Type | Data | |
Body Count (Discovery Scan) A (Blue‑White) Star Systems |
Highest: | | 138 | : Oob Flaae HT-Z d13-166
| |
Lowest: | | 1 | : 111 Herculis
| 119,712 * |
| |
Average: | | 13.1768 | | |
Count: 1,221,407 | Standard Deviation: | | 11.9556 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 138 | | Oob Flaae HT-Z d13-166
| | 1 | | 111 Herculis
| 134 | | Teqie IL-O d6-729
| | 1 | | 4 Cephei
| 131 | | Eol Prou RI-J d9-1099
| | 1 | | Alkurhah
| 131 | | Athair SU-O e6-372
| | 1 | | Crucis Sector WJ-A d96
| 130 | | Koijo TS-T d3-94
| | 1 | | Gamma Centauri
| 130 | | Bya Airg FH-U d3-487
| | 1 | | LP 9-231
| 129 | | HIP 110733
| | 1 | | HIP 106297
| 129 | | Blua Hypa BL-E d12-229
| | 1 | | HIP 79392
| 126 | | Byua Eurl DW-N d6-43
| | 1 | | E Puppis
| 126 | | Traikoa PB-X d1-34
| | 1 | | HR 932
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
id64boxelnum A (Blue‑White) Star Systems |
Highest: | | 17,069 | : Eoch Bli DR-C d13-17069
| |
Lowest: | | 0 | : HIP 3865
| 267,471 * |
| |
Average: | | 894.843 | | |
Count: 4,732,922 | Standard Deviation: | | 1,907.4204 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 17,069 | | Eoch Bli DR-C d13-17069
| | 0 | | HIP 3865
| 17,055 | | Zuni HF-R d4-17055
| | 0 | | HIP 63531
| 16,851 | | Dumboea BP-Q d5-16851
| | 0 | | HR 2324
| 16,755 | | Dumbaa LD-K d8-16755
| | 0 | | HIP 17999
| 16,624 | | Scheau Ploe HF-C d14-16624
| | 0 | | HIP 18627
| 16,607 | | Dumbaa LD-K d8-16607
| | 0 | | HIP 27470
| 16,598 | | Zuni HF-R d4-16598
| | 0 | | HIP 3873
| 16,506 | | Hypoae Aoc BV-Y d16506
| | 0 | | HIP 59528
| 16,474 | | Dumbaa LD-K d8-16474
| | 0 | | HD 196072
| 16,465 | | Dumbaa LD-K d8-16465
| | 0 | | HD 197008
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Number of Ammonia worlds A (Blue‑White) Star Systems |
Highest: | | 4 | : Phroea Blou LS-T d3-150
| |
Lowest: | | 0 | : 11 Bootis
| 4,630,140 * |
| |
Average: | | 0.0149 | | |
Count: 4,698,662 | Standard Deviation: | | 0.1241 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 4 | | Phroea Blou LS-T d3-150
| | 0 | | 11 Bootis
| 3 | | Preae Eurk XD-K d8-3
| | 0 | | 11 Mu Aurigae
| 3 | | Dumbae XV-E d11-1482
| | 0 | | 12 Kappa Arietis
| 3 | | Greae Byoe II-H d11-3
| | 0 | | 25 chi Capricorni
| 3 | | NGC 3532 Sector LN-T d3-36
| | 0 | | 26 Arietis
| 3 | | Gria Drye VV-L d8-12
| | 0 | | 28 Cephei
| 3 | | Thailooe OJ-Y d1-28
| | 0 | | 31 d1 Virginis
| 3 | | Blaa Phoe YU-N d7-39
| | 0 | | 32 G. Capricorni
| 3 | | Pyra Dryiae SU-M d8-2
| | 0 | | 4 Beta Trianguli
| 3 | | Blo Bre RS-U d2-109
| | 0 | | 4 Epsilon-1 Lyrae
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Number of Bodies (Total Reported) A (Blue‑White) Star Systems |
Highest: | | 146 | : Dryi Bre IP-A d1902
| |
Lowest: | | 1 | : 111 Herculis
| 1,053,161 * |
| |
Average: | | 8.6854 | | |
Count: 4,697,871 | Standard Deviation: | | 10.4374 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 146 | | Dryi Bre IP-A d1902
| | 1 | | 111 Herculis
| 138 | | Oob Flaae HT-Z d13-166
| | 1 | | 4 Cephei
| 131 | | Athair SU-O e6-372
| | 1 | | Alkurhah
| 130 | | Koijo TS-T d3-94
| | 1 | | Crucis Sector WJ-A d96
| 130 | | Bya Airg FH-U d3-487
| | 1 | | Gamma Centauri
| 129 | | HIP 110733
| | 1 | | LP 9-231
| 129 | | Blua Hypa BL-E d12-229
| | 1 | | HIP 106297
