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 - Galactic Exploration Catalog - 
Dioscuri Blue

Created: 2023-09-11 16:07:01 Last Edited: 2023-09-25 23:34:12
  Submitted by: Litte Lee on behalf of Little Lee
Star System:Dryoi Bli OS-U f2-349
Coordinates:7109.59 / -1087.34 / 29588.5
Sol Distance: 30,450.1 ly
Region:Empyrean Straits
Category:Stellar Features


A Class V gas giant that orbits a white dwarf in 0.5 light-seconds distance and has an orbital period of 26 minutes. There is a landable planet 15 light-seconds away to watch the close pair from afar.


The System Dryoi Bli OS-U f2-349, located in the northern east of the Empyrean Straits, contains a black hole as the main star that caught a white dwarf as its partner. There is a Class V gas giant that orbits the white dwarf in a tight orbit. What makes this quite unique is that there is a landable planet orbits this couple 15 light-seconds away and offers a very spectacular view of the close white dwarf, which is often eclipsed by the gas giant.

ID64 Address:187555104061
EDSM ID:80952857

EDSM Traffic Report

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 Past Week: 

EDSM Estimated Value


Nearest GEC Neighbors:

 POI Name  Distance  Rating   System 
Phoenix Twins  4,043.27  3.19  Pheia Auscs XU‑X ... 
Hear no evil, See no evil,...  4,053.15  2.97  Lyrongou SO‑R e4‑407 
Tres Gigantes  4,177.01  2.50  Scheau Blao AA‑A ... 
DSSA Destiny Ascension  4,758.29  4.07  Scheau Blao TB‑A ... 
Neutron Nursery  4,866.66  6.10  Gleeque AA‑A h317 
Dark Tides  4,967.53  4.54  Schee Prau AA‑A h230 
Mega Moons  4,982.92  4.03  Hypoe Prue AA‑A h62 
Gyroscope  5,110.85  5.36  Chraisuae AA‑A h206 

Nearest GMP Neighbors:

 POI Name  Distance  Rating   System 
Rattla  1,322.10  N/A  Rotheau SZ‑O e6‑895 
Allium Nebula  1,907.21  N/A  Umbaists XJ‑A e6237 
The Rainbow Bridge  2,005.67  N/A  Dryoea Blao YA‑O ... 
Smoky Emerald Nebula  2,318.75  N/A  Braisaa RN‑T e3‑3679 
Blue Peach Nebula  2,457.64  N/A  Lyaisai PS‑U e2‑160 
Life Ensnared  2,682.66  N/A  Bauloe CQ‑X e1‑3 
Empyrean Depth Nebula  2,730.33  N/A  Eoch Grea NS‑T e3... 
Blazing Rapids  3,016.13  N/A  Eoch Blao QT‑O d7... 
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