Type | Data | |
Body Count (Discovery Scan) M (Red giant) Star Systems |
Highest: | | 87 | : Styaill QG-E b53-1
| |
Lowest: | | 1 | : Crucis Sector HH-V b2-5
| 3,748 * |
| |
Average: | | 10.5588 | | |
Count: 39,831 | Standard Deviation: | | 8.612 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 87 | | Styaill QG-E b53-1
| | 1 | | Crucis Sector HH-V b2-5
| 77 | | Pyroifoea IH-M d7-1
| | 1 | | Col 173 Sector MC-C b29-0
| 70 | | HIP 72655
| | 1 | | HD 209977
| 70 | | Pythaics ZU-Y d63
| | 1 | | NGC 1999 Sector BQ-X b1-0
| 69 | | Truechuae YI-B b42-3
| | 1 | | Scorpii Sector AV-Y b1
| 68 | | Moihuia FS-B d13-5
| | 1 | | Col 285 Sector FZ-K b23-0
| 68 | | Xothaei KU-D d13-32
| | 1 | | Synuefe YF-F b43-1
| 67 | | Byoi Traa DG-O d6-0
| | 1 | | Col 285 Sector HI-P b20-2
| 67 | | Greethuia HS-A d14-393
| | 1 | | Synuefe EY-T b22-0
| 66 | | Vaimooe AI-A d14-1
| | 1 | | Hyades Sector IR-M b7-1
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
id64boxelnum M (Red giant) Star Systems |
Highest: | | 16,019 | : Byoomi MX-B d13-16019
| |
Lowest: | | 0 | : HR 4739
| 38,553 * |
| |
Average: | | 281.2641 | | |
Count: 135,702 | Standard Deviation: | | 873.4649 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 16,019 | | Byoomi MX-B d13-16019
| | 0 | | HR 4739
| 11,946 | | Byoomi GH-V d2-11946
| | 0 | | 46 Omega-2 Cygni
| 11,751 | | Juenae WG-S d5-11751
| | 0 | | Epsilon Muscae
| 11,654 | | Schee Flyi IX-B d13-11654
| | 0 | | Gorgonea Tertia
| 11,466 | | Stuemeae FG-Y d11466
| | 0 | | Tejat Posterior
| 11,346 | | Byoomi MX-B d13-11346
| | 0 | | Zaurak
| 11,291 | | Phraa Pruae WE-H d10-11291
| | 0 | | NGC 7822 Sector UT-R b4-0
| 11,264 | | Dumbooe EA-A d11264
| | 0 | | Col 173 Sector MC-C b29-0
| 11,061 | | Zuni WS-U d2-11061
| | 0 | | L2 Puppis
| 10,775 | | Byoomao SK-F d11-10775
| | 0 | | X Herculis
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Number of Ammonia worlds M (Red giant) Star Systems |
Highest: | | 2 | : Ellaidst UG-J d10-43
| 18 * |
Lowest: | | 0 | : Crucis Sector HH-V b2-5
| 134,288 * |
| |
Average: | | 0.004 | | |
Count: 134,803 | Standard Deviation: | | 0.0648 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 2 | | Ellaidst UG-J d10-43
| | 0 | | Crucis Sector HH-V b2-5
| 2 | | NGC 6383 Sector XA-N b7-2
| | 0 | | HR 4739
| 2 | | Dryau Ausms HK-R d4-578
| | 0 | | Bei Dou Sector FW-W b1-1
| 2 | | Myrielk TT-Y b14-52
| | 0 | | 46 Omega-2 Cygni
| 2 | | Eol Prou UM-W d1-1127
| | 0 | | Col 285 Sector GU-T b18-2
| 2 | | Plimboa NM-W d1-2065
| | 0 | | Epsilon Muscae
| 2 | | Noijo EB-O d6-1168
| | 0 | | Gorgonea Tertia
