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 - Galactic Exploration Catalog - 
Via Gravitatis

★ RARE ★
Created: 2022-05-05 15:03:36 Last Edited: 2025-03-13 18:59:21
  Discovered and Submitted by: Varonica
Star System:KOI 1701
Coordinates:-5931.06 / 887.75 / 1361.28
Sol Distance: 6,149.69 ly
Region:Inner Orion Spur
Category:Planetary Features


The record holder for highest gravity landable planet, at 45 g.

Notice: This POI shares the same star system with a prior existing entry in the Galactic Mapping Project (GMP). You can visit the original entry using the link below:

    Via Gravitatis (planetFeatures), KOI 1701


Discovered during a survey of previously unvisited KOI catalogue systems, Via Gravitatis (KOI 1701 1) with its 45.3 g surface gravity is the record highest gravity for a landable planet, as of 3311. March 13. The second-heaviest one has a gravity of 15 g, making this planet truly stand out from the rest.

Landing on this planet might sound nearly impossible, but as multiple Commanders have demonstrated, it can be done. Pilots who dare to attempt it should exercise extreme caution, as even a slight mistake will be fatal.

Disembarking from the ship under such high gravity is of course impossible: it is a testament to RemLok's engineering that the pilot's flight suit can even keep them alive under these conditions. One can at least admire the surrounding terrain, which also features surface volcanism, via the ship's external cameras.

Astrophotography by CMDR rex1973

ID64 Address:1155572988
EDSM ID:68741857

EDSM Traffic Report

 Past Day: 
 Past Week: 

EDSM Estimated Value


Nearest GEC Neighbors:

 POI Name  Distance  Rating   System 
The Chained Beast  1,028.82  6.20  HD 191612 
Taylor's Ring  1,233.62  3.91  Sifou MU‑N c7‑0 
NGC 6842 planetary nebula  1,439.41  3.41  CSI+29‑19529 
AMP Plains  1,441.04  4.64  NGC 6842 Sector P... 
A Mercurial Circumnavigation  2,176.76  3.81  Smojeia LI‑E c14‑1 
Rhubarb and Custard  2,489.50  6.83  KOI 413 
Prunes and Magnesia  2,746.24  6.25  KOI 232 
Michellins Stars  2,751.16  1.40  Smojeia CH‑B d14‑4 

Nearest GMP Neighbors:

 POI Name  Distance  Rating   System 
Via Gravitatis  0.00  N/A  KOI 1701 
Sifou Bubble Depot  1,180.84  N/A  Sifou WK‑I b37‑1 
Liz's Ring  1,233.62  N/A  Sifou MU‑N c7‑0 
NGC 6871  1,249.39  N/A  V1820 Cygni 
Medusa's Rock  1,286.77  N/A  Crescent Sector G... 
Crescent Nebula  1,288.06  N/A  Crescent Sector B... 
KY Cygni  1,392.23  N/A  KY Cygni 
NGC 6842  1,439.42  N/A  Csi+29‑19529 

Carriers Last Seen in this System:

 Callsign   Name  Date 
JLL‑29K  FLATCAT  2025‑03‑14 10:42:05 
KHY‑76T  SPACE BRICK  2024‑12‑28 20:38:00 
Messages for this POI:
Reason:Information2022-05-05 23:26:54
From:Richard Fluiraniz M.
IMPORTANT: For those interested in knowing: The Gravity Strenght is similar to The Lithobreaker, The Mighty, and other 9+ G bodies. This was evaluated in the 3307 High G Summerslam expedition, which had its members landing on the previously mentioned High-G bodies. We all concluded that the gravity felt was 9G+ rather than the absurd 45 G.

For more info: https://www.edsm.net/en/expeditions/summary/id/153/name/SWS+HIGH-G+SUMMER+SLAMDOWN+3307+EXPEDITION

Replies: 1Visibility: Public 
From:SpaceTrash67   2022-07-07 03:37:32
I 'experimented' with the gravity well and determined that 'terminal velocity' (thrusters disabled while in hover at 100 km) was almost instantly reached - and does not exceed 500 m/s vertically...'pancake landing' a ship with 4 pips to shields may even allow survival...

Disappointing that gravity freefall is not accurately modeled.

(Here is a 'thruster mishap' that I survived while landing on Lithobreaker - 11.2 g):

[Edited: 2022-07-07 03:40:48]

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