| 128 | | Eol Prou DF-Z d573
| | 1 | | Praea Euq SC-V d2-34
| 126 | | Byua Eurl DW-N d6-43
| | 1 | | Synuefai IY-P d6-4
| 125 | | Dryuae Bre IS-S d4-43
| | 1 | | Synuefue YJ-X d2-34
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Number of Earth-like worlds A (Blue‑White) Star Systems |
Highest: | | 4 | : Phekda
| 3 * |
Lowest: | | 0 | : 11 Bootis
| 4,628,477 * |
| |
Average: | | 0.0155 | | |
Count: 4,698,662 | Standard Deviation: | | 0.1278 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 4 | | Phekda
| | 0 | | 11 Bootis
| 4 | | Inti
| | 0 | | 11 Mu Aurigae
| 4 | | Ootosps UR-H d11-17
| | 0 | | 12 Kappa Arietis
| 3 | | Graea Hypue AA-Z d6
| | 0 | | 25 chi Capricorni
| 3 | | Pha Flaae HT-H d10-56
| | 0 | | 26 Arietis
| 3 | | Alioth
| | 0 | | 28 Cephei
| 3 | | Nyeajoa ZE-X d2-132
| | 0 | | 31 d1 Virginis
| 3 | | Bleae Aim FM-D d12-1869
| | 0 | | 32 G. Capricorni
| 3 | | Dryio Flyuae VS-B d3915
| | 0 | | 4 Beta Trianguli
| 3 | | Agnaiz FR-V d2-1444
| | 0 | | 4 Epsilon-1 Lyrae
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Number of Planets (Reported) A (Blue‑White) Star Systems |
Highest: | | 143 | : Dryi Bre IP-A d1902
| |
Lowest: | | 0 | : Alderamin
| 2,197,891 * |
| |
Average: | | 6.8105 | | |
Count: 4,698,754 | Standard Deviation: | | 10.2577 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 143 | | Dryi Bre IP-A d1902
| | 0 | | Alderamin
| 135 | | Oob Flaae HT-Z d13-166
| | 0 | | Zosma
| 128 | | Bya Airg FH-U d3-487
| | 0 | | 111 Herculis
| 127 | | HIP 110733
| | 0 | | 4 Cephei
| 127 | | Koijo TS-T d3-94
| | 0 | | 48 Cassiopeiae
| 127 | | Athair SU-O e6-372
| | 0 | | Alkurhah
| 126 | | Blua Hypa BL-E d12-229
| | 0 | | Alpha Circini
| 126 | | Eol Prou DF-Z d573
| | 0 | | Asellus Secondus
| 123 | | Byua Eurl DW-N d6-43
| | 0 | | BD-17 3725
| 123 | | Dryuae Bre IS-S d4-43
| | 0 | | Beta-3 Tucanae
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Number of Stars (Reported) A (Blue‑White) Star Systems |
Highest: | | 13 | : Skaudai NN-A d1-52
| |
Lowest: | | 1 | : 11 Bootis
| 2,209,594 * |
| |
Average: | | 1.874 | | |
Count: 4,697,081 | Standard Deviation: | | 1.0467 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 13 | | Skaudai NN-A d1-52
| | 1 | | 11 Bootis
| 12 | | Flyiedge UE-O d7-123
| | 1 | | 11 Mu Aurigae
| 12 | | Dryao Phylio ZH-H d11-10
| | 1 | | 12 Kappa Arietis
| 12 | | Crookaei XK-E d12-259
| | 1 | | 26 Arietis
| 12 | | Vegnue YV-C d13-50
| | 1 | | 47 Andromedae
| 11 | | Alathfar
| | 1 | | 57 Ursae Majoris
| 11 | | HD 95880
| | 1 | | 8 Serpentis
| 11 | | HIP 6476
| | 1 | | Andbephi
| 11 | | HIP 68475
| | 1 | | Col 285 Sector IX-T d3-85
| 11 | | Clooku SI-B e508
| | 1 | | Col 285 Sector OS-T d3-69
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Number of Terraforming Candidates A (Blue‑White) Star Systems |
Highest: | | 13 | : Qiefoi TO-O d7-28
| 2 * |
Lowest: | | 0 | : Alderamin
| 3,623,231 * |
| |
Average: | | 0.4619 | | |
Count: 4,698,662 | Standard Deviation: | | 1.0194 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 13 | | Qiefoi TO-O d7-28
| | 0 | | Alderamin
| 13 | | Eorl Aod GW-W d1-1471
| | 0 | | Andbephi
| 12 | | Swoilz RP-V d3-71
| | 0 | | HIP 106362
| 12 | | Blua Hypa FR-C d13-757
| | 0 | | HIP 41893
| 12 | | Bleia Eohn UF-L d9-19
