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 - Galactic Exploration Catalog - 
Wolf's Vegetarian Delight

★ RARE ★
Created: 2022-05-06 02:31:34 Last Edited: 2022-11-19 15:51:04
  Submitted by: Marxanthius
Star System:HR 6265
Coordinates:881.375 / 33.4062 / 3041.31
Sol Distance: 3,166.63 ly
Region:Inner Orion Spur


A smorgasbord of rare organic life to see around a Wolf-Rayet star.


A beautiful blue white Wolf-Rayet class star is at the heart of this system, with a number of crispy planets in orbit. Where this system really gets interesting is the white dwarf orbiting about 86,000 ls around this Wolf-Rayet. Four gas giants and a high metal content planet orbit that white dwarf, and between those five bodies, they have 20 moons, 11 of which support life on the surface.

This isn't a case where just one organism happened to jump to several planets, this system is a veritable smorgasbord of life. 16 different species can be found within this system.

Aleoida Laminiae - Grey
Bacterium Alcyoneum - Amethyst
Bacterium Aurasus - Amethyst
Cactoida Lapis - Indigo
Concha Labiata - Lime
Frutexa Acus - Orange
Frutexa Flabellum - Orange
Fungoida Setisis - Gold
Stratum Excutitus - Red
Stratum Laminamus - Red
Stratum Paleas - Red
Tubus Compagibus - Lime
Tussock Cultro - Orange
Tussock Ignis - Orange
Tussock Pennata - Orange
Tussock Ventusa - Orange

This system has a number of rare biological life that will be difficult to find elsewhere in the galaxy, given that they need the light from a Wolf-Rayet star to provide the colours you will find here. They can't live on the scorched planets which are too close to the primary star, but the ones farther out around the white dwarf are hospitable enough for them.

The primary picture is located on B 4 b in a carbon dioxide atmosphere, while the following is located on B 3 d which is an ammonia atmosphere.

cactoida in ammonia atmosphere

ID64 Address:10661923483
EDSM ID:21570

EDSM Traffic Report

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 Past Week: 

EDSM Estimated Value


Nearest GEC Neighbors:

 POI Name  Distance  Rating   System 
Rose Quartz  1,155.80  4.72  Blu Thua IS‑B c13‑6 
Eye of Fatima  1,187.31  6.52  Drojaea DG‑E d12‑4 
Morgan's Rock  1,314.12  4.29  NGC 6188 Sector L... 
The Velvet Pearl  1,414.84  1.55  Droju CR‑L b41‑0 
Lethe Paratiritís  1,468.12  6.58  Drojia YW‑B d13‑4 
Virescent Wonder  1,688.15  6.65  Thaileia PJ‑O d7‑74 
Green Glory  1,893.51  7.03  Praea Euq VP‑M c21‑1 
Gravitational Nightmare  1,918.47  7.85  Drojia XK‑D c26‑0 

Nearest GMP Neighbors:

 POI Name  Distance  Rating   System 
The Doppelgangers  308.41  N/A  Tr 24 Sector IW‑V... 
The Bug Nebula (NGC 6302)  400.36  N/A  CD‑36 11341 
Guardians of Scorpius  599.04  N/A  SO4‑H1E 2000 
June's Garden  685.34  N/A  Tr 24 Sector GL‑P... 
Cycladia  694.83  N/A  Blu Thua GI‑B b55‑2 
V945 Scorpii  842.61  N/A  V945 Scorpii 
Endleofan  858.79  N/A  Tr 24 Sector JH‑K... 
NGC 6563  908.35  N/A  CD‑33 12935 

Carriers Last Seen in this System:

 Callsign   Name  Date 
T1J‑27Q  BUTTERY BISCUIT BASE  2025‑02‑11 08:34:56 
Messages for this POI:
Reason:Feedback2022-05-06 06:00:40
From:Richard Fluiraniz M.
I would love to see the Biosinsights logs for this.So far, I've never seen life in a wolf rayet system too bad they light the light they had in horizons. Great find! But I would not travel to here unless for getting those logs or to make some science

[Edited: 2022-05-08 18:49:46]
Replies: 1Visibility: Public 
From:Hawkwynd   2024-03-03 15:42:13
BodyName Sigs Flags Genus Species Seen Samples Type PossibleVariants BaseValue Distance Body Grav Temp Atmosphere Pressure Volcanism
-- BioInsights v0.23.328.1640 -- CMDR SCOTT FLEMING
HR 6265 B 3 e 3 ๐Ÿ’ฐ ๐Ÿ”ท ~ 5.25M RB 0.141 167.9 Ammonia 0.00122 none
--> Aleoida Laminiae โŒ ๐ŸŒž ๐ŸŸขGrey [W] 3 385 200 150m
--> Bacterium Alcyoneum โŒ ๐ŸŒž ๐ŸŸขAmethyst [W] 1 658 500 500m
--> Cactoida Lapis โŒ ๐ŸŒž ๐ŸŸขIndigo [W] 2 483 600 300m
--> Concha Aureolas โŒ ๐ŸŒž ๐Ÿ”ท๐Ÿ”บ๐ŸŸขLime [W] 7 774 700 150m
--> Frutexa Flabellum ๐ŸŒž ๐ŸŸขOrange [W] 1 808 900 150m
--> ๐Ÿ”ท Fungoida Setisis โ›๏ธ ๐Ÿ”ท๐ŸŸขGold [Ru 1.14%] 1 670 100 300m
--> Stratum Laminamus โŒ ๐ŸŒž ๐ŸŸขRed [W] 2 788 300 500m
--> Paleas โŒ ๐ŸŒž ๐ŸŸขRed [W] 1 362 000 500m
--> Tubus Rosarium โŒ ๐ŸŒž ๐Ÿ”ท๐Ÿ”บ๐ŸŸขLime [W] 2 637 500 800m
--> Tussock Cultro ๐ŸŒž ๐ŸŸขOrange [W] 1 766 600 200m
--------- -- --- --- --- -- ---- -- ---------- -------- -----
HR 6265 B 3 c 5 ๐Ÿ’ฐ

Revision History:

 Edited By  Edited Date 
 CMDR Marx   2022-11-19 15:51:04 
 Marxanthius  2022-05-06 02:31:34 
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