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 - Galactic Exploration Catalog - 
Original submission for Raspberry Crème

Original submission, by Arcanic [2023-03-02 13:46:07]
"Rusted Bulk" Mike
Raspberry Crème
Flyue Bloae QN-Y c2-0
Green Gas Giants
Newton's Vault
Planet C 1 in this system is a Class II Green Gas Giant with 3 pronounced pink equatorial cloud bands.

Located beneath the galactic plane and between two spiral arms is this Class II green gas giant. The most distinguishing feature that is immediately noticeable are the pink stripes at and surrounding the planet's equator. It is here that the most amount of green color can be found as well.

The planet hosts four atmospheric moons, three of which are landable with carbon dioxide atmospheres.

The Green Gas Giant itself is located just over 26,000 lightseconds from arrival, so expect a short trip once arriving in-system.

Elsewhere in the system are landable atmospheric ammonia moons orbiting planet AB 5, and a wide but faint ring system around planet AB 6.

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