| | 0 | | HR 1485
| 12 | | Stuemeae ET-F d12-7473
| | 0 | | Zeta Octantis
| 12 | | Ogaicy YP-N d7-388
| | 0 | | Zosma
| 12 | | Preou Thoe CM-D d12-9
| | 0 | | 111 Herculis
| 12 | | Eos Freau SF-F d11-16
| | 0 | | 4 Cephei
| 12 | | Smojeia TR-W d1-15
| | 0 | | 45 Orionis
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Number of Water Worlds A (Blue‑White) Star Systems |
Highest: | | 8 | : Eol Prou PT-Q d5-739
| |
Lowest: | | 0 | : 11 Mu Aurigae
| 4,020,532 * |
| |
Average: | | 0.1823 | | |
Count: 4,698,662 | Standard Deviation: | | 0.4904 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 8 | | Eol Prou PT-Q d5-739
| | 0 | | 11 Mu Aurigae
| 7 | | M17 Sector GC-U d3-99
| | 0 | | 12 Kappa Arietis
| 7 | | Outopps PY-Z d13-5
| | 0 | | 28 Cephei
| 7 | | Phaa Aoc FL-Y d13255
| | 0 | | 31 d1 Virginis
| 7 | | Dryi Chrea UL-B d14-7757
| | 0 | | 4 Epsilon-1 Lyrae
| 7 | | Agnairt RK-N d7-3819
| | 0 | | 41 Virginis
| 7 | | Scaulou LN-Q d6-7194
| | 0 | | 42 Aurigae
| 7 | | Stuemeae NM-V d2-389
| | 0 | | 57 Ursae Majoris
| 6 | | Eoch Pruae UL-K d9-177
| | 0 | | 6 Comae Berenices
| 6 | | Pyraea Eurl JW-E d11-3
| | 0 | | 8 Serpentis
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value. |
Sagittarius A* Distance A (Blue‑White) Star Systems |
Highest: | | 45,335.5576776545 | : Eolls Hypai JI-Z d1-0
| |
Lowest: | | 7.11230085415318 | : Juenae BC-B d1-6606
| |
| |
Average: | | 19,074.9178 | | |
Count: 4,732,307 | Standard Deviation: | | 9,893.4807 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 45,335.5576776545 | | Eolls Hypai JI-Z d1-0
| | 7.11230085415318 | | Juenae BC-B d1-6606
| 45,334.4992567281 | | Eolls Hypai DC-B d1-0
| | 10.700404125546 | | Stuemeae FG-Y d4857
| 45,329.0686755053 | | Eolls Hypai FX-A d1-0
| | 12.5644947423286 | | Stuemeae FG-Y d8937
| 45,294.7331628752 | | Angosk EL-Y d0
| | 14.163913819634 | | Juenae XV-C d5494
| 45,275.4645194649 | | Angosk UX-L d7-0
| | 15.3407114610116 | | Stuemeae EG-Y d7888
| 45,261.2175945028 | | Angosk GG-Y d0
| | 15.7114089718264 | | Juenae XV-C d7726
| 45,253.3347171864 | | Eolls Hypai DX-A d1-0
| | 16.4408022824317 | | Stuemeae EG-Y d5917
| 45,248.0130005691 | | Eolls Hypai FS-A d1-0
| | 16.7305325306758 | | Stuemeae BA-A d7829
| 45,247.4843618497 | | Angonn GC-D d12-0
| | 16.9776067126663 | | Juenae BC-B d1-7021
| 45,238.8414777918 | | Eolls Hypai SU-V d3-0
| | 17.7539608256862 | | Juenae WV-C d5332
Sol Distance A (Blue‑White) Star Systems |
Highest: | | 65,647.3 | : Oevasy SG-Y d0
| |
Lowest: | | 8.58875 | : Sirius
| |
| |
Average: | | 20,805.0312 | | |
Count: 4,732,297 | Standard Deviation: | | 14,527.5165 | ▶ Top10/Bottom10 |
Top10 | Bottom10 |
| Value | | System | | Value | | System |
| 65,647.3 | | Oevasy SG-Y d0
| | 8.58875 | | Sirius
| 65,604.9 | | Oevasy TG-Y d0
| | 16.738 | | Altair
| 65,592.8 | | Oevaxy EG-Y d0
| | 25.038 | | Vega
| 65,587 | | Oevaxy FG-Y d0
| | 25.1279 | | Fomalhaut
| 65,582.9 | | Oevaxy JG-Y d0
| | 35.3753 | | Shudun Sector AA-A d142
| 65,581.1 | | Oevasy JA-A d0
| | 35.8463 | | Denebola
| 65,552.2 | | Yooxe LW-C d0
| | 38.6946 | | Deneb Algedi
| 65,549.1 | | Yooxe EW-C d0
| | 46.6768 | | Rasalhague
| 65,537.6 | | Oevaxy BF-A d0
| | 47.3133 | | Talitha
| 65,536.7 | | Oevaxy JA-A d0
| | 49.0656 | | Alderamin