| 2 | | Pru Ain CR-X b42-29
| | 0 | | Tejat Posterior
| 2 | | HD 195797
| | 0 | | Zaurak
| 2 | | Nyauthaei KB-O d6-0
| | 0 | | ICZ HM-V b2-2
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Number of Bodies (Total Reported) M (Red giant) Star Systems |
Highest: | | 87 | : Styaill QG-E b53-1
| |
Lowest: | | 1 | : Crucis Sector HH-V b2-5
| 35,631 * |
| |
Average: | | 7.1353 | | |
Count: 134,773 | Standard Deviation: | | 7.94 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 87 | | Styaill QG-E b53-1
| | 1 | | Crucis Sector HH-V b2-5
| 86 | | Phae Chreou IT-O b50-2
| | 1 | | Col 173 Sector MC-C b29-0
| 77 | | Pyroifoea IH-M d7-1
| | 1 | | HD 209977
| 74 | | Greae Phio NC-M d7-33
| | 1 | | NGC 1999 Sector BQ-X b1-0
| 70 | | HIP 72655
| | 1 | | Scorpii Sector AV-Y b1
| 70 | | Cyoagia JU-O b52-0
| | 1 | | Pru Euq DG-X b1-3
| 70 | | Pythaics ZU-Y d63
| | 1 | | Col 285 Sector FZ-K b23-0
| 69 | | Eol Prou BA-Q d5-769
| | 1 | | Synuefe YF-F b43-1
| 68 | | Moihuia FS-B d13-5
| | 1 | | Col 285 Sector HI-P b20-2
| 67 | | Umbains ER-N d6-19
| | 1 | | Col 359 Sector HB-L b9-3
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Number of Earth-like worlds M (Red giant) Star Systems |
Highest: | | 2 | : Eord Blou LY-Z d13-2701
| 30 * |
Lowest: | | 0 | : Crucis Sector HH-V b2-5
| 134,224 * |
| |
Average: | | 0.0045 | | |
Count: 134,803 | Standard Deviation: | | 0.0703 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 2 | | Eord Blou LY-Z d13-2701
| | 0 | | Crucis Sector HH-V b2-5
| 2 | | Eor Audst UY-R d4-541
| | 0 | | HR 4739
| 2 | | Slegou HX-L d7-4
| | 0 | | Bei Dou Sector FW-W b1-1
| 2 | | HD 103661
| | 0 | | 46 Omega-2 Cygni
| 2 | | Dryooe Flyou JG-O d6-1465
| | 0 | | Col 285 Sector GU-T b18-2
| 2 | | Eol Prou AM-D d12-95
| | 0 | | Epsilon Muscae
| 2 | | Whambio IJ-O d7-2831
| | 0 | | Gorgonea Tertia
| 2 | | Dryi Phyloi PR-N d6-646
| | 0 | | Tejat Posterior
| 2 | | Blua Phrua TS-A d1-45
| | 0 | | Zaurak
| 2 | | Nyeajie QN-K d8-7
| | 0 | | ICZ HM-V b2-2
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Number of Planets (Reported) M (Red giant) Star Systems |
Highest: | | 84 | : Phae Chreou IT-O b50-2
| 2 * |
Lowest: | | 0 | : Crucis Sector HH-V b2-5
| 66,371 * |
| |
Average: | | 5.4214 | | |
Count: 134,808 | Standard Deviation: | | 7.8275 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 84 | | Phae Chreou IT-O b50-2
| | 0 | | Crucis Sector HH-V b2-5
| 84 | | Styaill QG-E b53-1
| | 0 | | HR 4739
| 72 | | Greae Phio NC-M d7-33
| | 0 | | Col 285 Sector GU-T b18-2
| 72 | | Pyroifoea IH-M d7-1
| | 0 | | Gorgonea Tertia
| 68 | | Cyoagia JU-O b52-0
