 | | Aucopp CL-Y g1
| 6 | | Oob Freau AA-A h24
| | 0 | | Oofain EG-Y g1
| 6 | | Eol Prou EL-Y f4856
| | 0 | | Oofain EG-Y g6
| 6 | | Scheau Prao QU-O e6-9490
| | 0 | | Traikoa FG-Y g3
| 6 | | Eorld Byio AA-A h858
| | 0 | | Hedguia AA-A f0
| 6 | | Dryio Flyi CL-Y f747
| | 0 | | Myriesly GG-Y f680
| 5 | | Prua Pri YE-A g4
| | 0 | | Plooe Thoi AA-A h0
| 5 | | Byua Eurk BA-A g0
| | 0 | | Iowhaidst BA-A g3
| 5 | | Eol Prou JR-W f1-2020
| | 0 | | Blau Thua FG-Y g2
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Sagittarius A* Distance Herbig Ae/Be Star Systems |
Highest: | | 45,071.0201224756 | : Ooscs Aewsy FA-A e0
| |
Lowest: | | 420.674494172014 | : Stuemeae HG-Y e7085
| |
| |
Average: | | 12,348.2219 | | |
Count: 101,148 | Standard Deviation: | | 8,493.0666 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 45,071.0201224756 | | Ooscs Aewsy FA-A e0
| | 420.674494172014 | | Stuemeae HG-Y e7085
| 44,970.0053142602 | | Eolls Hypai LN-S e4-0
| | 425.275146416623 | | Phua Aub FA-A e5300
| 44,927.1929776075 | | Dryeae Aec HG-Y e0
| | 431.09234306414 | | Phroi Pri VO-Z e5183
| 44,823.32154692 | | Eolls Hypai JN-S e4-0
| | 431.777381007945 | | Byoomao TZ-O e6-4587
| 44,743.1022835891 | | Wild ZK-P e5-0
| | 436.285134455759 | | Stuemeae DA-A e1083
| 44,663.5666373154 | | Dryeae Aec BF-R e4-0
| | 442.226333904348 | | Stuemeae BF-A e1174
| 44,633.2349636532 | | Ooscs Aewsy FG-Y e0
| | 444.489773753998 | | Stuemeae DA-A e4579
| 44,628.4612536761 | | Dryeae Aec UY-S e3-0
| | 445.901793369437 | | Stuemeae BF-A e470
| 44,614.8415440762 | | Eolls Hypai SZ-O e6-0
| | 449.072234499618 | | Juenae TO-Z e3500
| 44,529.9708064633 | | Eolls Hypai TU-O e6-0
| | 449.207139161479 | | Juenae PI-B e2300
Sol Distance Herbig Ae/Be Star Systems |
Highest: | | 65,045.4 | : Ceeckia IN-S e4-0
| |
Lowest: | | 612.739 | : Wredguia VY-S e3-21
| |
| |
Average: | | 24,664.6828 | | |
Count: 101,148 | Standard Deviation: | | 9,581.4018 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 65,045.4 | | Ceeckia IN-S e4-0
| | 612.739 | | Wredguia VY-S e3-21
| 64,998.9 | | Iorant UY-S e3-0
| | 699.983 | | UX Antliae
| 64,785.3 | | Ceeckia BW-V e2-0
| | 755.776 | | Wregoe PS-U e2-23
| 64,728 | | Ceecku AV-X e1-0
| | 760.661 | | Synuefai EW-V e2-9
| 64,716.6 | | Iorant MS-U e2-0
| | 789.427 | | Swoilz XU-X e1-21
| 64,638.3 | | Ceecku ZU-X e1-0
| | 819.174 | | Synuefai JM-V e2-1
| 64,565.4 | | Ceeckia YP-X e1-0
| | 819.398 | | Synuefe FR-V e2-5
| 64,549.7 | | Hyeae Eoq UO-Z e0
| | 837.189 | | Col 359 Sector GM-V e2-8
| 64,544 | | Iorant MM-W e1-0
| | 837.514 | | Wredguia NM-W e1-13
| 64,530.8 | | Myeia Thaa LG-Y e0
| | 853.085 | | Praea Euq MM-W e1-8