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 - Galactic Exploration Catalog - 
Big MaMas

Created: 2022-09-03 03:33:05 Last Edited: 2022-09-04 15:39:12
  Submitted by: Stivl Writh
Star System:Kyloaqs ZF-F d11-728
Coordinates:4372.47 / -1096.66 / 21689.4
Sol Distance: 22,152.9 ly
Region:Empyrean Straits
Category:Stellar Features


A system with a couple of giant M stars having five planets co-orbiting both.


The two class M giant are somewhat close to each other (594 ls) and have 5 landables bodies orbiting both of them:

From their surfaces, the view of the other planets is quite impressive, especially when you have the two stars visible as well.

View from AB 3:

View from AB 1:

ID64 Address:25025289425379
EDSM ID:75895665

EDSM Traffic Report

 Past Day: 
 Past Week: 

EDSM Estimated Value


Nearest GEC Neighbors:

 POI Name  Distance  Rating   System 
Rubia  1,441.35  5.83  Dryoea Prao FH‑S ... 
Void Hearts of Epiphany  1,681.21  7.34  Shrogaae KK‑A d983 
Guardian Ruins ‑ Eorl Auws...  1,730.53  3.66  Eorl Auwsy SY‑Z d... 
Eorl Auwsy AA‑A h72 nebula...  1,738.90  3.60  Eorl Auwsy LX‑Z c... 
Blue Button planetary nebula  2,220.18  4.07  Eord Prau MS‑T e3... 
Eord Prau AA‑A h12 nebula ...  2,274.68  3.60  Eord Prau YP‑N d7... 
Troubled Paradise  2,598.42  4.12  Egnaix AA‑A g51 
Between the Rings  2,814.07  6.92  Mynoaw LC‑L d8‑1429 

Nearest GMP Neighbors:

 POI Name  Distance  Rating   System 
Prau Planetary Nebula  1,663.26  N/A  Dryoea Prau RZ‑O ... 
The Brain Forest  1,681.21  N/A  Shrogaae KK‑A d983 
Schee Nebula Cluster  1,716.49  N/A  Schee Ploe TO‑Z e... 
Shrogeau Juliet Nebula Clu...  1,722.50  N/A  Shrogeau GG‑Y e119 
Guardian ruins ‑ Teal Nebu...  1,730.51  N/A  Eorl Auwsy SY‑Z d... 
Teal Nebula  1,740.82  N/A  Eorl Auwsy WB‑V a... 
Shrogaee Nebula  1,750.01  N/A  Shrogaae LB‑C c14... 
Chindi Nebula  1,754.63  N/A  Wepoae XT‑A e4315 
Messages for this POI:

Revision History:

 Edited By  Edited Date 
 CMDR Marx   2022-09-04 15:39:12 
 CMDR Marx   2022-09-04 15:36:53 
 Stivl Writh  2022-09-03 03:33:05 
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