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 - Galactic Exploration Catalog - 
Original submission for Catherine's Sanatorium

Original submission, by Ariston [2023-01-02 17:50:04]
Catherine's Sanatorium
Hypau Auscs YU-Y d105
Planetary Features
Dryman's Point
Ariston's World is a super rare Earth-like moon (ELM)

Discovered on 1 Jan 3309 during The Fatherhood's Five Region's expedition, this rare, Earth-like moon orbits a Class III gas giant that also has a ringed gas giant with water-based life moon and four high-metal-content terraform candidates. This Earth-like has its own rocky, landable, and volcanically active (lava vents, fumaroles, and gas vents) moon making a super-rarity. The rocky moon orbits reasonably close to the Earth-like such that extraordinary views are possible. [Insert earthrise picture here]

The primary star is a Class-A6 star and is orbited by 49 bodies, in addition to the ELM, including

  • A ringed landable (1.83G) HMC world (body 2), orbited by three 3, rocky bodies, two of which (A/B) share a barycenter so close (2.6Mm) they're easily mistaken as colliders.
  • A ringed HMC world (body 3) whose rings host (32) hotspots (Alexandrite, Serendibite, Benitoite, and Musgravite) orbiting close (3.65Ls) to a landable HMC (body 4) making for beautiful celestial vistas.

In addition to the stunning vistas and very rare ELM, this system boasts surface deposits of nearly all Jumponium materials (minus Yttrium), abundant ring mining spots, and early exo-biological life.

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