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 - Galactic Exploration Catalog - 
Revision for Dark Tides

Previous Revision, by Nidhogg Reborn [2025-02-22 02:25:07]Selected revision, by CMDR Marx [2025-03-05 12:35:24]
Nidhogg Reborn, Savage SamuraiNidhogg Reborn, Savage Samurai
Dark TidesDark Tides
Schee Prau AA-A h230Schee Prau AA-A h230
Sights and ScenerySights and Scenery
Empyrean StraitsEmpyrean Straits
A binary pair of a water world and a gas giant orbiting 9 ls from two black holes and a ringed white dwarf.A binary pair of a water world and a gas giant orbiting 9 ls from two black holes and a ringed white dwarf.

Dark Tides is an odd Water World that was discovered in the triple black hole system of Schee Prau AA-A h230. The planet has a Class III Gas Giant companion which orbits their shared barycentre at a period of around 3 hours. The Water World's rotational speed is large enough that the planet is visibly oblate.


The pair orbits the two black holes (A and B) at a distance of 9 ls, resulting in a fast orbit, and allowing explorers to see the two planets right after arriving at the system.

Another major feature of this system is a ringed DA white dwarf star, nicknamed the "Divine Light", in a binary orbit with a class F star.

The dead star's metal-rich ring system has a 191,800 km inner radius and a 2,616,800km outer ring radius.

Due to the light produced by its companion, the white dwarf's rings have a beautiful white glow, which can be seen from a long distance thanks to the rings' large radius.

Divine Light's first moon is also a landable rocky body, with an orbital period of 2.6 days and it's second moon contains a ring system.

Some extra pictures of the system:

Thanks to CMDR Savage Samurai and CMDR Regza for providing the pictures.

Dark Tides is an odd Water World that was discovered in the triple black hole system of Schee Prau AA-A h230. The planet has a Class III Gas Giant companion which orbits their shared barycentre at a period of around 3 hours. The Water World's rotational speed is large enough that the planet is visibly oblate.

Timelapse of the two

The pair orbits the two black holes (A and B) at a distance of 9 ls, resulting in a fast orbit, and allowing explorers to see the two planets right after arriving at the system.

Another major feature of this system is a ringed DA white dwarf star, nicknamed the "Divine Light", in a binary orbit with a class F star.

The dead star's metal-rich ring system has a 191,800 km inner radius and a 2,616,800 km outer ring radius.

Due to the light produced by its companion, the white dwarf's rings have a beautiful white glow, which can be seen from a long distance thanks to the large radius of the rings.

Divine Light's first moon is also a landable rocky body, with an orbital period of 2.6 days and it's second moon contains a ring system.

Some extra pictures of the system:

Thanks to CMDR Savage Samurai and CMDR Regza for providing the pictures.

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