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 - Galactic Exploration Catalog - 
Vulcan's Reach

Created: 2022-07-29 10:26:06 Last Edited: 2022-07-30 09:37:34
  Discovered and Submitted by: AxelAirRate
Star System:Bya Phla VE-H d10-16
Coordinates:-22319.7 / 262.812 / 13912.1
Sol Distance: 26,301.8 ly
Region:Vulcan Gate
Category:Planetary Features


An Earth-like World around a gas giant, that has its own landable moon, with volcanism.


The fifth planet in this system is a class III gas giant, and its second moon, 5 b, is an Earth-like world. Such moons are already rare, but what makes this one even more rare is that it has a nested moon of its own. Unlike its parent, that nested moon is landable, and it has surface volcanism too.

In such orbital configurations, the nested moon tends to orbit its parent moon quite close by, and this is the case here as well. Explorers who land on 5 b a will see the Earth-like world appear large on the sky. This can make for some spectacular sights, and Commanders interested in making photographs can also include the volcanic vents and geysers of the nested moon in their pictures too.

There is more to this system, however: the third moon of the class III gas giant, 5 c, is a gas giant as well, with water-based life. The three moon of Bya Phla VE-H d10-16 5 resemble a small system of their own. The wider system also includes a ringed water world, and a water giant as the farthest planet.

ID64 Address:555552394971

EDSM Traffic Report

 Past Day: 
 Past Week: 

EDSM Estimated Value


Nearest GEC Neighbors:

 POI Name  Distance  Rating   System 
Crooki AA‑A h1 nebula (Lon...  1,645.06  3.52  Crooki EV‑R b35‑1 
Vulcan Botanical Gardens  2,144.82  4.07  Stueloea PE‑E d13‑97 
Vulcan's Brain planetary n...  2,208.40  4.18  Lyruelks FL‑P e5‑41 
Two Pair Stare  4,273.35  5.47  Dehue WV‑M d7‑27 
Lighthouse of Lemnos  4,997.94  5.87  Floasly TE‑X d2‑25 
The Quadrumvirate of Thebes  5,290.33  4.75  Greou Eaescs XP‑U... 
Three's A Crowd  5,438.31  6.36  Dehe PP‑V d3‑57 
Philomela's Rest  5,926.01  6.02  Flyiedgoe HG‑V d3‑30 

Nearest GMP Neighbors:

 POI Name  Distance  Rating   System 
Vulcan Triad  680.29  N/A  Bya Phla WP‑P e5‑8 
Lonely Lantern Nebula  1,626.42  N/A  Crooki PX‑V c17‑5 
Blie Phlue Planetary Nebula  1,758.76  N/A  Blie Phlue LX‑U e... 
Vulcan's Brain  2,208.37  N/A  Lyruelks FL‑P e5‑41 
Boerst Planetary Nebula  2,650.64  N/A  Boerst LN‑T e3‑0 
DSSA Ijon Tichy  2,663.05  N/A  Blie Phla GU‑N b20‑0 
Vulcan's Soul  2,820.70  N/A  Bloo Eaeb UY‑A e8 
Looking Glass Nebula  2,886.60  N/A  Floagh FI‑B d13‑1 

Carriers Last Seen in this System:

 Callsign   Name  Date 
V9T‑34L  [NNV] DESTINY  2023‑11‑27 16:38:28 
Messages for this POI:
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