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 - Galactic Exploration Catalog - 
Serpent's Egg

Created: 2025-02-18 21:07:52 Last Edited: 2025-02-19 12:07:14
  Submitted by: VorpalDeer on behalf of WikedHunta
Star System:Eodgorph LM-W e1-167
Coordinates:-5923.47 / 97.8125 / 10857.4
Sol Distance: 12,368.5 ly
Region:Inner Scutum-Centaurus Arm
Category:Green Gas Giants


A mostly blue Class III Green Gas Giant exhibiting small green storms.


Planet BCD 8 is a Class III Green Gas Giant, which rotates fast enough for it to have a visibly oblate shape. One hemisphere displays wispy purple clouds containing small green storms.

The system is on the Colonia Highway, making this a convenient stop on a trip for an explorer who wants to see all the Green Gas Giants. However, the planet lies 108,000 ls from the arrival star, so the in-system travel will take some time.

Viewed from Sol, this system would lie in the constellation Serpens Cauda, or The Serpent's Tail.

ID64 Address:718415070932
EDSM ID:53852260

EDSM Traffic Report

 Past Day: 
 Past Week: 

EDSM Estimated Value


Nearest GEC Neighbors:

 POI Name  Distance  Rating   System 
Guardian Ruins ‑ Skaudai n...  859.41  4.74  Skaudai AM‑B d14‑138 
Campana Aurora  865.05  6.70  Skaudai YP‑O e6‑17 
Collection of Wonders  1,004.28  8.15  Skaude AA‑A h294 
Hammer's Mounds  1,245.38  2.20  Preae Ain ST‑Z d59 
Ellaisms Remnant  1,277.83  7.16  Ellaisms QX‑U e2‑43 
Fields of Elysium  1,405.61  6.06  Clooku GR‑U d3‑112 
Rusty Net planetary nebula  1,832.57  3.70  Skaude AL‑X e1‑28 
The Lonely Mountain  2,094.51  2.77  Flyiedgai PF‑E d1... 

Nearest GMP Neighbors:

 POI Name  Distance  Rating   System 
Spear Thistle Nebula  377.84  N/A  Eodgorph PI‑T e3‑21 
Octopus Nebula  528.78  N/A  Prua Phoe TK‑M d8... 
Icarus and Daedalus  571.24  N/A  Prua Phoe DG‑V d3‑11 
Skaudai Nebula  854.84  N/A  Prua Phoe US‑B d82 
Guardian ruins ‑ Skaudai s...  859.38  N/A  Skaudai AM‑B d14‑138 
Cúpla Iontach  870.71  N/A  Skaudai KI‑C b58‑1 
Sacaqawea Space Port  914.35  N/A  Skaudai CH‑B d14‑34 
Skaude (Collection of Wond...  1,004.27  N/A  Skaude AA‑A h294 
Messages for this POI:

Revision History:

 Edited By  Edited Date 
 CMDR Marx   2025-02-19 12:07:14 
 CMDR Marx   2025-02-19 12:05:04 
 VorpalDeer  2025-02-18 21:07:52 
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