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Galactic Records

(updated weekly)


L (as main star)

Absolute Magnitude
L (as main star)
Highest: 13.824493
Lowest: 11.509781
Average: 12.7484
Count: 5Standard Deviation: 0.9338 Top10/Bottom10
L (as main star)
Highest: 13,059
Lowest: 1,450
Average: 8,471.4
Count: 5Standard Deviation: 4,390.9285 Top10/Bottom10
Axial Tilt
L (as main star)
Highest: 0  5 *
Lowest: 0  5 *
Average: 0
Count: 5Standard Deviation: 0 Top10/Bottom10
* Total bodies in this category sharing this value.
L (as main star)
Highest: 275.844
Lowest: -1,076.91
Average: -513.6122
Count: 5Standard Deviation: 509.4259 Top10/Bottom10
L (as main star)
Highest: 1,351.97
Lowest: -61.625
Average: 238.3377
Count: 5Standard Deviation: 556.9724 Top10/Bottom10
L (as main star)
Highest: 64,718
Lowest: 350.75
Average: 26,035.5788
Count: 5Standard Deviation: 31,160.6209 Top10/Bottom10
Orbital Eccentricity
L (as main star)
Highest: 0.085359
Lowest: 0.052672
Average: 0.069
Count: 2Standard Deviation: 0.0163 Top10/Bottom10
Orbital Inclination
L (as main star)
Highest: 15.200981
Lowest: -7.848504
Average: 3.6762
Count: 2Standard Deviation: 11.5247 Top10/Bottom10
Orbital Period
L (as main star)
Highest: 8,671,594.23176889
Lowest: 672,636.05693976
Average: 4,672,115.1444
Count: 2Standard Deviation: 3,999,479.0874 Top10/Bottom10
Rotational Period
L (as main star)
Highest: 1.919683609213
Lowest: 0.910429631319
Average: 1.2682
Count: 5Standard Deviation: 0.3412 Top10/Bottom10
Sagittarius A* Distance
L (as main star)
Highest: 38,833.6507311145
Lowest: 25,164.0371040734
Average: 30,516.9661
Count: 5Standard Deviation: 6,375.3226 Top10/Bottom10
Semi-Major Axis
L (as main star)
Highest: 275.654025969061 AU
Lowest: 20.647797042771 AU
Average: 148.1509 AU
Count: 2Standard Deviation: 127.5031 Top10/Bottom10
Sol Distance
L (as main star)
Highest: 64,726.9
Lowest: 767.008
Average: 26,286.5624
Count: 5Standard Deviation: 30,963.5293 Top10/Bottom10
Solar Masses
L (as main star)
Highest: 0.207031
Lowest: 0.117188
Average: 0.1602
Count: 5Standard Deviation: 0.0371 Top10/Bottom10
Solar Radius
L (as main star)
Highest: 0.391129161042
Lowest: 0.263719562283
Average: 0.3151
Count: 5Standard Deviation: 0.0468 Top10/Bottom10
Surface Temperature
L (as main star)
Highest: 1,984
Lowest: 1,408
Average: 1,688.4
Count: 5Standard Deviation: 239.5451 Top10/Bottom10

Galactic Records BETA | Last update: 2023-02-22 20:45:54

Records by Body Type

Records by Attribute

Planet Attributes

    Star Attributes

    Star/Planet Attributes

    Ring/Belt Attributes

This website is not an official tool for the game Elite: Dangerous and is not affiliated with Frontier Developments. All information provided is based on publicly available information and data supplied by players, and may not be entirely accurate. 'Elite', the Elite logo, the Elite: Dangerous logo, 'Frontier' and the Frontier logo are registered trademarks of Frontier Developments plc. All rights reserved. All other trademarks and copyrights are acknowledged as the property of their respective owners.

Special thanks go to all commanders and explorers who graciously upload their data to EDDN, EDSM, and EDAstro to make all of this possible. We wouldn't exist without your data contributions. For any bug reports or feature suggestions, please visit our forum thread.