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 - Galactic Exploration Catalog - 
V381 Normae (Black Hole)

Created: 2022-07-19 03:53:21 Last Edited: 2023-10-25 02:18:57
  Submitted by: Gadnok on behalf of Bloody Nutter
Star System:V381 Normae
Coordinates:9530.28 / -542 / 14067
Sol Distance: 17,000 ly
Region:Norma Expanse
Category:Stellar Features


Class K Orange Giant V381 Normae orbits 501 ls away from low-mass Black Hole XTE J1550-564.

Notice: This POI shares the same star system with a prior existing entry in the Galactic Mapping Project (GMP). You can visit the original entry using the link below:

    V381 Normae (blackHole), V381 Normae


The system's low-mass Black Hole XTE J1550-564 is orbited by a class K Orange Giant, V381 Normae. The star appears large at 501 ls away from the primary black hole.

Matter from the giant star causes bursts of gamma radiation, and the gravitational distortion can be seen in its vicinity.

Astrophotography by CMDR Omiskull and CMDR Gadnok

ID64 Address:99824016850
EDSM ID:53396

EDSM Traffic Report

 Past Day: 
 Past Week: 

EDSM Estimated Value


Nearest GEC Neighbors:

 POI Name  Distance  Rating   System 
Kari and Beli  2,428.80  1.94  Blu Schoe HY‑Z d13‑0 
Nightly Ring  2,842.45  3.19  Blu Schoe ZW‑A c14‑0 
The Seducer  2,935.70  3.78  Oofaih VE‑G d11‑16 
Helgrind  3,190.82  4.47  Blu Schoe KL‑Y d1 
Chiron's Tail  3,377.39  6.31  Oofaich ZR‑H d11‑3 
Helium‑filled sky  4,411.23  4.57  Coests NX‑U e2‑17 
Puelaa AA‑A h4 nebula (Dev...  4,564.71  4.24  Puelaa OD‑V b8‑0 
Poseidon and Amphitrite  4,866.51  3.19  Eord Ploe ZE‑A f267 

Nearest GMP Neighbors:

 POI Name  Distance  Rating   System 
V381 Normae  0.03  N/A  V381 Normae 
DSSA King's Pass  410.00  N/A  Nuekea RP‑M d8‑161 
Petica  1,602.53  N/A  Byeia Aed WU‑X d1‑15 
The Circinus Pulsar  1,660.82  N/A  Circinus Pulsar 
Floadoae Planetary Nebula  2,021.40  N/A  Floadoae OD‑B e19 
Dark Pink Hyper  2,178.22  N/A  Bleia Hype IC‑T c4‑0 
Poseidon's Garden  3,421.87  N/A  Synookeia MD‑K d8‑72 
TrA X‑1  3,424.13  N/A  TrA X‑1 

Carriers Last Seen in this System:

 Callsign   Name  Date 
TNX‑G7G  The Skylark  2023‑12‑21 16:32:52 
Messages for this POI:

Revision History:

 Edited By  Edited Date 
 Richard Fluiraniz M.  2023-10-25 02:18:57 
 CMDR Marx   2022-07-19 14:15:28 
 Gadnok  2022-07-19 03:53:21 
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