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 - Galactic Exploration Catalog - 
The Seducer

Created: 2023-04-11 16:57:39 Last Edited: 2023-04-12 11:44:06
  Submitted by: G-Dissident
Star System:Oofaih VE-G d11-16
Coordinates:8676.09 / 542.406 / 11476.1
Sol Distance: 14,396.9 ly
Region:Norma Expanse
Category:Sights and Scenery


A rare ringed landable thin helium-rich atmosphere planet, with more light to see by than is usual on such worlds.


This system houses quite a rarity: the twelfth body (Oofaih VE-G d11-16 12) is a landable ringed planet with a thin helium-rich atmosphere. (The atmosphere is composed of 75.99% Helium, 22.12% Hydrogen and 1.89% Neon.) Usually, planets with helium atmospheres receive very little light, and even on their day sides, Commanders who disembark step out into near-complete darkness: however, in this case, there is more light to read by.

There is surface volcanism on the planet,classified as Major Silicate Vapour Geysers.

The planet is surrounded by a wide rocky ring, inside which explorers can find several hotspots of Alexandrite, Monazite and Serendibite.

Personal log of the discoverer:

Once, while traveling through the galaxy with a tourist, we got a little lost and had to go to the nearest suitable system to refuel and to make some minor repairs. This system was Oofaih VE-G d11-16.

While I was tending to all the work that needed doing, my passenger studied the instruments and the summary of the system. There were several landable planets and one Ammonia World. Then he came up to me and pointed to one of the bodies: “Let's fly there”, he said. I immediately understood why he chose that one, and that this was not just another of his pointless whims.
The planet was a cold world far from its parent star, with eerily beautiful skies.

Some time after the trip, I received a letter from that tourist, with a package enclosed. He wrote to thank me, and that seeing the planet had inspired him to create a new fragrance. It turned out he was a famous perfumer! In the box was a bottle of perfume which he named "The Seducer".

ID64 Address:562062020067
EDSM ID:80048196

EDSM Traffic Report

 Past Day: 
 Past Week: 

EDSM Estimated Value


Nearest GEC Neighbors:

 POI Name  Distance  Rating   System 
Nightly Ring  2,158.38  3.19  Blu Schoe ZW‑A c14‑0 
Chiron's Tail  2,178.12  6.31  Oofaich ZR‑H d11‑3 
Helgrind  2,326.36  4.47  Blu Schoe KL‑Y d1 
Kari and Beli  2,513.10  1.94  Blu Schoe HY‑Z d13‑0 
The Sidewinder Grand Prix  2,835.22  4.57  Ploi Aihm EN‑R d5‑8 
V381 Normae (Black Hole)  2,935.70  3.08  V381 Normae 
Red Glowing Brothers  2,970.09  4.26  Ploi Aihm PE‑X d2‑9 
Jaded Ghost  3,550.10  4.33  Plieliae SM‑C c29‑11 

Nearest GMP Neighbors:

 POI Name  Distance  Rating   System 
Dark Pink Hyper  1,610.55  N/A  Bleia Hype IC‑T c4‑0 
TrA X‑1  1,796.85  N/A  TrA X‑1 
Leviathan's Lair  1,917.02  N/A  Slenguia LC‑V e2‑4 
Norma Rock Garden  2,369.91  N/A  Prae Phio ZQ‑A c2‑9 
Petica  2,404.62  N/A  Byeia Aed WU‑X d1‑15 
Poseidon's Garden  2,461.89  N/A  Synookeia MD‑K d8‑72 
Nykk  2,559.17  N/A  Pru Ais TP‑O d6‑2 
DSSA King's Pass  2,560.46  N/A  Nuekea RP‑M d8‑161 

Carriers Last Seen in this System:

 Callsign   Name  Date 
TFB‑5XL  the prydwen  2024‑07‑05 14:28:04 
Messages for this POI:
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