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 - Galactic Exploration Catalog - 
Revision for Neutron Nursery

Previous Revision, by CMDR Marx [2023-01-25 23:57:38]Selected revision, by Richard Fluiraniz M. [2023-10-25 03:13:59]
Neutron NurseryNeutron Nursery
Gleeque AA-A h317Gleeque AA-A h317
Stellar FeaturesStellar Features
Sights and Scenery
Empyrean StraitsEmpyrean Straits
The only known system with three ringed neutron stars, as of 3309/01/26.The only known system with three ringed neutron stars, as of 3309/01/26. Features spectacular views, like a ringed M class and a ringed surface view of a ringed neutron star.

Explorers visiting this system will be astonished to find not one, not two, but three ringed neutron stars, all in a planetary orbit around two black holes. There is also a ringed M-type star around them.

Credit to CMDR Fossiles for the images.

Visitors will notice that this system has multiple wonders, the main attraction being the 3 ringed Neutron stars followed by a ringed M class and multiple sights and scenery. These stellar bodies orbit two black holes.

Body AB 5 features a small ringed landable moon that orbits a 2,880,260 radius dual ring. This star is usually the main attraction for scenic views.

Body AB6 features darker dual rings with a 2,753,821 radius that has an orbiting T-type star with two orbiting gas giants.

Body AB7 features a single 3,151,783km ring width, making it the widest in the system

Lastly but not the least the system features a ringed M-type star (Body AB3) star around them with a rocky 2,263,850 km width.

Astrophotography by CMDR JBL and CMDR Fossiles

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