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 - Galactic Exploration Catalog - 
Jino's Spires

Created: 2022-08-25 20:18:58 Last Edited: 2022-08-28 23:39:31
  Submitted by: MajorK on behalf of CMDR Major_Koenig
Star System:Auphaibs OY-Y d1-21
Coordinates:-786.094 / -189.031 / 50331.6
Sol Distance: 50,338.1 ly
Region:Formorian Frontier


A high metal content planet with a carbon dioxide atmosphere, a gravity of 1.23 g, and an average temperature of 253 K. Named in memory of the discoverer's late brother.


Auphaibs OY-Y d1-21 B 1, named Jino's Spires in memory the discoverer's late brother, is a high metal content planet in the Formorian Frontier, with a carbon dioxide atmosphere, a gravity of 1.23 g, and an average temperature of 253 K - and surface life:

Crystalline shards with polonium are present on the planet.

On the planet you can also find silicate magmal ava spouts:

and silicate vapour fumaroles:

The light of the class A star shining through the carbon dioxide atmosphere can create picturesque views.

ID64 Address:731864063251
EDSM ID:76096209

EDSM Traffic Report

 Past Day: 
 Past Week: 

EDSM Estimated Value


Nearest GEC Neighbors:

 POI Name  Distance  Rating   System 
Stretch's Eye  2,857.97  2.98  Truechoae XE‑Q b19‑4 
Plio's Sphere  3,852.14  2.14  Plio Chruia VY‑U ... 
In Pink Haze  5,336.76  5.53  Syrive KR‑W d1‑144 
Minerva's Earrings  5,742.32  3.19  Qaugnaae GL‑Y e0 
Crystal Alley  6,675.77  4.77  Ploea Brou NO‑A b... 
Formorian Sanctuary  6,747.00  4.61  Preae Chroa JE‑I ... 
Kepler's Fantasy  7,243.13  5.37  Byua Aoscs PJ‑E b2 
Abyssal Island  9,312.88  5.13  Pyrie Thua FF‑R d4‑1 

Nearest GMP Neighbors:

 POI Name  Distance  Rating   System 
Curie's Vault  462.97  N/A  Auphaibs EN‑M c10‑7 
Knife's Edge  1,249.04  N/A  Smootiae DH‑A b6 
Will‑o'‑Wisp  1,331.65  N/A  Tyroerts AA‑A g2 
Three Lives in the Dark  1,473.59  N/A  Sutchae KM‑W c1‑3 
Diamond Ring  1,585.12  N/A  Smootoae GH‑V d2‑82 
Luna's Shadow  1,674.68  N/A  Smootoae QY‑S d3‑202 
Galileo's Fishbowl  1,678.80  N/A  Swuenaa NO‑O d7‑76 
Hot and Cold  1,697.41  N/A  Smootiae JF‑R d4‑26 
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