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 - Galactic Exploration Catalog - 
Ringed Paradise

Created: 2024-11-16 06:43:58 Last Edited: 2024-11-16 14:34:43
  Submitted by: Regza
Star System:Throets AA-A h500
Coordinates:-8085.06 / 1980.78 / 20669
Sol Distance: 22,282.2 ly
Region:Odin's Hold
Category:Sights and Scenery


Twelve ringed bodies in this system, including two ringed class M red dwarf stars that have multiple bodies nearby which make for great views.


Throets AA-A h500 is a system with a trinary set of massive black holes, located directly above the Colonia nebula. It is a busy system with multiple ringed bodies, including the two M class stars with rings.

AB 3 is one of the red dwarf stars with rings that have two bodies orbiting it. What makes these bodies special is that they orbit very close to the star, on an inclined orbit, which makes for perfect conditions for amazing views of the ringed star.

AB 6 & AB 7 are a binary pair of a K class star and a ringed M class star respectively. AB 7 is inclined enough for it to be visible from the planetary system near AB 6. Here reside most of the ringed planetary bodies, a total of six if one includes the ringed red dwarf star.

ID64 Address:4196435223

EDSM Traffic Report

 Past Day: 
 Past Week: 

EDSM Estimated Value


Nearest Neighbors:

 POI Name  Distance  Rating   System 
[GMP] Ogaicy MdlM  1,056.93  N/A  Ogaicy ZV‑K d9‑1050 
[GMP] Among The Giants  1,090.80  N/A  Throets DA‑Y d1‑20 
[GMP] Hawking's Hope  1,228.74  N/A  Screakiae BM‑J d1... 
[GMP] Blue Mite Nebula  1,436.19  N/A  Ogaicy TT‑R e4‑1619 
[GMP] The Shepherd  1,547.49  N/A  Dryi Ausms ZV‑K d... 
Golden Cradle  1,621.40  7.28  Drumbaae AA‑A h378 
[GMP] Nebulosa Portuguesa  2,009.70  N/A  Eor Free GR‑W e1‑... 
[GMP] Cerulean Dot Nebula  2,095.24  N/A  Screakiae ZP‑P e5... 

Carriers Last Seen in this System:

 Callsign   Name  Date 
T9F‑9VW  DORMANT SERPENT  2025‑01‑20 20:28:20 
Messages for this POI:

Revision History:

 Edited By  Edited Date 
 CMDR Marx   2024-11-16 14:34:43 
 CMDR Marx   2024-11-16 14:33:56 
 Regza  2024-11-16 06:43:58 
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