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 - Galactic Exploration Catalog - 
Revision for A Floofy Giant

Previous Revision, by GMP_GGGs [2022-06-04 16:43:57]Selected revision, by CMDR Marx [2022-06-04 19:44:02]
CMDR's EllieVader, ShnyrikCMDR's EllieVader, Shnyrik
The Eafoff AnomolA Floofy Giant
Eafoff LN-Q d6-0Eafoff LN-Q d6-0
Green Gas GiantsGreen Gas Giants
Sanguineous RimSanguineous Rim
One of the rare glowing green gas giants. A lot of "firsts" for this GGG.One of the rare glowing green gas giants. A lot of "firsts" for this GGG.

One of the rare glowing green gas giants. A lot of "firsts" for this GGG: it's the first Class I GGG found and thus the first to combine fluoro green with mauve and beige. It's also the first found orbiting a neutron star. At 129 K, it's the coldest GGG yet found. It's also got the smallest percentage of its surface coloured green of any of the GGGs, with just a few small green storms on the equator. But, it's still clearly "glowing" green, and thus clearly qualifying for the list. However, it's position 10,000 LYs out along the Perseus Arm, in the region known as the Perseus Transit, means that it is less likely to be visited than the ones that are closer to the Colonia Road, but it's certainly a worthwhile scenic detour for the galactic circumnavigators.

One of the rare glowing green gas giants. A lot of "firsts" for this GGG: it's the first Class I GGG found and thus the first to combine fluoro green with mauve and beige. It's also the first found orbiting a neutron star. At 129 K, it held the record for the coldest GGG found for a long time, although it lost this status later. It has also got the smallest percentage of its surface coloured green of any of the GGGs, with just a few small green storms on the equator. But, it's still clearly "glowing" green, and thus clearly qualifying for the list. However, it's position 10,000 LYs out along the Perseus Arm, means that it is less likely to be visited than the ones that are closer to the Colonia Road, but it's certainly a worthwhile scenic detour for galactic circumnavigators.

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