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 - Galactic Exploration Catalog - 
Terra & Luna Vitae

Created: 2022-10-25 15:47:14 Last Edited: 2022-10-25 21:08:11
  Discovered and Submitted by: NI6H70WL
Star System:Eorgh Priae HL-C b46-5
Coordinates:-21240.6 / -155.875 / 20402.4
Sol Distance: 29,452.4 ly
Region:Perseus Arm
Category:Sights and Scenery


An Earth-like world whose moon contains a thin oxygen atmosphere, with life (bacteria) on the surface.


This system was found during the search for the lost green gas giant of Cmdr Kelly Eldridge. It houses an Earth-like world, which is already uncommon in systems with a low mass and a single M star: however, what's more interesting and much more rare is that this world has an icy moon with a thin oxygen atmosphere around it.

The moon's atmosphere is thin enough that it is landable. Its Earth-like parent is close enough that explorers who disembark on foot can make out continents on it. The light purple and blue skies also offer some spectacular views of the blue planet, especially around sunset.

As luck would have it, a species of bacteria was able to develop on this moon: Bacterium Volu in the colour variation Aquamarine.

ID64 Address:11380991804809
EDSM ID:75329582

EDSM Traffic Report

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 Past Week: 

EDSM Estimated Value


Nearest GEC Neighbors:

 POI Name  Distance  Rating   System 
Quartet's Tiny Secret  1,453.75  2.20  Dryooe Priae JM‑C... 
Crucible's Harvest  3,764.49  7.12  Phoo Flaae CA‑A f1 
Pyramus and Thisbe  3,866.68  4.27  Phrooe Flye CA‑K ... 
Xochitli's Rest  4,637.31  4.26  Wembaei UM‑A b57‑4 
The Quadrumvirate of Thebes  5,995.51  4.75  Greou Eaescs XP‑U... 
Vulcan's Reach  6,592.70  6.35  Bya Phla VE‑H d10‑16 
Lighthouse of Lemnos  7,000.70  5.87  Floasly TE‑X d2‑25 
Vulcan Botanical Gardens  7,027.03  4.07  Stueloea PE‑E d13‑97 

Nearest GMP Neighbors:

 POI Name  Distance  Rating   System 
Eorgh Priae Planetary Nebula  377.16  N/A  Eorgh Priae TZ‑O ... 
Ooscs Froa Planetary Nebula  1,272.79  N/A  Ooscs Froa XE‑R e4‑5 
Karmeliet  1,464.29  N/A  Screakoi WO‑G c11‑1 
DSSA Shield of Meridia  1,969.41  N/A  Whanu KU‑V b17‑0 
Thanatos  2,625.27  N/A  Hypo Scroe GK‑R d4‑3 
Perseus' Remnant  2,697.82  N/A  Eephaidst SU‑O e6‑14 
The Impossible Quintet  3,194.39  N/A  Agnaiw AA‑A h49 
Kyloanns Planetary Nebula  3,570.28  N/A  Kyloanns OZ‑O e6‑28 
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