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 - Galactic Exploration Catalog - 
Four Strings

Created: 2023-05-10 00:25:06 Last Edited: 2023-05-20 17:59:47
  Submitted by: EekaDroid on behalf of Gallaghar
Star System:Ootosps UR-H d11-17
Coordinates:-8812.56 / -99.1562 / -1317.81
Sol Distance: 8,911.1 ly
Region:Elysian Shore
Category:Planetary Features


An extreme rarity: four Earth-like worlds, in three different orbital configurations.


Systems which house four Earth-like Worlds are extremely rare: only five are known as of 3309/05/12, including this one.

There are five stars in the system, each with their own assortment of planets.

The first one is a class A blue-white star, which has a number of planets. The Earth-like world around this one (A 7) is quite hospitable, but the other planets have extremely hot and thick atmospheres.

The second star has two Earth-likes (B 3 & 4), as a close-orbiting binary pair:

For some added variety, the fourth Earth-like World in the system, DE 4, has a landable rocky moon of its own.

Additionally, there are six terraformable High Metal Content worlds around the various stars.

Lastly, there are two Water Worlds in the system, which are unfortunately not terraformable. Still, they provide some welcoming views, with their atmospheres (Ammonia and Nitrogen, respectively) shifting the colour of the blue oceans:

ID64 Address:592747415779
EDSM ID:77969975

EDSM Traffic Report

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 Past Week: 

EDSM Estimated Value


Nearest GEC Neighbors:

 POI Name  Distance  Rating   System 
Rán and Jörð  1,920.81  2.38  NGC 7380 Sector Q... 
Dual Eden  3,060.39  2.20  Hegoi RR‑H b37‑4 
Two in Tow  3,523.08  3.08  Gludgoe DU‑E c25‑5 
Mimir's Inferno  3,848.28  5.30  Eitosts TO‑O d7‑0 
The Chained Beast  4,051.26  6.20  HD 191612 
Via Gravitatis  4,056.42  6.82  KOI 1701 
Taylor's Ring  4,140.42  4.17  Sifou MU‑N c7‑0 
Twin Rubies  4,255.31  2.14  Hegaa HJ‑E b16‑0 

Nearest GMP Neighbors:

 POI Name  Distance  Rating   System 
IC 5217  963.81  N/A  Csi+50‑22218 
Glacier Point  1,457.29  N/A  Slege WJ‑R c20‑0 
Waltz of Castor & Pollux  1,973.96  N/A  NGC 7380 Sector W... 
NGC 7538 Nebula  2,042.48  N/A  NGC 7538 Sector P... 
Perseus' Wedding  2,063.03  N/A  Wredgu SE‑Y b33‑0 
Bubble Nebula  2,626.75  N/A  Bubble Sector PD‑... 
The Dark Fortress & Fu...  2,631.95  N/A  Bubble Sector LX‑... 
Torus  2,632.59  N/A  Prue Dryai KX‑A d... 

Carriers Last Seen in this System:

 Callsign   Name  Date 
TZT‑7XX  LLV Asbru  2024‑04‑25 12:30:31 
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