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 - Galactic Exploration Catalog - 
The Lonely Mountain

Created: 2022-11-25 21:50:08 Last Edited: 2022-11-27 20:57:43
  Submitted by: Caprica XIV
Star System:Flyiedgai PF-E d12-45
Coordinates:-6326.03 / -806.5 / 9011.56
Sol Distance: 11,039.8 ly
Region:Inner Scutum-Centaurus Arm
Category:Sights and Scenery


A 7 km high mountain on a mostly flat body with thin atmosphere. Nice view of the Flyiedgai nebula, easy to climb, free fall, a nice distraction during exploration.


This system houses a tall mountain that's 7 km high, located on body 7 f. It stands out from an otherwise mostly flat planet, and is visible from orbit. Naturally, there are other mountains on the planet, but they are smaller, and none of them are around this one: hence the name, the Lonely Mountain.

The Mountain can be spotted from orbit, compare it with the surrounding mountainsides

Based on the name, one might imagine a dragon underneath, lying atop piles of gold in a dwarven cave: however, there are no such things to be found here, you'll only find tussocks on the mountain.

Making the climb easy, and depending on the time of the day, there might be a nice view of the nearby Flyiedgai nebula during the trek.

There are also a total of 47 biological signals spread out on the system's planets and moons.

ID64 Address:1555340037355
EDSM ID:2887607

EDSM Traffic Report

 Past Day: 
 Past Week: 

EDSM Estimated Value


Nearest GEC Neighbors:

 POI Name  Distance  Rating   System 
Ellaisms Remnant  1,519.58  7.16  Ellaisms QX‑U e2‑43 
Campana Aurora  1,664.63  6.70  Skaudai YP‑O e6‑17 
Guardian Ruins ‑ Skaudai n...  1,685.49  4.74  Skaudai AM‑B d14‑138 
Rusty Net planetary nebula  1,763.69  3.70  Skaude AL‑X e1‑28 
Collection of Wonders  1,881.63  8.15  Skaude AA‑A h294 
Jade Green Pentagon  2,083.70  6.61  Lysoovsky BH‑L d8‑26 
Serpent's Egg  2,094.51  4.37  Eodgorph LM‑W e1‑167 
Beacon of Radiance  2,552.98  6.16  Skaude AA‑A h45 

Nearest GMP Neighbors:

 POI Name  Distance  Rating   System 
Flyiedgai Nebula  49.60  N/A  Flyiedgai UL‑C d1... 
Fish Eye Nebula  633.74  N/A  Flyiedgai ST‑R e4‑8 
Yellow Fountains  1,381.10  N/A  Flyua Hypue LI‑A ... 
Ellaisms Remnant  1,519.58  N/A  Ellaisms QX‑U e2‑43 
Ellaidst Cluster  1,663.27  N/A  Ellaidst OT‑R d4‑97 
Sacaqawea Space Port  1,666.17  N/A  Skaudai CH‑B d14‑34 
Cúpla Iontach  1,678.14  N/A  Skaudai KI‑C b58‑1 
Guardian ruins ‑ Skaudai s...  1,685.53  N/A  Skaudai AM‑B d14‑138 

Carriers Last Seen in this System:

 Callsign   Name  Date 
V2Y‑38W  Bindle DX  2024‑11‑08 15:02:37 
Messages for this POI:
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