| | 0 | | ICZ HM-V b2-2
| 66 | | HIP 72655
| | 0 | | NGC 7822 Sector UT-R b4-0
| 65 | | Eol Prou BA-Q d5-769
| | 0 | | Col 285 Sector LP-S b19-1
| 65 | | Umbains ER-N d6-19
| | 0 | | Col 173 Sector MC-C b29-0
| 65 | | Moihuia FS-B d13-5
| | 0 | | Brachium
| 65 | | Byoi Traa DG-O d6-0
| | 0 | | HR 2082
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Number of Stars (Reported) M (Red giant) Star Systems |
Highest: | | 8 | : Zunuae XD-K d8-3417
| 7 * |
Lowest: | | 1 | : Crucis Sector HH-V b2-5
| 71,659 * |
| |
Average: | | 1.7128 | | |
Count: 134,751 | Standard Deviation: | | 0.9236 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 8 | | Zunuae XD-K d8-3417
| | 1 | | Crucis Sector HH-V b2-5
| 8 | | Hypiae Phyloi IN-K d8-952
| | 1 | | Bei Dou Sector FW-W b1-1
| 8 | | Eullobs EW-C d3
| | 1 | | Wregoe YY-J b50-4
| 8 | | Whamboo LS-A d1-130
| | 1 | | Col 173 Sector MC-C b29-0
| 8 | | Choomeou JD-Z d1-161
| | 1 | | L2 Puppis
| 8 | | Gleeqai ZU-X d1-132
| | 1 | | Vela Dark Region ZP-X b1-2
| 8 | | Greae Phoea SZ-P d5-391
| | 1 | | HR 4754
| 7 | | Eorl Broae BN-H d11-1957
| | 1 | | Anser
| 7 | | Croomoea OI-I d10-451
| | 1 | | HD 209977
| 7 | | Prae Phrua OI-R d5-15
| | 1 | | NGC 1999 Sector BQ-X b1-0
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Number of Terraforming Candidates M (Red giant) Star Systems |
Highest: | | 10 | : Whambio SP-M d8-1997
| |
Lowest: | | 0 | : Crucis Sector HH-V b2-5
| 123,514 * |
| |
Average: | | 0.1551 | | |
Count: 134,803 | Standard Deviation: | | 0.6041 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 10 | | Whambio SP-M d8-1997
| | 0 | | Crucis Sector HH-V b2-5
| 9 | | Hypio Proo QO-X d2-1223
| | 0 | | HR 4739
| 8 | | Chroalk AA-P d6-6
| | 0 | | Bei Dou Sector FW-W b1-1
| 8 | | Eol Prou BB-O d6-581
| | 0 | | 46 Omega-2 Cygni
| 8 | | Graei Dryua PV-K d9-0
| | 0 | | Col 285 Sector GU-T b18-2
| 8 | | HD 91985
| | 0 | | Epsilon Muscae
| 8 | | HD 186711
| | 0 | | Gorgonea Tertia
| 8 | | HD 200994
| | 0 | | Zaurak
| 8 | | Eeshorks YO-A d2753
| | 0 | | ICZ HM-V b2-2
| 8 | | Splojio HZ-M d8-255
| | 0 | | Wregoe YY-J b50-4
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Number of Water Worlds M (Red giant) Star Systems |
Highest: | | 6 | : HD 7645
| |
Lowest: | | 0 | : Crucis Sector HH-V b2-5
| 129,698 * |
| |
Average: | | 0.0453 | | |
Count: 134,803 | Standard Deviation: | | 0.2468 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 6 | | HD 7645
| | 0 | | Crucis Sector HH-V b2-5
| 5 | | Hypio Pri SY-Z d13-5440
| | 0 | | HR 4739
| 5 | | Sqeast JR-W d1-1
| | 0 | | Bei Dou Sector FW-W b1-1
