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 - Galactic Exploration Catalog - 
PSR J0751+1807 (Keck Binary Pulsar)

Created: 2022-11-01 00:24:22 Last Edited: 2022-11-02 00:38:01
  Submitted by: Gadnok on behalf of Turkwinif
Star System:PSR J0751+1807
Coordinates:470.094 / 469.125 / -1122.22
Sol Distance: 1,304.01 ly
Region:Inner Orion Spur
Category:Stellar Features


A binary millisecond pulsar and A class star, accompanied by another binary neutron star which is extremely faint and cold in comparison.

Notice: This POI shares the same star system with a prior existing entry in the Galactic Mapping Project (GMP). You can visit the original entry using the link below:

    Keck Binary Pulsar (pulsar), PSR J0751+1807


PSR J0751+1807 A is an exceptionally fast pulsar rotating thousands of times per second, or rather, once every 3.48 milliseconds. It has a high density of 4.5 solar masses and sits 80.6 ls away from its A class binary relative.

The orbital period between these two stars is estimated to be anywhere between 6 hours and 8.6 days, as initially observed by the lack of eclipse or propagation delays varying with orbital phase.

The speed at which this pulsar rotates creates an astonishing surface temperature of 554,840,192 Kelvin.

In the same system, 12,514 ls away, you will find another binary neutron star with opposite behavior of the main pulsar. PSR J0751+1807 C has a surface temperature of 3,800,591 Kelvin, making it extremely faint and cold for a neutron star.

At 1.4 solar masses, visiting explorers can choose to ride this calmer neutron boost, or jump into the primary pulsar's tail for a thrilling, bumpy ride.

This pair was first observed and studied by the Keck Observatory in Hawaii.

Source: Astrophysical Journal v.453

ID64 Address:1323328636
EDSM ID:3600665
Cold Neutron
Cold Neutron
Uploaded by Gadnok
Uploaded by Gadnok
Pulsar 2
Pulsar 2
Uploaded by Gadnok
System Map
System Map
Uploaded by Gadnok

EDSM Traffic Report

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Nearest GEC Neighbors:

 POI Name  Distance  Rating   System 
Hell's Kitchen  694.58  2.74  Outotz MC‑L d8‑3 
The Proteus Site  816.46  5.47  Trapezium Sector ... 
Cyanean Rocks  824.54  7.10  Synuefe WH‑F c0 
Betelgeuse  904.90  5.37  Betelgeuse 
Neverest II  925.99  6.44  Trapezium Sector ... 
Witch Head Nebula  951.67  3.00  HIP 23759 
Spirograph Nebula  976.29  5.76  BD‑12 1172 
The Witch's Pools  1,019.46  3.52  Synuefe PB‑G c13‑5 

Nearest GMP Neighbors:

 POI Name  Distance  Rating   System 
Keck Binary Pulsar  0.00  N/A  PSR J0751+1807 
Rare Earth Riches  372.76  N/A  HIP 36601 
Gnosis' Fate And Hydra...  513.82  N/A  Outotz ST‑I d9‑4 
Eskimo Nebula  514.71  N/A  GCRV 4981 
Hades Edge  578.71  N/A  HD 49368 
Geminga Pulsar  589.44  N/A  PSR J0633+1746 
NGC 2232 Open Cluster  660.18  N/A  10 Monocerotis 
Brüder Grimm  675.33  N/A  HD 64885 

Carriers Last Seen in this System:

 Callsign   Name  Date 
V0W‑9XF  BPFC: ILLUSTRIOUS  2024‑05‑18 14:26:13 
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