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 - Galactic Exploration Catalog - 
Great Annihilator

Created: 2022-05-01 15:38:56 Last Edited: 2022-10-25 11:39:45
  Submitted by: Official GEC
Star System:Great Annihilator
Coordinates:354.844 / -42.4375 / 22997.2
Sol Distance: 23,000 ly
Region:Empyrean Straits
Category:Stellar Features


A famous pair of black holes, originally discovered in the 20th century. Currently housing the Azura Initiative.

Notice: This POI shares the same star system with a prior existing entry in the Galactic Mapping Project (GMP). You can visit the original entry using the link below:

    Great Annihilator Black Hole (blackHole), Great Annihilator


The Great Annihilator was named by its discoverers in the 20th century by the Einstein Observatory via soft X-rays. They originally spotted it as one of the brightest X-ray sources in the Milky Way, and subsequent observations showed a variable emitter of massive amounts of photon pairs at 511 keV, the energy level associated with positron-electron annihilation events. Hence the Great Annihilator name. The system was thought to consist of a black hole and a companion star, forming a microquasar.

The first Commanders who visited this system found a pair of black holes and five T Tauri stars. A single High Metal Content world orbits the main black hole on a highly inclined orbit at a great distance: it is likely a captured planet. The surface is extremely cold at 20 K, and despite all the emissions from the Great Annihilator, the planet somehow still holds on to a thin helium atmosphere - although not thin enough to safely land on with current technology.

For information on the Azura Initiative that is currently based around this system, see this entry.

Astrophotography by Phill P

ID64 Address:2587943
EDSM ID:65259

EDSM Traffic Report

 Past Day: 
 Past Week: 

EDSM Estimated Value


Nearest GEC Neighbors:

 POI Name  Distance  Rating   System 
Azura Initiative  0.00  6.74  Great Annihilator 
The Ammonia Lyceum  29.26  5.43  Athaip WR‑H d11‑7577 
Glowstrom  62.60  4.85  Athaip EH‑K c25‑514 
Tilt‑a‑Whirl  149.93  3.91  Athaip FE‑E d13‑3578 
Hot Cappuccino  441.45  3.50  Dumbooe FQ‑B c27‑590 
Amethyst Kaminari Planetar...  1,254.03  5.16  Wepue AA‑Z e1744 
Biologist's Bounty  1,597.44  4.33  Wepe KT‑Q e5‑2274 
Minotaur's Treasure  1,922.39  4.75  Byoomao JC‑B d1‑3681 

Nearest GMP Neighbors:

 POI Name  Distance  Rating   System 
Great Annihilator Black Hole  0.02  N/A  Great Annihilator 
Arissa's Orbs  213.20  N/A  Athaip GW‑M c23‑2801 
Zunuae Nebula  990.31  N/A  Zunuae HL‑Y e6903 
Athaip Wisteria Nebula  1,006.13  N/A  Athaip DW‑N e6‑3063 
Atahip Wisteria Depot  1,014.25  N/A  Athaip JD‑A d14‑1178 
The Lesser Athaip Nebula  1,052.35  N/A  Athaip ZP‑P e5‑6688 
Les Sauvageonnes Herbig Ae...  1,052.56  N/A  Athaip VJ‑R e4‑6108 
Dumbooe Bravo Lima  1,091.46  N/A  Dumbooe BL‑X e1‑1690 

Carriers Last Seen in this System:

 Callsign   Name  Date 
G5W‑83T  AZSF Quietly Confident  2025‑03‑03 01:33:32 
VZZ‑99F  AZSF Otaman Sirko  2025‑03‑03 01:33:32 
YFX‑6QZ  GALILEO  2025‑02‑27 19:37:12 
V0H‑89M  ALBATROS  2025‑02‑27 13:05:11 
GFH‑G5B  AZSF RISING STAR  2025‑02‑27 12:57:18 
T3K‑L1B  runaway  2025‑02‑23 07:33:54 
V5T‑54V  N.A.C. PALLADIUM  2025‑02‑23 02:11:05 
G2Z‑82F  STARLIGHT PLAZA  2025‑02‑21 12:19:19 
  + 13 additional carriers.
Messages for this POI:
Reason:Information2022-05-03 17:24:51
From:Richard Fluiraniz M.
Fun fact, if a fleet carrier is parked orbiting this black hole, it's subject to its sphere of influence (the warping effect). This is a unique feature exclusive to this black hole due to its size. Speak about having a martini while a Black Hole lingers on the window.
Replies: 0Visibility: Public 
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