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GalMap SectorView Records Systems Carriers Stellar Class Nebulae Codex Galaxy Rescues Planets Stars Stellar Age Mass Codes Class/Mass Graphs Video Spreadsheets DW2 EDDN Map

All charts and maps generated using data collected by EDSM and EDDN. All data is based on scanned bodies, and/or visited systems, so the numbers can be influenced by commander activity as much as actual distribution. The unusual patterns that emerge from some of the specific filtered maps are largely due to quirks of StellarForge, and there can be large variations between the distribution patterns of certain mass codes or certain star classes.

Maps and spreadsheets are updated once every two days in most cases. Codex maps, Graphs, and videos are updated weekly.

Star Class Distribution:
Star Class distribution
Star Classes, Large
Planet Distribution:
Helium-rich Gas Giants
High-Value Worlds
Terraformable Worlds
Earth-like Worlds
Life Worlds
Body Scans:
Average Bodies Scanned per System
Star Distribution:
Hot/Blue Stars
Misc Stars
Supernova Remnants
Neutron Stars
Boostables (NS & WD)
Black Holes
Dwarf Stars
White Dwarfs
Giant & Super Giant Stars
Huge Stars (10+ solar radii)
Wolf-Rayet Stars
Wolf-Rayet Stars
Altitude -2585 to -1305
Wolf-Rayet Stars
Altitude -1305 to -25
Wolf-Rayet Stars
Altitude -25 to 1255
Wolf-Rayet Stars
Altitude 1255 to 2535

* Note that the gaps along the center of the map, and some of the strange square regions, are entirely due to quirks in the StellarForge. It suppresses the creation of certain kinds of stars and systems within these regions, and therefore these gaps are representative of what is actually in the game.

Age Distribution:
Star Age Distribution
Star Age Distribution, 100 Million Years
Star Age Distribution, 101 Million Years
Star Age Distribution, 102 Million Years
Star Age Distribution, 103 Million Years
Star Age Distribution, 104 Million Years
Mass Distribution:
System Mass-Code Distribution
A-Mass Systems
B-Mass Systems
C-Mass Systems
D-Mass Systems
E-Mass Systems
F-Mass Systems
G-Mass Systems
H-Mass Systems

Star class mass-code distributions below are based on the main star of each system only:

K-class Mass Distribution
K-class C-mass Distribution
K-class D-mass Distribution
G-class Mass Distribution
G-class C-mass Distribution
G-class D-mass Distribution
F-class Mass Distribution
F-class D-mass Distribution
F-class E-mass Distribution

* Note that the gaps along the center of the map, and some of the strange square regions, are entirely due to quirks in the StellarForge. It suppresses the creation of certain kinds of stars and systems within these regions, and therefore these gaps are representative of what is actually in the game.

This website is not an official tool for the game Elite: Dangerous and is not affiliated with Frontier Developments. All information provided is based on publicly available information and data supplied by players, and may not be entirely accurate. 'Elite', the Elite logo, the Elite: Dangerous logo, 'Frontier' and the Frontier logo are registered trademarks of Frontier Developments plc. All rights reserved. All other trademarks and copyrights are acknowledged as the property of their respective owners.

Special thanks go to all commanders and explorers who graciously upload their data to EDDN, EDSM, and EDAstro to make all of this possible. We wouldn't exist without your data contributions. For any bug reports or feature suggestions, please visit our forum thread.