| 4 | | HIP 44738
| | 0 | | 46 Omega-2 Cygni
| 4 | | Sluemea JT-O d7-29
| | 0 | | Col 285 Sector GU-T b18-2
| 4 | | Oofainn SL-J d10-21
| | 0 | | Epsilon Muscae
| 4 | | HD 221913
| | 0 | | Gorgonea Tertia
| 4 | | Wrupu GR-L d8-377
| | 0 | | Zaurak
| 4 | | Thailuae HN-Q d6-38
| | 0 | | ICZ HM-V b2-2
| 4 | | HD 165350
| | 0 | | Wregoe YY-J b50-4
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Sagittarius A* Distance M (Red giant) Star Systems |
Highest: | | 44,574.895867009 | : Angosk XN-D b53-0
| |
Lowest: | | 10.6780919119476 | : Stuemeae UY-S b3-156
| |
| |
Average: | | 18,533.2455 | | |
Count: 135,699 | Standard Deviation: | | 9,175.2443 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 44,574.895867009 | | Angosk XN-D b53-0
| | 10.6780919119476 | | Stuemeae UY-S b3-156
| 44,517.1878380903 | | Ooscs Aewsy YL-C b40-0
| | 19.3951225345433 | | Stuemeae YE-R b4-22
| 44,461.6353534626 | | Dryeae Aec VA-U b30-0
| | 20.7335478075994 | | Stuemeae VY-S b3-60
| 44,419.3931443011 | | Phrae Dryiae UG-P b53-0
| | 23.5733345780779 | | Stuemeae VY-S b3-130
| 44,340.6794004347 | | Ooscs Aewsy PC-Z b41-0
| | 24.0277705869687 | | Stuemeae VY-S b3-137
| 44,310.6804732371 | | Eol Hypue BK-O b26-0
| | 27.5166571146007 | | Stuemeae OX-U b2-172
| 44,305.9155897462 | | Ooscs Aewsy NJ-X b28-0
| | 27.876770543635 | | Stuemeae OX-U b2-41
| 44,301.4254706084 | | Wizz GR-N b20-0
| | 29.0576432503134 | | Stuemeae RD-T b3-140
| 44,295.9120319141 | | Wizz AH-F b11-0
| | 33.000552149812 | | Stuemeae RD-T b3-79
| 44,278.3444129033 | | Eowyg Aihm IN-P b5-0
| | 33.720660719802 | | Stuemeae SY-S b3-143
Sol Distance M (Red giant) Star Systems |
Highest: | | 65,207.1 | : Ceeckaea XD-F b45-0
| |
Lowest: | | 62.7598 | : Crucis Sector HH-V b2-5
| |
| |
Average: | | 18,890.5548 | | |
Count: 135,699 | Standard Deviation: | | 14,555.3063 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 65,207.1 | | Ceeckaea XD-F b45-0
| | 62.7598 | | Crucis Sector HH-V b2-5
| 65,187.8 | | Ceeckaea PX-G b44-0
| | 77.0374 | | WW Piscis Austrini
| 65,179.7 | | Ceeckia QE-F b45-0
| | 87.4209 | | Scorpii Sector AV-Y b1
| 65,161.7 | | Ceeckaea PL-K b42-0
| | 88.5382 | | Gacrux
| 65,135.5 | | Hyia Eohn OQ-I b43-0
| | 90.8904 | | Bei Dou Sector FW-W b1-1
| 65,106.5 | | Ceeckia VE-M b41-0
| | 91.2751 | | Tauerni
| 65,067.3 | | Ceeckaea RF-T b37-0
| | 100.175 | | LTT 2513
| 64,936.5 | | Ceecku RJ-H b30-0
| | 101.333 | | Alrai Sector ST-R b4-7
| 64,859.8 | | Iorady YP-V b29-0
| | 102.572 | | Col 285 Sector HI-P b20-2
| 64,848.7 | | Myeia Thaa VD-Z b27-0
| | 102.708 | | Scorpii Sector GW-W b1-4